2011 Award Recipients
Botanical Society of America Awards 2011
We are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2011 awards provided by the Botanical Society of America. Here we provide recognition for outstanding efforts and contributions to the science of botany. We thank you for your support of these programs.
Botanical Society of America AWARDS Botanical Society of America Merit Awards |
Graduate Student Research Awards | Undergraduate Student Research Awards | Young Botanist Awards Named AWARDS Charles Edwin Bessey Teaching Award | Vernon I. Cheadle STAs |
Triarch "Botanical Images" STAs |
Darbaker Prize | Katherine Esau Award | The Henry Allan Gleason Award | John S. Karling Award | Lawrence Memorial Award | Margaret Menzel Award | Maynard Moseley Award | Jeanette Siron Pelton Award | Winfried and Renate Remy Award | Emanuel D. Rudolph Award | A. J. Sharp Award | Grady L. Webster Award | Edgar T. Wherry Award Sectional AWARDS Student Travel Awards - Bryological & Lichenological | Developmental & Structural | Ecological | Genetics | Phychological | Phytochemical | Pteridological Section & American Fern Society Student Presentation, Poster and Research Awards - Developmental & Structural Section Best Student Poster Award | Ecological Section Award for the best Student Presentation | Ecological Section Award for the best Student Poster | Economic Botany Section Award for the best Student Presentation | Economic Botany Section Award for the best Student Poster | Phycological | Phytochemical | Pteridological | Southeastern | Genetics Section Student Research Awards | Historical Section Student Participation Award | Physiological Section Li-Cor Prize | Physiological Section Poster Award | Southeastern Section
The Botanical Society of America's MERIT AWARD
The Botanical Society of America Merit Award is the highest honor our Society bestows. Each year, the Merit Award Committee solicits nominations, evaluates candidates, and selects those to receive an award. Awardees are chosen based on their outstanding contributions to the mission of our scientific Society. The committee identifies recipients who have demonstrated excellence in basic research, education, public policy, or who have provided exceptional service to the professional botanical community, or who may have made contributions to a combination of these categories. Based on these stringent criteria, the 2011 BSA Merit Award recipient is:
Dr. Ann Hirsch, University of California, Los Angeles
- Dr. Hirsch is recognized for her outstanding contributions in the research of plant-microbe interactions, bridging the interactions among genes, plant growth regulators, signal transductions, and microbes. Her research is truly exceptional in combining field aspects of basic research and classical knowledge with molecular aspects, especially in legume-microbe interactions; she has been described as a bold and fearless experimentalist. Ann has also had a long and outstanding record in education where she has set very high standards, and her passion for research has created a stimulating laboratory environment for many undergraduate students, graduate students, post-docs, and visiting scholars to start or pursue careers in science. Dr. Hirsch has excelled in all aspects of her professional life and is richly deserving of the 2011 Merit Award.
- Charles Edwin Bessey Award (BSA in association with the Teaching Section and Education Committee)
- Dr. Susan Singer, Carleton College. Dr. Singer is the Laurence McKinley Gould Professor of the Natural Sciences at Carleton College. She has served as Co-director of the Carleton Interdisciplinary Science and Math Initiative as well as the Director of the Perlman Learning and Teaching Center. At the national level, Dr. Singer has served as a Program Director for the National Science Foundation and recently worked on the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s recent publication “Vision and Change”. This document is a call to action that is already impacting the future of biology teaching. Dr. Singer has received numerous grants, which have often resulted in publications including student authors. Her recent work as a member of the Education, Outreach, and Training Committee of the iPlant Collaborative epitomizes the national impact her actions have had on creating innovative and effective approaches to teaching botany.
