BSA Corresponding Members
Corresponding members are distinguished scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the plant sciences and who live and work outside of the United States of America. The committee seeks nominees who have had a significant impact to the plant sciences throughout their career as demonstrated by excellence in research and scholarship. Additional criteria may include meaningful contributions in education, public policy and/or exceptional service to the professional botanical community, or a combination of these qualities. Recipients will also have demonstrated leadership and engagement in relevant scientific organizations within their own country and/or internationally.
Corresponding members are considered by the Corresponding Member Committee, forwarded to the Council, which reviews recommendations and credentials submitted by members, and approved by the membership at the annual BSA business meeting. Corresponding members have all the privileges of life-time members.
Requirements for Nomination
Nominations will be submitted by BSA members through the BSA online awards portal and should include:
- a curriculum vitae of the proposed candidate,
- a detailed explanation of the qualifications and achievements of the candidate, and
- at least three letters of support (including one nomination letter) with at least one of these letters coming from a relevant colleague in the country of the nominee
- the Professional Conduct Disclosure Form from the nominator and any other letter writers
All nominated awardees must adhere to the BSA Guidelines for Professional Ethics and the Ethical Guidelines for Nominated Awards.
All items should be combined into one PDF file for upload to the BSA Awards portal.
This award is now open for nominations.
Nominations should be completed by February 3, 2025 to be considered for award of corresponding membership at the BSA Business meeting in July 2025.
Submit Your Nomination
Current BSA members can access the awards portal by clicking here and logging in with your BotanyID/Password. Once signed in, click on the "2025 - Corresponding Members" link and you should see a blue button that says "+ Create New Nomination" at the bottom if your login was successful.
Please feel free to email with any questions about the nomination and application process.

Lúcia Lohmann, a 2019 Corresponding Member, wrote: "Thank you so much for such wonderful news! I have no words to express how honored I feel for having been selected as a corresponding member of BSA. The Botanical Society of America has played a really key role throughout my career, and this recognition gives me a new boost to continue to conduct research here in Brazil, despite the difficult times that Brazilian sciences are facing. I deeply appreciate this recognition, which is a very special one given how much I value BSA. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything that I can do to help the Society."
Abbott, Richard (2019) University of St. Andrews London, United Kingdom
Guzmán, Jorge Alejandro López-Portillo (2013) Instituto de Ecología, A.C. Xalapa, Veracruz, México |
Meyer-Berthaud, Brigitte (2018) CNRS, Montpellier, France |
Anton, Ana (2015) Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal and the University of Córdoba, Argentina
Halle', Francis (1988) Montpellier, France
Nieto Feliner, Gonzalo (2023) Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid Madrid, Spain
Archangelsky, Sergio (1979) Vincente Lopez, Argentina
Hejnowicz, Zygmunt (1965) Univ-UL Jagielonksa, Katowice, Poland
Nishida, Harufumi (2018) Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan |
Arroyo, Mary Kalin (1996) Universidad de Chile-Casilla, Santiago, Chile
Herrera, Carlos (1994) Estacion Biologica de Donana CSIC, Sevilla, Spain
Olson, Mark (2024) Ciudad de México, México
Baas, Pieter (1987) National Herbarium of the Netherlands, Leiden, Netherlands
Herrero, Maria (2015) Estacion Experimental de Aula Dei CSIC, Zaragoza, Spain
Nougarede, Arlette (1990) LAB. C E M V-Univ P & M Curie, Paris, France
Berg, Rolf Y. (1963) University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Heywood, Vernon H. (1988) University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom
Pandey, Vashist (2018) DDU Gorakhpur University Gorakhpur, India
Bernardello, Gabriel (1999) Museo Botanico, Cordoba, Argentina |
