Plant Science Bulletin archiveIssue: 1988 v34 No 4 Winter
PLANT SCIENCE BULLETINA Publication of the Botanical Society of America, Inc. THOMAS N. TAYLOR, Editor Department of Botany, Ohio State University, 1735 Neil Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43210 (614) 422-3564 Editorial Board PLANT SCIENCE BULLETIN (ISSN 0032-0919) is published four times per year by the Botanical Society of America, Inc., 1735 Neil Ave.. Columbus. OH 43210. Second class postage pending at Columbus. Ohio and additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Robert H. Essman, Botanical Society of America, 1735 Neil Ave.. Columbus. OH 43210. December, 1988 Volume 34 No. 4 BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA NEWSBy-LawsThe following changes to the by-laws of the Botanical Society of America were passed by mail vote of the membership in the spring of 1988. The changes are presented here for your perusal: The first sentence of Article II, Section 1(e) was amended to read:
Gregory J. Anderson, Secretary Election of Corresponding MembersAt the Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of America in August, four persons were elected as Corresponding Members. Corresponding Members are distinguished scientists who have made outstanding contributions to plant science and who live and work outside the United States. The number of such members is limited to fifty living persons. Those elected at the 1988 Annual Meeting are: Francis Hallé, Institute Botanique, Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, Montpellier, France Zygmunt Hejnowicz, Department of Biophysical and Cell Biology, Silesian University, Katowice, Poland Josef Poelt, Professor of Systematic Botany and Director, Botanical Garden, University of Graz, Austria Werner Rauh, University of Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany Call for Nominations for New Corresponding MembersBSA members are asked to suggest possibilities for Corresponding Members (see definition above). A complete list of the current Corresponding Members is included in the BSA Directory. In addition, four new members were added last year (listed above) and at least one vacancy is known to exist. The person suggesting a candidate should supply documentation to the Committee on Corresponding Members, including a current curriculum vitae, list of publications, one-page statement about the person's outstanding contributions to his or her field, and letters of recommendation. Although no set maker of letters is required, the more the better. The Corresponding Members Committee requests that updated sets of documentation be submitted for candidates for Corresponding Member who have not yet been accepted by the Society, if the documentation is more than two years old. Materials should be submitted to: Dr. Shirley Tucker, Chairman, Corresponding Members Committee, Department of Botany, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (504/388-8552). Botanical AwardsThe following prizes were awarded on 17 August 1988 at the dinner for all botanists given by the Botanical Society of America at its annual meeting held in Davis, California in conjunction with the American Institute of Biological Sciences: BSA Merit AwardsThese awards are made to persons judged to have made outstanding contributions to botanical science. This year three botanists were selected: Aubrey Willard Naylor - Distinguished plant physiologist, author and botanical statesman for 50 years; innovative investigator of mechanisms of action of plant growth regulators, and of amino acid and nucleic acid metabolism. Richard Evans Schultes - World renowned economic botanist, editor, explorer, and inspiring professor; author of definitive works on orchids and rubber, and on hallucinogenic, narcotic and medicinal plants. 1 T. Elliot Weier - Pioneer in chloroplast structure, particularly ultrastructure, lichenologist of note; superb teacher; exceptional mentor of students and teaching assistants; author of widely used texts. Darbaker PrizeThis award is made for meritorious work in the study of microscopical algae. The recipient of the 1988 award was Dr. David Garbary, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia. During the past two years, Dr. Garbary has published two books, a major review article, and six other papers on marine seaweeds. His work has been innovative, and he has employed a variety of approaches and techniques to resolve taxonomic problems; in several groups of algae. For instance, he was one of the first phycologists to utilize cladistic analysis and vicariance biogeography in marine algal studies. Jeanette Siron Pelton AwardThe Conservation and Research Foundation (Connecticut College, New London) sponsors this award honoring the memory of Jeanette Siren Pelton to be given for sustained and imaginative productivity in the field of experimental plant morphology. The award for 1988 was presented to Or. Scott D. Russell of the University of Oklahoma in recognition of his sustained, imaginative, and outstanding pioneering studies on reproduction in flowering plants, particularly his trend-setting work discovering the intimate physical association between one of the sperm cells and the vegetative nucleus which led to the development of the concept of the male germ unit, dimorphic sperm cells, and preferential fertilization. Dr. Russell's findings have stimulated much research in this fascinating area of plant biology with important implications in plant genetics and development. Henry Allan Gleason AwardThis award of the New York Botanical Garden is made annually for an outstanding recent publication in the field of plant taxonomy, plant ecology or plant geography. The 1988 award was made to Dr. George W. Argus, for his paper, "The genus Salix (Salicaceae) in the southeastern United States," which makes up volume 9 of Systematic Botany Monographs, published in 1986. Willows have a reputation of giving as mach trouble to taxonomists as willow-switches were reputed to give errant school-boys in days gone by. This paper by Dr. Argus goes as far toward mitigating the punishment as the plants themselves permit. There are separate keys for staminate, pistillate, and vegetative specimens. Illustrations, full synonymy, and critical cement are provided to go with the formal descriptions. If we