Plant Science Bulletin archiveIssue: 1989 v35 No 2 Summer
PLANT SCIENCE BULLETINA Publication of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. THOMAS N. TAYLOR, Editor Department of Botany, Ohio State University, 1735 Neil Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43210 (614) 422-3564 Editorial Board PLANT SCIENCE BULLETIN (ISSN 0032-0919) is published four times per year by the Botanical Society of America, Inc., 1735 Neil Ave.. Columbus. OH 43210. Second class postage pending at Columbus. Ohio and additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Robert H. Essman, Botanical Society of America, 1735 Neil Ave.. Columbus. OH 43210. July, 1989 Volume 35 No. 2 HONORSDilcher Elected to the National Academy of SciencesCongratulations to David L. Dilcher, Professor of Paleobotany, Indiana University, on his recent election to the National Academy of Sciences. Dr. Dilcher was recognized for his research on early fossil angiosperms and is known to everyone in the Botanical Society for his work as Secretary and President-Elect of the Society. Raven Honored by National Wildlife FederationPeter H. Raven, director of the Missouri Botanical Garden, has been named the recipient of the 1988 National Conservation Achievement Award for Science by the National Wildlife Federation. The award is given annually to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the conservation of our nation's environment, wildlife and natural resources. Raven was cited for his "research into plant evolution and his strategies for studying the rapidly vanishing tropical plant world." Young Botanist Awards for 1988-89These awards by the Botanical Society of America are designed to offer recognition to outstanding seniors in the plant sciences and to encourage their further study of botany and participation in the BSA. Some institutions purchase a year's membership in the BSA for their awardees. Those selected this year (listed with their principal nominators) are: Scott Moses (Susan R. Singer, Carleton College, Northfield, MN) You are encouraged to begin to think now about suitable candidates for 1989-1990. This is an excellent way to both recognize achievement and to sustain and increase interest in the botanical sciences. A call for nominations will appear in late 1989 and early 1990. Beaman Receives Distinguished Faculty AwardThe 1989 Distinguished Faculty Award of the Michigan State University College of Natural Science went to John Beaman, Professor of Botany and Director of the Beal-Darlington Herbarium. Dr. Beaman was cited for many accomplishments relating to research, teaching and the identification and cataloging of plant species as well as the successes of his former students. Two Ohio State Faculty Receive AwardsTwo Ohio State faculty members received distinguished faculty awards at a ceremony this spring. Ralph E.J. Boerner, Associate Professor of Botany, was awarded an Alumni Distinguished Teaching Award and was cited for his excellence in teaching at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Thomas N. Taylor, Professor of Botany, received a Distinguished Scholar Award, recognizing his many contributions to paleobotanical research. FELLOWSHIPSThe American Orchid Society, Inc. is offering a three-year Orchid Research Fellowship to doctoral candidates whose dissertation projects deal with any aspect of orchid biology -- physiology, molecular biology, development, structure, systematics, cytology, ecology, and/or evolution. The fixed sum of $9,000 per year will be awarded for a maximum of three consecutive years. Candidates should submit a current curriculum vitae, transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate coursework, a synopsis of the proposed research, and three letters of recommendation to: Dr. Alec M. Pridgeon, Director of Education and Research, American Orchid Society, 6000 South Olive Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida 33405. Applications for the 1990-1993 Fellowship must be received by January 1, 1990. The successful candidate will be notified by April 1 and monies transferred to the institution by August 1, 1990. Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are especially encouraged to we present our discipline so that it is apply. 1 MEETINGSPhloem Transport and Assimilate CompartmentationThis international meeting will be held there a consensus regarding what basic in Cognac, France from 19-25 August, 1990. The conference will focus on the ultra-structural basis, mechanisms and control of the steps involved in the transport of nutrients from source to sink. Sessions will include invited papers, contributed papers and posters. Proceedings will be published as a book. For a copy of the first circular, contact: Conference Secretariat, Station Biologique de Beau-Site (UA CNRS 574), Université de Poitiers, 25 rue du Faubourg St-Cyprien, 86000 Poitiers (France). 2nd International Conference on Cycad BiologyCYCAD '90 will be held in Townsville, Queensland (Australia) July 22-28, 1990. An exciting program of lectures, panel discussions, poster presentations and social events is being planned. One or more tours of several days will be arranged for those who want to visit important cycad localities during or after the conference. For more information, contact: Dr. Dennis Stevenson, New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 10458. ANNOUNCEMENTSBSA Teaching Section Workshops in TorontoAll BSA workshops at the Toronto meetings will be held on Sunday, 6 August 1989. The following Teaching Section-sponsored workshops are scheduled for 9:00 a.m.