Plant Science Bulletin archive

Issue: 1984 v30 No 2 SummerActions


A Publication of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.


Department of Botany, Ohio State University
1735 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210
(614) 422-8952

Editorial Board
Roy H. Saigo - University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, WI 54701
John H. Thomas - Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
Anitra Thorhaug - Florida International University, Key Biscayne, FL 33199

The Plant Science Bulletin is published six times a year, February, April, June, August, October, and December, at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Subscriptions $10.00/yr. Change of address should be sent to Editor. Second class postage paid at Columbus, OH.



Scientists estimate that in the next twenty years mankind may suffer the extinction of 15-20% of all the Earth's species - permanent loss of between 500,000 and 2,000,000 distinct types of living things. Extinctions will be most numerous in those areas that currently contain the greatest variety of species, the tropical forests and seas, including coral reefs. The vast majority of the lost species will be "lower" animals - amphibians, fish, insects - and plants. Many will disappear before scientists even have an opportunity to describe them.

The primary cause of this mass extinction is loss of suitable habitat. As the human population grows (it is expected to increase by 50% in the next twenty years, primarily in the tropics), remaining areas of forests, savannah, and desert will be converted to agriculture to provide food. Other forests will be cut to supply wood for fuel. In some areas, the impacts of local population increases will be exacerbated by growing demand in the U.S., Europe, and Japan for tropical products, including tropical hardwoods, lumber and, increasingly, pulp for paper and inexpensive beef from cattle pastured on land that was formerly tropical forest. Mankind's actions are damaging other habitats vital to human well-being, especially coastal shallows and coral reefs which serve as nurseries for commercially important fin and shell fish. These estuaries and marine areas are damaged by dredging, siltation, and pollution by petroleum and other chemicals.

A secondary cause of extinction is over-harvest. Deliberate collecting at excessive levels has depleted some species of great commercial value: rhinoceros prized for their horns; blue whales, sought for their oil; sea turtles, hunted for their eggs, leather, shells, and meat; and land snails of the Achatinella genus, collected for their beautiful and varied shells. Other species particularly marine ones, are depleted as a result of being caught incidentally to the harvest of other species; affected are porpoises, sea turtles, sea birds, and even edible fish that happen not to be the species sought. Even when the species are not threatened with extinction as a result, valuable resources are wasted. For example, shrimp trawls scoop up flounder and other ground fish as well as shrimp, but the specialized fishermen discard these valuable food fish rather than refrigerate them for later sale.

Introduction by humans of exotic animals or plants into an environment in which the native species have not evolved appropriate defenses can cause rapid extirpation of the vulnerable native species. Species on islands, which may have evolved in complete isolation from mammals or other predators, are particularly vulnerable. For example, 40% of the native Hawaiian flora is considered extinct or endangered as a result of habitat loss and predation by introduced species, including goats and rats.

Human beings are dependent upon healthy ecosystems for the air they breathe, the water they drink, and the productivity of the


soil in which their food is grown. The myriad species of green plants found in a natural ecosystem absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen during photosynthesis, regulate stream flows and groundwater levels, cleanse pollutants from surface waters, and help to recycle soil nutrients. These processes are furthered by worms, insects, fungi, and soil bacteria. Insects are also extremely important as pollinators; 90 of our important crops are pollinated exclusively by insects; 9 others enjoy increased productivity as a result. Wild birds and parasitic insects are important predators on insect pests. In sum, while we lack the scientific knowledge to determine in advance how many of these species, and which ones, can be eliminated before a given system will deteriorate significantly, we do know that, sooner or later, if the current rate of extinction continues, the system will collapse and we will lose these free services which make possible life as we know it.

Less than 20 plant species provide 90% of the world's food; 3 species, corn, wheat, and rice, alone constitute 75% of our food supply. Mankind must strive constantly to improve these crops genetically in order to overcome pests that have evolved to prey on them. The most important sources of genetic material to improve these crops are their relatives - either wild or locally cultivated plants found where the crops were domesticated. For the most part, these locations are in Third World countries. Zea diploperennis, an endangered wild corn discovered in Mexico only in 1978, is immune to five important corn diseases, including maize chlorotic dwarf virus, one of the two most serious viral diseases in the United States. No other source of genetic immunity is known for three of these diseases. A 1% increase in corn production resulting from improved disease resistance would translate into a $150-200 million annual increase in the value of the U.S. corn crop.

