Plant Science Bulletin archive

Issue: 1982 v28 No 5Actions


A Publication of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.


Emanuel D. Rudolph, Editor
Department of Botany
Ohio State University
1735 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210
(614) 422-8952

Editorial Board
Jerry D. Davis – University of Wisconsin, LaCrosse, WI 54601
John H. Thomas – Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
Anitra Thorhaug – Florida International University, Key Biscayne, FL 33199

The Plant Science Bulletin is published six times a year, February, April, June, August, October, and December, at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Subscriptions $10.00/yr. Change of address should be sent to Editor. Second class postage paid at Columbus, OH.




Harlan P. Banks
Plant Biology Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853

Creationism suffered a reversal in Arkansas. Judge Overton, in a landmark decision (Science 19 Feb. 1982), overturned a state law that required creationism be given equal time in the schools when evolution was taught. The judge's decision is not binding in other Federal District Courts but it is certain to be heeded widely. For example, the New York State Commissioner of Education waited for the decision before declaring that creationism need NOT be given equal time in New York schools. The creationist ploy of requesting equal time -- "fair play" – is based on the assumption that there is a science of creationism and that, as such, it is the alternative to the evolutionary explanation of life on earth. The trial convinced judge Overton that "creation science" is simply a cover for a religious belief, hence something to be barred constitutionally from the schools. One witness for the state's defense even introduced the possibility that life originated outside our planet and was simply introduced on earth from outer space. This line of reasoning clearly negated the argument that there are just two explanations for life and that they alone deserved equal time.

In spite of the support the Arkansas trial gave to evolution, creationist pressure continues unabated at the 1evel of school boards, individual teachers, and publishers of textbooks who delete, or tone down, the content of evolution in their books. This is no time for complacency on the part of any scientist. The New York Times for Sunday Aug. 25 reports a Gallup poll in which 44 percent of the respondents believe that "God created man pretty much in his present form at one time within the last 10,000 years." Almost 25 percent of those respondents were college graduates. The sample was taken from some 300 areas in the country. There's more to the poll but this single figure ought to cause more University people to react to the problem. One recent reaction is that of John A. Moore in BioScience July-August 1982. His is a clear, concise exposition of the distinction between science and non-science creationism together with a plea for better teaching of what science is and what it can do.

Many creationist arguments are directed at evolution and the supposed gaps between major groups, gaps that make the theory untenable in their eyes. But evolution is really only the whipping boy. Creationist arguments range from astrophysics to radiometric dating. Their arguments are anti-science, anti-intellectual, anti-freedom of thought. I find one technique, effective with lay groups from junior high students to adults, is to discuss my own research in easily understandable terms, reveal some data, construct an hypothesis from those data, and then encourage them to suggest ways in which they could negate or falsify the hypothesis. This leads to questions about replacing a falsified hypothesis, how hypotheses becomes theories and theories laws. Having teased the audience into operating like scientists, a few words on the unchanging dogmas of


"creation science" convince many of the basic difference between the two approaches. Of course those who are firm creationists remain unchanged. Our objective must be to reinforce those who are willing to accept science but who can be swayed by the distortions propagated by creationists.

Botanists, no less than other scientists, can join the fray, inform themselves of the arguments being used, and be prepared to talk to lay groups, give heart to school boards and teachers, and even modify their own teaching so as to further the understanding of the methodology of science rather than presenting facts and truths to be followed slavishly. A word of caution is in order. Talks are one thing, public debates with creationists are quite another. Creationists are thoroughly prepared for encounters and can tear an unprepared scientist to shreds, as you may have witnessed on TV. But there is an increasing number of individuals who have debated the leading creationists, Duane Gish and Henry Morris, before 1arge public audiences and won acceptance (see K. Miller, 1982, Creation/Evolution, vol.7: 1-13). Preparation for such a debate must be lengthy. Some sources of the now-abundant, pertinent literature are listed below. First, here are brief sketches of three new, significant books, one journal and one supportive organization, and then a short list of additional sources.

Creation and Evolution: Myth or Reality? by Norman D. Newell, Columbia Univ, Press 1982. 199 p. $19.95.

