Plant Science Bulletin archiveIssue: 1989 v35 No 1 Spring
PLANT SCIENCE BULLETINA Publication of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. THOMAS N. TAYLOR, Editor Department of Botany, Ohio State University, 1735 Neil Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43210 (614) 422-3564 Editorial Board PLANT SCIENCE BULLETIN (ISSN 0032-0919) is published four times per year by the Botanical Society of America, Inc., 1735 Neil Ave.. Columbus. OH 43210. Second class postage pending at Columbus. Ohio and additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Robert H. Essman, Botanical Society of America, 1735 Neil Ave.. Columbus. OH 43210. March, 1989 Volume 35 No. 1 <left></left> WHENCE THE NEXT GENERATION OF PLANT SCIENTISTS?Various national surveys and statistical profiles suggest two alarming trends. The first is an aging community of teachers and researchers in both basic and applied plant sciences. The second is the decreasing number of students at both the undergraduate and graduate level who are choosing to study and seek careers in the plant sciences. In some areas such as biotechnology, genetic engineering, and environmental studies there is a lack of adequately trained people with a background in the plant sciences. More than once I have heard laboratory leaders with several major genetic engineering companies lament the presence of skilled molecular biologists who lacked the most rudimentary knowledge regarding the basic biology of plants. One vice president for research said, "we would at least hope we could hire people who understand the life cycle of an angiosperm." Another commented to me, "that it is difficult to have people work with tissue culture of plants when they don't even know how a plant grows." These comments are symptomatic of a problem. The problem is that even trained biologists know too little plant science. Surveys that have been published in the Chronicle of Higher Education indicate that as recently as 1983 less than 0.1% of graduating high school students intended to major in botany while only 0.6% planned to major in Agricultural Sciences. Thus, in 1983 the total number of botany students entering college was 250 for the entire country while the total number of agricultural students was c. 1500 for the whole nation. I do not yet have more recent figures but when they are available I have no reason to believe they will present a more optimistic picture. Many have said there is no real problem because plant science positions are filled from other subdisciplines including biology, chemistry, environmental studies, etc. Unfortunately, too often individuals coming from these disciplines lack any formal or in-depth training in plant science. What are the implications of this situation and how should we as a community of scholars and more particularly the Botanical Society of America address these problems? A primary focus of the problem is related to high school education in the United States. Too many of our high school biology teachers lack even fundamental training in plant science. Too often high school teachers come from programs where they have taken only a single botany course, if any. This tends to skew the high school biology presentation so that little is learned about plants and no interest in plant science is developed. What are the solutions to this predicament? First and foremost I believe the Botanical Society of America must take the initiative regarding plant science education. It is critical that the Society's Education Committee address certain educational issues. These include but are not limited to 1) what is the minimum amount of plant science that should be included in the high school curriculum; 2) what is the minimum amount of plant science to be included in a college curriculum; 3) how to most effectively assure that the high school teacher has an adequate background in plant science; and 4) how to most effectively inform high school and college students about future career opportunities in plant sciences and related fields. To address these questions is a difficult and complicated task and one that cannot be left to the BSA Education Committee alone. Each university and college plant science program in the United States, as well as individual professionals, should be asking these questions and looking for ways to answer them. I want to consider some aspects of these questions with you. I firmly believe that one root of the problem relates to the complacency or arrogance we as professionals exhibit with respect to high school teachers and students. University professors must be willing to reach down to the high school level to "sell" their science. This means a willingness to interact with the high school teacher. At 1 another level it means speaking to a high school science club or making a presentation at a teacher in-service workshop. Perhaps there needs to be more willingness to be involved in local and state science fairs. At least, that request from a high school student regarding a science project, no matter how misguided, deserves a courteous answer and perhaps a willingness to get involved. Too often such letters are dismissed, laughed at, and thrown in the waste basket. If high school and undergraduate college students are to know what a career in plant science is about it is critical that universities and colleges find ways to give the student maximum exposure to the field outside the classroom. One possibility is to be sure that students are given the opportunity to work in individual research laboratories. Another option is to provide internship opportunities that give on-the-job training during the summer or even during the school year. Such possibilities are similar to the very effective engineering cooperative programs. It may be possible to earn college credit while pursuing such an internship making it even more attractive to the student. What I am suggesting is that plant science programs exploit these opportunities where they exist and are feasible. The adequate training of high school teachers is another matter. I believe every university plant science program in basic botany has an obligation to offer an effective master's degree for teachers. This may be done as a pure master's degree or perhaps, more appropriately, as a Master of Arts in Teaching degree. These programs, once serviced by the National Science Foundation Summer Institutes, were among the most successful ever developed in the country. Even without the support of NSF it is possible for a Department of Botany to develop a MAT program in botany to serve high school teachers. At a minimum, plant science programs should consider teaching certain-.basic graduate level courses in their evening programs so they are at least accessible to area teachers. The Botanical Society has made a major effort to revitalize its careers booklet. It is modern and up-to-date and suggests a multitude of possibilities. But this alone cannot sell the plant sciences as a profession to the student. I believe the Botanical Society of American should develop a videotape about the plant sciences as a profession that can be made available to any high school or college that requests it. At the local level every plant science department should consider developing a short videotape about its program that can be sent to area high schools for viewing by teachers and students. Another problem in the marketing of plant science careers relates to job placement. Most of us recognize that the average university or college placement office will not be the vehicle by which our students find positions. That means a department must maintain an effective mechanism for job placement. This may take the form of a jobs file and bulletin board. That alone is not adequate. Each faculty member must be interested in job placement. We have an obligation to know what the possibilities are in our field. We must be willing to take the time to talk with students regarding career opportunities. In most programs fewer than half the undergraduate students will immediately go on to graduate school. Too often professional plant scientists have