continue to have trouble with southeastern willows, the fault will be our own, or that of the willows, and not the fault of this definitive taxonomic treatment. Lawrence Memorial AwardThis award, presented by the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carrie-Mellon University, is used to support travel for dissertation research of a doctoral candidate in systematic botany, horticulture, or the history of the plant sciences. The award for 1988 went to Mr. Clayton Antieau, a student of Dr. Clement W. Hamilton at the center for Urban Horticulture, University of Washington. For his dissertation research, Mr. Antieau has under-taken a systematic revision of the South American currants, Ribes subg. Farina (Grossulariaceae). The proceeds of this award will help support his travel to South America for field research. Jesse M. Greenman AwardThis award is given by the Missouri Botanical Garden in recognition of the best thesis based on a Ph.D. dissertation concerning the systematics of vascular plants or bryophytes published during the previous year. The 1988 award was presented to Dr. John H. Wiersema on the basis of his paper, "A monograph of Nymphaea subgenus Hydrocallis (Nymphaeaceae)." See Plant Science Bulletin, volume 34, no. 3 (September 1988) for further information. Edgar T. Wherry AwardThis award is made annually by the Pteridological Section of the Botanical Society for the best presentation at the annual meetings of the section. The award recognizes Dr. Wherry's long-term contribution to the floristics and patterns of evolution in ferns and was made this year to Kathleen M. Pryer of the National Museum of Natural Science, Ottawa, Canada, for her presentation co-authored with Michael D. Windham of the University of Kansas, entitled, "A re-examination of Gymnocarpium dryopteris (L.) Neuman in North America." A. J. Sharp AwardThis award, given for the best student paper presented in the American Bryological and Lichenological Society sessions, was awarded to Elizabeth John, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, for her paper entitled, "Niche differentiation in a saxicolous lichen community." Ecological Section AwardThis award, for the best student paper in ecology at the previous annual meeting, was presented to Charles B. Fenster, University of Toronto, for his paper, "Gene flow and population, differentiation in Chamaecrista fasciculata." When Dr. Fenster presented his paper, he was a graduate student at the University of Chicago working under the direction of Doug Schemske. George R. Cooley AwardThis award is given annually by the American Society of Plant Taxonomists for the best paper in plant systematics presented at the annual meetings.. This year two papers were judged to be equally outstanding and awards were presented to Dr. Mark W. Chase, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, for his paper with Jeffrey D. Palmer (Indiana University; entitled, "Chloroplast DNA variation, geographical distribution and morphological parallelism in subtribe Oncidiinae (Orchidaceae)" and to Matthew Davin, Cornell University, for his paper, "Systematics of Coursetia (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae)." Isabel C. Cookson Paleobotanical AwardThis award, given for the best contributed paper in paleobotany or palynology presented at the annual meeting, was prevented to Kirk R. Johnson, Yale University, for his paper, "Megafloral biostratigraphy for the Date Cretaceous and Early Paleocene of the northern great plains, Montana and North Dakota . " Ralph E. Alston AwardThis award, for the best contributed paper in phytochemistry presented at the annual meeting, was awarded to Susan S. Martin, Colorado State University, for his paper, "Accumulation of two flavonoid phytoalexins in diverse Beta vulgaris L." Physiological Section AwardEach year, the Physiological Section presents the Li-Car prize, which acknowledges the best presentation made by any student, regardless of subdiscipline, at the annual meeting. The 1988 prize was awarded to Lisa A. Brown for her presentation, "Distribution of light within sun leaves of Saxifraga rhomboidea irradiated on upper and lower leaf surfaces." Margaret Menzel AwardThe Genetics Section offers an award for an outstanding contribution presented in the contributed papers section. This award has been named for the late Dr. Margaret Menzel. Dr. Menzel had a very productive career in genetics, spanning over 40 years, and was the world's foremost authority in cotton cytogenetics. Her careful and thorough investigations resulted in a better understanding of the meiotic behavior of chromosomal aberrations. The cytogenetics tester stocks for chromosomal studies and gene mapping in cotton derive directly from Margaret's research. Margaret was also the Secretary-Treasurer of the Genetics Section during the critical stage of its growth. She was directly responsible for the establishment of the Section's outstanding paper award. The first Margaret Menzel Award was presented this year to Dr. Franklin Fong and Dr. J.D. Smith for their contributed paper, "Developmental anatomy of viviparous (vp5, vp7, vp9) and dormant maize embryos." Compiled by Gregory J. Anderson, Secretary 2 1988 Katherine Esau AwardCynthia S. Jones of the Department of Botany, University of California, Berkeley, is the recipient of the 1985 Katherine Esau Award. This award is given for the best student paper presented to the Developmental and Structural Section at the annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America. It is made possible by a gift to the Society by Dr. Esau, after when the Society named the award. This year 23 student papers were evaluated by an international panel of four judges. Ms. Jones, who is a student of Prof. Donald R. Kaplan, presented a paper entitled, "Positional influences on leaf development in a wild and cultivated Cucurbita species." She described results of her dissertation research showing that leaves of similar morphologies but differing locations on the plant arise from divergent developmental processes. These findings are particularly noteworthy because they challenge one of the common assumptions of organogenesis, i.e., that morphologically similar organs share common developmental pathways. A Way to Support the BSAThe Society will again provide