- Darbaker Prize
- The Darbaker Prize in Phycology is given each year in memory of Dr. Leasure K. Darbaker. It is presented to a resident of North America for meritorious work in the study of microscopic algae based on papers published in English by the nominee during the last two full calendar years. This year The Darbaker Award for meritorious work on microscopic algae is presented to:
- Dr. Sallie (Penny) Chisholm, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dr. Chisholm’s recent and past publications are on the significant role of the microalgal group
Prochlorococcus. She and her collaborators have elucidated their wide distribution in the oceanic environment, and have demonstrated essential critical environmental factors, including light and nutrients which account for the varied distribution and certain ecotypes and species. Their most recent emphasis is on the genomic characterization with respect to phosphate uptake, and the potential involvement of the cyanophages in the transfer of genetic material. She has also offered her well considered opinion in influential scientific journals to discourage oceanic Fe fertilization since it likely will seriously impact the ecosystem.
- Lawrence Memorial Award
- The Lawrence Memorial Fund was established at the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, to commemorate the life and achievements of its founding director, Dr. George H. M. Lawrence. Proceeds from the Fund are used to make an annual Award in the amount of $2000 to a doctoral candidate to support travel for dissertation research in systematic botany or horticulture, or the history of the plant sciences.
- The recipient of the Award is selected from candidates nominated by their major professors. Nominees may be from any country and the Award is made strictly on the basis of merit - the recipient's general scholarly promise and significance of the research proposed. The Award Committee includes representatives from the Hunt Institute, The Hunt Foundation, the Lawrence family, and the botanical community.
- The Lawrence Memorial Award for 2011 goes to Mr. Brian Sidoti, student of Dr. Kenneth Cameron of the University of Wisconsin.
Dr. Kent Holsinger, Out-going BSA Past-President, University of Connecticut
- The Botanical Society of America presents a special award to Dr. Holsinger expressing gratitude and appreciation for outstanding contributions and support for the Society. Kent has provided exemplary contributions to the Society in terms of leadership, time, and effort.
Rachel Meyer, BSA Student Representative to the Board, New York Botanical Garden
- The Botanical Society of America presents a special award to Rachel expressing gratitude and appreciation for outstanding contributions and support for the Society.
- Vernon I. Cheadle Student Travel Awards (BSA in association with the Developmental and Structural Section)
- This award was named in honor of the memory and work of Dr. Vernon I. Cheadle.
- Jessica Budke, University of Connecticut - Advisor: Dr. Cynthia S. Jones - Botany 2011 presentation: "Experimental Manipulation of the Moss Calyptra: The effect of cuticle removal and desiccation on sporophyte development in Funaria hygrometrica." Co-authors, Bernard Goffinet and Cynthia Jones
- David Duarte, Cal Poly Pomona - Advisor: Frank Ewers - Botany 2011 presentation: "Seasonal changes in the vessel anatomy of adults and resprouts of California black walnut trees following wildfire" Co-authors, Edward Bobich, Sarah Pak, Shawn Pham, Yasuhiro Utsumi and Frank Ewers
- Ari Novy, Rutgers University - Advisor: Dr. Jean Marie Hartman - Botany 2011 presentation: "Rapid evolution of phenology during invasion of the grass Microstegium vimineum in North America." Co-authors, Luke Flory and Jean Marie Hartman
- Chi-Chih Wu, University of Colorado, Boulder - Advisor: Dr. Pamela Diggle - Botany 2011 presentation: "The impact of the lower genetic relatedness of endosperm to its compatriot embryo on maize seed development" Co-authors, Pamela Diggle and William Friedman
- Triarch "Botanical Images" Student Travel Awards
- This award provides acknowledgement and travel support to BSA meetings for outstanding student work coupling digital images (botanical) with scientific explanations/descriptions designed for the general public.