Over 40% of prescription drugs sold in the United States today contain chemicals derived from wild species of plants and animals. Most - 25% - come from plants; another 12% come from fungi and beneficial bacteria. Only 6% come from larger animals. Annual sales of the drugs derived from plants are estimated to be over $8 billion. Examples of such drugs currently in use include Digitoxin and Digoxin, treatments for heart disease; Vincristine and Vinblastine, treatments for Hodgkin's disease and other cancers; and such antibiotics as penicillin. Development of vaccines for polio has depended on research on Indian primates; for leprosy on the armadillo .

Many industrial products or raw materials are derived from wild plants, a smaller number from wild animals. The most important are timber and other wood products, valued at $115 billion worldwide. Other examples include natural rubber, essential for heavy-duty tires and other uses; and liquid wax, crucial to the operation of high-speed machinery.

Of course, the Earth's living organisms are important spiritually as well as materially. Many birds, butterflies, and flowers are exquisitely beautiful; the elephant exemplifies dignity and power. Other species draw us by their intricate structure and functioning. Finally, our perception of ourselves as Americans is infused with living, usually animal, symbols - the proud eagle, alone and free; the rattlesnake warning "Don't Tread on Me"; the grizzly bear confronting the self-reliant pioneer. Our self-image will change considerably if we cease to value these symbols.

(This article was written and distributed through the Biological Diversity Task Force of the Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.)


The report on "Plant Biology in the Future" by W. H. Eshbaugh in the December 1983 issue of Plant Science Bulletin included a table based on data from the seventh edition (1983) of the "Guide to Graduate Study in Botany" published by the Botanical Society of America. We, as members of the Department of Botany of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, find that the lack of data for the various categories for 1983 for Michigan gives a false impression; we wish, therefore, our Department is highly active and productive, and this information should have been included.

Although the UM Department of Botany is now administratively included within a Division of Biological Science, the botany faculty continues its existence as a discrete organization, the Department of Botany, and maintains as ever its undergraduate and graduate programs in botany. Over the past five years a total of 35 students have been awarded Ph.D. degrees in botany here, and there are currently 22 Ph.D. students enrolled in the program. The botany faculty consists of 16 members, with an additional 10 members in other departments of the Division who are classified as secondary affiliates. Among the fields represented are plant anatomy, bryology, ethnobotany, floristics, fungal ecology and physiology, plant ecology, phytogeography, plant physiology, plant morphology, mycology, paleobotany, phycology, phytogeography, pteridology, and higher plant


systematics, as well as a number of fields combining botany with other disciplines. The Department has close connections with the separately budgeted Natthaei Botanical Gardens and the University Herbarium, whose officers are also professors of botany.

In its assessment of 83 doctoral programs in the U.S. the Conference Board of Associated Research Councils in 1982 placed this University's Botany program near the top. It might also be pointed out that the most recent Gourman Report, an agency of the National Education Standard of Los Angeles, ranked the University of Michigan's undergraduated program in botany as third highest in the nation.

Botany is alive and well in Ann Arbor! We hope that this statement will remove any ambiguity caused by the lack of data in reference to Michigan in the table of Dr. Eshbaugh's article on the status of botany programs in the United States.
M. J. Wynne, W. H. Wagner, Jr., and C. B. Beck


A great deal of correspondence came across my desk as a product of being Chairman of the Conservation Committee of the Botanical Society of America in 1983. There were a number of items left hanging from the business meeting last year for the BSA; these were researched.

There is no problem with the Botanical Society of America spending up to 15% of its income annually on lobbying for particular conservation measures should it desire to do so. This was researched both through the AIBS in Arlington, Virginia, and also through contacts made at some universities that have been involved in advising on the tax status by societies that wish to lobby. I contacted the membership of the Conservation Committee to ask its advice as to what activity it would like to see the Committee undertake. The general response I got is that the Conservation Committee of the BSA should be involved in educating our membership and should not engage the Society in lobbying for a particular position. However, we should be active in the distribution of literature and information, informing Society members of conservation issues that are important within a botanical context. The discretion as to the type of activity that is generated politically should remain in the hands of each individual member.

I think one of our best organs for disseminating such information is the Plant Science Bulletin, and I will encourage those who have conservation concerns to write short notes, short articles, etc., that might be included in the Plant Science Bulletin for future issues.