told these students that there are no opportunities without advanced degrees. This simply is not the case. We have also failed to recognize the potential of linking a degree in plant science with other field such as business, journalism and law. Is your department doing an adequate job relative to placement at the graduate and undergraduate level? What faculty member has primary responsibility for this area? How many job bulletins and newsletters does your department receive? Is job placement recognized as a department responsibility? If you do-not have answers to these questions then you only have yourself to blame for a lack of students seeking a career in plant science. One could be depressed by these problems. I view them as an opportunity. I believe the Botanical Society of America and all plant scientists have a stake in these issues and that by working together we can make the plant sciences healthier and more viable. W. Hardy Eshbaugh POSITION ANNOUNCEMENTSField Collecting PositionThe Smithsonian Institution, Department of Botany, has a field collector position available in the Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program (minimum of 12 months in the Guianas). Beginning in October or November of 1989 the individual selected will spend the remainder of 1989 through early 1991 in the Guianas collecting plant specimens, and 1-2 months in Washington, D.C. helping to identify the collections. For technical information contact C.L. Kelloff, Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program, Department of Botany NHB#166, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560 (202/786-2518; FAX# 202/786-2563). For other information contact Program Director, V.A. Funk, at (202) 357-2560. This position is open to all qualified individuals and will remain so until a suitable person is found. The Smithsonian Institution is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Plant BiologistThe Botany Department of the University of Maryland at College Park seeks applications for an Assistant Professor, twelve-month, tenure-track appointment to start July 1, 1989. The applicant should have a Ph.D. degree in plant biology with promise of, or a proven record of creative endeavors in plant science, teaching and curriculum improvement. The successful candidate will be expected to teach one or two courses each semester in introductory biology or botany at the undergraduate level and to coordinate the General Biological Sciences Program. The latter responsibility will include being the principal advisor of undergraduates in that major, including freshman and new transfer students, administering the General 2 Biological Sciences Honors Program, and recruiting new students. The successful candidate will be expected to improve undergraduate curriculum, conduct research in plant biology or in biology education, publish in appropriate journals and obtain extramural funding to support these activities. Applicants should submit a current résumé, graduate transcripts, statement of professional goals, reprints, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to: Dr. J. David Lockard, Chair, Plant Biologist Search Committee, Department of Botany, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742 by March 15, 1989 for full consideration. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER. Tropical BotanistsTwo positions starting in the fall of 1989. One postdoctoral and one permanent Ph.D. researcher will be chosen from applicants. We seek active researchers with a Ph.D. who will utilize the large living collection of palms, cycads, Caribbean flora, and pan-tropical plants growing at Fairchild Tropical Garden. Research should be in one of the following areas: 1) Biology of cycads or palms; 2) Comparative biology dealing with tropical angiosperms; or 3) Systematics of palms or cycads. Send résumé, names of three references, and one-page statement of botanical interests and proposed research projects to: Botany Positions, Fairchild Tropical Garden, 10901 Old Cutler Road, Miami, FL 33156, before March 1, 1989. The research program is affiliated with Florida International University. Biology and Women's StudiesThe Department of Biological Sciences and the Women's Studies Center of Florida International University (The State University of Florida at Miami) will make a tenure-earning joint appointment in a field of biology relevant to women's studies. The position will begin in the Fall semester, 1989. Candidates should have demonstrated ability in teaching and research and a record of scientific publications in an area of interest to women's studies. The successful candidate will teach courses for both programs and develop a strong research program. Candidates whose research enhances one or more areas of departmental strength (marine, molecular, human or tropical biology; ecology, microbiology) are strongly encouraged to apply, although promising individuals in other areas of biology will be seriously considered. Applicants should submit a c.v., letter of application, and names and addresses of three references by March 30, 1989 to Marilyn Hoder-Salmon, Director, Women's Studies Center, Florida International University, University Park, Miami, FL 33199. The State University System of Florida is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer. CytogeneticistThe Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside is looking for a cytogeneticist at the assistant, associate or full professor level (with comparable title in the Agricultural Experiment Station), for an 11-month, tenure-track appointment. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in genetics or related field and a strong background in molecular cytogenetics with experience in plant systems. The successful candidate will be expected to develop a vigorous research program in basic cytogenetics with applications to plant breeding. Research goals and objectives must be consistent with those of the Agricultural Experiment Station. Potential research areas may include (but are not limited to): molecular biology of plant transposable elements, molecular structure of plant chromosomes, molecular mechanisms of recombination. The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to the department undergraduate teaching program, to offer an upper division/graduate course in Plant Cytogenetics, and to participate in the graduate program. Send curriculum vitae Plant GeneticistSkidmore College invites applications for a one-year, full-time faculty position at the assistant professor rank. The successful candidate will be expected to teach Plant Biology (in both fall and spring terms), Genetics, Plant Physiology or some other, upper-level plant course, and guide students in plant-related senior research projects. Applicants should have an earned Ph.D. Send curriculum vitae, graduate and undergraduate transcripts, and three letters of recommendation by March 30, 1989 to: Elaine Rubenstein, Chair, Department of Biology, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. An affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. ANNOUNCEMENTS1989 Young Botanist Recognition AwardsThe Botanical Society of America requests nominations for the Young Botanist Recognition Awards for 1989. The purpose of these awards is to offer individual recognition to outstanding graduating seniors in the plant sciences and to encourage their participation in the Botanical Society of America. Award winners each receive a Certificate of Recognition signed by the President of the Society and forwarded to the nominating faculty member for presentation. Nominations should document the student's qualifications for the award and be accompanied by one or more letters of recommendation. Nominations should be sent to the Secretary, Gregory J. Anderson, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 75 North Eagleville Road, The University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-3043 by 1 May 1989. 