This book is essential for any intelligent student, teacher, or lay person interested in the controversy. It is written by an eminent highly respected paleontologist who is justly concerned by the antiscience activity of creationists. The book is a deeply interesting presentation of the evidence for modern geological, paleontological, and evolutionary thought. It is logical, clear, and dispassionate. The historical development of ideas reveals that many originated before evolution was propounded and in the minds of persons who were traditionally religious. It is clear that espousal of evolution has no bearing on one's personal religious convictions. The controversy is kept in the fore-front by brief quotations from a creationist and from an evolutionist at the start of each chapter. Many of the commonest creationist arguments are effectively laid to rest by the force of geological and paleontological evidence, for example the impossibility of explaining all of geology on the basis of a single Noachian Flood, as creationists maintain. Here are the data that can be used to counter creationist arguments on a broad front. I urge they be used and that the book be enjoyed.

The Monkey Business: A Scientist Looks at Creationism. By Niles Elldredge. Pocket Books, N.Y. 157 p. $2.95.

The attraction of this book is that its author is a paleonotologist who has been misquoted by creationists to support their arguments. As a proponent of punctuated equilibria, he is treated by creationists as one who wants to overthrow evolution. His admission that some gaps in the fossil record are difficult to fill is enough for them to classify him as a foe of evolution. Herein one finds the distinction between evolution and the theories advanced to explain it, theories that in true scientific fashion are subject to revision as new evidence appears. Elldredge discusses many creationist interpretations and offers their more logical explanation in scientific terms. The book is less easy to read than Newell's. The author's occasional sharp-tongued, sarcastic remarks may obscure his meaning for some who are unacquainted with the subject matter. Nevertheless The Monkey Business is an important item in the arsenal of an evolutionist.

Evolution vs. Creation. By Frank Awbrey and William Thwaites. $5.00. Aztec Lecture Notes. San Diego State U., San Diego, CA 92182.

I have not yet seen this new book, but I have read articles by the authors. They have three times conducted semester-long courses in which half the class time was given to creationists who presented the creationist model as if it were a legitimate scientific hypothesis. The authors presented the evolution model. The creationists finally gave up on the course and this book gives the authors' conclusions about the creationist story.

Creation/Evolution. Frederick Edwards, Ed., A quarterly journal. $8.00 per year. Order from: Creation/Evolution, P.O. Box 5, Amherst Branch, Buffalo, NY 14226.

This highly useful, ca.50 p. per issue, journal is devoted to short articles dealing with specific topics such as the supposed human prints alongside dinosaur tracks in the Paluxy River bed in Texas. It should also be recommended highly to high school teachers who are more directly in the line of fire of creationists.

Committees of Correspondence (C/C's). For information write: Committees of Correspondence, c/o Creation/Evolution, 953 8th Ave., Suite 209, San Diego, CA 92101.

At least 42 states now have a C/C, an informal group of persons interested in com- batting creationism on the local level. They need all the help they can get.


At the head of the list of other sources must be placed the address of the Institute for Creation Research because it is important to know what the opposition is doing and saying. You can secure a complimentary subscription to their monthly newsletter, Acts and Facts, and a lengthy list of other publications. The address: Institute for Creation Research, 2100 Greenfield Drive, P.O. Box 2666, El Cajon, CA 92021.

A few other good sources together with a reference to one or more articles in some of them are:
Science: e.g.             6 Nov. 1981. p. 635., 8 Jan. 1982. p. 142., 19 Feb. 1982. p. 934.

Science '81: e.g. Dec. 1981.

The American Biology Teacher: e.g. 43(5): 1981. The journal has now added an insert, Scientific Integrity, that tells of current developments.

The Science Teacher: e.g. April 1981, p. 29.

Natural History: e.g. 90:4-10. 1981.


New Corresponding Members Elected:
Dr. William T. Stearn of England, an authority on botanical bibliography, nomenclature, and the history of botany, and Dr. Ephraim Hernandex Xolocotzi of Mexico, a leading ethnobotanist and authority on economic plants, were elected as corresponding members of The Society at the Annual Meeting in August.

Thanks to Those Who Took the Opportunity:
The Membership and Appraisal Committee thanks all of you who responded to the letter "An Opportunity for You to be Heard" which was mailed out with the election materials last spring. All responses, of which there were 160, were read and categorized. Most included constructive criticisms or suggestions for improvements in our Society's publications and programs. Some members so much appreciated the "Opportunity" that they wrote long letters about how our Society could be strengthened.

