2012 Award Recipients

Botanical Society of America Awards 2012

We are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2012 awards provided by the Botanical Society of America. Here we provide recognition for outstanding efforts and contributions to the science of botany. We thank you for your support of these programs.

Botanical Society of America AWARDS
Botanical Society of America Merit Awards | SPECIAL AWARD - Dr. Judy Skog | SPECIAL AWARD - Dr. Pamela Diggle | SPECIAL AWARD - Dr. Christopher Haufler | SPECIAL AWARD - Dr. Marian Chau | Graduate Student Research Awards | Undergraduate Student Research Awards | Young Botanist Awards | PLANTS Grants

Charles Edwin Bessey Teaching Award | Vernon I. Cheadle STAs | Michael Cichan Award | Triarch "Botanical Images" STAs | Isabel Cookson Award | George R. Cooley Award | Darbaker Prize | Katherine Esau Award | The Henry Allan Gleason Award | John S. Karling Award | Lawrence Memorial Award | Margaret Menzel Award | Maynard Moseley Award | Jeanette Siron Pelton Award | Winfried and Renate Remy Award | Emanuel D. Rudolph Award | A. J. Sharp Award | Grady L. Webster Award | Edgar T. Wherry Award | Marcia Winslow Travel Award

Sectional AWARDS

Paleobotanical Section, Contributions to Paleobotany

Student Travel Awards - Bryological & Lichenological | Developmental & Structural | Ecological | Genetics | Phychological | Mycological | Phytochemical | Pteridological Section & American Fern Society

Student Presentation, Poster and Research Awards - Developmental & Structural Section Best Student Poster Award | Ecological Section Award for the best Student Presentation | Ecological Section Award for the best Student Poster | Economic Botany Section Award for the best Student Presentation | Economic Botany Section Award for the best Student Poster | Phycological | Phytochemical | Pteridological | Southeastern | Genetics Section Student Research Awards | Historical Section Student Participation Award | Physiological Section Li-Cor Prize | Physiological Section Poster Award | Southeastern Section


The Botanical Society of America's MERIT AWARD

The Botanical Society of America Merit Award is the highest honor our Society bestows. Each year, the Merit Award Committee solicits nominations, evaluates candidates, and selects those to receive an award. Awardees are chosen based on their outstanding contributions to the mission of our scientific Society. The committee identifies recipients who have demonstrated excellence in basic research, education, public policy, or who have provided exceptional service to the professional botanical community, or who may have made contributions to a combination of these categories. Based on these stringent criteria, the 2012 BSA Merit Award recipients are:

Dr. Patricia Gensel, University of North Carolina
Dr. Gensel is an international leader in the investigation of early land plant evolution.  Her research, including rigorous field and laboratory work, has contributed significantly to our understanding of plant diversity at the time when major lineages of land plants were emerging. Through careful morphological and anatomical investigations she has brought “to life” extinct genera of early land plants and improved our understanding of the ecosystems in which these plants participated.  She is active as Professor of Botany at the University of North Carolina, where she has taught since 1975 and has encouraged and collaborated with many students and colleagues internationally.  Pat served as president of the Botanical Society of America in 2000-2001, during a time of great transition as the society began managing its annual Botany conferences independently of AIBS.

Dr. Walter Judd, University of Florida, Gainesville
Dr. Judd is recognized worldwide for his contributions to plant systematics, taxonomy, and phylogenetics. Although he is very well known for his academic achievements, where he has focused on the systematics of the Ericaceae and Melastomataceae, as well as floristics in the southeastern United States and the West Indies, Dr. Judd is also an accomplished teacher, where at the University of Florida, he has been awarded numerous times for his excellence in pedagogy. He also has taught an internationally renowned class in tropical botany for the past 30 years at Fairchild Tropical Botanical Gardens and the Kampong in Miami. Dr. Judd is the lead author of the influential textbook, Plant Systematics: a phylogenetic approach, which has been adopted throughout the world as a model for teaching plant systematics and taxonomy. Dr. Judd’s passion for teaching, research, as well as learning, is ever influential to the graduate and undergraduate students he mentors. The 2012 BSA Merit award is a much-deserved honor for Dr. Judd.