The Conservation Committee will continue to serve the needs of the membership of the Botanical Society of America and will always be interested in researching and addressing specific problems directed to it by individual members through the President of the Society.
David Dilcher, Chairman


To correct information given in "Guide to Graduate Study in Botany" which was quoted in a table in the December 1983 issue of Plant Science Bulletin the following information is provided. The University of Georgia continues to have a Department of Botany, which has 23 regular faculty plus 4 with adjunct and 3 with joint appointments. It had 47 graduate students fall quarter 1983, and awarded 19 Ph.D. degrees during the five year period between July 1878 and June 1983.


Teaching Section Seeks Nominations
Nominations are now in order for a vice-chairperson/program coordinator (1984-1985) to be elected at the 1984 business meeting of the Teaching Section. The person elected shall be responsible for organizing the sectional program for the 1985 annual meeting and shall preside at the 1985 contributed paper session of the Section. The individual also may preside at a sectional symposium and shall preside in the absence of the chairperson. It is expected that the vice-chairperson shall assume the office of chairperson at the completion of a one year term. Nominations should be forwarded to: Alan R. Orr, Chairman of the Teaching Section, Department of Biology, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA 50614.

New Greenhouse Dedicated at North Carolina - Charlotte
On September 7, 1983, the dedication of a new greenhouse/conservatory facility occurred at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Department of Biology. The new botanical and horticultural complex will combine the objectives of university teaching, research, and public conservatory. The funds for this complex were exclusively private, the major donors being Dorothy and Thomas M. McMillan. The buildings were dedicated in their name. Dr. T. Lawrence Mellichamp, a


botanist and horticulturist on the faculty, will be the director of the greenhouse/conservatory.

Request for Specimens
Pickled buds, flowers and fruits of Central and South American species of Pilostyles and Apodanthes are needed for an anatomical project. Material should be preserved in FAA or glutaraldehyde (3% in 0.025 M P04 buffer pH 7.0). If you are able to help please write to: Dr. Bernie Dell, School of Environmental and Life Sciences, Murdoch University, Murdoch, 6150, Western Australia.

Hunt Institute Painting Exhibit
The Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation at Carnegie-Mellon University will exhibit "Still-lifes and nature studies from the George J. McDonald collection" from 16 April through 15 June 1984. This private collection of mostly 19th-century American still-lifes, nature studies and animal paintings, never publicly exhibited, includes a generous sampling of works by New England artists, particularly of the Providence, Fall River and Springfield still-life schools.

Open to the public, free of charge, the exhibition will be on display in the Penthouse of the Hunt Library from 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

New Director at Bailey Hortorium
David A. Young, since 1982 on the faculty of the L. H. Bailey Hortorium, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, has been appointed the Hortorium's Director, effective January 1, 1984. David M. Bates, formerly Director, has returned to a professorial position in the unit.


(All positions are by affirmative action/equal opportunity employers.)

Plant Physiologist at University of Vermont:
A position of Research Assistant Professor, Plant Physiologist/Soil Scientist, University of Vermont Botany Department is available immediately. Candidates must have a Ph.D. degree in soil science or plant physiology with experience in rhizosphere research. The research project includes investigations of plant response to acidic depositions. Funding will be for three years. Send curriculum vitae and names of three references to: Dr. Richard M. Klein, Botany Department, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405.

Plant Ecologist at Howard University:
A plant ecology tenure track position, assistant professor or associate professor in Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, is available beginning 1 August 1984. Applicant will be expected to develop research program in the area of community or population ecology. Teaching responsibilities include plant ecology, a course in applicant's area of specialization, and contributions to departmental core curriculum. Ph.D. required; postdoctoral and/or teaching experience preferred. Applicants should send curriculum vitae and three (3) letters of recommendation to: Dr. John P. Rier, Jr., Chairman, Search Committee, Department of Botany, Howard University, Washington, D.C. 20059 by 25 April 1984.

Geneticist-Botanist at Clarion University:
A tenure-track assistant professorship for a geneticist-botanist is available at Clarion University of Pennsylvania starting August 27, 1984. The primary course responsibility is Genetics. Other course responsibilities include Plant Physiology and Basic Biology (for non-science majors). The candidate should have a strong background and interest in cellular and molecular biology and a commitment to excellence in teaching. Participation in the M.S. program including the supervision of graduate research projects is required. Faculty research is encouraged. Other responsibilities include academic advisement of students and active participation in committees and other professional functions at all levels of the university. Send curriculum vitae, transcripts, and three letters of recommendation by April 16, 1984 to: Dr. Terry Morrow, Biology Department, Clarion University of PA, Clarion, PA 16214, Phone: 814/226-2164 or 226-2273.