-12 N: Workshop No. 2, Teaching Botany Through Inquiry; Workshop No. 3, An Introduction to Cladistics I; Workshop No. 5, Using Wisconsin Fast Plants"") in the Classroom and Research; and Workshop No. 8, The Structure of the Abscission Zone of the Tomato Pedicel and the Link Between Form and Function. The following Teaching Section workshops are scheduled for 1:00-4:00 p.m.: Workshop No. 4, An Introduction to Cladistics II; Work-shop No. 5, Using Wisconsin Fast Plants(™) in the Classroom and Research; Workshop No. 6, Electrophoresis for Classroom and Research Laboratories; and Workshop No. 8, The Structure of the Abscission Zone of the Tomato Pedicel and the Link Between Form and function. Workshop No. 8 was not announced in the AIBS annual meeting publication. Those who wish to participate in this workshop should send a check for $5.00 (non-refundable), payable to the BSA, to the address given below. Additionally, workshop schedules have not been previously published. Therefore, those who are registered, or are planning to register in a Teaching Section workshop which is scheduled for two sessions, please indicate your time preferences. All inquiries regarding Teaching Section workshops should be made to Dr. Jan Walter Balling, The Lewis Herbarium,P.O. Box 653, California, PA 15419-0653 (412/938-2717). EssentialBotanical Knowledge SymposiumMost potential future professional botanistsare now in our classrooms. How do . interesting and challenging? Also, how do we maintain the attention of those students who will not be botanists, but will be future voters? Do K-12 science and biology teachers understand botanical concepts? If not, how may this situation be remedied? Is there a concensus on what basic knowledge should be taught in an introductory botany course? Indeed, the very nature of this symposium raises numerous questions. If our discipline is to flourish and be properly understood and taught in pre-college classrooms, these questions need addressing by the botanical community as a whole. This symposium provides a vehicle for the presentation and exchange of ideas. This will be a continuing symposium dedicated to the eventual realization of a series of on-going position papers by the BSA on essential botanical knowledge that should be included in a college/university botany text, with a distillation therefrom for the purposes of transmitting key botanical concepts to grades K-12 in the public schools. Although the Teaching Section shall assume full responsibility for the output of the symposium, no position papers shall be published in the name of the BSA without approval by the Council and/or the pertinent sections of the society. Papers to be presented at the 1989 meetings are: "More, or More and Where Should We Start" (describing an innovative introductory course focused on photosynthesis), "Prolegomena to a Magic, Religion, and Science Chapter in a College/University Introductory Botany Text" (describing a novel approach to the teaching of the scientific method), "Botony, Taxons and the Sight of Photosynthesis" (describing basic botanical vocabulary skills), and "New Science Programs in Missouri" (describing the state-wide implementation of sequentially designed math and science exercises for grades K-12). All botanists are encouraged to attend and participate in the symposium, which is scheduled for Wednesday, 9 August from 8:00 a.m.-noon. Immediately following the symposium, a line luncheon-business meeting of the Teaching Section will provide further opportunities for the exchange of ideas with the symposium presenters and others. Please join us. For further information regarding the symposium and the procedures for becoming a presenter at future meetings, contact: Dr. Jeanette S. Mullins, The Lewis Herbarium, P.O. Box 653, California, PA 15419-0653 (412/938-2717). Only Once a YearHave you noticed that your botany students are becoming more and more "visual learners?" Does this present a problem in locating appropriate, professionally-presented visual classroom materials? The BSA has the "visual answers" to many of these problems. These "answers" are provided by the BSA Slide Exchange sponsored 2 by the Teaching Section. These excellent 2 X 2 color transparencies have been pre-pared by society members and are available at cost singly or in sets. This resource is available only once a year. These slides may be previewed and ordered at the BSA booth located in the AIBS exhibit hall. BSA members staffing the booth will assist you in previewing the slides and ordering procedures. For further information contact: Dr. Marshall D. Sundberg, Department of Botany, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. Rewarding ExperienceThe rewards: meeting other botanists in a variety of disciplines, recruiting new BSA members, becoming involved with your society, and promoting botany generally. The experience: serving as a volunteer to staff the BSA booth in the AIBS exhibit hall during the Toronto meetings. This booth represents the society as a whole, as well as all of the sections. Therefore, this is an invitation to all BSA members to serve as volunteer staff for the booth. Past and present society and section officers are encouraged to participate in this activity. Time slots of one-half hour each are now being scheduled as available. The booth will be open during the following hours: noon-7:00 p.m. Monday, 7 August and 9:00 a.m.-4:30 pm. Tuesday, 8 August and Wednesday, 9 August. All attending BSA members are encouraged to visit the booth and make any necessary corrections in their membership data. For further information and/or to sign up for a time slot, contact: Dr. Jeanette S. Mullins, The Lewis Herbarium, P.O. Box 653, California, PA 15419-0653 (412/938-2717). A Note of ThanksThe logo of the Teaching Section, an illustration of Polygonatum biflorum, was made possible by the research of Charlotte Tancin of the Hunt Institute of Botanical Documentation and the permission of Dover Publications, Inc. The Section extends thanks and appreciation to both Ms. Tancin and Dover for their assistance. BSA Ethics Committee: A Call for MembersAn ad hoc Ethics Committee was established last year at the BSA Council meeting at The University of California, Davis. The roles of the committee are (1) to provide a forum for the discussion and resolution of professional ethical dilemmas faced by the Society's individual members, and (2) to offer recommendations to the Council concerning ethical matters facing the botanical profession at large. Among the first tasks to be taken up by the committee will be the development of a Code of Professional Ethics for the BSA. A number of other scientific societies in the U.S. have adopted such codes in recent years, and the goals of the BSA would be well-served by likewise formalizing some guidelines for professional conduct. The BSA is already a member of the AAAS Professional Society Ethics Group, a consortium of more than 60 representatives of scientific societies in the U.S. The group publishes a quarterly newsletter, "Professional Ethics Report," which contains news, reviews, and commentary from scientists, philosophers, and ethicists across the country. With the formation of an ethics committee within the BSA, our Society can now enter into these highly important and timely discussions with a stronger and more focused voice. BSA members interested in serving on our new Ethics Committee are invited to contact the current chairperson directly: Dr. Brian M. Boom, The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 10458. BSA T-Shirts and Tote BagsT-shirts and tote bags with a Botanical Society of America logo (see below) are available to individuals making contributions to the BSA Endowment Fund. The design, shown below, is printed in green on a cream-colored background. Adult sizes are 100% cotton Hanes Beefy-T's (S, M, L, XL) and are available for an $11.00 contribution. Children's sizes (6-8, 10-12, 14-16) are 50-50 cotton/polyester and available for a $9.00 contribution. For a $10.00 contribution you will receive a 100% cotton canvas tote bag (measuring 13 x 13 x 4"). All prices include $2.00 for postage and packaging. Please specify item and size and make checks payable to BSA Endowment Fund. Mail to: Dr. J. Jernstedt, Department of Agronomy, University of California, Davis, CA 95616. <left> BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA AAAS Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award - Call for NomineesSubmission of entries for the 1990 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Award for Scientific Freedom and Responsibility is invited. The $1,000 prize is awarded annually to honor scientists and engineers whose exemplary actions, often taken at significant personal cost, have served to foster scientific freedom and responsibility. The AAAS Prize recognizes scientists and engineers who have: acted to protect the public's health, safety, or welfare; focused public attention on important potential impacts of science and technology on society by their responsible participation in public policy debates; or established important new precedents in carrying out the social responsibilities or in defending the professional freedom of scientists and engineers. The deadline for receipt of entries is 31 July 1989. Nominations and requests for information should be sent to: Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1333 H Street, NW, Room 1101, Washington, DC 20005. Report from the National Council of Botany/ Plant Science ChairsThe Seventh Annual Meeting of the National Council of Botany/Plant Science Chairs was held at Purdue University last fall (October 29, 1988) and chaired by 3 Ronald C. Coolbaugh, Head of the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology at Purdue. In addition to 4 invited speakers, there were 26 participants representing institutions from all regions of the country. Participants were welcomed to Purdue by Robert L. Thompson (Dean of the College of Agriculture), who related some enrollment trends in his college that bear on the training of students in the plant sciences. The college has experienced an enrollment increase, but only about 1 in 10 students enters a career in production agriculture (farming) after graduation. Food Sciences is one of the most rapidly growing areas. He also commented that there is an inadequate number of students entering graduate programs in agriculture at Purdue; half of the current students are foreign born. Hardy Eshbaugh (President of the BSA) gave a presentation entitled "Whence the Next Generation of Plant Scientists." (For the text of this speech, see Plant Science Bulletin of March 1989, Vol. 35, No. 1). Carter Kimsey (Assoc. Director Metabolic Biology Program, National Science Foundation) reviewed "NSF Funding for Plant Science Research." Different sources of monies are available from NSF to support botanical research, but one of the major needs is for scientists to increase the flow of quality grant proposals to NSF. Plant scientists are also encouraged to contact NSF for new program information and especially to talk to directors of programs in which they might be interested in seeking funding. Submitting a grant proposal more than once (even more than twice) is not necessarily to one's discredit. Judith Weis (Director, Biological Sciences Program, Undergraduate Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Education Division, NSF) spoke on the topic "NSF Funding for Plant Science Education." Although the absolute number of dollars for science education is relatively low, there has recently been a substantial increase in funding in this area. Analyses indicate that projects in the biological sciences receive a balanced share of the funding. Funding that has a direct bearing on plant sciences is likely to be appropriate, but as with other areas, accurate amounts are difficult to determine because projects involving plants may not be identified by their titles. In addition, major funding for programmatic needs in all botanical areas might obtain special funding if a community of plant scientists makes the needs known to NSF. Communicating such needs to the NSF might be a suitable joint project for several plant societies. Orville Bentley (Asst. Secretary of Agriculture for Science Education, U.S.D.A.) gave a luncheon address entitled, "Biological Sciences: An Agriculture Perspective." He advised plant scientists at colleges and universities to take a leadership role in the development of curricula that stress basic biological principles, especially in introductory courses. Curricula might focus on such concepts as metabolic systems, biological-environmental systems (not environmental regulation) and biological technology. In addition, plant scientists must keep an active role in effective education of pre-college students. The next meeting of the National Council of Botany/Plant Science Program Chairs will be announced. The meetings are open to representatives from any institutional departments or programs who are interested and concerned about enhancing plant science education and research. James R. Rastorfer Former LSU Professor Establishes Teaching AwardDr. William J. Luke, a retired professor of botany at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, has donated funds to establish a cash award recognizing outstanding teaching by graduate students in the Department of Botany. The annual award will promote excellence in teaching and, because most of the graduate assistants are employed to teach undergraduate laboratory classes, the new award will also benefit undergraduate education at LSU. The first William J. Luke award will be given in the spring of 1990. Although teaching awards for graduate teaching assistants are available at the campus level, the W.J. Luke Award is the first such award within the Department of Botany. Microtechnique BooksJames W. Perry is interested in purchasing copies of microtechnique books by Johansen and/or Sass. If anyone