an informational booth in the AIBS exhibit hall during the Toronto meetings. Visitors to the booth present a variety of inquiries regarding the BSA. Expertise from all botanical disciplines within the BSA is support which is therefore necessary to staff the booth. Ideally, the booth is staffed by BSA members who are volunteers. Please consider taking a half-hour or so to represent the BSA at the booth. A special invitation is extended to past and present officers of the Society, the Council and the Sections, because you have been involved in the decision-making processes of the Society. Time slots of one half hour each, from 10 AM until 6 PM Monday through Wednesday are now being scheduled as available. To be scheduled for your most convenient tine slot, please contact Dr. Jan Balling, The Lewis Herbarium, FO Box 653, California, PA 15419-0653 (412/938-2717 or 412/938-4212) as soon as possible. Sign-up sheets will also be available at the booth.Thank you very much. Is a Picture Worth A Thousand Words?Perhaps. Decide for yourself. Come and view the color transparencies provided by the Teaching Section's Slide Exchange Program in the BSA booth at the Toronto Meetings. The following slide sets are currently available: 1. Plant Geography (207 slides); 2. Plant Morphology (84 slides); 3. Sieve tube Elements Differentiation (23 slides); 4. Vessel Member Differentiation (13 slides); 5. Floral Ontogeny (18 slides) ; 6. The Nature of Lichens (21 slides); 7. Economic Plants (80 slides); 8. Carnivorous Plants (37 slides); 9. Organography (67 slides); 10. Pollen (36 slides); 11. Paleobotany (32 slides); 12. Insect Defence in Salicaceae (24 slides); and 13. Plant Anatomy (80 slides). Slides may be purchase as sets, or individually, at cost. Further information regarding ordering slides, as well as making contributions to the slide collection may be obtained from Dr. Marshall D. Sundberg, Department of Botany, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. Also, BSA members staffing the booth will assist you in previewing the slides and in ordering procedures. POSITIONAssistant/Associate Professor of BiologyApplications are invited for a tenure-track positions beginning August 1989 at Slippery Rock University from plant taxonomists holding the Ph.D. degree in botany and competent to teach taxonomy, anatomy, land plants and environmental biology. The successful applicant must have experience as a herbarium curator and must develop an independent research program. An individual with a strong professional orientation and enthusiastic interest in both teaching and research will be favored. Salary and fringe benefits are competitive and applications from minorities and women are encouraged. Send letter of application, long-term goals, curriculum vitae, transcripts, and three (3) letters of reference to: Dr. Thomas W. Gaither, Department of Biology, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA 16057. To ensure consideration, application materials must be received by March 1, .989. Slippery Rock University is an affirmative action,/equal opportunity employer. Faculty Member in BotanyCollege of the Atlantic seeks a full-time, continuing faculty member in biology to teach annual courses in sustainable agriculture, horticulture, global issues in food and agriculture, and occasional courses in several of the following: plant physiology, plant pathology, soil science, entomology, and agricultural economics. Responsibilities would include developing a program in applied biology related to other programs in the curriculum (e.g., ecology, public policy, landscape design) and managing the college's greenhouse and living plant collection. College of the Atlantic is a small, private nondepartmental college offering a Bachelor of Arts in Human Ecology. The College emphasizes interdisciplinary study, self-governance, team-teaching and curricular innovations. Doctorate and teaching experience preferred. Preference will be given to applications received by January 16, 1989. Send application, vita and three letters of reference to: Dr. Donald A. Cass, Chair, Personnel Committee, College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine 04609. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. GeneticistsThe Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside invites applications for two positions at the assistant professor level (Assistant Professor of Genetics and comparable title in the Agricultural Experiment Station), beginning July 1, 1989. Appointment at the Associate or Rill Professor level can be considered for one of the positions. Applicants should have a Ph.D., specialization in genetics, molecular biology or plant physiology, and a strong background in molecular genetics with experience in plant biology. Position #1 - Stress Tolerance: The applicant must have a research commitment to the study of the genetic basis of tolerance to environmental stresses and its application to the improvement of crop germplasm. The successful candidate will be allowed to select an environmental stress and crop species where there is sufficient knowledge already available to facilitate progress. Position #2 - Manipulation of Gene Expression in Crop Improvement: The successful candidate will be expected to develop a research program focused on the manipulation of gene expression and its application to plant improvement. The candidate will be allowed to choose one or more agriculturally important plant species as research organisms. Both 3 positions are primarily research appointments (eleven-month, tenure-track appointments), with same participation in undergraduate/graduate level teaching. The research goals and objectives must be consistent with those of the Agricultural Experiment Station. Candidates must be willing to serve as major professors to graduate stets and to participate in the graduate program. A technician and start-up funding will be provided with both positions. Send relevant information, including a curriculum vitae, and arrange to have three confidential letters of recommendation forwarded to: Dr. Gary E. Jones, Chairmen, Search Committee, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521. Deadline: December 16, 1988. Plant BiochemistThe Department of Botany, University of Florida invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professorship. The