Plant Physiologist at Iowa State:
A tenure-track assistant to full professor position is available starting July 1, 1984 at Iowa State University, salary commensurate with experience. A plant physiologist or plant biochemist with a strong research program involving graduate training is expected. Teaching responsibilities include a one semester course in plant physiology, and a graduate course in the individual’s specialty, and/or participation in general botany or general biology. Postdoctoral experience is preferred. Send curriculum vitae, academic transcript, a statement of research interests and teaching experience, and arrange for 3 letters of recommendation to be sent to: Ronald C. Coolbaugh, Chairman, Department of Botany, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011.

Mycologist at New York Botanical Garden:
The New York Botanical Garden is seeking a mycologist with a Ph.D. who is doing taxonomic research on higher basidiomycetous fungi. Applicants should be willing to develop a


vigorous field, research, and publishing program on a group of Basidiomycetes represented in the Americas, with emphasis on the Neotropics. Applicants will be expected to curate our collections of Basidiomycetes and identify Hymenomycetes and Gasteromycees from both temperate and tropical regions of America. The position is available 1 September 1984. Curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests, and at least three letters of recommendation should be sent to: Dr. Ghillean T. Prance, New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 10458, 212/220-8628.

Postdoctoral Fellowship at Washington State:
A postdoctoral fellowship is available September 1984, to study colonization, survival, and growth of microalgae on soil surfaces. Knowledge of algae essential. Training in biochemical and physiological techniques, microbial ecology, and soil science helpful . Send curriculum vitae, a statement of professional goals, and names of three references to: Dr. William R. Rayburn, Department of Bacteriology and Public Health, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-4340.


Dr. Edward C. Cantino, professor of botany, Michigan State University, died on September 12, 1983. He is survived by his wife, Betty, and two children, Philip and Marie, both also biologists. Dr. Cantino was active in the field of mycology for 35 years and published more than 100 research papers and reviews. The main emphasis of his research was on the developmental biochemistry of the aquatic fungus Blastocladiella emersonii. He was also the founding editor of Experimental Mycology and served as Editor-in-Chief of that journal from 1977 to 1982.

Dr. Richard L. Pierce, a palynologist and senior adviser at Mobil Research and Development Corporation, Dallas, died on December 23, 1983 from injuries suffered as a victim of an armed robbery. He was born November 28, 1926 in Chicago.

Dr. Elso Barghoorn, paleobotanist at Harvard University, died at the age of 68 on December 27, 1983.

Dr. Lowell F. Randolph, retired from the Botany Department at Cornell University, is reported to have died.


Membrane Research in Agriculture:
The Ninth Annual Beltsville Symposium will consider Frontiers of Membrane Research in Agriculture May 20-24, 1984. For information contact: Meryl N. Christiansen, Bldg. 001, Room 221, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center-West, Beltsville, MD 20705, 301/344-3036.

Tissue Culture Association Annual Meeting:
The general symposium will consider Hormones in Plant Tumorigenesis, while other sessions and workshops will consider other topics at the 1984 meeting June 3-7 at the Shamrock Hilton, Houston. For further information contact: Dr. Keith Redenbaugh, Plant Genetics, 1930 Fifth St., Suite A., Davis, CA 95616, 916/753-1400.

Guayule Rubber Conference:
The Fifth Annual Guayule Rubber Society Conference will be held June 18-21, 1984 at Catholic University in Washington, D.C., with the U.S. Naval Air Systems Command as host. For information contact: Captain David Burnett, Naval Air Systems Command, Washington, D.C. 20361, 202/692-4313.

Temperature Stresses in Plants:
The Gordon Conference on Temperature Stresses in Plants will be held at the Tilton School, Tilton, NH, June 25-29, 1984. Contact: Steven Wallner, Dept. of Horticulture, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO 80523.

Pollen Biology Symosium:
The third in a series of international meetings on pollen biology devoted to Basic and Applied Aspects of Pollen Biology will be held July 8-11, 1985. For information contact: David Mulcahy, Botany Dept., Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003.

