Botanical Society of America Awards Recipients 2024

We are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 awards provided by the Botanical Society of America. Here we provide recognition for outstanding efforts and contributions to the science of botany. We thank you for your support of these programs. 

Given by SECTIONS   Given by SECTIONS


Student Presentation and Poster Awards

Student Travel Awards (STA)

Award winners will be added below as they become available.

Awards for Established Scientists

Distinguished Fellow of the Botanical Society of America
The "Distinguished Fellow of the Botanical Society of America" is the highest honor our Society bestows. Each year, the award committee solicits nominations, evaluates candidates, and selects those to receive an award. Awardees are chosen based on their outstanding contributions to the mission of our scientific Society. The committee identifies recipients who have demonstrated excellence in basic research, education, public policy, or who have provided exceptional service to the professional botanical community, or who may have made contributions to a combination of these categories.

Dr. Steven Neil Handel, Rutgers University


Charles Edwin Bessey Teaching Award (BSA in association with the Teaching Section and Education Committee)

Dr. Joan Edwards, Williams College

Dr. Joan Edwards, a professor at Williams College for five decades, has shaped a career characterized by an unwavering commitment to nurturing the next generation of botanists and environmental stewards. Through her innovative teaching methods, she has instilled a sense of curiosity and wonder in countless students. As one of her nominators pointed out, “Very few faculty members at any higher education institution have the stamina to remain in their position this long, and even fewer do so while not only maintaining their teaching and research standards, but continuing to pioneer and adjust to changes in technology, student needs, and pedagogical understanding in the way that Dr. Edwards has.”

Her courses, such as Field Botany and Conservation Biology, have served as catalysts for intellectual growth, fostering interdisciplinary exploration and hands-on research experiences. Dr. Edwards has remained dedication to student-centered research, teaching the value of observation, curiosity, interconnection, integration, AND that the unexpected is always interesting. She has cultivated a collaborative environment where students are empowered to make meaningful contributions to the field. One of her former students stated, “Joan’s ability to convey the excitement and wonder of biological phenomena and then make the underlying concepts, (whether physical, molecular, developmental, ecological, or evolutionary) seem simple and accessible to all of her students is the core of her approach to teaching.”

Beyond the classroom, Dr. Edwards's outreach efforts transcend boundaries, engaging with the broader community to foster conservation efforts and a deeper appreciation for the natural world. Dr. Joan Edwards epitomizes the essence of excellence in botanical teaching, embodying a profound passion for plants and a steadfast dedication to inspiring future generations of botanical enthusiasts.



Impact Award 
The Botanical Society of America Impact Award recognizes a BSA member or group of members who have significantly contributed to advancing diversity, accessibility, equity, and/or inclusion in botanical scholarship, research and education.

Dr. Kristine Callis-Duehl, Driemeyer Executive Director of Education


Donald R. Kaplan Memorial Lecture

Dr. Cynthia Jones, University of Connecticut


The BSA Developing Nations Travel Grants

Elton John de Lírio, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Carina I. Motta, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Rio Claro, Brazil

Boniface Ngarega, Oklahoma State University, USA

Malka Saba, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Jackeline Salazar, Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Anju Batta Sehgal, Retd. Principal Govt. College Hamirpur Himachal Pradesh, India

Prabha Sharma, University of Delhi, India


The BSA Professional Member Travel Grants

Kelsey J.R.P. Byers, John Innes Centre

Elton John de Lírio, University of São Paulo

Lekeah Durden, Central Michigan University

Elizabeth McCarthy, SUNY Cortland

Pedro Henrique Pezzi, University of Arkansas

Prabha Sharma, University of Delhi


 The BSA Member Travel Grants to Attend the IBC

Erin G. Bentley, University of Wyoming

Patricia W. Chan, University of Wisconsin-Madison

David Hoyos, Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal (IMBIV-CONICET)

Masoumeh Khodaverdi, University of Vermont

Andrew E. McDougall, The University of Adelaide

Juan Pablo Ortiz Brunel, Universidad de Guadalajara

Resmi Sekarathil, Botanical Survey of India

Aleena Xavier, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal


 Hermann Becker Student Field Work Grant - (Paleobotanical Section)

Niall Whalen – Florida State University


 Remy, Remy, and Winslow Award - (Paleobotanical Section)