Hong, De-Yuan (2000) Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xianshan, Beijing, China |
Piñero, Daniel (2013) Institute of Ecology, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México City, Distrito Federal, México |
Briggs, Barbara (1997) Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Australia
Hopper, Stephen (2007) University of Western Australia Albany, WA, Australia
Prado, Jefferson (2019) Instituto de Botânica, Herbário, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Buvat, Roger Andre (1990) Montpellier, France
Hormaza, Jose Inaki (2017) Institute for Mediterranean and Subtropical Horticulture "La Mayora" CSIC Malaga, Spain
Prance, Sir Ghillean (1975) Dorset, England
Catalan, Pilar (2017) University of Zaragoza, Huesca, Spain Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
Huntley, Brian (2004) Betty's Bay, South Africa
Raven, John (2010) University of Dundee, Scotland
Chaloner, William G. (1987) University of London, Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom
Ingold, Cecil Terence (1986) Northumbria, United Kingdom |
Rico-Gray, Victor (2019) Universidad Veracruzana, Veracruz, Mexico
Charlesworth, Deborah (2015) Edinburgh University, Scotland
Ivanov, Victor B. (2012) Timiryazev Institute of Plant Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Rudall, Paula (2000) Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, United Kingdom |
Coen, Enrico (2004) Colney, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, United Kingdom
Kawano, Shoichi (1981) Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan |
Rzedowski, Jerzy (2000) Instituto De Ecologia, A.C., Mich, México |
Dettmann, Mary (1986) Queensland Museum, Hendra, Australia
Kuhlemeier, Cris (2015) University of Bern, Switzerland
Samain, Marie-Stéphanie (2021) Mexico
Dickinson, Hugh G. (2005) Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom
Kursanov, Andzei Lvovitch (1985) Institute of Plant Physiology, Botanitcheskaya 35, Moscow, Russia |
Sarbu, Anca (2010) University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
Dransfield, John (2011) Royal Botanical Garden, Kew, United Kingdom |
Kutschera, Ulrich (2013) Institute of Biology, Universität Kassel, Kassel, Germany |
Shi, Suhua (2017) Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, P.R. China
Edwards, Dianne (1995) University of Wales, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Liaaen—Jensen, Synnøve (2012) University of Tronheim, Tronheim, Norway
Sun, Ge (2008) Changchun, China |
Endress, Peter (1983) University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Linder, Peter (2021) Switzerland
Tolba, Mostafa Kamal (2006) Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
Fahn, Abraham (1980) Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Liu, Jianquan (2021) China
Yahara, Tetsukazu (2013) Kyushu University, Hakozaki, Fukuoka, Japan
Ferguson, Ian Keith (1983) Glouchestershire, United Kingdom
Lohmann, Lucia (2019) Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Zaidi, Muddasir Israr (2010) University of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan
Friis, Else Marie (2024) Stockholm, Sweden
Lu, Bao-rong (2007) Fudan University, Shanghai, China |
Zindler-Frank, Elizabeth (1997) MARBURG/LAHN, Germany
Galtier, Jean (2006) Botanique et Bioinformatique de l’Architecture des Plantes, CIRAD, Montpellier, France
MacRobbie, Enid A. C. (2010) University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
Zuloaga, Fernando (2019) Instituto de Botánica Darwinion, San Isidro, Argentina
Ge, Song (2017) Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiangshan, Beijing, P.R. China |
Mark, Sir Alan (2013) University of Otago, New Zealand |
Giulietti-Harley, Ana Maria (2017) Instituto Tecnologico Vale de Desenvolvimento Sustentavel, Belem, Para, Brazil |
Melkonian, Michael (2004) Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, Germany |
Corresponding Members - Deceased
Arber, Agnes
Harris, Thomas Maxwell |
Poelt, Josef
Ashida, Joji
Hattori, Sinski
Prain, David |
Bachmann, Konrad
Hegnauer, Robert
Pringsheim, Ernst G. |
Baur, Erwin
Heim, Roger
Rauh, Werner
Blackman, Frederick Frost
Here, Hiroshi
Remy, Winfried
Borgesen, F. C. E.
Hernandez Xolocotzi, Efraim |
Rendle, Alfred Barton
Bower, Frederick 0.
Heslop-Harrison, John
Renner, Otto
Boysen-Jensen, P.