appointee will be expected to establish a vigorous research program that complements existing strengths in ecology, physiology and systematics. Teaching will include participation in undergraduate and graduate courses. Submit a curriculum vitae and a statement of research interests, and have letters from four referees sent to Dr. J. Thomas Mullins, Search Committee Chair, Department of Botany, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 by 16 December 1988. The University of Florida is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Plant Developmental BiologistsThe Department of Biology, Pennsylvania State University, is seeking applications for two tenure-track positions, at the Assistant or Associate Professor level, in areas of experimental plant development. Successful candidates will be expected to establish a vigorous research program employing molecular, physiological, cytological or genetic techniques and to participate in undergraduate and graduate education. Applicants should demonstrate significant postdoctoral research accomplishments and the ability to use innovative approaches and techniques in their research. We are especially interested in individuals who are applying molecular, genetic and biophysical techniques to mechanistic questions in plant development and who have a strong background in plant structure. Excellent research facilities and start-up support are available, as well as possibility for collaboration with other Penn State faculty. Please send curriculum vitae, a brief statement of current and future research directions, a statement of teaching interests, and three letters of reference by 15 January 1989 to: Daniel Cosgrove, Search Committee, Department of Biology, 208 Mueller Laboratory, Penn. State University, University Park, PA 16802 (814/863-3892). Penn. State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Plant PhysiologyThe Department of Botany, University of Iowa, invites applications for a tenure-track position in PLANT PHYSIOLOGY effective July 1, 1989. We seek candidates whose research interests emphasize molecular/biochemical approaches to fundametal problems in plant physiology. The position is approved at the assistant professor level, but applications from individuals with outstanding research rewords may be considered at a more senior level. Apply? send a current curriculum vitae, reprints, a brief summary of research goals, and three letters of reference to: Prof. Richard Sjolund, Department of Botany, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242. The University of Iowa is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. We encourage applications from women and minorities. Structural BotanyThe Department of Environmental, Population and Organismic Biology invites applications for an appointment in a field of structural botany. Preference will be given to applicants at the assistant professor level, but more advance candidates are encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will be expected to conduct a vigorous research program in experimental organismal biology relating to the structure of vascular or non-vascular plants. Areas of emphasis may include but are not limited to plant morphogenesis, biomechanics, and evolution. Ideally the candidate's specialty should also complement the department's existing strengths in plant systematics, physiology, ecology, reproduction and population genetics. Teaching commitments will include undergraduate courses in plant anatomy and development, plus advance undergraduate and graduate courses in the candidate's research specialty. The University of Colorado at Boulder has a strong institutional commitment to the principle of diversity in all areas. In that spirit, we are particularly interested in receiving applications from a broad spectrum of people, including women, members of ethnic minorities and disabled individuals. To apply, send current vita, statement of research interests and the names of three persons who have been asked to send letters of recommendation (deadline 1 January 1989) to: Dr. Meredith A. lane, Chair, Structural Botany Search Committee, Department of EPO Biology, Campus Box 334, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309. Tropical BotanistOhio University invites applications for a tenure track position, beginning September 1, 1989 at the assistant professor level. Applicants must have a research program in tropical botany with interests in some aspect of conservation ecology. Preference will be given to candidates with extensive research experience either in the tropics or subtropics and with a commitment to tropical research, student education and collaborative activities. A Ph.D. is required and postdoctoral experience is desirable. Individuals will be expected to direct undergraduate and graduate students, conduct an active independent research. program, and seek external research funding. Additionally, the candidate will be expected to develop graduate and undergraduate courses in his/her specialty and assist in our introductory botany program. Candidates should submit a curriculum vitae, college transcripts, a detailed statement of research. plans, reprints, and at least 3 letters of recommendation by 1 February 1989 to: Dr. Ivan K. Smith, Chair, Department of Botany, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio 45701-2979. Ohio University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. BotanyThe Department of Biology at Bates College invites applications for a one-year sabbatical replacement position in botany Responsibilities include team teaching in two required courses, Botany and Ecology, as well as teaching advanced undergraduate courses in areas which could include development, physiology, taxonomy, non-seed plants, and/or plants uses. Bates College is a selective, science active liberal arts institution with 1500 undergraduates. The closing date for applications is February 1, 1989. Send curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching and research interests, gradate transcripts, and the names of three references to Dr. Joseph Pelliocia, Botany Search, Department of Biology, Bates College, Lewiston, Maine 04240. Bates College is an Equal Opportunity Moyer and encourages applications from women and minority candidates. Botanical Society of America/Canadian Botanical Association Joint MeetingThe Botanical Society of America and the Canadian Botanical Association will meet jointly in association with the American Institute of Biological Sciences on the carpus of the University of Toronto, 6-10 August, 1989. In addition to contributed papers, poster sessions and a variety of field trips, the following symposia and workshops have mess scheduled. 