- James Riser, Washington State University - 1st Place, Showy milkweed and hawk moth, $500 Botany 2011 Student Travel Award
- Allison Schwartz, University of California, Los Angeles - 2nd Place, Top view of a root nodule from Pisum sativum with DR5::GUS auxin responsive reporter construct, $250 Botany 2011 Student Travel Award
- Alan Franck, University of South Florida - 3rd Place (tie), One night only, $150 Botany 2011 Student Travel Award
- Tomas Zavada, University Of Massachusetts - 3rd Place (tie), Pollinating chicory, $150 Botany 2011 Student Travel Award
- Isabel Cookson Award (Paleobotanical Section)
- Established in 1976, the Isabel Cookson Award recognizes the best student paper presented in the Paleobotanical Section
- Jeffrey Benca of the University of Washington, Advisor, Dr. Caroline Stromberg, is the 2011 award recipient for the paper entitled, “Morphological variation in the panglobal Devonian lycopsid genus Leclercqia: A new species from Washington state, Co-authors: Caroline Stromberg and Maureen Carlisle.
- George R. Cooley Award (Systematics Section and the American Society of Plant Taxonomists)
- George R. Cooley award for best contributed paper in plant systematics. The ASPT's Cooley Award is given for the best paper in systematics given at the annual meeting by a botanist in the early stages of his/her career. Awards are made to members of ASPT who are graduate students or within 5 years of their post-doctoral careers. The Cooley Award is given for work judged to be substantially complete, synthetic and original. First authorship required; graduate students or those within 5 years of finishing their Ph.D. are eligible; must be a member of ASPT at time of abstract submission; only one paper judged per candidate.
- This year's award was given to Erin Tripp of Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden for the talk entitled “Physacanthus (Acanthaceae): a heteroplasmic, intergeneric, interlineage hybrid?". Co-authors: Lucinda Mcdade, Siti Fatimah Isa and Iain Darbyshire
- Katherine Esau Award (Developmental and Structural Section)
- This award was established in 1985 with a gift from Dr. Esau and is augmented by ongoing contributions from Section members. It is given to the graduate student who presents the outstanding paper in developmental and structural botany at the annual meeting.
- This year’s award goes to Natalia Pabon-Mora, from New York Botanical Garden, Advisor, Amy Litt, for the paper “Functional redundancy of non-core eudicot FUL-like paralogs in regulating flowering time and petal development..” Co-author: Amy Litt.
Honorable Mention - Chi-Chih Wu, University Of Colorado Boulder, Advisor, Pamela Diggle, for the paper "The impact of the lower genetic relatedness of endosperm to its compatriot embryo on maize seed development." Co-authors were Pamela Diggle and William Friedman.
- Margaret Menzel Award (Genetics Section)
- The Margaret Menzel Award is presented by the Genetics Section for the outstanding paper presented in the contributed papers sessions of the annual meetings.
- This year’s award goes to Matthew Parks, Oregon State University, Advisor, Aaron Liston, for the paper “Separating the Wheat from the Chaff: Mitigating the Effect of Noisy Data in Plastome Phylogenomic Analyses." Co-authors: Richard Cronn and Aaron Liston.
- Maynard Moseley Award (Paleobotanical and Developmental and Structural Sections)
- The Maynard F. Moseley Award was established in 1995 to honor a career of dedicated teaching, scholarship, and service to the furtherance of the botanical sciences. Dr. Moseley, known to his students as “Dr. Mo”, died Jan. 16, 2003 in Santa Barbara, CA, where he had been a professor since 1949. He was widely recognized for his enthusiasm for and dedication to teaching and his students, as well as for his research using floral and wood anatomy to understand the systematics and evolution of angiosperm taxa, especially waterlilies. (PSB, Spring, 2003). The award is given to the best student paper, presented in either the Paleobotanical or Developmental and Structural sessions, that advances our understanding of plant structure in an evolutionary context.
- John Benedict, from Arizona State University,Advisor, Kathleen Pigg, is the 2011 Moseley Award recipient, for his paper "The fossil history of Zingiberales and new insights based on fossil and extant members."
- Emanuel D. Rudolph Award (Historical Section)
- The Emanuel D. Rudolph Award is given by the Historical Section of the BSA for the best student presentation/poster of a historical nature at the annual meetings.