has a copy they are willing to sell, please contact Dr. Perry at the Department of Biology, Frostburg State University, Frostburg, MD 21532-1099 (301/689-4166). Laboratory Guide to Plant MorphologyA publisher has expressed interest in publishing James W. Perry's in-house laboratory manual for plant morphology if there is potential for the sale of a hundred copies each year. Anyone who might be interested in using this manual (following the taxonomic scheme of Bold, Alexopoulos and Delevoryas and covering fungi, algae, cryptogams and phanerogams with 9 exercises on the anatomy of seed plants), please contact Dr. Perry at the Department of Biology, Frostburg State University, Frostburg, MD 21532-1099 (301/689-4166). He will send a table of contents and sample exercises to anyone who might be interested. New Graduate Record ExamThe GRE Board is pleased to announce that the new GRE Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology Test will be administered for the first time in October, 1990. The GRE Program will continue to offer the current broad-based GRE Biology Test. The new test is designed for use in the graduate admissions process and will reflect the undergraduate curricula of those departments that prepare students for graduate study in biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, microbiology, genetics, and other related fields. For further information on the new test, contact: Eldon Park, Graduate Record Examinations Program, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ 08541 (609/734-5966). Viable Seed of DrimysDrimys grenadensis var. mexicana is an attractive shrub adapted to cultivation in a cool greenhouse. The genus is of special interest because of its evolutionary position and primitive flower and wood 4 structure. The plants bloom in early spring in the greenhouse. I have obtained fresh seed in 1989 from Costa Rica and a sample has germinated. Germination time in a mist chamber was about two months. Samples of seed are available on request from: Richard W. Pohl, Department of Botany, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011. BOOK REVIEWSDu Puy, David and Phillip Cribb. The Genus Cymbidium. Timber Press, Portland, OR, 1988. xix + 236 pp. ISBN 0-88192-119-X. Price: $59.95. This is the definitive monograph of the orchid genus Cymbidium, an important group horticulturally, which has, surprisingly, never been treated before in a single volume. Some consider it the world's most popular orchid, and it certainly is commercially, with cultivation dating back to 500 B.C. in China. As I studied the text for my review, trying to think of a way to present a book of great appeal to orchid growers and hybridizers to such a diverse group as the present readers of the Plant Science Bulletin, I decided to evaluate its usefulness as a teaching tool for modern systematic botanists. The advertising flier accurately describes the key features of this attractive book, which describes species widely distributed throughout southeast Asia: "introductory chapters cover structure and anatomy, chromosome numbers, pollination and floral fragrances, distribution and biogeography, and ethnobotanical uses. At the heart of the book is a complete taxonomic account of the 44 species recognized by the authors. The cultivation of Cymbidium is dealt with both historically and practically," providing very useful information. There is also an interesting chapter on the development of modern hybrids, a necessity when dealing with a group so involved with horticultural "improvement." I think this is an excellent example of a botanical monograph with the following features: good keys to subgenera, sections, and species; general distribution maps; a variety of illustrations, including numerous line drawings of floral characters, outstanding watercolor paintings of the species, and high-quality color photographs showing close-ups and habitat shots; scanning electron micrographs of seeds and leaf surfaces; a very good example of the use of anatomical data to help make taxonomic decisions; charts for comparing characters of closely related species and subspecies; cladograms showing relationships between subgenera and sections; scatter diagrams and bar graphs superimposed on maps; examples of natural hybridization; comparisons of historical classification schemes; diagrams of analyses of floral fragrance compounds which have taxonomic value; complete synonymy for each taxon, including such categories as comb. et stat. nov., nom. rej., sect. nov., sp. nov., subsp. nov., and syn. nov. Although it is obvious that the authors, working at Kew, relied extensively on herbarium specimens for this study, there are no specimens cited except for types. There is a glossary and an index to names (not to subjects). My only objection is that the bibliography is listed by chapter, which means that some references are repeated several times; and you have to remember in which chapter a reference was mentioned in order to find it. Overall, I was very favorably impressed by this well-produced volume; and even if you are not an orchid specialist, you would find it very useful as an example of a thorough modern monograph to be used for comparison purposes in teaching. T. Lawrence Mellichamp Wilms, H.J. and C.J. Keijzer, eds. Plant Sperm Cells as Tools for Biotechnology, Pudoc, Wageningen, 1988. 177 pp. The apparent goal of this timely book is to summarize in one volume some of the new and exciting findings about the sperm cells of angiosperms and to highlight the potential of these cells in plant biotechnology. In this reviewer's opinion, that goal has been reached to a large extent. After an introductory chapter identifying some of these recent findings, there are five chapters dealing with the development and structure of sperm cells. These are generally well-written. The last of these, an article by Emons et al. on aspects of plasma membrane structure in generative and vegetative cells of Lilium, is interesting and new but seems out of context in the present volume. The following five articles deal in various ways with what has been termed the "male germ unit" of angiosperms. Some of these rely heavily on serial ultrathin sectioning techniques and, although valuable in terms of further documentation of sperm similarity or dissimilarity within sperm pairs, they do not relate directly to the main thrust of this book. The sperm cell isolation section contains four articles dealing with many of the intricacies of harvesting live sperm cells for