4 Symposia — New evidence on the classification of conifers: The rote of cryptogamic communities in ecosystem processes; Systematic and reproductive biology of the Maloideae; Biogeography, floristics and systematics of Andean plants; Flora of North America-Physical, vegetational and historical perspectives; The lyccpods; Boreal ecosystems; Wetlands, sensors of environmental charge; Evolution of plant reproductive systems; Molecular and genetic organization of plant chromosomes; Essential botanical knowledge at the college/university level; Demographiuc and community implications of vegetative reproduction in woody plants; Biophysical factors in plant growth and development; Patterns of vascular development; Micro- and molecular plant systematics. Workshops — Techniques of clonal analysis of plant development; Principles and practice of gel electrophoresis; Phytodebris; How to prepare illustrations for publications. Deadline for submission of abstracts is 3 February 1989. Information on registration, housing, field trips and ticketed events will be published in the February and March issues of BioScience. Abstract and registration forms may also be obtained from: Gregory J. Anderson, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268 (203/486-4322). High-Intensity Fire in Wildlands: Management Challenges and OptionsTall Timbers Research Station and The Nature Conservancy will cosponsor a Fire Ecology Conference on May 18-20, 1989 in Tallahassee, Florida. The meeting will focus on habitats which burn catastrophically or with high intensity. Examples of these difficult fire habitats include oak scrub, chaparral and communities dominated to serotinous-cone pines; peat and growing season fires provide additional challenges. The conference will include invited papers plus discussions and posters aimed at 1) elucidating our understanding of the role of fire intensity in maintaining wildland habitat, 2) accessing the relative effects of fire suppression, prescribed burns and natural ignitions and 3) outlining concerns, public perceptions and liability problems in long-term maintenance of ecosystems dependent on high-intensity fires. Results of the meetings will be published by Tall Timbers Research Station as the Proceedings of the 17th Fire Ecology Conference. For further information contact: Dr. Sharon M. Hermann, Fire Ecology Conferernce Coordinator, Tall Timbers Research Station, Rt. 1, Box 678, Tallahassee, FL 32312 (904/893-4153). Spring Systematics SymposiumThe theme of the 12th Annual Spring Systematics Symposium of the Field Museum of Natural History is History and Evolution. The Sysposium will be held on Saturday, May 13, 1989 and include the following speakers: Garland E. Allen, Robert Boyd, Michael J. Donoghue, Douglas J. Futuyma, Stephen J. Gould, David L. Hull, David B. Kitts, Rachel Laudan, William B. Provine, Robert J. Richards, Michael Ruse, Lawrence B. Slobodkin and Marc Ereshefsky. Registration information can be obtained from: Kristine J. Bradof, Symposium Coordinator, Department of Geology, Field Museum of Natural History, Roosevelt Road at Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, IL 60605-2496 (312/922-9410, ext. 298). The 2nd Pacific Regional Wood Anatomy ConferenceThis conference will be held at the Forest Products Research and Development Institute, College (Los Banos), Laguna 4031, Philippines from 15-21 October 1989 and will include technical sessions, field trips and exhibits. The meeting is being sponsored by the International Association of Wood Anatomists (IAWA). Deadline for submission of papers is June 1989. For additional information contact: Dr. Justo P. Rojo, Chairman, Scientific/ Technical Program Committee, Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI), College, Laguna 4031, Philippines. The International Garden and Greenery ExpositionDo you know scheme interested in plants and flowers, gardening and landscaping? If so, please tell them about the 1990 International Garden and Greenery Exposition in Osaka, Japan from April 1 to September 20, 1990. Expo '90 is expecting over 20 million visitors to visit the displays on 140 hectares at Tsurumi Ryokuchi, approximately 8 km east of Osaka City Center. The Garden and Greenery Exposition will feature both indoor and outdoor shows centered around several theses. Co petitions will be also be conducted. More information about the show can be obtained from the Japan Association for the International Garden and Greenery Exposition, Twin 21, MID Tower 32F, 1-61 Shiromi 2-chome, Higashi-ku, Osaka 540 Japan. IN MEMORIAMJOHN M. BYRNEJOHN M. BYRNE died suddenly on 1 August 1988 after a massive cerebral hemorrhage, while working on the land he loved in Gassaway, West Virginia. He was 55 years old. For those who knew John, was always clear that his mind was occupied with plants; he was a botanist from the start. He was born and raised in rural West Virginia with a BA from Glenville State after a three year stint in the Marines. He received his MA and Ph.D. from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, where he studied with Charles Heimsch. After a six year period at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, John taught at Kent State from 1975 until his death. John began graduate study after a short period of teaching in secondary school. His graduate record was outstanding. Fran the start his teaching was effective; a personable presence combined with enthusiasm and ability led to strong rapport with his classes. He was equally at home in the field with his skill in identification and in the lab with his mastery of technical requirements. As his senior status among graduate students developed, he proved to be a leader among them and enjoyed their respect. To sit in on classes John taught was to know how much he loved and thought about plants. He could talk endlessly about the plants he