- This year’s award goes to Nuala Caomhanach, University of Missouri, Advisor, Kim Kleinman, for her presentation: “Thomas Nuttall and 19th Century Botany: The St. Louis Connection.”
- This award was established in 2006 by Dr. Barbara D. Webster, Grady’s wife, and Dr. Susan V. Webster, his daughter, to honor the life and work of Dr. Grady L. Webster. The American Society of Plant Taxonomists and the Botanical Society of America are pleased to join together in honoring Grady Webster.
Dr. Sherwin Carlquist Xylem heterochrony: an unappreciated key to angiosperm origin and diversifications Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161, 26–65
- Edgar T. Wherry Award (Pteridological Section and the American Fern Society)
- The Edgar T. Wherry Award is given for the best paper presented during the contributed papers session of the Pteridological Section. This award is in honor of Dr. Wherry’s many contributions to the floristics and patterns of evolution in ferns.
- This year’s award goes to Monique McHenry, University of Vermont, Advisor and co-author David S. Barrington, for her paper; "Investigating morphological diversity of Andean Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae): seeking explanations for incongruence between sequence variation and morphological variation"
- The BSA Graduate Student Research Award including the J. S. Karling Award
- The BSA Graduate Student Research Awards support graduate student research and are made on the basis of research proposals and letters of recommendations. Withing the award group is the Karling Graduate Student Research Award. This award was instituted by the Society in 1997 with funds derived through a generous gift from the estate of the eminent mycologist, John Sidney Karling (1897-1994), and supports and promotes graduate student research in the botanical sciences. The 2011 award recipients are:
- J. S. Karling Graduate Student Research Award
- Matthew Koski, University of Pittsburgh - Advisor, Dr. Tia-Lynn Ashman, Breaking boundaries of human visual bias: selection on ultraviolet floral traits
- BSA Graduate Student Research Awards
- Gerardo Acero-Gomez, University of Pittsburgh, - Advisor, Dr. Tia-Lynn Ashman, Long live the flower: increasing flower longevity and outcrossing rate with increasing community diversity
- Lavanya Challagundla, Mississippi State University, - Advisor, Dr. Lisa Wallace, Evolution of B chromosomes in the Genome of Xanthisma gracile (Asteraceae)
- Grant T. Godden, University of Florida, - Advisor, Dr. Pamela S. Soltis, Out of the bushes and into the trees: Alternative approaches to a problematic mint phylogeny
- Daniel M. Griffith, Wake Forest University, - Advisor, Dr. T. Michael Anderson, Adaptive Significance of Sodium and Grazing Tolerance in Serengeti Grasses
- Stephanie Pimm Lyon, University of Wisconsin-Madison, - Advisor, Dr. Thomas J. Givnish, Systematics and biogeography of Corybas (Orchidaceae)
- Rhiannon Peery, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, - Advisor, Dr. Stephen R. Downie, Understanding genome interactions within the carrot family (Apiaceae) using phylogenetic methods
- Daniel Spalink, University of Wisconsin-Madison, - Advisor, Dr. Kenneth J. Sytsma, Phylogeny, biogeography, ecology, and population genetics of the North American bulrushes (Scirpus, Cyperaceae): assessing the implications of endemism in a changing climate
- Simon Uribe_Convers, University of Idaho, - Advisor, Dr. David C. Tank, Inferring Patterns of Biodiversity in a young Andean ecosystem: developing a novel high throughput sequencing approach for phylogenetic and phylogeographic studies in Bartsia (Orobanchaceae)
- Jose D. Zuniga, Claremont Graduate University & Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, - Advisor, Dr. Lucinda A. McDade, Systematics and biogeography of Sabiaceae with emphasis on Neotropical Meliosma.
