BSA 2024 Fall Symposium Logo

BSA 2024 Fall Symposium on Climate Change Sponsorship Catagories:

  1. $100 to $499 - Patron Level

    • For individual donors who want to support this event (not available for organizational sponsorships)
    • Name on Patron list on event website sponsor page (can choose to be anonymous)
    • Please note that individuals who give $500 or more will be recognized as a higher level donor on the event website, but will not receive the organizational benefits seen below.
  2. $500 - Bronze Sponsor

    • Logo on event landing page and on final digital program that links to url of your choice. 
  3. $1000 - Silver Sponsor

    • Logo on event landing page and on final digital program
    • Logo on any digital promotional items (event social media posts, emails to members)
    • 1 stand-alone social media post on all BSA social media platforms before the event
  4. $2000 - Gold Sponsor

    • Logo on event landing page and on final digital program
    • Logo on any digital promotional items (event social media posts, emails to members)
    • 2 stand-alone social media posts to all BSA social media platforms before the event
    • Article in a BSA newsletter for one month
  5. $5000 - Title Sponsor

    • Logo on event landing page as "Title Sponsor"
    • Logo on final digital program
    • Logo on any digital promotional items (event social media posts, emails to members)
    • 2 stand-alone social media posts before event and one after the event
    • An article in a BSA newsletter for three months including a banner ad at the bottom of the newsletters
    • BSA website banner ad the month of the event.
    • Finally, "sponsored by Your Company Name" will be part of the official logo of the event.



If you would like to sponsor this event, or if you have any questions about sponsorship opportunities, please email Amelia Neely at