3 BSA T-Shirts and Tote BagsT-shirts and tote bags with a Botanical Society of America logo (see below) are available to individuals making contributions to the BSA Endowment Fund. The design, shown below, is printed in green on a cream-colored background. Adult sizes are 100% cotton Hanes Beefy-T's (S, M, L, XL) and are available for an $11.00 contribution. Children's sizes (6-8, 10-12, 14-16) are 50-50 cotton/polyester and available for a $9.00 contribution. For a $10.00 contribution you will receive a 100% cotton canvas tote bag (measuring 13 x 13 x 4"). All prices include $2.00 for postage and packaging. Please specify item and size and make checks payable to BSA Endowment Fund. Mail to: Dr. J. Jernstedt, Department of Agronomy, University of California, Davis, CA 95616. <left> BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Nominations for Pelton AwardThe Pelton Award Committee is calling for nominations. The award honors Jeanette Siron Pelton "to provide a premium for sustained and imaginative productivity in experimental plant morphology." Recent recipients include: Ralph H. Wetmore, Claude Wardlaw, Paul B. Green, Peter K. Hepler, Lewis J. Feldman, Todd J. Cooke, Tvi Sacks and Scott D. Russell. Please submit names of possible candidates and supporting data to: Otto L. Stein, Department of Botany, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003. Microinjection Techniques in Cell BiologyThe Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, is offering a course from May 21-26, 1989 entitled, "Microinjection Techniques in Cell Biology." The course in intended for graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and investigators and is limited to 24 students. This five-day short course will provide an opportunity to learn techniques of microinjection into a variety of living cells from leading practitioners. The course will consist of lectures, demonstrations and extensive "hands-on" laboratory exercises. Participants will learn to microinject single cells, including, but not limited to: cultured mammalian cells, amphibian oocytes, enchinoderm blastomeres, and various plant cells. Many of the latest methods of light microscopy will be used in conjunction with microinjection. Cost: $1,550 tuition (includes room/board). Application deadline: April 1, 1989. Applications are evaluated by an admissions committee and individuals are notified within two weeks of those decisions. For further information, contact: Admissions Coordinator, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA 02543 (508/548-3705, ext. 216). Database of Poisonous Plants and FungiDr. T.D. Jacobsen and the Hunt Institute, Carnegie Mellon University have received a two-year, $40,000 grant from the Vira I. Heinz Endowment to develop and implement an interactive computer system for identifying poisonous plants and fungi. The database will cover all poisonous native and exotic plants and selected fungi from North America north of Mexico as well as nonpoisonous plants and fungi frequently implicated in poisonings. The terminology is being constructed for use by nonbotanists, especially personnel in hospital emergency rooms and poison-control centers. The Pittsburgh Poison Center has volunteered to serve as the primary beta test site. Information on toxic compounds and bibliographic citations will be included in the database, which will be accompanied by a printed book containing line drawings of all the species covered. In the future, these images will be recorded electronically, and displayed with the database on screen by a relational program. Ultimately the poisonous plant data as well as the recorded images will be available in conjunction with the much larger Flora of North America database currently under development. Changes at the National Science FoundationPlant research has been funded by a number of National Science Foundation divisions. Recently, the Division of Cellular Biosciences (DCB) has reorganized its programs, reducing the number from five to four. The four programs are: Cell Biology, Cellular Biochemistry (which contains most of the research previously funded by Metabolic Biology), Developmental Biology, and Physiological Processes (which contains research supported previously by Regulatory Biology and parts of Metabolic Biology and Cellular Physiology). Research areas included formerly in the Cellular Physiology and Metabolic Biology programs have been reassigned to Cell Biology and Physiological Processes. All four programs now support research in plant biology. The new target dates are June 1 and December 1. Further details about these programs can be obtained from the National Science Foundation. Investigators should contact the Program Officers directly or call the Acting Division Director, Dr. Bruce L. Umminger, at (202) 357-7905 for further information. Summer Field CoursesMountain Lake Biological Station (University of Virginia) announces first term and second term courses that will be offered this summer. The first term runs from June 11-July 15 and includes: Plant Taxonomy (taught by Spencer Tomb, Kansas State University), Ornithology (James R. Karr, Virginia Tech), Behavioral Ecology (Jerry D. Wolff, Villanova University) and Workshop in Allozyme Techniques (Charles T. Werth, Texas Tech University). Second term (July 16-August 19) course offerings include: Community Ecology (Joseph Travis, Florida State University and Henry M. Wilbur, Duke University), Mammalogy (Jack A. Cranford, Virginia Tech), Workshop in Mitochondrial DNA (July 16-July 29, taught by O. Colin Stine, Johns Hopkins University), and Workshop in Molecular Techniques for Field Biology (July 30- 4 August 19, taught by Daniel J. Burke, University of Virginia and Michael P. Timko, University of Virginia). Scholarships are available. For further information and application, write to: Director, Mountain Lake Biological Station, Rm. 251, Gilmer Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22901. Missouri Botanical Garden Begins Major Conservation Effort in MadagascarThe Missouri Botanical Garden recently signed a contract with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) that will provide $450,000 for an integrated program of rural development and conservation in Madagascar. The overall project has been funded for an initial 3-year period, and will have a total budget of $1.45 million. It will include the establishment of a 1200 square mile national park, the largest protected area in Madagascar. The Missouri Botanical Garden will work cooperatively with two local Malagasy agencies, the Ministry of Water and Forests and SA.FA.FI., the development department of the Malagasy Lutheran Church. Erika Kohlmeyer PrizeThis prize commemorates the life and work of Erika Kohlmeyer and her many contributions to the field of marine mycology. It is awarded at each meeting of the International Marine Mycology Symposium for the best student paper submitted by a graduate (postgraduate) student. The paper may deal with any aspect of marine mycology but must be the sole work of the submitting student. For consideration for the 1989 prize, manuscripts should be submitted to Dr. Gilbert C. Hughes, Department of Botany, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6T 2B1, before 1 April 1989. Manuscripts should be complete and in a format suitable for publication at the time of submission. The winner of the Kohlmeyer Prize will receive financial support for travel and accommodation at the Vancouver meeting of the International Marine Mycology Symposium in August, 1989 (see announcement under MEETINGS); a small cash prize; and the opportunity to present the winning paper at a special session of the symposium. Red Latinoamericana de Botanica (RLB) (Latin American Plant Sciences Network (LPS-Network))The Latin American Plant Sciences Network was officially created 2 February, 1988, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The principal objective of the Network is to promote the development of the plant sciences in an indigenous context in the countries of Latin America. The Network is particularly interested in strengthening basic research and training capacity in the countries of Latin America as they bear on biodiversity, conservation and sustainable agriculture. It also wishes to stimulate ties between Latin