Dr. Richard Olmstead, University of Washington
Dr Olmstead is recognized for his outstanding contributions to reshaping the field of plant systematics, including his leadership on the use of chloroplast data in phylogenetic inference and angiosperm classification. His doctoral research with Melinda Denton resulted in a monograph of the Scutellaria angustifolia complex (Lamiaceae). His subsequent research on Asteridae has resulted in major realignments in our understanding of family boundaries in Lamiales (especially Lamiaceae and Scrophulariaceae). He has published influential papers on a broad range of issues in systematics.

Dick has guided the careers of numerous undergraduates, graduates and post-doctoral fellows, fostered extensive collaborative research activities, and made significant service contributions to botanical and systematic societies. The integration of his excellent research program with public outreach activities through the Burke Museum and the University of Washington herbarium serve as a model for how we should be sharing our botanical knowledge to improve the world.

Dr. Allison Snow, Ohio State University
Dr. Allison Snow is recognized for her outstanding contributions to botanical science in the areas of basic research, education, and professional service.  Allison's research on pollination biology, gene flow, and risk assessment of transgenic crops represent significant contributions to the field.  She has mentored a number of students and researchers, and has been a strong advocate for communicating the importance of botany to the general public via the media.  Finally, Allison has been deeply involved both nationally and internationally in service to a variety of organizations, including the National Academy of Sciences, the World Trade Organization, and as president for the Botanical Society of America. 

Charles Edwin Bessey Award (BSA in association with the Teaching Section and Education Committee)
Dr. Paul Williams, Professor emeritus, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Fast Plants. Dr. Williams developed a rapid cycling Brassica. This simple act changed the way science is taught in the United States and around the world. Today over 10 million students use Fast Plants, as they are also know, in any given year. Fast Plants complete their life cycle as quickly as 35 days allowing students to develop an understanding of the plant life cycle and track the results of genetic experiments. Dr. Williams is a familiar figure at conferences, leading workshops introducing teachers to inquiry-based , innovative and inexpensive ways to use Fast Plants with large lecture hall classes or small groups in classrooms. He has also a contributor to educational manuals such as "Exploring With Wisconsin Fast Plants," "Spiraling Through Life with Fast Plants," and "Bottle Biology". He has received many awards and honors including being recognized as a Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences and recipient of the Erikkson Medal from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Drs. Les Hickock and Thomas R. Warne, University of Tennessee. Dr. Les Hickock and Dr. Thomas R. Warne collaborated on the development and genetics of the tropical fern Ceratopteris. They realized that this plant would make a powerful educational resource because of the rapid life cycle, the dynamics of sperm motility, and the potential of investigating density dependent changes in gametophyte development. They produced instructional materials to support inquiry education, such as an intriguing exploration of sperm chemotaxis. Today, Ceratopteris is distributed world-wide in K-16 classrooms through the C-Fern® program.


Darbaker Prize
The Darbaker Prize in Phycology is given each year in memory of Dr. Leasure K. Darbaker. It is presented to a resident of North America for meritorious work in the study of microscopic algae based on papers published in English by the nominee during the last two full calendar years. This year The Darbaker Award for meritorious work on microscopic algae is presented to:
Dr. Walter Adey, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. Dr. Adey has been a pioneer of modern phycology. His development of modern coralline taxonomy and the structural analysis have provided the underpinnings for our present understanding of this group that is now being enhanced by molecular methods. He has further pioneered the system of using filamentous algae as scrubbers toward clean water production and biofuels generation.
Dr. Sabeeha Merchant, University of California at Los Angeles. Dr. Merchant has been instrumental in developing the genetics and genomics of Chlamydomonas as a model organism. Her work has elucidated the role of metabolic cofactors and iron and copper utilization in the biogenesis of the photosynthetic apparatus, thus providing  the basic understanding of chloroplast development for green algae and plants.

Dr. Judy Skog, Out-going BSA Past-President, George Mason University
The Botanical Society of America presents a special award to Dr. Skog expressing gratitude and appreciation for outstanding contributions and support for the Society. Judy has provided exemplary contributions to the Society in terms of leadership, time, and effort.

Dr. Pamela Diggle, Out-going Secretary, University of Colorado
The Botanical Society of America presents a special award to Dr. Diggle expressing gratitude and appreciation for outstanding contributions and support for the Society. Pam has provided exemplary contributions to the Society in terms of leadership, time, and effort.

