No articles currently published under the 'Economic Botany Section' category.
BSA Secretaries
Rachel Spicer - 2015-21 Connecticut College |
Andrea Wolfe - 2012-15 Ohio State University |
Pamela Diggle - 2009-12 University of Colorado |
Stephen G. Weller - 2006-09 University of California at Irvine |
David Spooner - 2003-06 University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jennifer H. Richards - 2000-02 Florida International University
Pamela Soltis - 1997-99 University of Florida
Darleen A. DeMason - 1994-96
Christopher H. Haufler - 1991-93 University of Kansas
Gregory J. Anderson - 1988-90 University of Connecticut
David L. Dilcher - 1985-87 University of Florida
Carol C. Baskin - 1980-84 University of Kentucky
Patricia K. Holmgren - 1975-79
Barbara F. Palser - 1970-74
Richard C. Starr - 1965-69
B. L. Turner - 1958-64
Harold C. Bold - 1955-57
Harriet B. Creighton - 1950-54
John S. Karling - 1945-49
Paul R. Burkholder - 1940-44
George S. Avery, Jr. - 1937-39
Loren C. Petry - 1933-36
Sam Trelease - 1932
Arthur J. Eames - 1927-31
I. F Lewis - 1922-26
J. R. Schramm - 1918-21
H. H. Bartlett - 1915-17
George T. Moore - 1910-14
Duncan S. Johnson - 1907-09
D. T. MacDougal - 1901-03 Carnegie Institution Tuscon, Arizona
George F. Atkinson - 1898-1900 Cornell University Ithaca, New York
Charles R. Barnes - 1894-97 Madison, Wisconsin