Developmental & Structural Section Student Travel Awards
The Developmental & Structural Section of the Botanical Society of America is pleased to announce 2 student registration and travel awards. Awardees receive both complimentary Botany 2025 registration and $525 in travel awards. These awards are in support of attendance at BOTANY 2025 - Botany without Barriers conference in Palm Springs, California, July 26-30. The award is available to graduate students presenting a paper or poster with developmental & structural content at the conference.
This award is now open.
Submit Your Application - Deadline April 1, 2025 (Noon Central Time)
Current BSA members can access the awards portal by clicking here and logging in with your BotanyID/Password. Once signed in, click on the "BOTANY 2025 - Developmental & Structural Section Student Travel Award" link and you should see a blue button that says "+ Create New Nomination" at the bottom if your login was successful.
Please feel free to email with any questions about the award and application process.

Award Recipients:
- 2024
Sanam Parajuli, South Dakota State University, Advisor: Dr. Madhav Nepal, For the Presentation: Predicted Genetics of Floral Patterning in Amborella trichopoda Baill Revealed by Genome-wide Survey and Expression Analysis of MADS-Box Transcription Factors. Co-authors: Madhav Nepal, Bibek Adhikari
Pei-Jun Xie, National Tsing Hua University, Advisor: Li-Yaung Kuo, For the Presentation: Comparative anatomical study in Tectaria species with different leaf dimorphism levels in a world of diverse reproductive strategies. Co-authors: You-Wun Hwang, Li-Yaung Kuo
- 2023
Yesenia Madrigal B., Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia), Advisor: Natalia Pabón-Mora, For the Presentation: Assessment of the flowering genetic regulatory network in tropical orchids with different lifeforms.
Deannah Neupert, Miami University, Advisor: Richard Moore, For the Presentation: The alteration to vegetative growth and gene expression supports the use of a novel aerial bulbil in Mimulus gemmiparus for reproduction.
- 2022
Cesar Galan, SIPS Plant Biology, Advisor: Alejandra Gandolfo, For the Presentation: Epidermal morphology of the subfamily Athrotaxoideae (Cupressaceae). Co-authors: Ana Andruchow Colombo, Maria Gandolfo
Vandana Gurung, University of Connecticut, Advisor: Pamela Diggle, For the Presentation: The curious case of CUC in corolla tube formation in Mimulus. Co-authors: Pamela Diggle, Yaowu Yuan
Sarita Munoz-Gomez, University of Connecticut, Advisor: Yaowu Yuan, For the Presentation: Creation of novel pigmentation patterns in monkeyflowers (Mimulus). Co-author: Yaowu Yuan
Deannah Neupert, Miami University, Advisor: Richard Moore, For the Presentation: The evolution of structural novelty: A morphological analysis of development in Mimulus and its implications for plant architecture and reproduction. Co-authors: Robert (Rob) Baker, Rich Moore, Jonathan Bauer
Due to the virtual nature of the 2021 botany conference, the section provided registration awards to every student presenting in Developmental and Structural related presentation sections.
- 2020
No Awards Given in 2020
Ana Andruchow Colombo, Museo Paleontológico Egidio Ferugio, Advisor: Ignacio Escapa, For the Presentation: Anatomical studies of two Chilean Podocarpaceae species: insights to the seed cone and leaf morphological evolution of the family Co-authors: Lone Aagesen, Raul Pozner
Molly Edwards, Harvard University, Advisor: Elena Kramer, For the Presentation: Exploring the developmental and genetic basis of complex petal morphologies in bee- and hummingbird-pollinated Aquilegia (columbine) Co-authors: Evangeline S. Ballerini, Gary Choi, L. Mahadevan, Scott Hodges, Elena Kramer
Asia Hightower, Wayne State University, Advisor: Edward Golenberg, For the Presentation: Sculpting an imperfect flower: The study of KNUCKLES in primordia regulation Co-author: Edward Golenberg
- 2018
- Amanda Katzer, University of Kansas, Advisor: Dr. Emily Sessa, For the Presentation: How understanding the evolution of physiological traits and environmental niche can help save the world’s most threatened plant group
- Dustin Ray, University of Connecticut, Advisor: Dr. Cynthia Jones, For the Presentation: Mechanical and physiological traits do not trade off in petioles Co-author: Cynthia Jones