Eva Maria Silva Bandeira – University of Kansas, for the paper: The oldest record of reproductive structure of Nothofagaceae and Proteaceae from the Campanian of Antarctica. Co-Authors: Ari Iglesias, Brian Atkinson, Mauro Passalia, Pablo Picca and Selena Smith
Emma Casselman – California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt, for the paper: Characterizing and distinguishing early euphyllophytes with woody growth based on secondary xylem anatomy: method development and applications. Co-Author: Alexandru M.F. Tomescu

Ellie Frazier – California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt, for the paper: Early steps in pith evolution: euphyllophytes of the Lower Devonian Battery Point Formation of Gaspé (Quebec, Canada). Co-Author: Alexandru M.F. Tomescu

Madison Lalica – California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt, for the paper: Plant periderm as a continuum in structural organization: a tracheophyte-wide survey and hypotheses on evolution. Co-Author: Alexandru M.F. Tomescu

Meg Nibblelink – University of Kansas, for the paper: A rare lycopod macrofossil from the Triassic of Antarctica. Co-Author: Kelly Matsunaga

Caroline Siegert – Cornell University, for the paper: Earliest record of Malpighiaceae: four-winged fruits from the early Eocene of Patagonia, Argentina. Co-Author: Maria A. Gandolfo

Keana Tang – University of Kansas, for the paper: Fossil flowers support a Cretaceous diversification of crown-group Laurales. Co-Authors: Kelly K.S. Matsunaga, Brian A. Atkinson

Zane Walker – Oregon State University, for the paper: Late Cretaceous (Campanian) bryophyte flora: A permineralized moss from James Ross Island, Antarctica. Co-Authors: Ruth A. Stockey, Gar W. Rothwell, Brian A. Atkinson, Selena Y. Smith, and Ari Iglesias

Tengxiang Wang – Pennsylvania State University, for the paper: The Pliocene Kon Tum flora from central Vietnam — ancient analog of Mainland Southeast Asia’s endangered tropical seasonal forests. Co-Authors: Jia Liu, Peter Wilf, Jian Huang, Shi-Tao Zhang, Truong Van Do, Hung Ba Nguyen, Tao Su


Michael Cichan Paleobotanical Research Grant (Paleobotanical Section)

The Award is to provide funds for those who have completed a PhD and are currently in a post-doctoral position or non-tenure track position.

Facundo De Benedetti – Argentina



AJB Synthesis Papers and Prize

The AJB Synthesis Prize is intended to showcase early-career scientists and to highlight their unique perspectives on a research area or question, summarizing recent work and providing new insights that advance the field. The Prize comes with a $2000 award and recognition at the BSA Awards Ceremony at the Botany Conference. This is the first year of this award.

Dr. Meghan Blumstein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for her article "The drivers of intraspecific trait variation and their implications for future plant productivity and survival,” (American Journal of Botany 111(4): e16312).


Botanical Advocacy and Service Grant

This award organized by the Environmental and Public Policy Committees of BSA and ASPT aims to support local efforts that contribute to shaping public policy on issues relevant to plant sciences. To learn more about the winning projects click here.

Susana M. Wadgymar, Davidson College

For the proposal: 
Companion ethnobotanical gardens at Davidson College and Catawba Indian Nation


BSA Emerging Leaders Award

Dr. Aaron S. David, Archbold Biological Station


BSA Public Policy Award

The Public Policy Award was established in 2012 to support the development of of tomorrow's leaders and get a better understanding of this critical area.

Cael Dant, Northwestern University and the Chicago Botanic Garden

Jenna Miladin, University of Arkansas


AJ Harris Graduate Student Research Award
This award is named in honor of the late Dr. AJ Harris whose research spanned traditional specimen-based science, paleobotany, phylogenomics, biogeography, and computational biology. This award will be given in conjunction with the Graduate Student Research Awards, and will be given to a graduate student whose research is representative of one of the areas above.

Malith Viduranga Weerapperuma achchi athukoralage don, Texas A & M university, For the Proposal: Phylogenetics and biogeography of Family Balsaminaceae: Special emphasis on South and southeastern Asia


Donald R. Kaplan Dissertation Award in Comparative Morphology
This award was created to promote research in plant comparative morphology. The Kaplan family has established an endowed fund, administered through the Botanical Society of America, to support the Ph.D. research of graduate students in this area.

Andrea Appleton, Harvard University, for the Proposal: Diversity and development of the intricate staminodes across Loasaceae (Cornales).