Dr. Chris Haufler, Out-going Director-at-large for Education, University of Kansas
The Botanical Society of America presents a special award to Dr. Haufler expressing gratitude and appreciation for outstanding contributions and support for the Society. Chris has provided exemplary contributions to the Society in terms of leadership, time, and effort.

Marian Chau, BSA Student Representative to the Board, University of Hawai'i at Manoa
The Botanical Society of America presents a special award to Marian expressing gratitude and appreciation for outstanding contributions and support for the Society.


Vernon I. Cheadle Student Travel Awards (BSA in association with the Developmental and Structural Section)
This award was named in honor of the memory and work of Dr. Vernon I. Cheadle.
Allison Bronson, Humboldt State University - Advisor: Dr. Mihai Tomescu - Botany 2012 presentation: "A perithecial sordariomycete (Ascomycota) of diaporthalean affinity from the Early Cretaceous of Vancouver Island, British Columbia (Canada)." Co-authors, Ashley Klymiuk, Ruth Stockey and Alexandru Tomescu
David Duarte, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona - Advisor: Frank Ewers - Botany 2012 presentation: "Plastic responses of wood development in California black walnut (Juglans californica): effects of irrigation and post-firegrowth " Co-authors, Frank Ewers, Edward Bobich, Shawn Pham and Kristin Bozak
Rachel Hackett, Central Michigan University - Advisor: Dr. Anna Monfils - Botany 2012 presentation: "Prairie fen plant biodiversity: the influence of landscape factors on plant community assemblages ." Co-authors, Hillary Karbowski and Anna Monfils
Matthew Ogburn, Brown University - Advisor: Dr. Erika Edwards - Botany 2012 presentation: "Anatomy of leaf succulence in the clade Portulacineae + Molluginaceae: evolutionary jumps into novel phenotypic space" Co-author, Erika Edwards


Triarch "Botanical Images" Student Travel Awards
This award provides acknowledgement and travel support to BSA meetings for outstanding student work coupling digital images (botanical) with scientific explanations/descriptions designed for the general public.
Glenn Shelton, Humboldt State University - 1st Place, A charismatic salt rush inflorescence, $500 Botany 2012 Student Travel Award
Sean Gershaneck, University of Hawai'i at Manoa - 2nd Place, 'Ōhi'a Lehua at Akanikōlea, $250 Botany 2012 Student Travel Award
Andrew Crowl, University of Florida - 3rd Place, Cocos nucifera (coconut) dispersal in action, $150 Botany 2012 Student Travel Award


Michael Cichan Award (Paleobotanical Section)
This award was named in honor of the memory and work of Michael A Cichan, who died in a plane crash in August of 1987 and was established to encourage work by young researchers at the interface of structural and evolutionary botany. This award is given to a young scholar for a paper published during the previous year in the fields of evolutionary and/or structural botany.
The Michael Cichan Award for 2012 is presented to Dr. Jean Galtier, Botanique et Bioinformatique de l'Archiectures des Plantes (AMAP), for the paper titled: "The origins and early evolution of the megaphylous leaf," International Journal of Plant Sciences 171"641-661


Isabel Cookson Award (Paleobotanical Section)
Established in 1976, the Isabel Cookson Award recognizes the best student paper presented in the Paleobotanical Section
Ashley Klymiuk from the University of Kansas - Advisor, Dr. Thomas Taylor, is the 2012 award recipient for the paper entitled, “Anamorphic fungi from the Princeton Chert: new insights into paleomicrobial diversity, Co-authors:Thomas Taylor and Michael Krings


George R. Cooley Award (Systematics Section and the American Society of Plant Taxonomists)
George R. Cooley award for best contributed paper in plant systematics. The ASPT's Cooley Award is given for the best paper in systematics given at the annual meeting by a botanist in the early stages of his/her career. Awards are made to members of ASPT who are graduate students or within 5 years of their post-doctoral careers. The Cooley Award is given for work judged to be substantially complete, synthetic and original. First authorship required; graduate students or those within 5 years of finishing their Ph.D. are eligible; must be a member of ASPT at time of abstract submission; only one paper judged per candidate.
This year's award was given to Mauricio Diazgranados of Saint Louis University & Missouri Botanical Garden for the talk entitled “Geography shapes the phylogeny of frailejones (Espeletiinae Cuatrec., Asteraceae): a remarkable example of recent rapid radiation in sky islands". Co-author: Janet Barber


Katherine Esau Award (Developmental and Structural Section)
This award was established in 1985 with a gift from Dr. Esau and is augmented by ongoing contributions from Section members. It is given to the graduate student who presents the outstanding paper in developmental and structural botany at the annual meeting.
This year’s award goes to Christina Lord, from Dalhousie University - Advisor, Arunika Gunawardena, for the paper “Actin microfilaments: key regulators of programmed cell death (PCD) in the lace plant.” Co-authors: Adrian Dauphinee and Arunika Gunawardena .