American and non-Latin American institutions that lead to the above-mentioned objectives. The LPS-Network relies heavily on 6 Graduate Training Centers located in Mexico, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Brazil, Chile and Argentina. These centers are comprised of local consortia of universities and research institutes that, in collaboration, provide solid graduate education in the plant sciences. The Network will offer graduate fellowships (pre-Masters, Masters and Doctoral level) annually on a competitive basis to Latin Americans who wish to undertake their studies in these centers. Additionally the Network will organize a limited number of graduate courses that will be made open to students from any Latin American country, and it will promote cooperative and comparative research in Latin America through a binational research grant scheme and through support of scientific meetings where regional participation is contemplated. The LPS-Network is presently financed through grants from the Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation, U.S.A., the Rockefeller Foundation, U.S.A., and the W. Alton Jones Foundation, U.S.A. Headquarters are located at the Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 653, Santiago, Chile, Telephone 562 2712865, Telex 240230 BOOTH-CL (Attn: M. Arroyo-RLB in text); Telefax 562 2253005 (Attn: M. Arroyo in text). Further information may be obtained from Dr. Mary T. Kalin de Arroyo, Coordinador, RLB, at the above address; Dra. Sonia Machado Campos de Dietrich, Vice-Coordinador, RLB, Instituto de Botanica de Sao Paulo, Caixa Postal 4005, 01051, Sao Paulo, Brasil; and Dr. Enrique Forero, Vice-Coordinador, RLB, Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166-0299, U.S.A. Missouri Botanical Garden ReorganizationThe Garden's Division of Research has announced several important changes in its organization, effective December 1, 1988. The Division of Research is now made up of six departments, all reporting to the Director of Research, Enrique Forero. The 6 departments and their heads are: 1) Botanical Information Management (Nancy Morin), which assumes some of the responsibilities of the division of Botanical Information Resources and includes TROPICOS (the Garden's database system), the Flora of North America and the Flora of China projects; 2) Bryology (Robert Magill); 3) Graduate Studies (Peter Hoch), a newly-created department; 4) Herbarium (James Solomon); 5) Research (Warren Douglas Stevens), which includes the Garden's programs of research and exploration in Africa and Latin America; and 6) Scientific Publications (George Rogers). The Library will remain as a separate unit reporting directly to the Director of the Garden, Peter H. Raven. First Public Online Database of TypesTAXACOM is happy to announce the first online botanical type specimen database. TAXACOM is a free, user-supported electronic service for collections-oriented biologists, established January 12, 1987. Contact is through standard telephone lines at (716) 896-7581, 300/1200/2400 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, one stop bit. (Outside USA, note use of CCITT protocol at 2400 bps, but Bell protocols at 300 and 1200 bps). Long-distance telephone charges should be $.15 to $.20 per minute for evening access from any part of the U.S.A. TAXACOM also welcomes contributions to Flora Online (ISSN 0892-9106), an electronic journal for systematic botany, and encourages user participation in various conferences, such as those on curation, DELTA, geographic information systems, database development, job offers, latin and phylogenetics. For additional information, contact Richard H. Zander, Buffalo Museum of Science, 1020 Humboldt Pkwy., Buffalo, NY 14211 (716) 896-5200, or Honora Murphy, Field Museum of Natural History, Roosevelt Rd. at Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, IL 60605 (312) 922-9410. 5 Summer Field Courses and Research Opportunities, 1989Faculty Positions and Research Opportunities - The University of Colorado's Mountain Research Station, located 25 miles outside of Boulder at an elevation of 9,500 feet, offers opportunities for teaching in winter, spring and summer course sessions. These sessions range in length from 2-week courses between semesters to 6-week summer courses. The Station is accepting applications for future summer courses to be taught at the Station. The Station also provides housing and laboratory facilities for researchers wishing to carry out studies in the surrounding montane and alpine habitats. The Station is the site of one of NSF's Long-term Ecological Research studies, in the alpine habitat of Niwot Ridge and the adjacent Boulder City watershed. For more information, contact: Dr. David Inouye, Director, Mountain Research Station, INSTAAR, CB 450, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309 (303) 492-8842. MEETINGSPlant-Soil Interactions at Low pHThe 2nd International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH will be held June 24-29, 1990 at the Pipestem Resort State Park in southeastern West Virginia. This symposium will provide an opportunity for scientists to exchange information and ideas on solving problems of plant growth in acid soils, and will consist of invited and contributed papers and posters in the following areas: Chemistry and Fertility of Acid Soils, Biology and Biochemistry of Acid Soils, Physiological and Biochemical Basis of Acid Stress Tolerance in Plants, Identification of Plants Adaptable to Low pH Conditions, Genetics and Breeding of Acid Tolerant Plants and Management of Acid Soils. A refereed proceedings volume will be published and papers from oral presentations and posters will be eligible for publication in the proceedings. For additional information and copies of the first announcement, contact: Dr. R. Paul Murrmann, Conference Chairman, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Appalachian Soil and Water Conservation Research Laboratory, P.O. Box 1061, Beckley, West Virginia 25802-1061, (304) 252-6426. 5th International Marine Mycology SymposiumThe 5th International Marine Mycology Symposium will be held on the campus of the University of British Columbia from 20-26 Symposium on the Marine and Terrestrial Botany of the BahamasThe 3rd Symposium on the Marine and Terrestrial Botany of the Bahamas will be held June 6-9, 1989 at the Bahamian Field Station, San Salvador, Bahamas. The Symposium will consist of contributed papers and field trips. Abstract deadline is March 15, 1989. For further information contact: Dr. Donald T. Gerace, Executive Director, Bahamian Field Station, P.O. Box 2488, Port Charlotte, FL 33949. Botanical Society of America Annual MeetingThe annual meeting will be held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from August 6-10, 1989 (see announcement in PSB Vol. 34, No. 4, December, 1988). Air Canada and American Airlines have been selected as the official airlines for this meeting. Fly either carrier and you will receive a special discount plus the personal service you deserve. Call early to get the most convenient flights and the lowest fares: Air Canada 1-800-361-7585 (Please mention file #89-697) or American Airlines 1-800-433-1790 (Please mention file #SO189MH). HONORSHonorary Doctorate for T.T. KozlowskiCongratulations to Theodore T. Kozlowski who was awarded an honorary Doctor of Science degree by the State University of New York in Syracuse on December 16, 1988. Dr. Kozlowski was recognized for his outstanding contributions to plant physiology, especially the study of tree physiology as a specialized discipline. The award noted that he, "personifies the questing scholar and inspired teacher." Congratulations to Eldon NewcombProfessor Eldon H. Newcomb, Folke Skoog Professor of Botany at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, was elected to the National Academy of Sciences last April. He is one of the most distinguished pioneers in plant cell biology--his research program can be described as trail-blazing with a number of firsts in the field of plant cell ultrastructure, including his work on microtubules, microbodies, and coated