- The BSA Undergraduate Student Research Awards
- The BSA Undergraduate Student Research Awards support undergarduate student research and are made on the basis of research proposals and letters of recommendation. The 2011 award recipients are:
- Keri L Caudle, Fort Hays State University, - Advisor, Dr. Brian R. Maricle
- Jennifer Collins, SUNY Plattsburgh, - Advisor, Dr. Christopher T. Martine
- Jacqueline Rice, University of Florida, - Advisor, Dr. Pamela Soltis
- Eric Taber, Colgate University, - Advisor, Dr. Eddie Watkins
- Megan Ward, SUNY Plattsburgh, - Advisor, Dr. Christopher T. Martine
- Developmental & Structural Section Student Travel Awards
- Kelly Matsunaga, Humboldt State University - Advisor, Dr. Alexandru Tomescu - Botany 2011 presentation: "Nectary Structure of Scoliopus bigelovii (Liliaceae)." Co-authors: Michael R. Meslerand Alexandru Tomescu
- Robert Baker, University of Colorado, Boulder - Advisor, Dr. Pamela Diggle - Botany 2011 presentation: "Making branches in Mimulus: intraspecific developmental variation inshoot architecture." Co-author: Pamela Diggle
- Geraldine Boyden, St. John's University - Advisor, Dr. Dianella Howarth - Botany 2011 presentation: "CYCLOIDEA-like genes are implicated in development and floral patterning in Fedia cornucopiae (Valerianaceae)." Co-authors: Diane Hardej, Amy Litt and Dianella Howarth x
- Michael Malahy, Oklahoma State University - Advisor, Dr. Andrew Doust - Botany 2011 presentation: "Pattern of vegetative architectural development in green millet (Setaria viridis) under varied planting densities." Co-author: Andrew Doust
- Ana Maria Almeida, University of California, Berkeley - Advisor, Dr. Chelsea Specht - Botany 2011 presentation: "Gingers BCs: The role of MADS-box genes in floral evolution in the Zingiberales." Co-authors: Wagner Otoni, Roxana Yocktenga and Chelsea Specht
- Irma Ortiz, University of California, Los Angeles - Advisor, Dr. Ann M. Hirsch - Botany 2011 presentation: "A Bacillus strain isolated by undergraduate students at UCLA promotes plant growth by procuring soil nutrients and may also serve as a biological control agent." Co-authors: Allison Schwartz, Erin R. Sanders, Andrew C. Diener and Ann M. Hirsch
- Allison Schwartz, University of California, Los Angeles - Advisor, Dr. Ann M. Hirsch - Botany 2011 presentation: "A newly isolated Bacillus strain affects legume plant architecture and pea nodule morphology by secreting auxin." Co-authors: Irma Ortiz, Erin R. Sanders, Darleen Demason and Ann M. Hirsch
- Developmental & Structural Section Best Student Poster Award
- Saul Hoyos , University Of Missouri Saint Louis and the Missouri Botanical Garden, for the poster, “Anatomical and morphological characteristics among Fusispermum spp. and Rinorea apiculata group (Violaceae) can be useful for understanding the phylogenetic relationships?”
- Ecology Section Undergraduate Student Presentation Award, Sponsored by LI-COR
- Brandi Cannon, Ohio State University,Advisor, Christopher Randle, for the paper “Presentation, aroma, and flavor: Investigation of host cues in the orientation and establishment of Phoradendron serotinum (Viscaceae).” Co-authors: Jessica Garrison, James Sopas, Timothy Verastegui and Christopher Randle.
- Ecology Section Graduate Student Presentation Award, Sponsored by LI-COR
- John Stanton-Geddes, University of MinnesotaAdvisor, Ruth Shaw, for the paper “Ecological and genetic contributions to range limits in Chamaecrista fasciculata.” Co-authors: Peter Tiffin and Ruth Shaw.
- Ecology Section Award, Best Student Poster Award, Sponsored by LI-COR
- Steven Callen, of Saint Louis University,Advisor, Allison Miller for the poster, “Assessing the environmental niches of native and introduced Pueraria montana (kudzu).” Co-authors: Jason Knouft and Allison Miller.