Maynard Moseley Award (Paleobotanical and Developmental and Structural Sections)
The Maynard F. Moseley Award was established in 1995 to honor a career of dedicated teaching, scholarship, and service to the furtherance of the botanical sciences. Dr. Moseley, known to his students as “Dr. Mo”, died Jan. 16, 2003 in Santa Barbara, CA, where he had been a professor since 1949. He was widely recognized for his enthusiasm for and dedication to teaching and his students, as well as for his research using floral and wood anatomy to understand the systematics and evolution of angiosperm taxa, especially waterlilies. (PSB, Spring, 2003). The award is given to the best student paper, presented in either the Paleobotanical or Developmental and Structural sessions, that advances our understanding of plant structure in an evolutionary context.
Alexander Bippus, from Humboldt State University - Advisor, Alexandru Tomescu, is the 2012 Moseley Award recipient, for his paper "Thalloid fossils comparable to bryophyte and fern gametophytes from the Lower Cretaceous (Valanginian-Hauterivian) of Vancouver Island, British Columbia" Co-authors: Maria Friedman, Ruth Stockey, and Alexandru Tomescu


Winfried and Renate Remy Award (Paleobotanical Section)
This award was established in 1997 in honor of the life and work of Winfried and Renate Remy. It is given for the best published paper in paleobotany or palynology during the previous year.
This year’s award goes to Christian Pott, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Emanuel D. Rudolph Award (Historical Section)
The Emanuel D. Rudolph Award is given by the Historical Section of the BSA for the best student presentation/poster of a historical nature at the annual meetings. 
This year’s award goes to Kathryn LeCroy, Birmingham Southern College - Advisor, Clare Emily Clifford, for her presentation: “Botanical Literature in 19th-century United States Gift Books and Annuals.”


A. J. Sharp Award (Bryological and Lichenological Section)
The A.J. Sharp Award is presented each year by the American Bryological and Lichenological Society and the Bryological and Lichenological Section for the best student presentation. The award, named in honor of the late Jack Sharp, encourages student research on bryophytes and lichens.
This year’s A.J. Sharp Award goes to Amber Elizabeth Paasch, California State University, Los Angeles, for her paper "Assessment of genetic diversity in the Mojave Desert moss Syntrichia caninervis using microsatellite markers." Co-author: Kirsten Fisher


This award was established in 2006 by Dr. Barbara D. Webster, Grady’s wife, and Dr. Susan V. Webster, his daughter, to honor the life and work of Dr. Grady L. Webster. The American Society of Plant Taxonomists and the Botanical Society of America are pleased to join together in honoring Grady Webster.

Drs. Elizabeth Zacharias and Bruce Baldwin
A Molecular Phylogeny of North American Atripliceae (Chenopodiaceae), with Implications for Floral and Photosynthetic Pathway Evolution
Systematic Botany, 2010

Edgar T. Wherry Award (Pteridological Section and the American Fern Society)
The Edgar T. Wherry Award is given for the best paper presented during the contributed papers session of the Pteridological Section. This award is in honor of Dr. Wherry’s many contributions to the floristics and patterns of evolution in ferns.
This year’s award goes to Weston Testo, Colgate University - Advisor and co-author James Watkins, for his paper; "Comparative gametophyte ecology of the American hart's-tongue fern and associated fern taxa: evidence for recent population declines in New York State"


Marcia Winslow Travel Award (Paleobotanical Section)
This year’s award goes to Fabiany Herrera, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida


The BSA Graduate Student Research Award including the J. S. Karling Award
The BSA Graduate Student Research Awards support graduate student research and are made on the basis of research proposals and letters of recommendations. Withing the award group is the Karling Graduate Student Research Award. This award was instituted by the Society in 1997 with funds derived through a generous gift from the estate of the eminent mycologist, John Sidney Karling (1897-1994), and supports and promotes graduate student research in the botanical sciences. The 2012 award recipients are:
J. S. Karling Graduate Student Research Award
Matthew P. Nelsen, University of Chicago - Advisor, Dr. Richard Ree, Early, on time or ‘fashionably’ late? The comparative dating of lichen symbionts
BSA Graduate Student Research Awards
Guadalupe Borja, Oklahoma State University - Advisor, Dr. Andrew Doust, Integrating phylogeny, morphology, and population genetics: investigating species relationships in Paysonia (Brassicaceae)
Louisa G. Carter, University of Georgia - Advisor, Dr. Shu-Mei Chang, Range limits and conservation in species of a Florida endemic plant genus, Polygonella
Gretel Clarke, University of Vermont - Advisor, Dr. Alison K. Brody, Assessing the effects of pollinators, seed predators, and vertebrate herbivores on the demography of females and hermaphrodites in the gynodioecious plant, Polemonium foliosissimum
Julieta Gallego, Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio - Advisor, Dr. N.R. Cúneo, Analyzes of diversification rates of Patagonian Paleozoic and Mesozoic lineages of gymnosperms through calibration of molecular and morphological phylogenies
Rachel M. Germain, University of Toronto - Advisor, Dr. Benjamin Gilbert, Evolution of coexistence mechanisms in Mediterranean annual plant communities
Rachel A. Hackett, Central Michigan University - Advisor, Dr. Anna K. Monfils, Influence of landscape and local factors on plant communities
Kristen Hasenstab-Lehman, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden & Claremont Graduate University - Advisor, Dr. Lucinda A. McDade, Testing adaptive radiation in the dry tropics: a phylogenetic approach to biogeography, inflorescence evolution, and hydraulic traits in the genus Varronia (Cordiaceae, Boraginales)
Laura Lagomarsino, Harvard University - Advisor, Dr. Charles C. Davis, Phylogeny and the Evolution of Vertebrate Pollination Syndromes in the Neotropical Lobelioideae, a Rapid, Recent Radiation in the Tropical Andes
Jacob B. Landis, University of Florida - Advisor, Dr. Pamela S. Soltis, Corolla length does matter: investigating genetic underpinnings of size
Vanessa Lopes Rivera, University of Texas at Austin - Advisor, Dr. Jose L. Panero, Reconstructing the spatiotemporal evolutionary patterns of the Brazilian Cerrado Eupatorieae and Lychnophorinae (Asteraceae)
Kristen Sauby, University of Florida - Advisor, Dr. Robert D. Holt, Determining the Consequences of Herbivory by the invasive South American cactus moth, Cactoblastis cactorum (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), to native Opuntia Populations in Florida
Brian J. Sidoti, University of Wisconsin-Madison - Advisor, Dr. Kenneth M. Cameron, Molecular Phylogenetics and Population Genetics of the Tillandsia fasciculata Complex (Bromeliaceae): Biogeographical and Evolutionary Implications
Sarah Tepler, University of California, Santa Cruz - Advisor, Dr. Jarmila Pittermann, Understanding drivers of variability in the carbon physiology of the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera
Jinshun Zhong, University of Missouri-St. Louis - Advisor, Dr. Elizabeth A. Kellogg, The evolution of floral symmetry across the order Lamiales


The BSA Undergraduate Student Research Awards
The BSA Undergraduate Student Research Awards support undergarduate student research and are made on the basis of research proposals and letters of recommendation. The 2012 award recipients are:
Jenna Annis, Eastern Illinois University, - Advisor, Dr. Janice M. Coons, Evaluating Seed Ecology of Federally Threatened Pinguicula ionantha (Godfrey’s butterwort)
Ian A. Harkreader, Drake University, - Advisor, Dr. Nanci Ross, Pollination Biology and Habitat Preference of a rare native lily, Lilium michiganense
Hillary Karbowski, Central Michigan University, - Advisor, Dr. Anna K. Monfils, Local abiotic factors and plant assemblages: An investigation into prairie fen biodiversity
Caprice Lee, University of California, Davis, - Advisor, Dr. Sharman Diane O’Neill, Novel embryological study of Vanilla planifolia using confocal scanning laser microscopy
Tess Nugent, University of Michigan, - Advisor, Dr. Selena Y. Smith, Investigating potential causes for variation in δ13C discrimination in Ginkgo biloba
Jennifer O’Brien, Eastern Illinois University, - Advisor, Dr. Janice M. Coons, Enhancing Seed Germination and Determining the Seed Bank of the Federally Threatened Scutellaria floridana
Bryan Thompson, State University of New York at Plattsburgh, - Advisor, Dr. Chris Martine, Hydroponic Technology: The Future of Farming and its Ecological Benefits - Growth rate response and productivity of Ocimum basilicum and super beefsteak tomato within a soilless environment compared to a soil environment