The responses were discussed at the annual meeting of the Council in August. All responses pertaining to the American Journal of Botany were made available to the ad hoc committee on Journal operations. Some of the suggestions you made have already been acted upon; others soon will be. Aside from the Journal, other areas of concern included: (1) the need for more effective systems of collecting and publicizing information on employment opportunities; (2) a more active public relations effort to "sell" professional botany; and (3) a need to pay more attention to what we are about philosophically.

Interestingly, of the minority who mentioned dues at all, most felt them to be too low to adequately support the Society. We ask all of you to give this more thought. Would you be willing to pay more so that your Society could have stronger programs promoting professional botany?

We expect to send another letter to the membership during the winter. Look for it! Your Society needs your support and involvement. We will await your responses.
John A. Romberger, for the Membership and Appraisal Committee

1983 Annual Meeting in North Dakota:
The Society will be joined by The Canadian Botanical Association/L'Association Botanique du Canada when it meets with AIBS at the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, August 7-11, 1983. The Council also approved plans to meet with AIBS in 1984 at Fort Collins, Colorado, and in 1985 at Gainesville, Florida.

Developmental and Structural Sections Merge:
With the permission of the membership of the Society and by a vote of the Sections' members, the Developmental and Structural Sections merged at the Annual Meeting in August.

Extra Copies of Abstracts of Papers at Meetings:
Copies of Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Meetings of the Botanical Society of America and Affiliated Groups at Pennsylvania State University are available for $5.00 each from the Secretary, Dr. Carol C. Baskin, School of Biological Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506. As they do not get sent to subscribers of the American Journal of Botany, a copy may not be in your school's library.

Help Needed to Expand Positions Available Listings:
Many members of the society are interested in knowing about open positions. The editor of the Plant Science Bulletin is delighted to list all such openings known to him. If you know of opportunities for permanent, temporary, or postdoctoral positions, please let the editor know. It is particularly difficult to learn about some at some small institutions in your region, so all members can help get the word out. Your help will be appreciated.



International Association for Plant Tissue Culture:
The objectives of the IAPTC are to promote the interests of plant tissue culture workers by convening international congresses of plant tissue culture and the publication of a Newsletter. The newsletter shall be pub1ished a minimum of three times per year. In addition an IAPTC constitution and Membership list will be published two times during the four year period. Any person paying dues to the National Correspondent in their country of residence is a member of IAPTC. The subscription to IAPTC will be $36.00/member for four years (1983-1986) or $20.00 for two years (1983-1984 or 1985-1986). Mail checks to or ask for more information from: Dr. Roberta H. Smith, National Correspondent (USA), Department of Plant Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843.

The officers for the IAPTC for the next four years (1983-1986) will be Chairman, Dr. C. E. Green in the Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics at the University of Minnesota, Secretary, Dr. J. M. Widholm in the Department of Agronomy at the University of Illinois, and National Correspondent, Dr. Roberta H. Smith in the Department of Plant Sciences at Texas A&M University. In 1986 the 6th International Congress will be at the University of Minnesota.

The 1982 Jesse M. Greenman Award:
The 1982 Jesse M. Greenman Award has been won by Walter S. Judd for his publication “A monograph of Lyonia (Ericaceae)” (Jour. Arnold Arbor. 62:63-209; 315-436). This monographic study is based on a Ph.D. dissertation from the Department of Biology, Harvard University. The Greenman Award, a cash prize of $250, is presented each year by the Missouri Botanical Garden. It recognizes the paper judged best in vascular plant or bryophyte systematics based on a doctoral dissertation which was published during the previous year. Papers published during 1982 are now being considered for the 16th annual award, which will be presented in the summer of 1983. Reprints of such papers should be sent to: Greenman Award Committee, Department of Botany, Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166-0299. In order to be considered for the 1983 award, reprints must be received by 1 July 1983.

Lawrence Memorial Award:
The Award Committee of the Lawrence Memorial Fund is pleased to announce that Ms. Janet R. Sullivan of the University of Oklahoma was selected to receive the 1982 Lawrence Memorial Award. A student of Dr. James R. Estes, Ms. Sullivan is investigating the taxonomy, ecology and evolution of the genus Physalis (Solanaceae). She will use the proceeds of the Award in travel to the southeastern United States and the Gulf Coast for field studies. The Lawrence Memorial Fund has been established at the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie-Mellon University to commemorate the life and achievements of its founding director, Dr. George H. M. Lawrence. Proceeds from the Fund are used to make annual awards of $1,000 to outstanding doctoral candidates for travel in support of dissertation research in systematic botany or horticulture, or the history of the plant sciences. Constituted initially by contributions from the Lawrence family and The Hunt Foundation, the Fund has been augmented by donations from many of Dr. Lawrence's friends and colleagues. Additional contributions are welcomed.

