The Botanical Society of America

Our Mission: To inspire and promote an inclusive global community committed to advancing fundamental knowledge and innovation in the botanical sciences for the benefit of people and the environment.

BSA Strategic PlanStrategic Priorities

Human Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 
Research and Scholarly Excellence 
Organizational Impact and Visibility 
Professional Development

To see the BSA Strategic Plan click here (PDF).

BSA Fall Symposium on Climate Change

Diversity and inclusion are core values of the Botanical Society of America. Click here to read BSA's 2020 Response to Racism Against our Black Colleagues and Community. Click here to read our 2021 Statement Against AAPI Racism.

To provide feedback to the Society on ways we can make improvements in relation to DEI, please use this form.

BSA Spotlight Series

The BSA Spotlight Series highlights early career scientists in the BSA community and shares both scientific goals and achievements, as well as personal interests of the botanical scientists, so you can get to know your BSA community better.

Click here to visit the BSA Spotlight Series hompage.

Botany360 Logo

Botany360 is a community event calendar that highlights events happening during the 360 days outside of the Botany Conferences. The goal of this program is to connect the plant science community throughout the year with professional development, discussion sessions, and networking and social opportunities. Recordings to some events will be available on the Botany360 webpage.

Botany360 Calendar Thumbnail  To see the event calendar click here

  Do you want your event to be on the Botany360 calendar?
  Email for more information.

Society Publications & Research Journals

Find Out if You Are Eligible to Publish Your Work Open Access for Free!

“Branching out: Resolving plant evolution through phylogenetic networks”
Proposal submission deadline: August 26, 2024

Phylogenetic networks are increasingly used to explain difficult relationships in the plant tree of life, facilitated by the rapid development of network models and bioinformatics tools over the past decade. However, most existing models are agnostic to key features of plant biology (e.g., polyploidy, reproductive mechanisms), which creates a pressing need to develop new approaches and evaluate the robustness of state-of-the-art methods to exciting challenges in plant evolution. This special issue will highlight methods, tools, databases, and software for investigating patterns of reticulate evolution that can be applied to or make specific considerations for plants.

Click here for more information (or click here for a PDF).


PlantingScience is a free online resource to teachers and schools. The program provides volunteer scientists, resources, and activities to support innovation in teaching, learning, and mentoring. To learn more, or to get involved, click here.

Recent News

Books for Review

Click here to volunteer or see all books.
Sustainability for the Forgotten
Machlis, Gary E. 2024. ISBN: 9781647691677 (Paper US$24.95) 262 pp. The University of Utah Press.
Tidal Marshes of Long Island, New York.
Potente, John E (ed). 2022. ISSN: 22380 128x. (Hardback) Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Society Vol 26. 4th edition. 171 pp. Torrey Botanical Society.
Rewilding Agricultural Landscapes: A California Study in Rebalancing the Needs of People and Nature
Butterfield, H. Scott, T. Rodd Kelsey, and Abigail K. Hart (eds). 2021. ISBN: 9781642831269. (Paper US$39). 252 pp. Island Press