had seen the day before or about Ethel Belk's lectures on their form or his discussions with Charlie Heimsch over root development. He particularly liked to take walks or hikes and talk. He also liked to cook and talk about the plants he was cooking, as his wife Garnet or daughter Kim could tell you. To one of us (JLS), he was a major influence at the beginning of my graduate career, giving many helpful hints and boosts when needed. He was also simply a real intellectual pleasure to have in the lab for those years in the 1960's. And, he loved to work. John made sane important contributions to our understanding of root development and structure. His studies on the structural development and quiescent center in Malva svlvestris and on the vascular connection between primary and secondary roots in Glycine max are especially noteworthy. The vascular connection work has shown us how little we actually know about the co-sections between appendages in roots. More than anything else, John enjoyed teaching, and he will be missed as a teacher to students in a class and as a teacher to his peers in the field or the lab. James L. Seago 5 ANNOUNCEMENTSBSA T- Shirts and Tote BagsT-shirts and tote bags with a Botanical Society of American logo (see below) are available to individuals raking contributions to the BSA Endowment Fund. The design, shown below, is printed in green on a cream-colored background. Adult sizes are 100% cotton Hanes Beefy-T's (S, M, L, XL) and are available for an $11.00 contribution. Children's sizes (6-8, 10-12, 14-16) are 50-50 cotton/polyester and available for a $9.00 contribution. For a $10.00 contribution you will receive a 100% cotton canvas tote bag (measuring 13 x 13 x 4"). All prices include $2.00 for postage and packaging. Please specify item and size and make checks payable to BSA Endowment Fund. Mail to: Dr. J. Jernstedt, Department of Agronomy, University of California, Davis, CA 95616. International Workshops on Curatorial TechniquesThe Smithsonian Institution and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announce the upcoming workshops in their International Museum Training Program series. The purpose of the program is to develop closer ties with sister museums in other parts of the world and to share with them the expertise of National Museum of Natural History personnel. "Curatorial Techniques for Vertebrates in Natural History Museums" will take place 1-22 April, 1989, sponsored by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The Smithsonian's Biological Diversity of the Guianas—Botany Program and the Department of Botany are planning a "Latin America and the Caribbean" botanical workshop to be held 16-28 July, 1989. This workshop, designed for approximately 15 participants, is aimed at young botanists holding positions in herbaria in Latin America and the Caribbean. It will cover collection techniques, herbarium management, conservation and Latin American and Caribbean Projects. Both workshops will be conducted in Spanish and English. Interested parties please send (1) your name; (2) complete curriculum vitae, including address, daytime and evening phone numbers; and (3) a brief explanation of the work (curatorial and/or research) that you perform at your museum. Applications will be accepted until 15 December 1988 (U.S. Fish and Wildlife workshop) and 1 February 1989 (botanical workshop). For additional information write to: Carol L. Kelloff, Workshop Coordinator, Department of Botany, NHB ;166, National Museum of Natural History, 10th & Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20560 USA. Call for Nominations for G.W. Prescott Award, 1989The Phycological Society of America will accept nominations for an award to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society in Toronto, Ontario, in August 1989. The award will recognize the author(s) of a scholarly work devoted to phycology in the form of a book or monograph published in English. Edited volumes, individual book chapter, typical journal articles and the like will not be considered. Publications must have copyright dates of 1987 or 1988. Authors need not be members of the Phycological Society of America to have their publications nominated for the Award. The value of the Award for 1989 is expected to be $500. Nominations may be made by any member or non-rester of the Phycological Society of America by submitting a brief letter stating the strong points of the scholarly work and a copy of the book or monograph to be considered. It is acceptable and in fact strongly encouraged that authors nominate their own publications. Separate publications by the same author(s) may be nominated. Write for further information or send nominations for the 1989 award to the chairman of the Gerald W. Prescott Award Committee: Dr. J. Robert Waaland, Department of Botany, KB-15, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 (206/543-7098). To be considered, nominations must be postmarked not later than April 1, 1989. Eminent Ecologist Seminar SeriesAs a part of the 1989 summer academic field ecology program, Michigan State University's W.K. Kellogg Biological Station is pleased to announce the speakers for this year's Eminent Ecologist Seminar Series Bot/Zoo 891): Nelson G. Hairston, Jr., Cornell University, June 26-30; Martyn Caldwell, Utah State University, July 10-14; Douglas Futuyma SUNY Stony Brook, July 24-28; and Montgomery Slatkin, University of California, Berkeley, August 14-18. In addition to this special seminar course, a variety of field ecology courses are available for this summer at the Kellogg Biological Station. Through the field-trip format, students get a first-hand look at the ecological diversity in the Michigan Great Lakes Region: visits with instructors to streams, lakes, marshes, swamps, bogs, dunes, prairies, old-field, oak-hickory, beech-maple-basswood, and boreal forests. The 1989 courses include: Field Plant Systematics, Comparative Limnology, Animal Behavior, Agricultural Ecology, General Parasitology, Aquatic and Wetland Plants, Plant Population Biology, Plant Ecology, Invertebrates, Animal Ecology, Ecology of Zooplankton, Distribution and Functions of Microorganisms, Current Topics in Ecological Research and Outdoor Environmental Studies. Courses run for 5 weeks (June 21-July 25 or July 27- August 