Developmental & Structural Section Student Travel Awards
Xiaofeng Yin, Miami University - Advisor, Dr. Roger Meicenheimer - Botany 2012 presentation: "A Quantitative Analysis of Discontinuous Phyllotactic Transition in Diphasiastrum digitatum" Co-author: Roger Meicenheimer
Christina Lord, Dalhousie University - Advisor, Dr. Arunika Gunawardena - Botany 2012 presentation: "Actin microfilaments: key regulators of programmed cell death (PCD) in the lace plant" Co-authors: Adrian Dauphinee and Arunika Gunawardena
Nelson Salinas, New York Botanical Garden - Botany 2012 presentation: "Uncovering venation patterns in neotropical blueberries (Vaccinieae: Ericaceae) and their value for systematics " Co-author: Paola Pedraza-Peñalosa
Nicholas Miles, University of Florida - Advisor, Dr. Pamela Soltis - Botany 2012 presentation: "Virus-Induced Gene Silencing in Carnivorous Pitcher Plants " Co-authors: Douglas Soltis and Pamela Soltis
Jacob Landis, University of Florida - Advisor, Dr. Pamela Soltis - Botany 2012 presentation: "All in the family: Pollination syndromes and floral traits in the flowering plant family Polemoniaceae" Co-authors: Douglas Soltis and Pamela Soltis


Developmental & Structural Section Best Student Poster Award
Meng-Ying Tsai, National Taiwan University, for the poster “A histological study of microsporogenesis and pollen development of I and Oxalis corniculata in Taiwan” Co-authors: Su-Hwa Chen and Wen-Yuan Kao
Rebecca Povilus, Harvard University, for the paper “Auxin Biosynthesis and Female Reproductive Development in Aquilegia” Co-author: William Friedman


Ecology Section Undergraduate Student Presentation Award, Sponsored by LI-COR
Megan Ward, SUNY Plattsburgh - Advisor, Dr. Chris Martine, for the paper “Establishment of new regional herbarium leads to more than 100 new flora atlas records for New York State” Co-author: Chris Martine
Jenna Annis and Jennifer O’Brien, Eastern Illinois University - Advisor, Dr. Janice Coons, for the paper “Breaking Seed Dormancy of Penstemon tubiflorus” Co-authors: Janice Coons and Nancy Coutant


Ecology Section Graduate Student Presentation Award, Sponsored by LI-COR
Roxanneh Khorsand Rosa, Florida International University - Advisor, Dr. Suzanne Koptur, for the paper “Floral biology and pollination of an agroforestry palm, Mauritia flexuosa: why field observations are not enough!” Co-authors: Suzanne Koptur and Reinaldo Imbrozio Barbosa
Daniel Park, University of California, Davis - Advisor, Dr. Daniel Potter, for the paper “Weed Profiling: A Molecular Phylogenetic Approach to Darwin's Naturalization Hypothesis” Co-author: Daniel Potter


Ecology Section Student Poster Award, Sponsored by LI-COR
Jennifer Murphy, John Carroll University - Advisor, Dr. Rebecca Drenovsky, for the paper “Early life history traits in globally invasive and non-invasive Rosa congeners” Co-authors: Lindsay Bernhard, Maria Loya, Rachael Glover and Rebecca Drenovsky


Ecology Section Student Travel Awards
Roxaneh Khorsand Rosa, Florida International University - Advisor, Dr. Suzanne Koptur, for the paper “Floral biology and pollination of an agroforestry palm, Mauritia flexuosa: why field observations are not enough!” Co-authors: Reinaldo Imbrozio Barbosa and Suzanne Koptur
George Meindl, University of Pittsburgh - Advisor, Dr. Tia-Lynn Ashman, for the paper “Edaphic factors and plant-animal interactions: cascading effects of serpentine soils” Co-author: Tia-Lynn Ashman