Graduate Student Dissertation Award in Phylogenetic Comparative Plant Biology
This award supports the Ph.D. research of graduate students in the area of comparative plant biology, broadly speaking, from genome to whole organism. To learn more about this award click here.

David M. Kunkel, Oklahoma State University, For the Proposal: Linking Functional Traits and Niches to Lineage Diversification in Asclepias


The BSA Graduate Student Research Award including the J. S. Karling Award
The BSA Graduate Student Research Awards support graduate student research and are made on the basis of research proposals and letters of recommendations. Withing the award group is the Karling Graduate Student Research Award. This award was instituted by the Society in 1997 with funds derived through a generous gift from the estate of the eminent mycologist, John Sidney Karling (1897-1994), and supports and promotes graduate student research in the botanical sciences.

The J. S. Karling Graduate Student Research Award

Chinedum Anajemba, Utah State University, For the Proposal: Unraveling the Macroevolutionary Fate of Polyploids: A Comprehensive Study of the Cystopteridaceae Fern Family

The BSA Graduate Student Research Awards

Richard Baker-Strader, San Francisco State University, For the Proposal: The genome, origins , and evolution of the Hawaiian tetraploid Chenopodium oahuense

Martín Batalla, Old Dominion University, For the Proposal: Biogeography of Nototriche (Malvaceae), one of the most diverse plant genera endemic to the high-Andes

Bridget Bickner, Harvard University, For the Proposal: Genetic architecture of the flower size/number and seed size/number tradeoffs in Phlox

Thomas Buchloh, Clemson University, For the Proposal: Investigating the Role of Diploid Gamete Formation on Polyploid Abundance in a Widespread Fern

Emma K. Chandler, University of Georgia, For the Proposal: Impacts of climate change on the maintenance of gynodioecy: the pattern, mechanism, and demographic processes underlying population level sex ratio

Nikhil R. Chari, Harvard University, For the Proposal: How will plant root exudation respond to climate change in situ?

Kaitlyn Dawson, Queen's University, For the Proposal: Fitness consequences of divergent selection on clonal reproduction in a perennial plant

Aidan Harrington, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, For the Proposal: The establishment and persistence of neopolyploid plants and consequences for geographic range

Rachel Hopkins, State University of New York: College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY ESF), For the Proposal: Plants on the move: Tracking 60 years of climate-induced vegetation shifts on a northeastern mountain

Sierra Jaeger, University of South Carolina, For the Proposal: Do pollinators or herbivores select on floral betalain pigmentation in sand verbenas?: A multiple-year field experiment

José Esteban Jiménez, University of Florida, For the Proposal: Phylogenomics of two poorly known terrestrial subgenera in Peperomia

Daniel Mok, Michigan State University, For the Proposal: Investigating the carnivorous genus Pinguicula (Lentibulariaceae) as a candidate novel model system of plant resilience research

Lydia Morley, Texas A&M University, For the Proposal: Using spatially explicit phylogenetic networks to uncover variation in gene flow across Spiranthes lineages

Aislinn Mumford, Louisiana State University, For the Proposal: Evolution of Fruit Color and Nutritional Signaling in Palicourea, a Genus of Neotropical Flowering Plants

Austin T. Nguyen, University of Kansas, For the Proposal: Investigating Homology, Heterochrony, and Trait Evolution in the Cypress Family

Carlos J. Pardo De la Hoz, Duke University, For the Proposal: Opening the black box of horizontal transmission of symbionts: do environmental aposymbiotic communities shape the communities within symbiotic systems?

Kyle Simpson, Texas A&M University, For the Proposal: On the origin of (rare) species: Combining phylogenetic biogeography and niche modeling to understand the diversification of rare plant species

Cameron So, McGill University, For the Proposal: Testing gene flow effects on range-edge population fitness and range expansion success

Edward Sun, University of British Columbia, For the Proposal: Revealing plant adaptations to mycoheterotrophy using a high-quality chromosome-scale genome assembly

Ryan Thummel, Cornell University, For the Proposal: Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Predict the Phylogenetic and/or Ecological Affinities of Moss Spores

April Wallace, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, For the Proposal: Exploring shikimate pathway disruption as a possible intrinsic isolating barrier in trees

Elizabeth White, University of Florida, For the Proposal: Comparative phylogeography along a seepage slope gradient: a case study in the genus Xyris with implications for patterns of speciation and endemism in the North American Coastal Plain

Ziqi Xie, Portland State University, For the Proposal: Fitness Effects of Adaptive SNPs in a Recent Ranunculus Hybrid Zone

Matthew Yamamoto, Claremont Graduate University, For the Proposal: A Flora of the McGee Creek Watershed, Mono County, California


The BSA Undergraduate Student Research Awards
The BSA Undergraduate Student Research Awards support undergraduate student research and are made on the basis of research proposals and letters of recommendation.