- Ecology Section Student Travel Awards
- Rupesh Kariyat, Pennsylvania State University - Advisor, Dr. Andrew Stephenson - Botany 2011 presentation: "Volatile mediated indirect defense signaling is disrupted by inbreeding and genetic variation in Horsenettle (Solanum carolinense L) ." Co-author: Andrew Stephenson
- Benjamin VanderWeide, Kansas State University - Advisor, Dr. David C. Hartnett - Botany 2011 presentation: "Mark-recapture analysis of herbarium data from the northern Flint Hills of Kansas, USA." Co-authors: Brett Sandercock and Carolyn Ferguson
- Economic Botany Section Best Student Presentation Award
- Sophie Williams, Royal Botanical Garden, Kew and Bangor University, Co-supervised by Colin Clubbe (RBG Kew),James Gibbons (Bangor University) Julia Jones (Bangor University), for the paper “Cultivation of harvested species as a conservation strategy”
- Economic Botany Section Best Student Poster Award
- Brian Walsh, University of Wisconsin - Madison Advisor, Dr. Eve Emshwiller, for the poster “Phylogeny of American Chenopodium species with focus on origins of the domesticated taxa” Co-author: Eve Emshwiller.
- Genetics Section Student Poster Award
- Lubos Majesky, Palacky University Olomouc, Advisor, Radim J.Vasut, for the poster “Genetic variability in apomictic clones of common dandelion (Taraxacum; Asteraceae)” Co-authors: Radim Vasut, Bohumil Travnicek and Miloslav Kitner.
- Genetics Section Student Research Awards
- Genetics Section Student Research Awards provide $500 for research funding and an additional $500 for attendance at a future BSA meeting.
- Guadalupe Borja, Oklahoma State University - Masters Student Award - Advisor: Dr. Andrew Doust, for the proposal titled "Integrating phylogeny and population genetics: distinguishing incomplete lineage sorting and gene flow to infer the evolution of the Southeastern bladderpods (Paysonia spp.)."
- Kim Thompson, University of Cincinnati - Graduate Student Award - Advisor: Dr. David Lentz, for the proposal titled "Chloroplast Microsatellite Analysis of Manilkara zapota (Sapotaceae), a Tropical Fruit and Timber Tree."
- Genetics Section Student Travel Awards
- Ari Novy, Rutgers University - Advisor, Dr. Jean Marie Hartman - Botany 2011 presentation: "Genetic Variation of Spartina alterniflora Loisel. in the New York Metropolitan Area and Its Relevance for Marsh Restoration." Co-authors, Peter E. Smouse, Jean Marie Hartman, Lena Struwe, Joshua Honig, Chris Miller, and Stacy Bonos
- Sean Ryan, San Diego State University - Advisor, Dr. Michael G. Simpson - Botany 2011 presentation: "Molecular Phylogenetic Relationships and Character Evolution of Fritillaria subgenus Liliorhiza." Co-author, Michael G. Simpson
- Mycological Section Student Travel Awards
- Carla Harper, University Of Kansas - Advisor, Dr. Thomas Taylor - Botany 2011 presentation: "Fungi from the Permian and Triassic of Antarctica." Co-authors, Thomas Taylor and Michael Krings
- Wittaya Kaonongbua, Indiana University - Advisor, Dr. James D. Bever - Botany 2011 presentation: "Xerospora xerophila gen. et sp. nov., a new arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus from a semi-arid region of North America." Co-author, James D. Bever
- Phycological Section Student Travel Award
- Timothy Rocwell, llinois State University - Advisor, Dr. Martha Cook - Botany 2011 presentation: "Cell division in the charophycean green alga Entransia fimbriata."
- Physiological Section Li-Cor Prize - Best Paper
- Alexander J. Eilts, University of Minnesota, for the talk “An early look at the transport of mineral resources in the clonal forb Fragaria vesca L.."
- Physiological Section Li-Cor Prize - Best Poster
- Mitchell Hall, Frostburg State University, for the poster “The effectiveness of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum) modified with a Hessian fly-responsive(Hfr) gene against phloem-feeding and chewing insects." Co-authors: Sunshine Brosi and David Puthoff.