- Cecilia Zumajo, New York Botanical Garden, Advisor: Dr. Barbara Ambrose, For the Presentation: Expression and functional studies of basal eudicot REPLUMLESS homologs during flower and fruit development Co-authors: Natalia Pabon Mora, Barbara Ambrose
- 2017
- Ya Min, Harvard University
- Aniket Sengupta, Kansas University
- 2016
- Muhammad Akbar Abdul Ghaffar, Ohio State University - Advisor, Katrina Cornsih - for the Botany 2016 presentation: "Histological Study of Laticifer and Rubber Particle Ontogeny in Taraxacum kok-saghyz Roots" Co-authors: Tea Meulia and Katrina Cornsih
- Bridget Giffei, Creighton University - Advisor, Mackenzie Taylor - for the Botany 2016 presentation: "Post-pollination development in Ruppia maritima (Ruppiaceae, Alismatales)" Co-authors: Christie L. Dang, Kristine M. Altrichter, Ana E. Wilden and Mackenzie Taylor
- 2015
- Riva Bruen, University of California at Berkeley - Advisor, Chelsea Specht - for the Botany 2015 presentation: "The Fearful Symmetry of Flowers: investigating the role of TCP and MYB transcription factors in establishing dorsal/ventral asymmetry in the Zingiberales, an order of tropical gingers" Co-authors: Ana Almeida and Chelsea Specht
- Kelsey Galimba, University of Washington - Advisor, Veronica Di Stilio - for the Botany 2015 presentation: "Duplication and Divergence of the Floral Organ Identity Genes" Co-authors:Jesús Martínez-Gomez and Veronica Di Stilio
- 2014
- Italo Antonio Cotta Coutinho, Universidade Federal de Vicosa - Advisor, Renata Maria Strozi Alves Meira - for the Botany 2014 presentation: "Diversity of secretory structures in Urena lobata L.: ontogenesis, anatomy and biology of the secretion" Co-authors: Sara Akemi Ponce Otuki, Valéria Ferreira Fernandes, Renata Maria Strozi Alves Meira
- Roux Florian, INRA - Advisor, Jana Dlouhá - for the Botany 2014 presentation: "Flexible juveniles or why trees produce ‘low quality’ wood?" Co-authors: Jana Dlouhá, Tancrède Almeras, Meriem Fournier
- Rebecca Povilus, Harvard University - Advisor, William Friedman - for the Botany 2014 presentation: "Pre-fertilization reproductive development and floral biology in the remarkable water lily, Nymphaea thermarum" Co-authors: Juan M Losada, William E Friedman
- Beck Powers, University of Vermont - Advisor, Jill Preston - for the Botany 2014 presentation: "Evolution of asterid HANABA TARANU-like genes and their role in petal fusion" Co-author: Jill Preston
- 2013
- Abigail Mazie, University of Wisconsin-Madison - Advisor, Dr. David Baum - Botany 2013 presentation: "Understanding cell shape diversity: the evolution of stellate trichomes in Physaria (Brassicaceae)" Co-author: David Baum
- Adrian Dauphinee, Dalhousie University - Advisor, Dr. Arunika Gunawardena - Botany 2013 presentation: "Comparison of the early developmental morphologies of Aponogeton madagascariensis and Aponogeton boivinianus" Co-authors: Christian Lacroix and Arunika Gunawardena
- Lachezar Nikolov, Harvard University - Advisor, Dr. Charles Davis - Botany 2013 presentation: "Developmental origins of the world’s largest flowers" Co-authors: Peter Endress, M Sugumaran, Sawitree Sasirat, Suyanee Vessabutr, Elena Kramer and Charles Davis
- Li-Fen Hung, National Taiwan University - Advisor, Dr. Ling-Long Kuo-Huang - Botany 2013 presentation: "The growth strain and anatomical characteristics of tension wood in artificially inclined seedlings of Koelreuteria henryi Dummer" Co-author: Ling-Long Kuo-Huang
- Bhawana Bhawana, Middle Tennessee State University - Advisor, Dr. Aubrey B. Cahoon - Botany 2013 presentation: "Visualization of 3-Dimensional Plant Cell Architecture with FIB-SEM" Co-authors: Joyce Miller and Aubrey Cahoon
- 2012
- Jacob Landis, University of Florida - Advisor, Dr. Pamela Soltis - Botany 2012 presentation: "All in the family: Pollination syndromes and floral traits in the flowering plant family Polemoniaceae." Co-authors: Pamela Soltis and Douglas Soltis
- Christina Lord, Dalhousie University - Advisor, Dr. Arunika Gunawardena - Botany 2012 presentation: "Actin microfilaments: key regulators of programmed cell death (PCD) in the lace plant." Co-authors: Adrian Dauphinee and Arunika Gunawardena
