The BSA Legacy Society

The Power of Your Gifts & Planned Giving — Growing the Botanical Society of America’s Legacy Society

Over the past ten years, gifts and sectional contributions from BSA members have provided hundreds of thousands of dollars of support for the botanical sciences. This has come mainly through our awards programs, support for sectional participation at our Botany Conferences, increased educational outreach and ongoing development of the Society publications (American Journal of Botany, Plant Science Bulletin and Applications in Plant Sciences).

During our centennial celebration in Chicago, a group met to discuss proactive ways to carry forward the legacy of giving that has allowed the BSA to flourish for over a century. Through understanding the importance these contributions play in advancing the botanical sciences, and in particular supporting young botanists and botanical careers, the BSA Legacy Society was formed.

The intent of the Botanical Society of America's Legacy Society is to ensure a vibrant BSA for tomorrow's botanists, and to assist all members in providing wisely planned giving options.

What is My Commitment in Joining the Legacy Society?

All that is asked is that you remember the Botanical Society of America as a component in your legacy gifts. It's that simple—no minimum amount, just a simple promise to remember the Society. We hope this allows all BSA members to play a meaningful part in the Society's future.

Why Join the Legacy Society?

Hopefully, the BSA has in some way assisted your botanical career and/or the advancement of your science. Be it through publishing, sharing/gathering research at meetings, supporting your students or simply the fellowship of talking with other botanists, we trust the BSA made more possible for you. This is a simple way for you to reciprocate.

The Benefit to the BSA is Obvious—What are the Benefits for YOU?

Planned giving can provide you with the opportunity to use long-term deferred gifts to integrate your financial and estate planning with your charitable giving. Planned gifts offer many advantages:

  • Reduce estate taxes
  • Provide a life income stream
  • Allow you to make a much larger gift than you thought possible
  • Receive a current income tax deduction
  • Reduce or avoid capital gains tax
  • Support the vital work of the Botanical Society of America

Planning an estate gift for the BSA allows you to strategically accomplish both financial and charitable objectives. Some thoughts on "CONTENT{93}" (IRAs, Securities, Real Estate, Insurance Benefits, Retirement Benefits, Cas...). Being a member of the BSA’s Legacy Society, ensures that your tax-free charitable donation becomes part of our endowment fund. Your generous gift will assure the long-term stability and financial strength necessary for us to continue to serve ZURL{our mission and objectives:content:user:view:pid=2}.

“What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.” - Pericles

What Good Work Can I Do with My Legacy Gift?

Your gift will help grow our foundation for current and future Society activities—publications (American Journal of Botany and the Plant Science Bulletin), botanical conferences, student/member support, education programs such as PlantingScience, and the continued growth of the diverse community of botanists coming together through the BSA.

When Should I Include a BSA Gift in My Estate Plan?

Any time you are drafting or changing your will or estate plan. Your financial or legal advisor can provide professional guidance related to your specific estate, beneficiaries, income goals, taxes, and other considerations. When you notify BSA of your gift, you automatically become a member of the Legacy Society.

How Do I Join and/or Give an Estate Gift to the BSA, Do I Need to be Wealthy?

Giving a legacy gift to the BSA is simple. You include a bequest to the BSA in your estate plan and notify us by filling out a short online form found at or downloading and mailing in the PDF form at BSA Legacy Society Form.pdf.  All levels of gifts made to the Botanical Society of America are significant, and help us continue and further our mission.

We would be pleased to have the opportunity to speak with you directly about any questions you might have regarding making a bequest. And, please consider a planned gift to the Botanical Society of America, your generosity makes the BSA the home for all Botanists.




Heather Cacanindin, Executive Director