and spiny vesicles. Dr. Newcomb's current research on cellular specialization of nitrogen-fixing root nodules in legumes has characteristically been ground-breaking. In all of his 6 publications he has promoted the highest of standards in ultrastructural investigation of plant cells; his impact on the field of plant cell biology has been enormous. In addition to being a contributor at the cutting edge of plant science, Dr. Newcomb is a highly regarded and dedicated teacher. IN MEMORIAMAmy J. GilmartinAmy Jean Gilmartin, noted botanist at Washington State University, died February 10, 1989 at her Pullman home. She was director of the M. Ownbey Herbarium at WSU. Dr. Gilmartin received a bachelor's degree in biology at Pomona College in 1954 and a master's in botany from the University of Hawaii in 1956. She was a research assistant in Hawaii at an agricultural research station from 1954 to 1955. During that time she and her husband lived aboard their 36-foot sailing boat, and sailed to Los Angeles following graduation. From 1956 to 1958 she was the assistant curator of the Herbarium at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. She was also a botany teaching assistant and a research assistant in forest genetics. From 1962 to 1964 Dr. Gilmartin was "profesora contratada" at the Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador, and led her first expedition to the Galapagos Islands in 1963 for that university. In 1965 she received her doctorate in botany from the University of Hawaii and was a visiting researcher at the San Diego Natural History Museum. Dr. Gilmartin was a research associate in botany at the Smithsonian Institution from 1969 to 1970 and an assistant professor of biology at Hartnell College, Salinas, California. From 1970, she was instructor in the department of biology at Monterey Peninsula College, California. From 1975 to 1978, she was assistant professor of Botany at WSU and has been an associate professor there since 1979. Dr. Gilmartin came to Pullman to direct the Marion Ownbey Herbarium at WSU, a position she held until going on sabbatical leave last year. She was a published poet, a hiker, skier, tennis player and sailboat enthusiast. Her professional service included: 1977-78 Vice-President, California Botanical Society; 1978-1980, member of the Council of the American Society of Plant Taxonomists (ASPT); 1979, member of the editorial board for Monograph Series, ASPT; member, editorial board, California Botanical Society. (Idahonian/Daily News, Moscow, ID, 2/13/89) William C. SteereWilliam Campbell Steere, president emeritus of the New York Botanical Garden, died February 7, 1989 in Bronxville, NY. Dr. Steere, who earned doctoral degrees from the University of Michigan and the University of Montreal, taught at the University of Michigan from 1931 until 1950, becoming chairman of the biology department. He was dean of the graduate division of Stanford University from 1950 to 1958. In 1958, he became director of the New York Botanical Garden and a professor botany at Columbia University. He retired from the garden in 1972. Dr. Steere was an authority on mosses and belonged to many botanical organizations. He received honorary degrees from the University of Montreal, the University of Michigan and the University of Alaska. His botanical work won him many awards, including the Japanese Order of the Sacred Treasure in 1972. (New York Times, 2/8/89) BOOK REVIEWS
Hickey, Michael and Clive King. 100 Families of Flowering Plants, 2nd ed. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1985. xvi + 619 pp., illus. ISBN 0-521-33049-1. University coursework in plant taxonomy customarily devotes considerable attention to a survey of angiosperm diversity. Students acquire at least passing familiarity with the morphological characteristics and other botanical aspects of selected families. A number of textbooks appropriate for such a course are available, among which is Hickey and Kings' 100 Families of Flowering Plants, first published in 1981. A second edition is now available. The organization of the book makes it well suited to the needs of beginning and intermediate level taxonomy students. Families are circumscribed in a more-or-less conservative fashion (although the segregation of Corylaceae from Betulaceae may raise some eyebrows). in the main section of the book, each family is described, and information presented on its size (i.e., approximate number of genera and species), geographic distribution, economically important members, systematic affinities, and classification. Following this, a representative species is illustrated and described in detail. These illustrations depict not only the habit of the plant, but also include dissections of the flower as well as enlarged longitudinal and transverse sections of taxonomically important floral structures. This latter feature allows the book to be used as a laboratory manual and sets it apart from many otherwise similar texts. In selecting families for inclusion, the authors sought to adequately illustrate the entire range of floral diversity evident among angiosperms. The families selected meet this criterion well. In checking for families that I would include in such a course, the only absences noted were the Amaranthaceae, Hydrophyllaceae, Lemnaceae, Najadaceae lat., and Nymphaeaceae s. lat., none of which seems especially critical. The authors' criterion of breadth was tempered by the necessity of including only those families for which a typical representative would be readily available in quantity. An important point in this regard is that the book was written and published in Great Britain. However, the authors apparently had the American market in mind when selecting their representative species. The majority are either widely cultivated throughout the north temperate zone (e.g., Acer pseudoplatanus, Aesculus hippocastaneum); are species common to the spontaneous floras of both Europe and North America (e.g., Lythrum salicaria, plantago lanceolata); or at least belong to genera common to both (e.g., Betula, Rosa). For this reason, the Old World origin of the book should pose no significant hardships for North American instructors. 7 Preceding the main section is an introduction (largely rewritten for this edition) in which the numerous terms used to described floral morphology are defined and illustrated. This is supplemented by an illustrated glossary at the back of the book. Following the main section is a series of tables, some new and some expanded for this edition, that summarize the major morphological features of the families. Students reviewing for examinations will find this feature particularly helpful. There is also a phenological calendar for the representative species, which the instructor may find useful when attempting to procure laboratory materials. All in all, the book admirably accomplishes its goal of acquainting students with angiosperm diversity. The only negative comment I would offer regards the illustrations, which are executed in a very dark and heavily shaded style. Although this renders them less pleasing aesthetically (at least to me), it does not compromise their usefulness as a learning aid. Persons offering taxonomy courses that emphasize angiosperm diversity would do well to consider this book for possible use as a text. Thomas G. Lammers Ellenberg, Heinz. 1986. Vegetation Ecology of Central Europe. 