Summer Courses in Tennessee:
The Upper Cumberland Biological Field Station on Center Hill Lake, a consortium of colleges and universities and operated by Tennessee Technological University, will provide several courses of interest to botanists this summer, including: Economic Botany, Field Botany, Ecosystems Analysis, Limnology, and Freshwater Algae. Special research topics and seminars should also be of interest. For further information, contact: Director, Upper Cumberland Biological Field Station, Box 5041, Tennessee Technological Univ., Cookeville, TN 38505, 615/528-3401.

Natural Products Research:
The annual meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy will consider Biotechnology in Natural Products Research, August 19-24, 1984 in Austin, TX. For information contact: Dr. Robert V. Smith, College of Pharmacy, The Univ. of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, 512/471-4841.


Industrial Microbiology:
The annual meeting of the Society for Industrial Microbiology will be held August 12-17, 1984 at Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins. Further information from: Ann Ku1back, c/o AIBS, 1401 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22209, 703/256-0337.

Plant Cell and Tissue Culture Course:
A course consisting of lecture-discussions and laboratory exercises in most aspects of plant cell and tissue culture will be held at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, from August 13-24, 1984. This course is designed for persons with a degree in science or experience in p1ant tissue culture who need a thorough knowledge of and training in plant cell and tissue culture. The fees for the course will be $1100. For further information please contact Dr. D. K. Dougall, Botany Department, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-1100, 615/974-2256.

Paleobotanical Conference:
The Second Paleobotanical Conference will be held August 18, 1984 in Edmonton, Canada. For information contact: Dr. R. A. Stockey, Dept. of Botany, Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E9, Canada.

Botanical Research Expeditions:
The University of California Research Expeditions Program (UREP) is currently recruiting field team members for four botanical research expeditions this summer: 1) Costa Rica. "Ants and Pepper Plants: Alliance in a Tropical Rain Forest?" (July 4-19 and July 25-August 9, 1984); 2) Mexico. "Aztec to Modern: Traditional Agriculture in Mexico" (July 1-14, 1984); 3) New Caledonia. "Mysterious Myrtles of Grand Terre Island" (July 6-23 and July 26-August 12, 1984); and 4) Virgin Islands. "Tropical Succll1ents of St. John Island" (July 18-31, 1984). Participants need no previous experience to join the expeditions, simply an interest in the project field work. Participants will become working members of the field team, providing vital assistance by learning to map, conduct field tests, press and dry specimens note field observations and share in a full range of other field activities required by the particular project. Each participant helps cover the cost of the research by making a tax-deductible contribution to the project which also covers their own expenses for food and lodging. Contribution for the botanical expeditions ranges from $850-$1185, excluding airfare, which is usually deductible as well. Partial student and teacher scholarships available. For information contact: University Research Expeditions Program (UREP), University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, 416/642-6586.


Akazawa, T., T. Asahi and H. Imaseki, eds. The New Frontiers in Plant Biochemistry. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers BV, P.O. Box 566, 2501 CN The Hague, The Netherlands. Advances in Agricultural Biotechnology, 1983. xii + 257 p., illus. ISBN 90-247-2829-0. Approx. $48.00. (A collection of wide-ranging papers presented at a meeting in honor of Professor Ikuzo Uritani upon his retirement from Nagoya University.)

Allaby, Michael. A Dictionary of the Environment. 2nd ed. "New York University Press, Distributed by Columbia University Press, 562 West 113th St., New York, NY 10025, 1983. v + 529 p. ISBN 0-8147-0582-0. $50.00. (A revision after six years of an ecologica1-environmental dictionary.)

Bell, Peter R. and Christopher L. F. Woodcock. The Diversity of Green Plants. 3rd ed. Edward Arnold, 300 N, Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21201, 1983. viii + 360 p., illus. ISBN 0-7131-2866-6. $19.95 paper. (A revision after twelve years of an evolutionary treatment of the green plants from algae to angiosperms.

Board on Agriculture, National Research Council. Genetic Engineering of Plants; Agricultural Research Opportunities and Policy Concerns. National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Ave., Washington, D.C. 20418, 1984. xii + 83 p. ISBN 0-309-03434-5. $9.50 paper. (A summary of a meeting describing how gene cloning , gene transfer, and other techniques might be used to solve agricultural problems.)