Genetics Section Student Poster Award
Chrissy McAllister, St. Louis University - Advisor, Dr. Allison Miller, for the paper “Environmental Determinants of Cytotype Diversity in Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardii)” Co-authors: Paul Kron, Russell Blaine and Allison Miller


Genetics Section Student Research Awards
Genetics Section Student Research Awards provide $500 for research funding and an additional $500 for attendance at a future BSA meeting.
Ursula King, University of Connecticut - Graduate Student Award - Advisor: Dr. Donald Les, for the proposal titled "Provision of genome resources for Najas marina and Najas minor, Hydrocharitaceae"


Genetics Section Student Travel Awards
Michael McKain, University of Georgia - Advisor, Dr. Jim Leebens-Mack, for the paper “The effect of paleopolyploidy on genome evolution in Agavoideae” Co-authors: Norman Wickett, Yeting Zhang, Saravanaraj Ayyampalayam, Richard McCombie, Mark Chase, Joseph Pires, Claude dePamphilis and Jim Leebens-Mack
Travis Lawrence, CSU Sacramento - Advisor, Dr. Shannon Datwyler, for the paper “Testing the hypothesis of allopolyploidy in the origin of Penstemon azureus (Plantaginaceae)” Co-author: Shannon Datwyler


Mycological Section Student Travel Awards
Wesley Beaulieu, Indiana University - Advisor, Dr. Keith Clay, for the paper “Cosmopolitan Distribution of Ergot Alkaloids Produced by Periglandula, Clavicipitaceous Symbionts of the Convolvulaceae” Co-authors: Katy L Ryan, Daniel G Panaccione, Richard E Miller and Keith Clay
Eduardo Campana, Kent State University - Advisor, Dr. Christopher Blackwood, for the paper “Fungal Communities of Northeastern Ohio
Carla Harper, Univeristy of Kansas - Advisor, Dr. Thomas N. Taylor, for the paper “Antarctic wood-decay fungi in glossopteridalean roots and stems” Co-authors: Thomas Taylor and Michael Krings

Physiological Section Li-Cor Prize - Best Paper
Matthew Ogburn, Brown University - Advisor, Dr. Erica Edwards, for the paper “Anatomy of leaf succulence in the clade Portulacineae + Molluginaceae: evolutionary jumps into novel phenotypic space” Co-author: Erica Edwards


Physiological Section Li-Cor Prize - Best Poster
Robert “Berto” Griffin-Nolan, Ithaca College - Advisor, Dr. Peter Melcher, for the paper “The role of green light in photosynthesis in Bryophytes and higher plants” Co-authors: Peter Melcher and Benjamin Rosen


Physiological Section Best Poster Award
Albina Khasanova, John Carroll University - Advisor, Dr. Rebecca Drenovsky, for the poster “Impacts of drought on nitrogen resorption of grasses in the Intermountain West” Co-authors: Megan Thornhill and Rebecca Drenovsky


Phytochemical Section Student Travel Award
Rachel Meyer, City University of New York - Advisor, Dr. Amy Litt - Botany 2012 presentation: “Molecular and chemical differences among Asian eggplants analyzed in a framework of their history of utilization” Co-authors, Bruce Whitaker, and Amy Litt


Pteridological Section & American Fern Society Student Travel Awards
Amanda Grusz, Duke University - Advisor, Dr. Kathleen Pryer - Botany 2012 presentation: “Using next generation sequencing to develop microsatellite markers in ferns ” Co-authors, Michael Windham and Kathleen Pryer
Stacy Jorgensen, University of Vermont - Advisor, Dr. David Barrington - Botany 2012 presentation: “New insights into the heritage of Pacific Northwestern polyploids in the genus Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae)” Co-author, David Barrington
Meghan McKeown, University of Vermont - Advisor, Dr. David Barrington - Botany 2012 presentation: “226” Co-authors, Michael Sundue and David Barrington
Weston Testo, Colgate University - Advisor, Dr. James E. Watkins - Botany 2012 presentation: “Comparative gametophyte ecology of the American hart's-tongue fern and associated fern taxa: evidence for recent population declines in New York State” Co-author, James E. Watkins