4th Ed. Trans. from the German by G.K. Strutt. English trans., 1988, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. xxii + 731 pp. Price: $125.00 (hardback) In this treatise, Professor Ellenberg is concerned not only with the near-natural vegetation of central Europe, but also with that which is the result of human activities, such as meadow, pasture, heath, and weed communities. The book is divided into five major sections (A-E). Section A, "Introductory survey," gives a general overview of the geography, climate, and vegetation of central Europe, including the influence of man on the vegetation over several millennia. Section B deals with "Near-natural woods and thickets." The author discusses in some detail the various kinds of woodlands, including beech and mixed beech woods of several kinds, woodlands rich in sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) and ash, mixed lime (Tilia) woods, oak (Quercus petraea, Q. robur)-hornbeam woodland, xerothermic mixed oak (Q. pubescens, Q. petraea) woods, several kinds of coniferous (Abies, Larix, Picea, Pinus) woodlands, woodlands (e.g., poplar-willow, ash-alder, elm-ash-oak) of floodplains, and fen (e.g., black alder) alder) woods. We learn that beech and oaks are the most important woodland trees in the potential natural as well as in the actual vegetation of central Europe and that conifers do not play much of a role except in the northeastern part of the region and at higher elevations in the mountains. Section C, "Other near-natural formations," includes a discussion of the plant communities of freshwater and saline habitats, sand dunes and alpine, treeless subalpine and nival vegetation. It is stated on p. 388 that, "In the lowland areas of central Europe the only habitats in which trees cannot grow are salt meadows, bare sand dunes, raised bogs, sedge fens, and reed swamps." Section D covers "Formations created and maintained largely by man's activities." Plant communities discussed include various types of xeric and mesic grasslands, dwarf-shrub heaths, forest plantations, woodland clearings and burned-over areas, hedge rows, pastures, mudflats, and various weedy plant communities. The last part of Section D is on plant succession on abandoned land, including plowed fields and meadows. Over the past few hundred years central Europe slowly has been denuded of its natural woodland cover, and this has been replaced by various kinds of meadows, grasslands, heaths, planted conifer (e.g., Norway spruce, Scots pine), and hardwood (e.g., black locust, poplar) plantations. Section E, "Tabular summary and index," includes a bibliography which contains around 2,000 references. The majority are from the German literature, but Professor Ellenberg has not ignored publications from other countries. This section also includes a classification (sensu Braun-Blanquet et al.) summary of the plant communities of central Europe, and the characteristic species of each class, order, alliance, and suballiance; a species index that includes coded information about the indicator value and life form of each species; and a subject index. There are approximately 135 references (in four columns) per page of bibliography. Needless to say, the printing is very small and thus hard to read. This book is not simply a comprehensive phytosociological description of the vegetation of central Europe. It also includes an analysis of the causal, historic, and dynamic aspects of its plant communities. Information on phytosociology, ecosystem processes (i.e., productivity, mineral cycling), regeneration (succession), and on the autecology (e.g., germination, photosynthesis) of individual species, as members of the plant community, are interwoven into the discussion of the vegetation. As P.J. Grubb states in the Foreword, Professor Ellenberg's aim has been to understand vegetation and not simply to describe it. Thus, this book is a detailed account of the vegetation ecology of central Europe. There are 499 figures and 130 tables, many of which include phytosociological data. As with the references, explanations which follow many of the figure captions are printed in very small letters. I recommend this book to those persons who want to learn about the vegetation of central Europe and of its ecology. However, the book is so expensive I doubt that many individuals will buy it. Jerry M. Baskin 8 Glass, A.D.M. Plant Nutrition: An Introduction to Current Concepts. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston, MA, 1989. 234 pp. As an introduction to plant nutrition, this book is remarkably thorough and up-to-date. The chapters are logically organized and the writing style is clear and concise. The mixture of historical information and new findings is extremely well balanced and illustrates with clarity the many exciting aspects of current research on plant nutrition. The author has been careful to distinguish between speculation and established interpretation. Introductory students should appreciate the way the more esoteric aspects of physics, biophysics, The mixture of historical information and new findings is extremely well balanced and illustrates with clarity the many exciting aspects of current research on plant nutrition. The author has been careful to distinguish between speculation and established interpretation. Introductory students should appreciate the way the more esoteric aspects of physics, biophysics, etc. are explained and related to phenomena at the whole plant level. The only criticism I have is cosmetic. Several of the halftones are poorly reproduced. Either the reproduction methods used to print this book should have been better or the halftones should have been left out and replaced with appropriate line drawings. I highly recommend this book for undergraduate plant nutrition courses and as a supplemental guide for graduate courses. It should also be a valuable supplement for anyone teaching plant physiology at virtually any level. Roger P. Hangarter Gardiner, Allan. Modern Plant Propagation. Lothian Publ. Co. Pty Ltd., Port Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 1988. 186 pp., illus. Price: $16.95 (paperback). ISBN 0-85091-283-0. (Distributed in the U.S. by ISBS, 5602 N.E. Hassalo St., Portland, OR 97213-3640). Allan Gardiner worked as a propagator and nurseryman at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne, Australia and shares in this book the wealth of his experience and knowledge. The first section of the book describes the various methods used to propagate plants both from seeds and vegetatively. The second section provides detailed information on the propagation of specific garden trees and shrubs including orchard plants. A couple of chapters are also devoted to orchids and house plants. Information on the propagation of many native Australian plants, such as genera in the Proteaceae and Myrtaceae, may be of particular interest to people from the Northern Hemisphere. Both the amateur and professional gardener will find this a useful source of information about plant propagation. David L. Dilcher Croasdale, H. and E.A. Flint. Flora of New Zealand. Freshwater Algae. Chlorophyta, Desmids. Volume II. Botany Division, DSIR, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1988. 147 pp. ISBN 0-477-02530-7. Price: NZ$57.50 (approx. US$39.00). Compared to many regions, the freshwater algae of New Zealand are poorly known, as little more than checklists have been available previously. Happily the second of three volumes on one important group-the desmids - has appeared. Volume II treats almost 300 species belonging to five genera of placoderm desmids-Actinotaenium, Comocladium, Spinocosmarium, Xanthidium, and the large genus Cosmarium. These volumes contain workable dichotomous keys to the genera and species, descriptions supported by fine drawings for light microscopic identifications, and an elaborate glossary of terms and abbreviations. Systematics and taxonomy are supplemented with descriptions of habitats readily located in maps and often with significant detail of chemical and physical properties. These data have been fully referenced and contribute much to the ecology of desmids. A special feature is the historical perspective provided by occasional illustrated bibliographical notes on famous desmidologists or quotations. These volumes will be indispensable for those working on New Zealand desmids. They will prove useful ecologically for those studying desmids over a much wider area. Bruce C. Parker Longo, Frank J. Fertilization. Chapman and Hall, New York, 1987. viii + 183 pp. ISBN 0-412-26880-9. Price: $60.00 (hardback), ISBN 0-412-26410-2. Price: $27.50 (paperback). This thin volume entitled Fertilization is part of a Chapman and Hall series on biology that seeks to summarize knowledge from different disciplines in order to review the burgeoning literature