30). There are several part-time, on-site paid positions available to assist students with financial need. For information contact: Jan Eberhardt, Academic Coordinator, Room 22, Natural Science Building, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Ma 48824 (517/355-1284). Summer Field Courses, 1989The Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory announces its 62nd summer of field courses for undergraduate and graduate students. Summer courses include Independent Research, Rocky Mountain Flora, Restoration Ecology, Rocky Mountain Field Biology, Animal Behavior, and Current Topics in Population Interactions. Some financial aid is available. Session dates are 14 June-9 August 1989. For more information contact: Susan Allen, Director, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, P.O. Box 519, Crested Butte, Co 81224 (303/349-7231). International Register of Specialists and Current Research in Plant SystematicsThe Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation is producing a second edition of this publication. The Register project is being undertaken with the endorsements and assistance of the American Society of Plants Taxonomists and the International Association for Plant Taxonomy. Questionnaires will be distributed within the systematic botanical community starting in October 1968 by direct mailing to all members of IAPT and ASPT, and to botanical institutions and academes of science. The questionnaire has been designed to permit easy photoduplication, which is strongly encourage. Anyone working in systematic botany (s, lat., including its history, bibliography, art, and applications to structural, ecological and 6 evolutionary botany) is urged to fill out and return a questionnaire by 30 April 1989. Those not receiving questionnaires directly can obtain them (or photocopies) from a convenient botanical institution or request them in writing from: Hunt Institute, Attention: Register, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890. The utility of the Register to both the botanical community and the general public will depend in large measure upon its comprehensiveness. To maximize coverage, the Institute requests the cooperation and active assistance of botanists and their institutions on a worldwide basis. We urge them to respond for themselves and to assist us by publicizing the project and raking their copies of the questionnaire materials available for copying by others who have not received them directly. Nominations for the Darbaker Prize in PhycologyThe Committee on the Darbaker Prize will accept nominations for an award to be given at the annual meeting of the Botanical Society of America, August 6-10, 1989, at the University of Toronto. The award is made for meritorious work in the study of algae in all aspects, including microscopical forms. The award is limited to residents of North America and is based on papers published in the English language. The value of the price for 1989 will be about 5500. The committee will review published papers rade by the nominee during the last two full calendar years, i.e., papers dated 1987 and 1988. Nominations should be accompanied by a statement of the merits of the candidate's work and by reprints of publications for 1987-1988 supporting the candidate. They should be received by the chair of the committee by April 1, 1989. Please use Airmail and send nominations to Dr. Michael J. Wynne, Department of Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1048. Call for Experiments in Ecology"Experiments in Ecology" is a project of the Ecological Society of America directed toward developing exemplary experiments in ecological science for use in upper elementary through college and university classes. Scientists and educators are urged to submit descriptions of successful experiments that demonstrate ecological principles. We welcome suggestions for all types of experiments, but we are particularly interested in those that: involve the manipulation or treatment of living organisms; 2) engage the students in the scientific method to answer a question or test a hypothesis; 3) can be implemented without a great deal of expense or technical equipment; 4) are of short duration (i.e., can be completed in one or a few 2-3 hour lab periods); 5) can be used indoors. The collection of exercises will be reviewed, edited, and assembled into a generally available manual. For further information and a questionnaire, contact: Kathleen Peterson, Experiments in Ecology Project, College of Biological Sciences, 223 Snyder Hall, 1475 Gortner Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108. Management of PhytologiaBeginning with volume 66, management of Phytologia was assumed by Michael J. Warnock. The journal, which has been known for rapid publication of botanical research, will continue in that capacity. However, some significant charges have been instituted that may appeal to a number of prospective authors. A review policy is now in place and manuscripts will be text formatted to allow consistency within the journal from article to article. For further information, contact: Dr. Michael J. Warnock, Managing Editor—Phytologia (Department of Life Science, Sam Houston State University), 185 Westridge Drive, Huntsville, Texas 77340. Data WantedWe are writing a review on plant phenology (leaf, flower, fruit, and seed/germination). We know that many researchers have collected phenological data as background information for studies with other objectives. We are trying to review phenological patterns on a global scale, and in many ecosystems there are few published accounts. If you have data you would be willing to contribute on phenology we would be interested in hearing from you. All contributions will be properly acknowledged in the review. We would greatly appreciate a detailed description of the methods used in collection of these data. We would also appreciate reprints and manuscripts in press or in review. Contact: T. Mitchell Aide or Todd Dawson, Department of Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 (801/581-7086; 801/581-5927). Assistant Director Named to Missouri Botanical GardenMarshall R. Crosby has been named assistant director of the Missouri Botanical Garden, effective immediately. In this capacity, Dr. Crosby will assist in directing the