The Systematics Section will be providing one $600 travel award by lottery to a student that submits an abstract to the Systematics Section for the BOTANY 2025 - Botany without Barriers conference in Palm Springs, California, July 26-30. The purpose of this award is to support students' attendance and their presentations at the conference. Deadline to apply is April 1, 2025.
Checks for the travel award will be distributed in US dollars on site at the meeting in Palm Springs to the winner. If international wire is required, it will be made once the attendee has confirmed their presence at the conference.
Eligible applicants must be a member of the BSA and must present a talk at the conference.
Topics accepted:
- Biodiversity Informatics and Herbarium Digitization
- Biogeography
- Floristics
- Macroevolution
- Phylogenomics
- Systematics and Taxonomy
This award is now open.
Submit Your Application - Deadline is April 1, 2025.
Current BSA members can access the awards portal by clicking here and logging in with your BotanyID/Password. Once signed in, click on the "BOTANY 2025 - Systematics Section Student Travel Award" link and you should see a blue button that says "+ Create New Nomination" at the bottom if your login was successful.
Please feel free to mail with any questions about the nomination and application process.