- Physiological Section Best Paper Award
- Jennifer JoCarole Cappa, Colorado State University, for the talk “Characterization of selenium uptake and metabolism in Stanleya (Brassicaceae)." Co-authors: Crystal Yetter, Sirine Fakra, Matthew Marcus, Mark Simmons and Elizabeth Pilon-Smits.
- Physiological Section Best Poster Award
- Albina Khasanova, John Carroll University, for the poster entitled, “Impacts of drought on mineral nutrition of grasses and forbs in the Intermountain West.” Co-authors: Jeremy James and Rebecca Drenovsky.
- Phytochemical Section Student Travel Award
- Janna Rose, Florida International University - Advisor, Dr. Bradley Bennett - Botany 2011 presentation: “Isolation of Ellagic acid from the Bioassay-Guided Fractionation of Methanolic Crude Extracts of Rosa canina L. Galls.”
- Angelle Bullard-Roberts, Florida International University - Advisor, Dr. Bradley Bennett - Botany 2011 presentation: “Treating Sugar: Antidiabetic herbal remedies in Trinidad and Tobago.” Co-author, Bradley Bennett
- Holly Summers, Cornell University - Advisor, Dr. Robert Raguso - Botany 2011 presentation: “Intraspecific variation in floral display and breeding system in Oenothera flava (Onagraceae).” Co-author, Robert Raguso
- Lindsey Tuominenx, University of Georgia - Advisor, Dr. Chung-Jui Tsai - Botany 2011 presentation: “Perturbation of Populus Phenylpropanoid Metabolism in Suspension Cell Cultures.” Co-authors, Raja S. Payyavula, Scott A. Harding and Chung-Jui Tsai
- Pteridological Section & American Fern Society Student Travel Awards
- Fernando Matos, New York Botanical Garden - Advisor, Dr. Robbin Moran - Botany 2011 presentation: “The ferns and lycophytes of a montane tropical forest in southern Bahia, Brazil.” Co-authors, Paulo Henrique Labiak and Andre, Amorim
- Monique McHenry, University of Vermont - Advisor, Dr. David Barrington - Botany 2011 presentation: “Investigating morphological diversity of Andean Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae): seeking explanations for incongruence between sequence variation and morphological variation.” Co-author, Dr. David Barrington
- The BSA Young Botanist Awards
- The purpose of these awards are to offer individual recognition to outstanding graduating seniors in the plant sciences and to encourage their participation in the Botanical Society of America. The 2011 "Certificate of Special Achievement" award recipients are:
- Gracie Benson-Martin, University Of California, Berkeley - Advisor, Dr. Chelsea D. Specht
- Amanda Bieber, Old Dominion University - Advisor, Dr. Lytton John Musselman
- Caitlin M. Bregitzer, Miami University - Advisor, Dr. John Z. Kiss
- Melanie Brusky, University of Cincinnati - Advisor, Dr. Theresa Culley
- Alicia Campbell, Miami University - Advisor, Dr. Carolyn Keiffer
- Guillaume Chomicki-Bayada, University of Manchester - Advisor, Dr. Simon Turner
- Sasha Dow-Kitson, State University of New York at Plattsburgh - Advisor, Dr. Christopher T. Martine
- Peter A. Frank, Miami University - Advisor, Dr. Dave Gorchov
- Joseph Gallagher, University of Florida - Advisor, Dr. Douglas Soltis
- Rachel Germain, University of Guelph - Advisor, Dr. Christina M. Caruso
- Arthur Grupe II, Humboldt State University - Advisor, Dr. Terry W. Henkel
- Alex E. Harkess, Miami University - Advisor, Dr. Richard C. Moore
- Jillian M. Hertzberg, Miami University - Advisor, Dr. Dave Gorchov
- Katharine Huntoon, Miami University - Advisor, Dr. John Z. Kiss
- Alexandra Knight, Walsh University - Advisor, Dr. Jennifer A. Clevinger
- Matthew Lettre, University of Tennessee - Advisor, Dr. Joe Williams
- Starr Matsushita, University of Puget Sound - Advisor, Dr. Andreas Madlung
- William McKnight Moore, University of California, Riverside - Advisor, Dr. Darleen DeMason
- Irma Ortiz, University of California Los Angeles - Advisor, Dr. Ann M. Hirsch
- Nikisha Patel, University of Connecticut - Advisor, Dr. Kent E. Holsinger
- Jaime Patze, Willamette University - Advisor, Dr. Susan Kephart
- Kristin Pearson, Colorado College - Advisor, Dr. Tass Kelso
- Hannah Philippsen, Miami University - Advisor, Dr. Roger Meicenheimer
- Megan Philpott, University of Cincinnati - Advisor, Dr. Theresa Culley
- Melanie Poole, Connecticut College - Advisor, Dr. T. Page Owen Jr.