Borror, Donald J. Dictionary of Word Roots and Combining Forms. Mayfield Publishing Co., 285 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301, 1960. v + 134 p. ISBN 0-87484-053-8. $5.95 paper. (Again available, this handy dictionary of about 10,000 word forms from Greek, Latin and other languages is useful in forming scientific terms and names.)

Bray, C. M. Nitrogen Metabolism in Plants. Longman, Inc., 1560 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 10036, 1983. ix + 214 p., illus. ISBN 0-582-44640-6. $14.95 paper. (A concise survey of the metabolic interrelationships between nitrogen-containing compounds in plants and the various ways in which plant cells control the numerous metabolic processes.)

CBE Style Manual Committee. CBE Style Manual. 5th ed. Council of Biological Editors, Inc., 9560 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20814, 1983. xx + 324 p. ISBN 0-914340-04-2.


$24.00. (This new edition includes four new chapters and much reorganization of others including a complete revision of the section on plant sciences.)

Cooper, J. I. and F. O. MacCallum. Viruses and the Environment. Chapman and Hall, distributed by Methuen, Inc., 733 Third Ave., New York, NY 10017, 1984. ix + 182 p., illus. ISBN 0-412-22870-X; 0-412-22880-7 paper. $32.00; $15.95 paper. (A broad ranging introduction to the various biological and sociological aspects of viruses.)

Crawley, Michael J. Herbivory; The Dynamics of Animal-Plant Interactions. University of California Press, 2120 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, CA 94720, Studies in Ecology Vol. 10, 1983. x + 437 p., illus. $45.00 (A synthesis of information about the dynamics of plant-animal interactions that attempts to suggest potential experimental models.)

Cross, Diana Harding. Some Plants Have Funny Names. Crown Publishers, 1 Park Ave., New York, NY 10016, 1983. 48 p., illus. by Jan Brett. ISBN 0-517-54840-2. $8.95. (A carefully illustrated introduction for young children of the meanings of some common names of wild. plants that also give brief ecological information about the plants.)

Crovello, Theodore J., Clifton A. Keller and John T. Kartesz. The Vascular Plants of Indiana: A Computer Based Checklist. The American Midland Naturalist and University of Notre Dame Press, 1983. xxiv + 136 p. ISBN 0-268-01923-1. $15.00. (This book lists the names of 2265 native and naturalized foreign species in 761 genera and 150 families, and represents a comprehensive revision of and additions to Deam's Flora of Indiana 1940.)

Cutler, D. F., K. L. Alvin and C. E. Price, eds. The Plant Cuticle; Papers Presented at an International Symposium Organized by the Linnean Society of London, Held at Burlington House, London, 8-10 September 1980. Academic Press Inc. (London) Ltd., 24-28 Oval Rd., London NW1 7DX, England, 1982. x + 461 p., illus. ISBN 0-12-199920-3. $99.50. (A collection of papers presented at an international symposium which cover a wide range of aspects of the waxy covering of plant surfaces.)

Danks, Susan M., E. Hilary Evans, and Peter A. Whittaker. Photosynthetic Systems; Structure, Function and Assembly. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1 Wiley Dr., Somerset, NJ 08873, 1983. xi + 162 p., illus. ISBN 0-471-10250-4. $29.95. (A summary for undergraduate students of the photosynthetic processes in a range of organisms including bacteria.)

Deck, M. W. and D. Edwards, eds. Contributions to Palaeobotany. A Retirement Tribute to Professor W. S. Lacey. Academic Press, Inc., 24-28 Oval Rd., London NW1 7DX, 1983. ix + 225 p., illus. ISBN 0-12-215120-8. $16.00. (Reprinted from the Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society vol. 86, the papers cover a wide range of fossil types and geological periods.)

Druett, Joan. Exotic Intruders; The Introduction of Plants and Animals into New Zealand. Heinemann Publishers, distributed by ISBS, Inc., P.O. Box 1632, Beaverton, OR 97075, 1983. [xii] + 291 p., illus. ISBN 0-86863-397-6. $24.95. (The story of the importation of animal sand plants into the two islands of New Zealand.)

Egler, Frank E. The Nature of Naturalization II; Studies in Naturalization: 1925-1980. The Introduced Flora of Aton Forest, Connecticut. Claude E. Phillips Herbarium, Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Delaware State College, Dover, DE 19901, 1983. ix + 145 p. $5.00, paper. (The record, by taxa, of the attempted introduction over five decades of native, foreign, and cultivated plants, usually by direct planting, into various communities, mostly unsuccessfully.)