Bridget Badali, Queen's University, For the Proposal: Genetic variation and population differentiation in vegetative pigmentation across the range of invasive New Zealand Mimulus guttatus. Co-author: Dr. Jannice Friedman

Sasha Carrasco, Eastern Kentucky University, For the Proposal: Investigating the bioactive properties of the genus Lygodium through phytochemical composition analysis. Co-author: Dr. Sally Chambers

Luis Hurtado, Texas A&M University, For the Proposal: Environmental DNA detection of an endangered moss. Co-authors: Katie K. Sanbonmatsu, Dale Kruse, Daniel Spalink

Isabel Smalley, University of Minnesota Duluth, For the Proposal: Resolving Phylogeny Through Deep Time: An Exploration of Myriopteris covillei (Pteridaceae).


The Botany and Beyond: PLANTS Grants Recipients
The PLANTS (Preparing Leaders and Nurturing Tomorrow’s Scientists: Increasing the diversity of plant scientists) program recognizes outstanding undergraduates from diverse backgrounds and provides travel grant.

Mariana Acevedo Garcia, Pomona College, Advisor: Carrie Kiel

Giorgio Casini, University of Colorado Boulder, Advisor: Jonathan Henn

Kendall Cross, St Cloud State University, Advisor: Angela McDonnell

Carmen Curry, Virginia Tech, Advisor: Jordan Metzgar

Kylie Gieser, Old Dominion University, Advisor: Lisa Wallace

Hannah Herrick, California Polytechnic University - Pomona, Advisor: Edward Bobich

Riley Jackson, Utah Valley University, Advisor: Michael Rotter

Asma Jamil, University of Michigan-Dearborn, Advisor: David Susko

Danielle Keysaw, Utah Valley University, Advisor: Erin Riggs

Mellifera Letterman, California State University, Fullerton, Advisor: Joshua Der

Elizabeth Mandala, Idaho State University, Advisor: Kathryn Turner

Austin Melancon, University of Michigan, Advisor: Charles Davis

Alison Munaylla-Bohorquez, Marymount University, Advisor: Megan Romberg

Giovanna Munoz-Gonzalez, California State University, Fresno, Advisor: Katherine Waselkov

Amaya-Jean Roberts, Utah Valley University, Advisor: Erin Riggs

Rose Roberts, Oregon State University, Advisor: Juan Navarro

Sydney Sauls, Howard University, Advisor: Janelle Burke

Reynalda Vazquez, University of South Carolina Upstate, Advisor: Benjamin Montgomery

Sydney Ward, Hope College, Advisor: Jennifer Blake-Mahmud

Amiya Whitson, Auburn University at Montgomery, Advisor: Vanessa Koelling


The BSA Young Botanist Awards
The purpose of these awards is to offer individual recognition to outstanding graduating seniors in the plant sciences and to encourage their participation in the Botanical Society of America.

