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Duties of the President ElectDutiesUnder Article VI. of the bylaws of the Botanical Society of America, the President-Elect shall perform such duties and have such responsibilities as prescribed by the President or the Board of Directors from time to time. Further, in the absence of the President or in the event of his or her inability or refusal to act, the President-Elect shall perform the duties of the President and, when so acting, shall have all the powers of and be subject to all the restrictions upon the President. Committee Assignments – EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Article X.1.), COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES (Article X.2.) During your year as President Elect, learn as much as possible about the Society, about its membership and its efforts to achieve its mission and objectives. Read the important documents listed above to get a feeling for the scope of the BSA and the duties of the President-Elect. We suggest you take time to learn the issues, concerns, and direction of the Society from the perspective of each of your fellow officers. Ask questions, listen and take notes. Arrange to keep in close contact with the officers and the BSA staff throughout the year via phone and email. Attend the Executive and Council meeting prior to taking office to observe how it is structured and learn about sectional activities. Think about special programs you might wish to adopt as President-Elect and how to continue and enhance existing ones. SeptemberThe Committee on Committees appoints committee members who will begin service at the next BSA conference. As President Elect, you are chair of this committee. BSA staff will provide you with a list of BSA committee positions that will become vacant at the BSA conference next summer. Share this list with your committee and begin discussions considering potential appointments to the positions available. November-DecemberAttend the meeting of the Council of Scientific Society Presidents along with the President, Past President and the Executive Director. This is used as a planning meeting as well as an opportunity to meet with Washington based sister organizations (AIBS, ASPB...). JanuaryIn addition to the names the Committee on Committees has shared, send out request via email to BSA membership soliciting nominations and/or volunteers who may be interested in filling committee positions. FebruaryGo over the names of potential committee members suggested by the Committee on Committees. Decide on possibilities to fill committee positions beginning at the BSA Conference. Call individuals to get commitments to serve. Explain: the duties of the committee they are asked to join; state that appointments officially start as soon as the Conference is completed; that all new committee members are asked to attend any/all committee meetings at the Conference prior to them officially taking the position; that terms years run from Conference to Conference; and provide them with the actual term of service. Remember that as President-elect, you find people to fill committee positions and then you will need to send them a formal letter post-Conference (as President) actually appointing them to these positions. March - AprilAttend Executive Committee meeting. Report on activities. Provide the Executive Director data on new Committee on Committee appointees, e.g., names, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers and tenure. May-JunePrepare address to be presented at the annual banquet. JulyWrite a revision of the President-Elect's timeline and duties if necessary and send to the BSA Executive Director for updating all relevant resources. BSA ConferenceAttend the Council meeting. Attend Executive Committee Meeting. Present address at banquet. |