Hill, Arthur William
Rosenberg, Otto
Bresadola, Abbe Giacomo
Hoeg, Ove Arbo
Rubel, Edward
Bradshaw, Tony
Holttum, Richard Eric
Sahni, Birbal
Briquet, John Isaac
Huber, Bruno
Sauvageau, Camille Francois
Bunning, Erwin
Hulten, Eric
Schopfer, William H.
Burkart, Arturo E.
Hunziker, Armando
Schroter, Carel Cornelis
Burstrom, Hans Georg
Hutchinson, J.
Schuepp, Otto
Cardenas, Martin
lkeno, Seiitiro
Schumacher, Robert W.
Catcheside, David G.
Johannsen, Wilhelm Ludvig
Scott, Dukinfield Henry
Chailakhian, Mikhail
Johnson, Lawrence A. S.
Seward, Albert Charles
Chandler, Marjorie
Jost, Ludwig
Skoftsberg, Carl
Chodat, Robert Hippolyte
Kihara, Hitoshi
Smith, William Wright
Cockayne, Leonard
Klebahn, Henrich
Soueges, Rene
Collander, Paul Runar
Kluyver, Albert Jan
Stafleu, Frans A.
Cookson, Isabel C.
Krapovickas, Antonio
Stearn, William T.
Correns, Carl Franz Joseph Erich
Krausel, Richard 0.
Steeves, Taylor
Corner, E. J. H.
Kylin, Harald
Svedelius, Nels Eberhard
Cutter, Elizabeth Graham
LeC Jercq, Suzanne
Symon, David E.
Dangeard, Pierre-Auguste-Clement
Leon, Hermano
Takhtajan, Armen Leonovich
Dainty, Jack
Li, Xingxue
Tamiya, Hiroshi
Darlington, Cyril Dean
Lloyd, David
Tang, Pei Sung
DeVries, Hugo
Long, Albert George
Tansley, Arthur George
Diels, Fredrich Ludwig Emil
Lourteig, Alicia
Tamiya, Hiroshi
Dixon, Henry H.
Lundegardh, Henrik
Thanegaraj, G.
Dixon, Hugh Neville
Lwoff, Andre M.
Thomas, Hugh H.
Domin, Karel
MacMillan, Jake
Troll, Wilhelm
Drude, Karl George Oscar
Maheshwari, Panchanan
Tschermak von Seysenegg, Erich
Engler, Heinrich Gustav Adolph
Manton, Irene
Tubeuf, Karl von
Ehrendorfer, Friedrich (1951)
Martens, Pierre
Vandendries, Rene
Erdtman, Gunnar
Maximov, Nicolas Alexandrovich
van Stennis, Cornelius G. G. J.
Evenari, Michael
Mehra, P.
Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich
Faegri, Knut
Metcalfe, Charles Russell
Verdoorn, F.
Feldman, Jean
Miyabe, Kingo
Vogel, Stefan
Flahault, Charles Henri-Marie
Molisch, Hans
von Stosch, Hans Adolph
Florin , C. Rudolf
Muntzing, Arne
Walton, John
Frey-Wyssling, Albert F.
Navashin, Serge Gabrilovich
Warburg, Otto
Fritsch, Felix Eugene
Nemec, Bohumil
Wardlaw, Claude Wilson
Gaumann, Ernst Albert
Ochoa, Carlos (Deceased - 2008)
Went, Friedrich August Ferdinand C.
Gautheret, Roger Jean
Oehklers, Freidrich
Weftstein von Westersheim, Fritz von
Godwin, Harry
Oltmanns, Friedrich |
Wettstein von Westersheim, Richard von
Goebel, Karl I. Everhard Von
Osborne, Daphne
Willstatter, Richard Martin
Gregoire, Victor
Ostenfeld, Carl Emil Hansen
Wu, Zheng-yi
Gregory, F. G.
Palmgren, Alvar
Zahlbruckner, Alexander
Haberlandt, G. J. F.
Philipson, William Raymond
Zimmerman, Walter
Hagemann, Wolfgang
Pichi Sermolli, Rodolfo E. G.
Harper, John L. |
Plantefol, Lucien |