fusion, physiological, or other studies. These articles serve as reminders of the difficulties which surround this potentially productive exercise. Of particular relevance in this regard is the article by Kerhoas and Dumas in which the important issue of pollen quality is discussed. Finally, there are three articles on the relationship between sperm cells and plant breeding. The article by Barnabas and Kovacs contains some interesting information on freezing of pollen; the implications of such technology to the freezing of isolated sperm cells are considerable. In my opinion, this is a high priority topic for this field. There are a few things which detract from the quality of this book. One of these is the inclusion of many illustrations at the end of the book (pp. 153-177) rather than being integrated with the articles themselves. I understand the technical difficulties of doing this. There are some minor mistakes and redundancies in various parts of the book. In my opinion, these do not create big problems for the reader but could have been weeded out with more careful editing. This reviewer is pleased to see such a book. It will call attention to a unique cell type in the angiosperms which opens up many avenues of research, including membrane biology, in a plant cell which can be readily obtained as a "natural protoplast." 5 Its impact on the plant cell and molecular wealth of new information and ideas and is biology community should be considerable. relatively easy to read. It allows neophytes to acquire a comprehensive. David D. CassDepartment of BotanyUniversity of Alberta
Beck, Charles B., ed. Origin and Evolution of Gymnosperms. Columbia University Press, New York, 1988. 504 pp. Price: $65.00. The origin and evolution of the gymnosperms is one of the most highly debated subjects in paleobotany at the moment. The book edited by C.B. Beck includes 10 chapters written by international experts on the history of this group. It treats the major fossil and living families, which are presently known, in chronological order. The part devoted to taxa from Gondwana and Angara by some authors is appreciable and noteworthy. Nowadays, an outstanding fact in the systematics of gymnosperms is the rapid increase of data available for these plants. One of the qualities of this book is to provide in every chapter a clear and up-to-date synthesis of the available information. The systematics of gymnosperms is also marked by the use of more and more rigorous methods for the analysis and treatment of the data. One of the most discussed techniques is the cladistic method, which bases relationships between taxa upon shared derived characters. This method inspired Beck and Wight in the chapter on progymnosperms, Crane in his analysis of the "higher" gymnosperms (excluding conifers), and Miller in his presentation on the origin of modern conifer families. The paper written by the late Sergei V. Meyen--to whom this book is dedicated--represents a synthesis of the phenomenal work he accomplished in more than twenty years of research on the Paleozoic taxa from Angara. In this book, Meyen analyzes these remains according to his original method of "assemblage taxa." His interpretation of the "Pinales" is particularly interesting to compare with that, somewhat different, of the "Conifers" expressed by Clement-Westerhof in a preceding chapter. For Scheckler and Rothwell, gymnospermous reproduction in the earliest representatives of the group is characterized by a "hydrasperman" biology, which involves the nucellar apex in pollination and post-pollination mechanisms. The biological and morphological characters by which gymnospermous reproduction would be established in the male reproductive structures remain to be studied. This problem is briefly mentioned by these authors and by Galtier in the following chapter. In addition, Taylor presents a detailed review of the pollen and pollen organs of well-established gymnospermous affinities. He is the only author who discusses the pteridosperms of Upper Carboniferous age, a complex of taxa some-what forbidden in this book. Finally, Galtier's contribution on the early Pteridospermales needs to be emphasized, as it is an original work which provides new information on some morphological and anatomical characters of these plants. Based on these data, which are displayed in a series of eloquent tables and diagrams, Galtier suggests some interesting hypotheses relative to the phylogeny of these early gymnosperms. In conclusion, this book presents a wealth of new information and ideas and is a relatively easy read. It alows neophytes to aquire a comprehensive knowledge and a good understanding of the gymnosperms. For experts, it gives numerous prospects for future projects involving these plants. Brigitte Meyer-Berthaud Brush, Stephen G. The History of Modern Science: A Guide to the Second Scientific Revolution, 1800-1950. Iowa State Univ. Here is a guide and introduction to the history of modern science by a distinguished historian of science. It gives very basic information and many references to books and journal articles where further information can be found. The first chapter considers the general changes in science during the period that the author calls the "second scientific revolution." There also is given references for background on the sciences during the previous three centuries. The next three chapters concern biological issues related to evolution and genetics. After that there are two chapters on psychology. Except for the chapter on the philosophical and social aspects of science, the other chapters are on the physical sciences: chemistry, physics, and astronomy. Each chapter has a number of sections. For example, the evolution chapter has these sections: history of the Earth; life sciences before Darwin; origin and early development of Darwin's theory; reception of The Origin of Species; and human evolution. Each section has a listed set of basic readings, a synopsis of the major issues, and a bibliography divided into particular topics. The topics listed in the section "Life sciences before Darwin" are: 1) reproduction and heredity, 2) taxonomy and fossils; Buffon, 3) theology, 4) nature philosophy, 5) Lamarck, 6) cell theory, and 7) organism as machine. The books referenced in the text are listed in an appendix, with prices when they are now in print, and they are keyed to the various sections in which they have been cited. A brief page and a half index leads to some of the major themes that are considered. This is not a