Flores, Dan L., ed. Jefferson and Southwestern Exploration; the Freeman and Custis Accounts of the Red River Expedition of 1806. University of Oklahoma Press, 1005 Asp Avenue, Norman, OK 73019, 1984. xx + 386 p., illus. ISBN 0-8061-1748-6. $48.50. (The original scarce report of this expedition meant to be the southern counterpart of the Lewis and Clark expedition is here reproduced and amplified by the complete unpublished notes of the naturalist Peter Custis, and the editor provides insightful background material on the political environment and useful detailed notes on the texts.)

Fournier, F. and A. Sasson. Ecosystememes Forestiers Tropicaux d'Afrique. Editions de l'Orstrom - Vnisco, 24 rue Boyard, 75008 Paris, 1983. 473 p. illus. ISBN 92-3-202041-6. No price given. (Descriptions of the ecosystems and people and their exploration of the tropical forests of Africa.)

Greig-Smith, P. Quantitative Plant Ecology. 3rd ed. University of California Press, 2120 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, CA 94720, Studies in Ecology, Vol. 9, 1983. xiv + 359 p., illus. ISBN 0-520-04989-6; 0-520-05080-0 paper. $38.50; $22.00 paper. (Substantially revised since the last edition of ten years ago, this volume redoes much of the older classification and ordination chapter, and adds a new


one on practical considerations with advice on the gathering and analysis of data.)

Hartwell, Jonathan L. Plants Used Against Cancer; A Survey. Quarterman Publications Inc., 5 South Union St., Lawrence, MA 01843, 1982. viii + 710 p. ISBN 0-88000-130-5. $75.00. (A reprinting of eleven papers published in Lloydia between 1967 and 1971 that lists species by family with references to the literature in which cancer treatment was indicated.)

Hebblethwaite, P. D., ed. The Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.); A Basis for Improvement. Butterworth Publishers, 10 Tower Office Park, Woburn, MA 01801, 1983. ISBN 0-408-10695-6. $140.00. (A very detailed survey by 32 authors of all aspects of the biology and husbandry of a potentially important world crop plant.)

Jensen, William A. and Frank B. Salisbury. Botany. 2nd ed. Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA 94002, 1984. xv + 699 + [21] p., illus. ISBN 0-534-02900-0. No price given. (A revision after twelve years of this comprehensive introduction to plant life.)

Jones, D. Gareth and Brian C. Clifford. Cereal Disease, Their Pathology and Control. 2nd ed. John Wiley and Sons, 1Wiley Dr., Somerset, NJ 08873, 1983. xvi + 309 p., illus. ISBN 0-471-10501-5. $74.95. (A revision after five years of a major advanced textbook of plant pathology.)

Jones, J. Benton, Jr. A Guide for the Hydroponic and Soilless Culture Grower. Timber Press, P.O. Box 1631, Beaverton, OR 97075, 1983. 124 p., illus. ISBN 0-917304- 49-7. $19.95 paper. (A practical guide to the design, formulation, operation and management of both soilless media and nutrient solutions.)

Lauber, Patricia. Seeds Pop, Stick, Glide. Crown Publishers, 1 Park Ave., New York, NY 10016, 1981. 57 p., photographs by Jerome Wexler. ISBN 0-517-54165-3. $10.95. (A well written and beautifully illustrated introduction for children of plant seed dissemination.)


The Vegetation of Australia. by N. C. W. Beadle. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, and Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart (coproduction), 1981. 690 pp. illus. $120.00.

This expensive but comprehensive treatment of the vegetation of Australia will he a pleasant reminder of that fascinating southern continent to those botanists who made the trip to the XIII International Botanical Congress in 1981. After introductory chapters on the Australian environment, the flora, its origins and development, the flora of the arid zone in particular, and the classification of plant communities, there follow seventeen chapters describing the vegetation in distinct communities. Profuse photographs, maps, and tables thoroughly introduce the reader to the many unique plant communities of this magnificent floristic region. With detailed treatments by a single author of the different vegetation types, this book will stand as an important contribution that will aid greatly in understanding for many years to come. It is highly recommended to anyone seeking a better understanding of the plants of Australia, their distributions, and their occurrence together in communities.
Peter H. Raven, Missouri Botanical

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