Join the BSA, the only botanical society turning up the volume on the botanical sciences and serving the diversity in our profession.
BSA Journal Benefits

- Obtain online access to the latest botanical research with complimentary subscriptions to the American Journal of Botany, Applications in Plant Sciences, and Plant Science Bulletin
- Advance your career by publishing in your Society journals
- Broad readership and diversity of plant science coverage, from molecular to ecosystem
- No page charges for members to publish in AJB
- Reduced Article Processing Charges (APCs) to publish Open Access
- APPS (fully OA journal):
In 2025: $1880 for BSA members, $2350 for non-members
- AJB (subscription journal with OA option):
In 2025: $2120 for BSA members, $2650 for non-members
These APCs reflect the BSA-member 20% discount on APCs that are not covered by institutional agreements with Wiley. (Contact the Editorial Offices for the discount codes.) |
- Contribute to the Plant Science Bulletin: a wide range of topics for and by the botanical community
Connect and Engage
Foster collaborations and chart your career path with botanists/plant scientists and educators around the world
- Greatly reduced rates to Botany 2025, where you can present your work, meet and collaborate with over 1,300 plant scientists from over 45 countries and receive national & international recognition for your work
- Professional development opportunities (serve on a committee, run for office, write and review manuscripts)
- Enrich your life and the lives of students worldwide through online mentoring in our award-winning PlantingScience program
- Enrich your network with new contacts and insights gained through our diverse membership and access to the Member Directory
- Sectional affiliation in your specialty areas
Other Membership Benefits
- Stay current with the monthly e-newsletter, Membership Matters, providing breaking news about trending topics, research, job openings and happenings in the field
- Access to over $125,000 in Botanical Society of America awards and grants that support members at every stage of their career (student, early career, professional accomplishments)
Updated 1-29-25
"As a botanist in a small university, BSA is the ONLY plant-related society that is broad enough for my teaching responsibilities. I appreciate the variety of research topics."
"I have the utmost admiration for what the BSA is trying to achieve. I cannot speak highly enough of its efforts in communication, providing inspiration to a wide range of people and interests in botany, including getting more school students interested in plants, and providing a FANTASTIC resource for professional botanists like me."
"I appreciate the eclectic coverage from cells to whole organisms to ecosystems."