- Nicholas Miles, University of Florida - Advisor, Dr. Pamela Soltis - Botany 2012 presentation: "Virus-Induced Gene Silencing in Carnivorous Pitcher Plants." Co-authors: Pamela Soltis and Douglas Soltis
- Nelson Salinas, New York Botanical Garden - Advisor, Dr. Paola Pedraza-Peñalosa - Botany 2012 presentation: "Uncovering venation patterns in neotropicalblueberries (Vaccinieae: Ericaceae) and their value for systematics." Co-author: Paola Pedraza-Peñalosa
- Xiaofeng Yin, Miami University, Berkeley - Advisor, Dr. Roger Meicenheimer - Botany 2012 presentation: "A Quantitative Analysis of Discontinuous Phyllotactic Transition in Diphasiastrum digitatum." Co-author: Roger Meicenheimer
- 2011
- Kelly Matsunaga, Humboldt State University - Advisor, Dr. Alexandru Tomescu - Botany 2011 presentation: "Nectary Structure of Scoliopus bigelovii (Liliaceae)." Co-authors: Michael R. Mesler and Alexandru Tomescu
- Robert Baker, University of Colorado, Boulder - Advisor, Dr. Pamela Diggle - Botany 2011 presentation: "Making branches in Mimulus: intraspecific developmental variation inshoot architecture." Co-author: Pamela Diggle
- Geraldine Boyden, St. John's University - Advisor, Dr. Dianella Howarth - Botany 2011 presentation: "CYCLOIDEA-like genes are implicated in development and floral patterning in Fedia cornucopiae (Valerianaceae)." Co-authors: Diane Hardej, Amy Litt and Dianella Howarth
- Michael Malahy, Oklahoma State University - Advisor, Dr. Andrew Doust - Botany 2011 presentation: "Pattern of vegetative architectural development in green millet (Setaria viridis) under varied planting densities." Co-author: Andrew Doust
- Ana Maria Almeida, University of California, Berkeley - Advisor, Dr. Chelsea Specht - Botany 2011 presentation: "Gingers BCs: The role of MADS-box genes in floral evolution in the Zingiberales." Co-authors: Wagner Otoni, Roxana Yocktenga and Chelsea Specht
- Irma Ortiz, University of California, Los Angeles - Advisor, Dr. Ann M. Hirsch - Botany 2011 presentation: "A Bacillus strain isolated by undergraduate students at UCLA promotes plant growth by procuring soil nutrients and may also serve as a biological control agent." Co-authors: Allison Schwartz, Erin R. Sanders, Andrew C. Diener and Ann M. Hirsch
- Allison Schwartz, University of California, Los Angeles - Advisor, Dr. Ann M. Hirsch - Botany 2011 presentation: "A newly isolated Bacillus strain affects legume plant architecture and pea nodule morphology by secreting auxin." Co-authors: Irma Ortiz, Erin R. Sanders, Darleen Demason and Ann M. Hirsch
- 2010
- Jessica Budke, University of Connecticut - Botany 2010 presentation: "Beneath the Calyptra’s Veil: Exploring Cuticle Anatomy during Moss Sporophyte Development." Co-authors: Bernard Goffinet and Cynthia S. Jones
- Natalia Pabon Mora, Graduate Center CUNY/ New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY - Botany 2010 presentation: "The role of APETALA1/FRUITFULL genes in non-core eudicots." Co-author: Amy Litt
- RoseMary Puhr, California State University - Long Beach - Botany 2010 presentation: "Evolution of the YUCCA-like flavin monooxygenase SPARSE INFLORESCENCE1 lineage within flowering plants." Co-author: Simon Malcomber
- Dustin Ray, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona - Botany 2010 presentation: "Seasonal Changes in Non-Structural Carbohydrates in Stems and Lignotubers of Burned and Unburned Southern California Black Walnut (Juglans californica)." Co-authors: Edward Bobich and Frank W. Ewers
- Hans Waldenmaier, Miami University - Botany 2010 presentation: "Gene Expression Patterns of Programmed Cell Death During Vascular Aerenchyma Formation in Seedling Roots of Glycine max cv.'Yukihomare'." Co-author: Daniel, K. Gladish
- Chi-Chih Wu, University of Colorado Boulder - Botany 2010 presentation: "Development of the female gametophyte and young fruit of Balsas teosinte, Zea mays subsp. parviglumis." Co-authors: Pamela K. Diggle and William E. Friedman
2007 Tatiana Arias, University of Tennessee Natalia Pabon Mora, CUNY/New York Botanical Garden Maria Aurineide Rodrigues, Universidade de Sao Paulo Yannick Staedler, University of Zurich Renate Wuersig, Purdue University
2006 Lara, Strittmatter Athena D. McKown Cary Pirone Theresa Meis Chormanski Anna Jacobsen MacKenzie Taylor Theresa Meis Chormanski Garbiel Johnson