at the graduate student to advanced undergraduate student level. Written by one of the more highly recognized researchers in ultrastructure and physiology of animal fertilization, Longo details the breadth of egg-sperm interactions from sea urchins to mammals, summarizing sperm activation, capacitation, the acrosome reaction, binding of the sperm and egg, egg activation, blocks to polyspermy, pronuclear interactions, the fate of sperm flagella and organelles, and finally fertilization. The book presents a diversity of animal examples of the many phenomena he discusses. Sometimes this amplifies his message, but frequently, it confuses it. Some data could have been more successfully integrated into well-conceived tables. This would have allowed the reader to compare both diversity of specific mechanisms and commonality of general phenomena more easily. The quality of the illustrations is a strong point. Light and electron micrographs are very well matched with the text. Some of the microscopy is quite impressive. Unfortunately, little of the material concerns organisms from the plant world. Mention of reproduction in the brown alga Fucus, which possesses among the most "animal-like" forms of reproduction in the plant kingdom, is used entirely to support concepts in animal biology without extending the scope of these concepts. This work, however, may indirectly provide some parallels for reproduction that may be useful for researching plant systems. As these systems become more completely understood, undoubtedly some of the concepts presented here will be applicable to both plants and animals. For the present time, however, botanists interested in this book should possess a strong curiosity about animal biology. Scott D. Russell 9 Goodwin, E.T. (ed.), Plant Pigments, Academic Press, London, 1988. 362 pp. ISBN 0-12-289847-8. This book contains a series of chapters covering topics that the editor judged to be of growing interest in the field of plant pigment research. The current volume is the most recent in a series of volumes on the subject containing articles by the experts. In 1965, the first edition of a book dealing with plant pigments, The Chemistry and Biochemistry of Plant The current update contains chapters on chlorophylls, carotenoids, phytochrome and flavonoids. These chapters discuss the structure of the various compounds, biosynthesis and degradation, mechanisms of action, and their physiological roles. The function of pigments in chloroplasts is summarized in one chapter and provides an excellent review of the subject from both a historical and recent perspective. Much of the information contained in this book is discussed from a physiological and/or biochemical perspective, but two chapters in particular discuss the phylogenetic aspects of plant pigments. A chapter on the distribution and analysis of carotenoids discusses two rather divergent subjects, methods of analysis of the compounds and their phylogenetic distribution. The taxonomic distribution of carotenoids from bacteria to angiosperms is discussed in detail. Additionally, there is information on the biosynthetic pathways leading to the various carotenoids among the various groups. The chapter on flavonoids gives only a brief discussion of the taxonomic distribution of flavonoids, but provides a splendid discussion of their structure, biosynthesis, and function, as well as current methods of analysis. In general, I find this book provides a good source of current information on certain plant pigments, with emphasis on carotenoids, chlorophylls and flavonoids. This book would be a valuable acquisition for anyone doing research or teaching in this field. Randall J. Bayer NEW BOOKSAbrahamson, W.G. Plant-Animal Interactions. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 11 W. 19th St., New York, NY 10011, 1989. xv + 480 p. ISBN 0-07-000179-0. Price: $47.95. Ahuja, M.R. Somatic Cell Genetics of Woody Plants. Kluwer Academic Publ. Group, 101 Philips Dr., Norwell, MA 02061, 1988. xxi + 235 p. ISBN 90-247-3728-1. Price: $59.00. Akiyama, S. Revision of the Genus Lespedeza Section Macrolespedeza (Leguminosae). Columbia Univ. Press, 562 W. 113th St., New York, NY 10025, 1988. vii + 170 p. ISBN 4-13-068145-1. Price: $79.50. Albrecht, R.M. and Hodges, G.M. Biotechnology and Bioapplications of Colloidal Gold. Scanning Microscopy Intl., P.O. Box 66507, AMF O'Hare, Chicago, IL 60666, 1988. viii + 312 p. ISBN 0-931288-39-8. Price: $39.00. Allen, E.B. The Reconstruction of Disturbed Arid Lands: An Ecological Approach. Westview Press, 5500 Central Ave., Boulder, CO 80301, 1988. ix + 267 p. ISBN 0-8133-7716-1. Price: $38.50. Aloia, R.C., Curtain, C.C. and Gordon, L.M. Lipid Domains and the Relationships to Membrane Function. Alan R. Liss, Inc., 41 E. 11th St., New York, NY 10003-9884, 1988. x + 301 p. ISBN 0-8451-4601-7. Price: $120.00. Amos, B.B. and Gehlback, F.R. Edwards Plateau Vegetation. Baylor Univ. Press, Waco, TX 76798, 1988. vii + 145 p. ISBN 0-918954-50-9. Price: none given. Anderson, R.S. and Huber, W. The Hour of the Fox: Tropical Forests, the World Bank, and the Indigenous People in Central India. Arthur, W. The Niche in Competition and Evolution. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016, 1987. xiv + 175 p. ISBN 0-471-91615-3. Price: $45.95. Bereiter-Hahn, J., Anderson, O.R. and Reif, W.-E. Cytomechanics: The Mechanical Basis of Cell Form and Structure. Springer- Biswas, M.R. and Biswas, A.K., eds. Genetic Manipulation in Crops. Natural Resources and Environment Series, Volume 22. Mansell Publ. Ltd., Artillery House, Artillery Row, London SW1P 1RT, England, 1988. xix + 446 p. illus. ISBN 1-85148-022-6. Price: $45.00. Bothe, H., de Bruijn, F.J. and Newton, W.E., eds. Nitrogen Fixation: Hundred Years After. Proc. of the 7th Int. Congress on N=Fixation. VCH Publ., Inc. 303 N.W. 12th Ave., Deerfield Beach, FL 33442-1705, 1988. 878 p. ISBN 0-89574-271-3. Price: DM 186. 10 Bouche, D.H., ed. The Biology of Mutualism. Ecology and Evolution. Oxford Univ. Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016, 1985. x + 388 p. ISBN 0-19-505392-3. Price: $24.95. Brodbeck, U. and Bordier, C. Post-Translational Modification of Proteins by Lipids: A Laboratory Manual. Springer-Verlag, Inc., 175 5th Ave., New York, NY 10010, 1988. 146 p. ISBN 0-387-50215-7. Price: $36.00. Brush, S.G. The History of Modern Science. Iowa State Univ. Press, 2121 S. State Ave., Ames, IA 50010, 1988. xv + 544 p. ISBN 0-8138-0883-9. Price: $39.95. Cerdá-Olmedo, E. and Lipson, E.D. Phycomyces. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, P.O. Box 100, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724, 1987. xiv + 430 p. ISBN 0-87969-199-9. Price: $88.00. Chalk, D. Hebes and Parahebes. Timber Press, 9999 S.W. Wilshire, Portland, OR 97225, 1988. xiii + 152 p. ISBN 0-88192-124-6. Price: $32.95. Charton, B. The Facts on File Dictionary of Marine Science. Facts on File Publ., 460 Park Ave. S., New York, NY 10016, 1988. 325 p. ISBN 0-8160-1031-5. Price: none given. Cody, V., Middleton, E., Harbone, J.B. and Beretz, A. Plant Flavonoids in Biology and Medicine II. Alan R. Liss, Inc., 41 E. 11th St., New York, NY 10003. xxi + 461 p. ISBN 0-8451-5130-4. Price: $80.00. Craker, L.E. and Simpson, J.E. Annual Review of Herbs, Spices, and Medicinal Plants. Recent Advances in Botany, Horticulture, and Pharmacology, Vol. 3. The Oryx Press, Suite 103, 2214 N. Central at Encanto, Phoenix, AZ 85004-1483. xi + 220 p. ISBN 0-89774-360-1. Price: $69.50. Cranbrook, Earl of, ed. Key Environments; Malaysia. Pergamon Press, Headington Hill Hall, Oxford OX3 OBW, U.K., 1988. x + 317 p. ISBN 0-08-028866-9. Price: $48.01. Cronquist, A. The Evolution and Classification of Flowering Plants, 2nd Ed.. New York Botanical Garden, Scientific Publ. Office, Bronx, NY 10458, 1988. x + 556 p. ISBN 0-89327-332-5. Price: $45.35. Davies, R.A. and Lloyd, K.M. Kew Index for 1987. Oxford Univ. Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016, 1988. 618 p. ISBN 0-19-854345-3. Price: $39.95. Dickinson, R.E., ed. The Geophysiology of Amazonia. Vegetation and Climate Interactions. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1 Wiley Dr., Somerset, NJ 08875-1272, 1987. xvii + 526 p. illus. ISBN 0-471-84511-6. Price: $72.50. Doust, J.L. and Doust, L.L., eds. Plant Reproductive Ecology. Patterns and Strategies. Oxford Univ. Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NU 10016, 1988. xii + 344 p. ISBN 0-19-5-5175-0. Price: $49.95. Duncan, W.H. and Duncan, M.B. Trees of the Southeastern United States. The University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA 30602, 1988. xi + 322 p. ISBN 0-8203-0954-0. Price: $19.95. Du Puy, D. and Cribb, P. The Genus Cymbidium. Timber Press, 9999 S.W. Wilshire, Portland, OR 97225, 1988. xx + 204 p. illus. ISBN 0-88192-119-X. Price: $59.95. Fiala, F.J.L. Lilacs. The Genus Syringa. Timber Press, 9999 S.W. Wilshire, Portland, OR 97225, 1988. 266 p. illus. ISBN 0-88192-001-0. Price: $59.95. Forth, H.D. and Ellis, B.G. Soil Fertility. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1 Wiley Dr., Somerset, NJ 08875-1272, 1988. xi + 212 p. ISBN 0- 71-82507-7. Price: $25.75. Franz, H. Advances in Lectin Research, Vol. 1. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 44 Hartz Way, Secaucus, NJ 07094-2491. 187 p. ISBN 0-387-17972-0. Price: $57.00. Gamlin, L. and Vines, G. The Evolution of Life. Oxford Univ. Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016, 1986. 256 p. ISBN 0-19-520532-4. Price: $35.00. Gepts, P. Genetic Resources of Phaseolus Beans. Kluwer Academic Publ. Group, P.O. Box 989, 3300 AZ Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1988. xiii + 613 p. ISBN 90-247-368-54. Price: $138.50. Gianinazzi-Pearson, V. and Gianinazzi, S., eds. Physiological and Genetical Aspects of Mycorrhizae. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Service des Publications, C.N.R.A., Rte. de St. Cyr, 78000 Versailles, France, 1986. 832 p. ISBN 2-85340-774-8. Price: FF350. Gilles, R., ed. Advances in Comparative and Environmental Physiology 2. Springer-Verlag, Inc., 44 Hartz Way, Secaucus, NJ 07094-2491, 1988. viii + 252 p. ISBN 0-387-18829-0. Price: $84.40. Graham, R.D., Hannam, R.J. and Uren N.C., eds. Manganese in Soils and Plants. Kluwer Academic Publ. Group, P.O. Box 989, 3300 AZ Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1988. xvii + 344 p. ISBN 90-247-3758-3. Hackett, P.B., Fuchs, J.A. and Messing, J.W. An Introduction to Recombinant DNA Techniques. The Benjamin/Cummings Publ. Co., Inc., 2727 Sand Hill Rd., Menlo Park, CA 94025, 1988. xii + 243p. ISBN 0-8053-0138-0. Price: none given. Harris, K.F., ed. Advances in Disease Vector Research, Volume 5. Springer-Verlag, Inc., 44 Hartz Way, Secaucus, NJ 07094-2491, 1988. xvi + 300 p. illus. ISBN 0-387-96738-9. Price: $89.99. Hayat, M.A., ed. Correlative Microscopy in Biology. Instrumentation and Methods. Academic Press, 1250 6th Ave., San Diego, CA 92101, 1987. xiii + 437 p. ISBN 0-12-333922-7. Price: $59.00. Henis, Y., ed. Survival and Dormancy of Microorganisms. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1 Wiley Dr., Somerset, NJ 08875-1272, 1987. ix + 355 p. illus. ISBN 0-471-80054-6. Price: $49.95. 11 Hostettmann, K., Hostettmann, M. and Marston, A. preparative chromatography Techniques, Applications in Natural Product Isolation. Springer-Verlag, 44 Hartz Way, Secaucus, NJ 07094-2491, 1986. 139 p. ISBN 0-387-16165-1. Price: $55.00. Hull, D.L. Science as a Process. The University of Chicago Press, 5801 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, 1988. xiii + 586 p. ISBN 0-226-36050-4. Price: $39.95. Jain, M. Introduction to Biological Membranes. 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1 Wiley Dr., Somerset, NJ 08875-1272, 1988. vii + 423 p. ISBN 0-471-84471-3. Price: $54.95. Jordan, W.R., Gilpin, M.E. and Aber, J.D., eds. Restoration Ecology. A Systematic Approach to Ecological Research. Cambridge Univ. Press, 510 North Ave., New Rochelle, NY 10801, 1987. viii + 342 p. illus. ISBN 0-521-33110-2. Price: none given. Kaul, M.L.H. Male Sterility in Higher Plants. Springer-Verlag Inc., 44 Hartz Way, Secaucus, NJ 07094-2491, 1988. xvi + 1005 p. illus. ISBN 0-387-17952-6. Price: $229.10. Lerman, M. Marine Biology. The Benjamin/ Cummings Publ. Co., Inc., 2727 Sand Hill Rd., Menlo Park, CA 94025, 1986. viii + 534 p. ISBN 0-8053-6042-1. Price: none given. Lomnicki, A. Population Ecology of Individuals. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ 08540, 1988. ix + 223 p. ISBN 0-691-08462-9. Price: none given. Longman, K.A. and Jenik, J. Tropical Forest and Its Environment, 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016, 1987. xii + 347 p. illus. ISBN 0-582-44678-3. Price: $49.95. MacDonald, I.A., Kruger, F.J. and Ferrar, A.A. The Ecology and Management of Biological Invasions in Southeastern McCammon, J.A. and Harvey, S.C. Dynamics of Proteins and Nucleic Acids. Cambridge Univ. Press, 510 North Ave., New Rochelle, NY 10801, 1987. xii + 234 p. ISBN 0-521-35652-0. Price: none given. Mickel, J.T. and Beitel, J.M. Pteridophyte Flora of Oaxaca. Mexico. New York Botanical Garden, Scientific Publ. Office, Bronx, NY 10458, 1988. ii + 568 p. illus. ISBN 0-89327-323-6. Price: $94.85. Mitsch, W.J., Straskraba, M. and Jorgensen, S.E., eds. Wetland Modelling. Elsevier Science Publ. Co., P.O. Box 1663, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163, 1988. ix + 227 p. ISBN 0-444-42936-0. Price: $97.25. Molau, U. Schrophulariaceae - Part 1. Calceolarieae. Flora Neotropica Monograph 47. New York Botanical Garden, Scientific Publ. Office, Bronx, NY 10458, 1988. ii + 326 p. illus. ISBN 0-89327-327-9. Price: $62.65. Nitecki, M.H. and Hoffman, A. Neutral Models in Biology. Oxford Univ. Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016, 1987. 166 p. ISBN 0-19-505099-1. Price: $29.95. Park, C.-W. Taxonomy of Polygonum Section Echinocaulon (Polygonaceae). New York Botanical Garden, Scientific Publ. Office, Bronx, NY 10458, 1988. ii + 82 p. ISBN 0-89327-329-5. Price: $21.45. Phillips, C.R. and Poon, Y.C. Immobilization of Cells. Biotechnology Monographs Vol. 5. Springer-Verlag, Inc., 44 Hartz Way, Secaucus, NJ 07094-2491, 1988. viii + 167 p. ISBN 0-387-18637-9. Price: $99.00. Robson, J.M., ed. Origin and Evolution of the Universe. Evidence for Design? McGill-Queen's Univ. Press, 855 Sherbrook St. West, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2T7, 1987. xiii + 297 p. ISBN 0-7735-0618-7. Price: $35.00 (cloth), $15.95 (paper). Sink, K.C. petunia. Springer-Verlag, Inc., 44 Hartz Way, Secaucus, NJ 07094-2491, 1984. xii + 256 p. illus. ISBN 0-387-14372-7. Price: $62.00. Steffens, G.L. and Rumsey, T.S. Biomechanisms Regulating Growth and Development. Kluwer Academic Publ. Group, P.O. Box 989, 3300 AZ Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1988. ix + 479 p. ISBN 90-247-3668-4. Price: $138.50. Stewart, B.A., ed. Advances in Soil Science. Volume 6. Springer-Verlag, Inc., 44 Hartz Way, Secaucus, NJ 07094-2471, 1987. viii + 222 p. ISBN 0-387-96432-0. Price: $64.70. Stewart, B.A., ed. Advances in Soil. Science. Volume 7. Springer-Verlag, Inc., 44 Hartz Way, Secaucus, NJ 07094-2471, 1987. viii + 228 p. illus. ISBN 0-387-96551-3. Price: $73.00. Summerfield, R.J. World Crops: Cool Season Food Legumes. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Dr., Norwell, MA 02061, 1988. xxxviii + 1179 p. ISBN 90-247-3641-2. Price: $355.00. Sutton, D.A. A Revision of the Tribe Antirrhinea. Oxford Univ. Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016, 1988. 575 p. ISBN 0-19-858520-9. Price: $135.00. Todzia, C.A. Chloranthaceae: Hedyosum. New York Botanical Garden, Scientific Publ. Office, Bronx, NY 10458, 1988. ii + 139 p. illus. ISBN 0-89327-316-3. Price: $31.75. Tudge, C. The Environment of Life. Oxford Univ. Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016, 1988. 255 p. ISBN 0-19-52061-5. Price: $35.00. Von Reline, G. Sequence Analysis in Molecular Biology. Academic Press, 1250 6th Ave., San Diego, CA 92101, 1987. xii + 188 p. ISBN 0-12-725130-8. Price: $29.95. Wilms, W.J. and Keijzer, C.J. Plant Sperm Cells as Tools for Biotechnology. PUDOC, P.O. Box. 4, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands, 1988. x + 177 p. ISBN 90-220-0958-0. Price: f90.00. 12 |