Garden's programs and exercise administrative authority in the director's absence. Dr. Crosby, a specialist in mosses, has been employed at the Garden since 1968. Biological Field Research OpportunitiesThe Reis Biological Station of St. Louis University announces the availability of its field station in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri as a research site for independent investigators. The station is located on 225 acres of upland oak-hickory forest within the 1.5 million acre Mark Twain National Forest. The Ozarks contain an abundance of terrestrial communities including oak-hickory forest, pine forest, glades, savannahs, and calcareous fens. Aquatic communities include natural springs, streams and rivers of high water clarity, and reservoirs. Both the aquatic and terrestrial communities possess high species diversity including a plethora of endemic plants and animals. The station facilities include Rainbow Darter lodge, four-person cabins, a teaching facility, and a research lab presently under construction. These facilities are available year round. Investigators are assessed a minimal $10 per week housing fee. We are interested in attracting investigators who would use the Station as a long term research site in any area of field biology. More information can be obtained by writing to: Dr. Nevin Aspinwall, Director, Reis Biological Station, .3507 Laclede Avenue, St. Louis, IC 63103. Congratulations to Peter RavenDr. Peter H. Raven, director of the Missouri Botanical Garden, received an honorary degree from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst on Thursday, October 13. The degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa, was conferred upon Raven during a special convocation that featured a lecture by him titled, "The Next Twenty Years-Global Destruction or Biological Diversity: Can It Be Stopped?" In addition, Dr. Raven is also the recipient of the 1988 Fellows' Medal from the California Academy of Science. The Fellows' Medal is the Academy's highest award and acknowledges Dr. Raven's contributions to the field of botany and, specifically, rain forest preservation. Raven has been associated with the California Academy of Sciences since 1944 at the age of eight! <h3 "="">Edgar Denison Award Recipients <p "="">Tree Missouri students have been selected as recipients of the Missouri Botanical Garden's Edgar Denison Award. The award is designed to help defray botanical research expenses relating directly to field work and travel in the state. The students are: Young June Chang, a graduate student at the University of Missouri, Kansas City; Yuki Gleason, an undergraduate at Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville; and Charlotte Zampini, a graduate student at Washington University, St. Louis. 7 HenryShaw MedalProfessor Ghillean T. Prance, director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England, received the Missouri Botanical Garden's Henry Shaw Medal on November 17 in St. Louis. The medal has been awarded intermittently since 1893 to honor those who have made significant contributions to the Garden, botanical research, horticulture, conservation or the museum community FELLOWSHIPSSmithsonian Research Fellowships in History, Art, and ScienceThe Smithsonian Institution announces its research fellowships for 1989-1990 in the fields of History of Science and Technology, Social and Cultural History, History of Art, Anthropology, Biological Sciences, Earth Sciences, and Materials Analysis. The fellowships are awarded to support independent research in residence at the Smithsonian in association with the research staff and using the Institution's resources. Predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowship appointments for six to twelve months, and graduate student appointments for ten weeks are awarded. Proposals for research may be made in the areas listed above. Applications are due January 15, 1989. Stipends for the awards range from $12,500 to $25,000 per year plus allowances for predoctoral, postdoctoral or senior postdoctoral fellows, prorated on a monthly basis for less than one year. Graduate student stipends are $3,000 for ten weeks. Awards are based on merit and open to all qualified individuals without reference to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or condition of handicap of any applicant. For more information and application forms please write: Smithsonian Institution, Office of Fellowships and Grants, 7300 L'Enfant Plaza, Washington, DC 20560. Please indicate the particular area in which you propose to conduct research and give the dates of degrees received or expected. The Project on African Agriculture: Crisis and Transformation - Fellowships for Development of Reseach Projects 1989 Full information on these research opportunities was provided in Plant Science Bulletin, volume 34, no. 3 (September, 1988), but please note a change in the deadline date for the 1989 competition. The competition will occur in May with a deadline of February 1, 1989. For additional information write to: Fellowship Program, Project on African Agriculture, Social Science Research Council, 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158 (212/661-0280). Inquiries should mention this newsletter. Summer Fellowships — Field BiologyIowa Lakeside Laboratory announces the Founder's Fellowship for the summer of 1989 in field biology for pre--doctoral students. The stipend is $2,000, tuition free: fellows pay modest fees for room/board and lab space. A candidate's work should have a component for which a summer at the field laboratory would be especially profitable. The 40 hectare laboratory is located on glacial terrain on the western shore of deep West Okoboji Lake. Many small lakes, wetlands, prairies, streams and woodlands are nearby. Potential applicants should contact the director and/or send an application which should include a cover letter, vitae and a one-two page synopsis of the proposed project. Specific reasons why the station is particularly suitable are critical to the application. Two letters of support are requested, including one from the research advisor. Applications will be accepted up to April 1, 1989. Write to: Richard V. Bovbjerg, Director, Department of Biology, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242. |