book that most people would sit down and read from cover to cover unless they wanted to do a self-study in the history of science. It is a source book for someone wishing to locate authoritative and contemporary information about some aspects of the history of science. It would be useful for teachers wanting to add some historical background to their courses, or for assignment to students to enlarge their perspectives. It is unfortunate that the index is so sparse; a detailed one would have been more useful for the casual user. This reference book should be available to you in your school or public library, if not in your own. Emanuel D. Rudolph 6 NEW BOOKSAudesirk, R. and Audesirk, T. Biology: Life on Earth, 2nd Ed. Macmillan Publ. Co., 866 3rd Ave., New York, NY 10022, 1989. xviii 723 p. + glossary, index. ISBN 0-02-305070-5. Price: none given. Baas, P. and R.E. Vetter, eds. Growth Rings in Tropical Trees. Intl. Assoc. of Wood Anatomists, Inst. Syst. Botany, Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS Utrecht, The Netherlands, 1989. 80 p. Price: $20.00. Bajaj, Y.P.S. Crops II. Springer-Verlag, 175 5th Ave., New York, NY 10010, 1988. xx578 p. ISBN 0-387-19164-3. Price: $226.90. Barile, M.F., Razin, S., Tully, J.G. and Whitcomb, R.F. The Mycoplasmas. V. Spirioplasmas, Acholeplasmas, and Mycoplasmas of Plants and Arthropods. Academic Press, 1250 6th Ave., San Diego, CA 92101, 1988. xxvi + 653 p. ISBn 0-12- 078405-X. Price: $149.00. Bohme, S. Bromelienstudien. Akad. Wissenschaften & Literat., Mainz Satz & Druck, Druckhaus Darmstadt GmbH, Stuttgart, F.R.G., 1988. 154 p. ISBN 3-515-05290-9. Price: none given. Boss, W.F. and Morre, D.J. Second Messengers in Plant Growth Development. Alan R. Liss, Inc., 41 E. 11th St., New York, NY 10003, 1989. xii + 348 p. ISBN 0-8451-1805-6. Price: $96.00. Boyd, R.G. and Hyde, W.F. Forestry Sector Intervention: The Impacts of Public Regulation on Social Welfare. Iowa St. Bradbeer, J.W. Seed Dormancy and Germination. Chapman and Hall, 29 W. 35th St., New York, NY 10001-2291, 1988. x + 146 p. ISBN 0-412-00611-1. Price: none given. Bramwell, D., Hamann, O., Heywood, V. and Synge, H. Botanic Gardens and the World Conservation Strategy. Academic Press, 1250 Brennan, A. Thinking about Nature: An Investigation of Nature, Value and Ecology. The Univ. of Georgia Press, Athens, GA 30602, 1988. xiii + 235 p. ISBN 0-8203-1088-3. Price: $30.00. Causton, D.R. Introduction to Vegetation Analysis. Unwin Hyman, Inc., 8 Winchester P1., Winchester, MA 01890, 1988. xx + 342 p. ISBN 0-04-581025-7. Price: $29.95. Chabreck, R.A. Coastal Marshes: Ecology and Wildlife Management. Univ. of Minnesota Press, 2037 University Ave. S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55414, 1988. xiii + 138 p. ISBN 0-8166-1662-0. Price: $25.00. Chernov, Y.I. The Living Tundra. Cambridge Univ. Press, 32 E. 57th St., New York, NY 10022, 1988. xiii + 213 p. ISBN 0-521-35754-3. Price: none given. Collinson, A.S. Introduction to World Vegetation, 2nd Ed. Unwin Hyman, Inc., 8 Winchester P1., Winchester, MA 01890, 1988. x + 325 p. ISBN 0-04-581031-1. Price: $21.95. Cresti, M., Gori, P. and Pacini, E. Sexual Reproduction in Higher Plants. Springer-Verlag, 175 5th Ave, New York, NY 10010, 1988. xiii + 502 p. ISBN 0-387-18673-5. Price: $89.00. Cullen, B., Gage, L.P., Siddiqui, M.A.Q., Skalka, A.M. and Weissbach, H. Mechanisms of Control of Gene Expression. Alan R. Liss, Inc., 41 E. 11th St., New York, NY 10003, 1988. xix + 376 p. ISBN 0-8451-2666-0. Price: none given. Das, R.C. and Robbins, P.W. Protein Transfer and Organelle Biogenesis. Academic Press, Inc., 1250 6th Ave., San Diego, CA 92101, 1988. xii + 851 p. ISBN 0-12-203460-0. Price: $119.50. Davis, P.H. Flora of Turkey, Volume 10. Columbia Univ. Press, 562 W. 113th St., New York, NY 10025, 1989. xxi + 590 p. ISBN 0-85224-559-9. Price: $125.00. Deacon, J. and Lancaster, N. Late Quaternary Palaeoenvironments of Southern Africa. Oxford Univ. Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016, 1988. vii + 225 p. ISBN 0-19-854449-9. Price: $65.00. Delcourt, P.A. and Delcourt, H.R. Long-Term Forest Dynamics of the Temperate Zone. Springer-Verlag, 175 5th Ave., New York, NY 10010, 1987. xiii + 439 p. ISBN 0-387-96495-9. Price: $79.50. De Wilde, W.J.J.O. Flora Malesiana Series I - Spermatophyta (Flowering Plants), Volume 10 (Part 3). Kluwer Academic Publ., 1010 Donnelly, D.J. and Vidaver, W.E. Glossary of Plant Tissue Culture. Timber Press, 9999 SW Wilshire, Portland, OR, 1988. 141 p. ISBN 0-931146-12-7. Price: $22.95. Dupree, A.H. Asa Gray: American Botanist, Friend of Darwin. The John Hopkins Univ. Press, 701 W. 40th St., Suite 275, Baltimore, MD 21211, 1988. xxii + 503 p. ISBN 0-8018-3741-3. Price: $14.95. Elliot, R. Pruning: A Practical Guide. Intl. Specialized Book Services, 5602 NE Hassalo St., Portland, OR 97213-3640, 1984. vii + 127 p. ISBN 0-85091-180-X. Price: $12.95. Environmental Protection Agency. Pesticide Fact Handbook. Noyes Data Corp., Noyes Publ., Mill Rd. & Grand Ave., Park Ridge, NJ 07656, 1988. x + 827 p. ISBN 0-8155-1145-0. Price: $96.00. Fitter, A.H. and Hay, R.K.M. Environmental physiology of Plants. Academic Press, 1250 6th Ave., San Diego, CA 92101, 1987. xiii + 423 p. ISBN 0-12-257763-9. Price: $35.00. 7 Fleming, T.H. The Short-Tailed Fruit Bat. A Study in Plant-Animal Interactions. Univ. of Chicago Press, 5801 Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, 1988. xvi + 365 p. ISBN 0-226-25328-7. Price: $49.95. Foster, C.O. Building Healthy Gardens: A Safe and Natural Approach. Storey Communications, Inc., Schoolhouse Rd., RD# 1, Box 105, Pownal, VT 05261-9990, 1989. vii + 279 p. ISBN 0-88266-527-8. Price: $9.95. Fox, R.F. Energy and the Evolution of Life. W.H. Freeman & Co., 41 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10160-0577, 1988. xi + 182 p. ISBN 0-7167-1849-9. Price: none given. Fox, S. The Emergence of Life. Darwinian Evolution from the Inside. Basic Books, Inc., 10 E. 53rd St., New York, NY 10022, 1988. ix + 208 p. ISBN 0-465-01925-0. Price: none given. Furuya, M. Phytochrome and Photoregulation in Plants. Academic Press, Inc., 1250 6th Ave., San Diego, CA 92101, 1987. xi + 354 p. ISBN 0-12-269970-X. Price: $55.00. Gausman, H.W. Plant Leaf Optical Properties. Texas Tech Univ. Press, P.O. Box 4139, Lubbock, TX, 1985. 