The BSA Young Botanist Awards
The purpose of these awards are to offer individual recognition to outstanding graduating seniors in the plant sciences and to encourage their participation in the Botanical Society of America. The 2012 "Certificate of Special Achievement" award recipients are:
Rebbecca Allington, SUNY Plattsburgh - Advisor, Dr. Christopher T. Martine
Jenna Annis, Eastern Illinois University - Advisor, Janice M. Coons
Maggie Brown, Miami University - Advisor, Dr. John Z. Kiss
April Diebold, University of Missouri - Advisor, Dr. J. Chris Pires
Garrett Dienno, Miami University - Advisor, Dr. John Z. Kiss
Chloe Drummond, Oberlin College - Advisor, Dr. Michael J. Moore
Patrick Ellis, Vassar College - Advisor, Dr. Mark A. Schlessman
Francisco Gomez, Florida Museum of Natural History - Advisor, Dr. Pam Soltis
Monica Hernandez, University of California-Los Angeles - Advisor, Dr. Ann Hirsch
Emilie Jordao, Central Michigan University - Advisor, Dr. Joanne Dannenhoffer
Kelly Matsunaga, Humboldt State University - Advisor, Dr. A. Mihail Tomescu
Britany Morgan, Rutgers University - Advisor, Dr. Steven Handel
Jennifer O’Brien, Eastern Illinois University - Advisor, Dr. Janice M. Coons
Gina Pahlke, Willamette University - Advisor, Dr. Susan Kephart
Rachel Plumb, Oberlin College - Advisor, Dr. Michael J. Moore
Audrey Ragsac, University of California - Advisor, Dr. Paul Fine
Kendalee Richardson, Weber State University - Advisor, Dr. Barbara Wachocki
Selina Ruzi, Rutgers University - Advisor, Dr. Steven Handel
Megan Saunders, Hillsdale College - Advisor, Dr. Ranessa L. Cooper
Jennifer Schmalz, Weber State University - Advisor, Dr. Barbara Wachocki
Glenn Shelton, Humboldt State University - Advisor, Dr. A. Mihai Tomescu
Christopher Steenbock, Humboldt State University - Advisor, Dr. A. Mihail Tomescu
Lauren Stutts, Campbell University - Advisor, Dr. J. Christopher Havran
Michael Terbush, Ohio University - Advisor, Dr. Harvey E. Ballard, Jr.
Weston Testo, Colgate University - Advisor, Dr. James E. Watkins, Jr.
Betty Unthank, Miami University - Advisor, Dr. John Z. Kiss
Megan Ward, SUNY Plattsburgh - Advisor, Dr. Christopher T. Martine
Tim Williams, Ohio University - Advisor, Dr. Sarah E. Wyatt
Codi Q. Yeager, West Virginia University - Advisor, Dr. Lee B. Kass

The BSA PLANTs Grant Recipients
The PLANTS (Preparing Leaders and Nurturing Tomorrow’s Scientists): Increasing the diversity of plant scientists) program recognizes outstanding undergraduates from diverse backgrounds and provides travel grants and mentoring for these students.
Dominique Alvis, University of Maryland-Baltimore - Advisor, Dr. Mauricio Bustos
Haydee Borrero, Florida International University - Advisor, Dr. Suzanne Koptur
Maria Friedman, Humboldt State University - Advisor, Dr. Erik Jules
Erin Fujimoto, University of Hawaii at Manoa - Advisor, Dr. Tom Ranker
Victoria Hanna, University of California-Irvine - Advisor, Dr. Kailen Mooney
Sean Gershaneck, University of Hawai'i at Manoa - Advisor, Dr. Pattie Dunn
Lauren Gonzalez, University of New Orleans - Advisor, Dr. Charles Bell
Alexandria Igwe, Howard University - Advisor, Dr. Mary McKenna
Caprice Lee, University of California-Davis, Dr. Sharman O'Neill
Jamie Minnaert-Grote, George Mason University - Advisor, Dr. Andrea Weeks
Rylan Sprague, Black Hills State University - Advisor, Dr. Benjamin van Ee
Brittany Stallworth, Howard University - Advisor, Dr. Mary McKenna
Dori Thompson, Texas State University - San Marcos - Advisor, Dr. Garland Upchurch