- Gerald Presley, Eastern Illinois University - Advisor, Dr. Andrew S. Methven
- Evan J. Rose, Miami University - Advisor, Dr. Nancy Smith-Huerta
- Alex Scharf, State University of New York at Plattsburgh - Advisor, Dr. Christopher T. Martine
- Klara Scharnagl, Florida International University - Advisor, Dr. Suzanne Koptur
- Lilly Schelling, State University of New York at Plattsburgh - Advisor, Dr. Christopher T. Martine
- Emily Scherbatskoy, University of Colorado, Boulder - Advisor, Dr. Pamela K Diggle
- Paige Swanson, University of Colorado, Boulder - Advisor, Dr. Stephanie Mayer
- Ericka Veliz, Salisbury University - Advisor, Dr. Ryan Taylor
- Seana Walsh, University of Hawai’i at M?noa - Advisor, Dr. Tom A. Ranker
- Keir Wefferling, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee - Advisor, Dr. Sara Hoot
- Amanda Wildenberg, Eastern Illinois University - Advisor, Dr. Janice M. Coons
- Lindsey Worcester, Kansas State University - Advisor, Dr. Carolyn J. Ferguson
- The BSA PLANTs Grant Recipients
- The purpose of these awards are to offer individual recognition to outstanding graduating seniors in the plant sciences and to encourage their participation in the Botanical Society of America.
- Brian Atkinson, Ohio University
- Betsabe Castro, University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras
- James McDaniel, Lynchburg College
- Irma Ortiz, UCLA
- Amber Paasch, California State University - LA
- Barbara Putnam, Delta State University
- Jon Richey, Texas State University - San Marcos
- Katherine Toll, University of Miami
- Clayton Visger, California State University - Sacramento
- The BSA Undergraduate Travel Grants
- The purpose of these awards are to offer individual recognition to outstanding graduating seniors in the plant sciences and to encourage their participation in the Botanical Society of America.
- Joe Gallagher, University of Florida
- Megan Bontrager, UCSC
- Timothy Williams, Ohio University
- Brittany Verrico, Washington & Jefferson College
- Patrick Garrett, Wabash College
- Samantha Fleming, Central Michigan University
- Samantha Lichtenwald, Central Michigan University
- Women in Science Travel Grants
- The purpose of these awards are to offer individual recognition to outstanding graduating seniors in the plant sciences and to encourage their participation in the Botanical Society of America.
- Janna Rose, Florida International University
- Tanisha Williams, California State University - LA
- Aliya Donnell, Ohio University
- Katrina McClure, University of Kansas
- Karie Harris, Arkansas State University
- Elizabeth Hinkle, Texas A&M - Corpus Christi
- Geraldine Boyden, St. John's University
- Thien-Y Lee, University of Washington
- Gretchen Nelson, University of Maine - Orono
- Anne Johnson, Duke University
- Allison Bronson, Humbolt State University
- Kara Barron, Arizona State University