78 p. ISBN 0- 89672-131-9. Price: none given. Gennis, R.B. Biomembranes. Molecular Structure and Function. Springer-Verlag, 175 5th Ave., New York, NY 1989. xvii + 533 p. ISBN 0-387-96760-5. Price: $59.00. Gerday, G., Bolis, L. and Gilles, R. Calcium and Calcium Binding Proteins: Molecular and Functional Aspects. Springer- Glass, A.D.M. Plant _Nutrition: An Introduction to Current Concepts. Jones & Bartlett Publ., 20 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116-9990, 1989. vi + 234 p. ISBN 0-86720-080-4. Price: none given. Glick, T.F. The Comparative Reception of Darwinism. The Univ. of Chicago Press, 5801 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, 1988. xxviii + 505 p. ISBN 0-226-29977-5. Price: $17.95. Goodman, D., Sorj, B. and Wilkinson, J. From Farming to Biotechnology. Basil Blackwell, Inc., 432 Park Ave. South, Suite 1503, New York, NY 10016, 1987. 214 p. ISBN 0-631-14405-6. Price: none given. Goodwin, T.W. Plant Pigments. Academic Press, 1250 6th Ave., San Diego, CA 92101, 1988. x + 362 p. ISBN 0-12-289847-8. Price: $35.00. Greene, S.W. and Harrington, A.J. The Conspectus of_ Bryological Taxonomic Literature. J. Cramer, Gebrüder Borntraeger Verlagsbuchandlung, Johannestr. 3A, D-7000 Stuttgart 1, F.R.G., 1988. 272 p. ISBN 3-443-62007-8. Price: none given. Gregory, P.J., Lake, J.V. and Rose, D.A. Root Development and Function. Columbia University Press, 32 E. 57th St., New York, NY 10022, 1987. xiii + 206 p. ISBN 0-521-32931-0. Price: none given. Grime, J.P., Hodgson, J.G. and Hunt, R. Comparative Plant Ecology: A Functional Approach to Common British Species. Unwin Gustafson, P. and Appels, R. Chromosome Structure and Function: Impact of New Concepts. Plenum Publ. Corp., 233 Spring St., New York, NY 10013-1578, 1988. xiii + 326 p. ISBN 0-306-42933-0. Price: $59.50. Hallauer, A.R. and Miranda, Fo., J.B. Quantitative Genetics in Maize Breeding, 2nd Ed. Iowa St. Univ. Press, 2121 S. State Ave., Ames, IA 50010, 1989. xii + 468 p. ISBN 0-8138-1522-3. Price: $44.95. Harbone, J.B. Phytochemical Methods: A Guide to Modern Techniques of Plant Analysis. Chapman & Hall, 29 W. 35th St., New York, NY 10001, 1984. xii + 288 p. ISBN 0-412-34330-4. Price: none given. Harborne, J.B. Introduction to Ecological Biochemistry. 3rd Ed. Academic Press, 1250 6th Ave., San Diego, CA 92101, 1988. xv + 365 p. ISBN 0-12-324684. Price: $13.50. Harris, J.M. Spiral Grain and Wave Phenomena in Wood Formation. Springer- Verlag, 175 5th Ave., New York, NY 10010, 1989. xii + 214 p. ISBN 0-387-19382-0. Price: $99.00. Hart, J.W. Light and Plant Growth. Unwin Hyman, Inc., 8 Winchester P1., Winchester, MA 01890, 1988. xx + 204 p. ISBN 0-04-581023-0. Price: $19.95. Hartl, D.L. and Clark, A.G. Principles of Population Genetics. 2nd Ed. Sinauer Assoc., Inc., Sunderland, MA 01375-0407, 1989. xiii + 682 p. ISBN 0-87893-302-6. Price: $39.95. Hastorf, C.A. and Popper, V.S. Current Paleoethnobotany: Analytical Methods and Cultural Interpretations of Archaeological Plant Remains. Univ. of Chicago Press, 5801 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, 1989. xii + 236 p. ISBN 0-226-31893-1. Price: $9.95. Haygreen, J.G. and Bowyer, J.L. Forest Products and Wood Science. Iowa St. Univ. Press, 2121 S. State Ave., Ames, IA 50010, 1989. xvi + 500 p. ISBN 0-8138-1801-X. Price: $38.95. Ho, M.-W. and Fox, S.W. Evolutionary processes and Metaphors. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 3rd Ave., New York, NY 10158, 1988. xi + 333 p. ISBN 0-471-91801-6. Price: $84.95. Hoffman, A. Arguments of Evolution. A Paleontologist's Perspective. Oxford Univ. Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016, 1989. xii + 274 p. ISBN 0-19-50443-6. Price: $29.95. 8 Huck, R.B. Systematics and Evolution of Dicerandra (Labiatae). (Phanerogamarum Monographiae Tomus XIX), J. Cramer, Huffman, D.M., Tiffany, L.H. and Knaphus, G. Mushrooms and Other Fungi of the Midcontinental United States. Iowa St. Univ. Hummel, F.C., Palz, W. and Grassi, G. Biomass Forestry in Europe: A Strategy for the Future. Elsevier Science Publ. Co., Inc., P.O. Box 882, Madison Square Sta., New York, NY 10159, 1988. vii + 600 p. ISBN 1-85166-255-3. Price: $117.00. Humphries, C.J. Ontogeny and Systematics. Columbia Univ. Press, 563 W. 113th St., New York, NY 10025, 1988. xi + 236 p. ISBN 0-231-06370-9. Price: $40.00. International Rice Research Institute. Genetic Manipulation in Crops. Tycooly Publ., P.O. Box C831, Rutherford, NY 07070, 1988. xix + 446 p. ISBN 1-85148-022-6. Price: $45.00. Jacobs, M. The Tropical Rain Forest: A Forest Encounter. Springer-Verlag, 175 5th Ave., New York, NY 10010, 1988. xvi + 295 p. ISBN 0-387-17995-8. Price: $39.95. Jeanteur, P., Kuchino, Y., Muller, W.E.G. and Paine, P.L. Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology. Springer-Verlag, 175 5th Ave., New York, NY 10010, 1988. 114 p. ISBN 0-387-19170-4. Price: $59.50. John, G. de. Population Genetics and Evolution. Springer-Verlag, 175 5th Ave., New York, NY 10010, 1988. x + 282 p. ISBN 0-387-18542-X. Price: $89.50. Kaufman, P.B. Plants: Their Biology and Importance. Harper & Row, 10 E. 53rd St., New York, NY 10022, 1989. xiv + 757 p. Kirsop, B.E. and Kurtzman, C.P. yeasts. Cambridge Univ. Press, 32 E. 57th St., New York, NY 10022, 1988. xii + 234 p. ISBN 0-521-35227-4. Price: $29.95. Klekowski, E.J., Jr. Mutation, Developmental Selection, and Plant Evolution. Columbia Univ. Press, 562 W. 113th St., New York, NY 10025, 1988. xi + 373 p. ISBN 0-231-06528-0. Price: $55.00. Klug, W.S. and Cummings, M.R. Concepts of Genetics, 2nd Ed. Scott, Foresman & Co., 1900 E. Lake Ave., Glenview, IL 60025, 1986. xix + 699 p. ISBN 0-673-18680-6. Price: $35.95. Kragh, H. An Introduction to the Historiography of Science. Columbia Univ. Press, 32 E. 57th St., New York, NY 10022, 1988. vii + 235 p. ISBN 0-521-33360-1. Price: none given. Larsen, J.A. The Northern Forest Border in Canada and Alaska. Springer-Verlag, 175 5th Ave., New York, NY 10010, 1989. xiii + 255 p. ISBN 0-387-96753-2. Latruffe, N., Gaudemer, Y., Vignais, P. and Azzi, A. Dynamics of Membrane Proteins and Cellular Energetics. Springer-Velag, 175 5th Ave., New York, NY 10010, 1988. vi + 278 p. ISBN 3-387-50047-2. Price: $29.95. Leonard, K.J. and Fry, W.E. Plant Disease Epidemiology: Genetics, Resistance, and Management. Volume II. McGraw-Hill Book Lewin, R.A. The Biology of Algae and Diverse Other Verses. Boxwood Press, 183 Ocean View Blvd., Pacific Grove, CA 93950, 1987. xiv + 191 p. ISBN 0-940168-11-1. Price: $9.95. Levington, J. Genetics, Paleontology. and Macroevolution. Cambridge Univ. Press, 32 E. 57th St., New York, NY )0022, 1988. xiv + 637 p. ISBN 0-521-24933-3. Price: none given. Lichtenthaler, H.K. Applications of Chlorophyll Fluorescence. Kluwer Academic Publ., 101 Phillip Dr., Assinippi Park, Norwell, MA 02061, 1988. xiii + 366 p. ISBN 90-247-3787-7. Price: $91.50. Longton, R.E. Biology of Polar Bryophytes and Lichens. Cambridge Univ. Press, 32 E. 57th St., New York, NY 10022, 1988. viii + 391 p. ISBN 0-521-25015-3. Price: $95.00. Lovelock, J. The Ages of Gaia: A Biography of Our Living Earth. W.W. Norton & Co., 500 5th Ave., New York, NY 10110, 1988. xx + 252 p. ISBN 0-393-02853-7. Price: $16.95. Lovett-Doust, J. and Lovett-Doust, L. Plant Reproductive Ecology: Patterns and Strategies. Oxford Univ. Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016, 1988. xii + 344 p. ISBN 0-19-505175-0. Price: $49.95. Low, K.B. The Recombination of Genetic Material. Academic Press, Inc. 1250 6th Ave., San Diego, CA 92101, 1988. xv + 506 p. ISBN 0-12-456270-1. Price: none given. Mader, S.S. Biology: Evolution Diversity and the Environment. Wm. C. Brown Publ., 2460 Kerper Blvd., P.O. Box 539, Dubuque, IA 52004-0539, 1987. xxiv + 772 p. ISBN 0-697-01357-X. Price: none given. Maluszynski, M. Current Options for Cereal Improvements: Double Haploids. Mutants and Heterosis. Kluwer Academic Publ., 101 Phillip Dr., Assinippi Park, Norwell, MA 02061, 1989. x + 214 p. ISBN 0-7923-0064-5. Price: $53.50. Marshall, G. Flax: Breeding and Utilisation. Kluwer Academic Publ., 101 Phillip Dr., Assinippi Park, Norwell, MA 02061, 1989. v + 171 p. ISBN 0-7923-0065-3. Price: $53.50. 9 Martin, W.C. and Hutchins, C.R. Fall Wildflowers of New Mexico. The Univ. of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, NM 87131, 1989. v + 294 p. ISBN 0-8263-1081-8. Price: $14.95. Mauseth, J.D. plant Anatomy. Bejamin Cummings Publ. Co., 2727 Sand Hill Rd., Menlo Park, CA 94025, 1988. xiv + 560 p. ISBN 0-8053-4570-1. Price: none given. McGinnies, W.G. Discovering the Desert. The Univ. of Arizona Press, 1230 N. Park Ave., #102, Tucson, AZ 85719, 1987. xviii + 276 p. ISBN 0-8165-0728-7. Price: $11.95. McKinney, M.L. Heterochrony in Evolution: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Plenum Publ. Corp., 233 Spring St., New York, NY 10013-1578, 1988. xvii + 348 p. ISBN 0-306-42947-0. Price: $79.50. Meine, C. Aldo Leopold: His Life and Work. Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 114 N. Murray St., Madison, WI 53715, 1988. xv + 638 p. ISBN 0-299-11490-2. Price: $29.50. Miflin, B.J. Oxford Surveys of Plant Molecular and Cell Biology. Oxford Univ. Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016, 1987. 365 p. ISBN 0-19-854233-X. Price: $45.00. Miles, J., Schmidt, W. and Van der Maarel, E. Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Vegetation Dynamics. Kluwer Academic Publ., 101 Phillip Dr., Assinippi Park, Norwell, MA 02061, 1989. 200 p. ISBN 0-7923-0103-X. Price: none given. Mill, S.W, Gowing, D.P. Herbst, D.R. and Wagner, W.L. Indexed Bibliography on the Flowering Plants of Hawaii. Univ. of Hawaii Press, 2840 Kolowalu St., Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, 1988. vi + 214 p. ISBN 0-8248-1169-0. Price: $25.00. Mitchell, J.D. and Mori, S.A. The Cashew and its Relatives. New York Botanical Garden, Scientific Publ. Office., Bronx, NY 10458, 1987. 76 p. ISBN 0-89327-313-9. Price: $19.95. Mizrahi, A. Biotechnology in Agriculture. Alan R. Liss, Inc. 41 E. 11th St., New York, NY 10003, 1988. xi + 266 p. ISBN 0-8451-3208-3. Price: none given. Molnar, J.J. and Kinnucan, H. Biotechnology and the New Agricultural Revolution. Westview Press, 5500 Central Ave., Boulder, CO 80301, 1989. xv + 288 p. ISBN 0-8133-7667-X. Price: $29.95. Mori, S.A. The Lecythidaceae of a Lowland Neotropical Forest: La Fumée Mountain, French Guiana. New York Botanical Garden, Scientific Publ. Office., Bronx, NY 10458, 1987. 190 p. ISBN 0-89327-313-5. Price: $41.80. Morton, A.G. History of Botanical Science. Academic Press, 1250 6th Ave., San Diego, CA 92101, 1981. xii + 474 p. ISBN 0-12-508380-7. Price: $37.50. Murray, D.R. Seed Dispersal. Academic Press, 1250 6th Ave., San Diego, CA 92101, 1987. xiv + 322 p. ISBN 0-12-511900-3. Price: $49.95. Nash, T.H., III and Wirth, V. Lichens. Bryophytes and Air Quality. J. Cramer, Springackern 2, D-3300 Braunschweig, F.R.G., 1988. 297 p. ISBN 3-443-58009-2. Price: none given. Negendank, W. and Edelmann, L. The State of water in the Cell. Scanning Microscopy Intl., P.O. Box 66507, AMF O'Hare (Chicago), IL 60666, 1988. vi + 114 p. ISBN 0-931288-40-1. Price: $19.00. Nitecki, M.H. Evolutionary Progress. The Univ. of Chicago Press, 5801 S. Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL 60637, 1989. viii + 354 p. ISBN 0-226-58693-6. Price: $16.95. Nonnecke, I.L. Vegetable Production. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 115 5th Ave., New York, NY 10003, 1988. xi + 657 p. ISBN 0-442-26721-5. Price: $58.95. Nooden, L.D. and Leopold, A.C. Senescence and Aging in Plants. Academic Press, Inc., 1250 6th Ave., San Diego, CA 92101, 1988. xxviii + 526 p. ISBN 0-12-520920-7. Price: $85.00. Nyvall, R.F. Field Crop Diseases Handbook, 2nd Ed. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 115 5th Ave., New York, NY 10003, 1989. xiii + 817 p. ISBN 0-442-26772-3. Price: $82.95. Ohba, H. and Malla, S.B. The Himalayan Plants. Volume 1. Columbia Univ. Press, 562 W. 133th St., New York, NY 10025, 1988. xii + 386 p., illus. ISBN 0-86998-427-2. Price: $225.00. Orshan, G. Plant Pheno-Morphological Studies in Mediterranean Type Ecosystems. Kluwer Academic Publ., 101 Phillip Dr., Assinippi Park, Norwell, MA 02061, 1989. vii + 404 p. ISBN 90-6193-656-X. Price: $169.00. Peprno, D.R. Phytolith Analysis: An Archaeological and Geological Perspective. Academic Press, 1250 6th Ave., San Diego, CA 92101, 1988. xii + 280 p. ISBN 0-12-557175-5. Price: $49.00. Pipoly, J.J. III. A Systematic Revision of the Genus Cybianthus subgenus Grammadenia New York Botanical Garden, Scientific Publ. Office, Bronx, NY 10458, 1987. 76 p. ISBN 0-89327-314-7. Price: $21.10. Pirone, P.P. Tree Maintenance, 6th Ed. Oxford Univ. Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016, 1988. xiii + 514 p. ISBN 0-19-504370-7. Price: $45.00. Pirozynski, K.A. and Hawksworth, D.L. Coevolution of Fungi with Plants and Animals. Academic Press, Inc., 1250 6th Ave., San Diego, CA 92101, 1988. xii + 285 p. ISBN 0-12-557365-0. Price: $35.00. Plunckett, D. and Sprague, H.B. Detecting Mineral Nutrient Deficiencies in Tropical and Temperate Crops. Westview Press, 5500 Prescott, D.M. Cells. Jones & Bartlett Publ., 20 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116, 1988. xv + 621 p. ISBN 0-86720-092-8. Price: $40.00. 10 |