Certificate of Special Achievement

Nadia Alhassani, Barnard College, Advisor: Hilary Callahan

Megan O. Callahan, University of Cincinnati, Advisor: Theresa Culley

Addison G. Darby, Oklahoma State University, Advisor: Sierra Jaeger

Cari DeCoursey, Weber State University, Advisor: Jim Cohen

Olivia C. Degreenia, Louisiana State University, Advisor: Laura Lagomarsino

Sophie Demaisy, Connecticut College, Advisor: T. Page Owen

Aubanie Dubacher, Fort Lewis College, Advisor: Ross McCauley

Elanor Fuller, Louisiana State University, Advisor: Laura Lagomarsino

Cecelia “Ginkgo” Hemmerle, Miami University, Advisor: Richard Moore

David Klump, Miami University, Advisor: Richard Moore

Elizabeth Lay Mandala, Idaho State University, Advisor: Kathryn Turner

Brais Marchena Fernández, Weber State University, Advisor: Sue Harley

Valerie McCauley, Miami University, Advisor: Richard Moore

Shannen McIntyre-Quinn, Miami University, Advisor: Richard Moore

Sumayya Mokit, Barnard College, Advisor: Hilary Callahan

David M. Neelappa, Connecticut College, Advisor: T. Page Owen

Riley Rees, Ohio University, Advisor: John Schenk

Andrew Ruegsegger, University of Arkansas, Advisor: Maribeth Latvis

Emily Scott, University of Virginia, Advisor: Hanna Makowski

Renee Smith, Connecticut College, Advisor: T. Page Owen

Zach H. Smith, University of Wisconsin, Advisor: Christopher Krieg

Luke Sparreo, Connecticut College, Advisor: T. Page Owen

Sarah Ellen Strickland, Oberlin College, Advisor: Michael Moore

Owen E. Tapia Daly, University of Guelph, Advisor: Hafiz Maherali

Emma Terry, Plymouth State University, Advisor: Diana Jolles

My N. Trinh, Oberlin College, Advisor: Michael Moore

Certificate of Recognition

McKenna M. Oyer, Miami University, Advisor: Richard Moore

Will Payton, Miami University, Advisor: Richard Moore


Vernon I. Cheadle Student Travel Awards (BSA in association with the Developmental and Structural Section)

This award was named in honor of the memory and work of Dr. Vernon I. Cheadle.

Haylee Nedblake, University of Kansas; Advisor: Lena Hileman; For the Presentation: Parallel evolution of corolla tube width shifts in Penstemon. Co-authors: Carolyn Wessinger, Lena Hileman

Austin T. Nguyen, University of Kansas; Advisor: Kelly Matsunaga; For the Presentation: Intercalary Growth and Seed Cone Development in Taxodium distichum and Juniperus virginiana (Cupressaceae). Co-authors: Ana Andruchow-Colombo, Kelly Matsunaga


The BSA Student and PostDoc Travel Awards
Winners were selected by lottery

Ioana Anghel

Madeline Bednar

Shiran Ben Zeev

Matthew Finzel

Megan Gauger

JianJun Jin

Ishveen Kaur

Masoumeh Khodaverdi

Mason McNair

Wesley Radford


Southeastern Section Student Presentation Awards
The following winners were selected from the Association of Southeastern Biologists meeting that took place at the end of March, 2024.

Southeastern Section Paper Presentation Award
Meredith Woodward, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Southeastern Section Poster Presentation Award
Kaya Rosselle, NC State University


Developmental & Structural Section Student Travel Awards

Sanam Parajuli, South Dakota State University; Advisor: Dr. Madhav Nepal; For the Presentation: Predicted Genetics of Floral Patterning in Amborella trichopoda Baill Revealed by Genome-wide Survey and Expression Analysis of MADS-Box Transcription Factors. Co-authors: Madhav Nepal, Bibek Adhikari

Pei-Jun Xie, National Tsing Hua University; Advisor: Li-Yaung Kuo; For the Presentation: Comparative anatomical study in Tectaria species with different leaf dimorphism levels in a world of diverse reproductive strategies. Co-authors: You-Wun Hwang, Li-Yaung Kuo


Ecological Section Student Travel Awards

Elton John de Lirio, University of São Paulo; Advisor: Dr. Jenn Yost; For the Presentation: Phylogenetic position and sex expression of the first known Neotropical Monimiaceae paradioecious species. Co-authors: Heloisa Alves de Lima, Ariane Luna Peixoto, Marc Pignal, Vitor dos Santos Gomes Maia, Gabriel Silva Santos, Cassia Sakuragui

Ethan E. Grant, Miami University; Advisor: Dr. Richard Moore; For the Presentation: Floral scent and intersexual mimicry in dioecious highland papaya Vasconcellea parviflora. Co-author: Richard Moore


Genetics Section Student Travel Awards

Bibek Adhikari, South Dakota State University, Advisor: Dr. Madhav Nepal, For the Presentation: Chloroplast Phylogenomics Supports Monophyly of Genus Morus. Co-authors: Sanam Parajuli, Madhav Nepal


Pteridological Section & American Fern Society Student Travel Awards

Qiao-Yi Xie, National Taiwan University; Advisor: Ko-Hsuan Chen; For the Presentation: Fungal Community Dynamics Across Generations and Compartments in the Epiphytic Fern Ophioderma pendulum. Co-authors: Li-Yaung Kuo, Chiung‐Chih Chang, Chien-Jung Lin, Wen-Hong Wang, Ko-Hsuan Chen