Nominations for the 1983 Award are now being entertained. Major professors are urged to submit letters in behalf of outstanding doctoral students who have achieved official candidacy for their degrees, will be conducting dissertation research in relevant fields, and whose work would benefit significantly from the travel enabled by the Award. The Committee will consider nominations only -- no direct applications will be entertained. Letters of nomination and supporting materials should be addressed to: Dr. R. W. Kiger, Hunt Institute, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213; the deadline for their receipt is 1 May 1983.

Resolution of Canadian Botanists:
The Canadian Botanical Association/L' Association Botanique du Canada passed the following resolution at its Annual Meeting at the University of Regina held on June 23rd 1982. It is hereby resolved that: The Canadian Botanical Association 1) reaffirms its conviction that a modern systematic account of the vascular plants of North America is urgently needed; 2) approves the steps taken by Dr. R. W. Kiger (Hunt Botanical Institute, Pittsburgh) and the ad hoc committee that met in St. Louis on Aprir-30-May 1, 1982, to achieve this goal by the production of a Synoptical Flora of North America north of Mexico; 3) recognizes the support being given to the project by the Canadian national systematic institutes and the Canadian members of the ad hoc committee and 4) urges relevant grant awarding bodies to provide financial support to the program. The resolution carried with no dissenting vote. A further resolution instructed to convey the support of CBA/ABC for the flora project to the Botanical Society of America for information and consideration.

Fellowships for Women:
The Mary Ingraham Bunting Institute of


Radcliffe College is one of the four largest centers in the country awarded postdoctoral fellowships, and the only one primarily for women. It provides talented women with the time, space, and encouragement to shape and strengthen their professional lives and to make significant contributions to their fields. There are non-tenured faculty fellowships, and postdoctoral science scholars fellowship programs. Further information can be obtained from: The Mary Ingraham Bunting Institute of Radcliffe College, 10 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138, (617) 495-8212.

NATO Postdoctoral Fellowships:
The National Science Foundation announces the NATO Postdoctoral Fellowships in Science for 1982-1983. The closing date for submission of applications is November 8, 1982 with the awards announced in 1ate February 1983. Information and applications are available from: National Science Foundation, NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, Office of Scientific and Engineering Personnel and Education, Washington, D.C. 20550.

Fulbright Visiting Lecturer Program:
In order to strengthen the institutional commitment of U.S. higher education to international education and scholarship, a visiting lecturer program is available through the Council for International Exchange of Scholars. The expenses for the visiting lecturers are shared by the Fulbright Program and the participating institutions for one quarter, a semester or the full 1983-84 academic year. Deadline for applications is November 1, 1982, and further information is available from: Council for International Exchange of Scholars, 11 Dupont Circle, Suite 300, Washington, D. C. 20036.

AIBS Resolution on Science and Politics:
The AIBS Executive Committee approved the following resolution at its August 8,1982 meeting at Pennsylvania State University.

"Resolved, that the American Institute of Biological Sciences asserts firmly its conviction that scientific judgment should be free of political bias and that judgments by scientific review panels as to the scientific merits of proposed research be protected from political considerations. Accordingly, selection of members of such review panels should be based solely on the scientific competence of such members to serve, not in any way on their political views or party affiliation. Furthermore, the AIBS acknowledges the propriety of there being judgments made about research priorities or directions of research, and that political institutions exist, in part, to effect such judgments. AIBS cannot agree that the two kinds of (criteria -- scientific merit and political desirability -- should be merged, confused, or abused.

Rare and Endangered Native Plant Exchange:
Members of a number of organizations have recently formed the Rare and Endangered Native Plant Exchange. The aims of this Exchange are to call attention to the large number (ca. 3,000) of American plant taxa now believed threatened with extinction, and to assist botanical and horticultural organizations by providing volunteers, funds, and cultivated plants for display and research projects that may help conserve wild populations of threatened species. Plans are now being made for production, subject to the availability of funds, of a 1983 Endangered Wild Flower Calendar. Everyone is invited to send slides to be considered for inclusion in the calendar and in educational kits. There is special interest in slides of any of the 250 or more native American species that may already be extinct. (Please enclose slides in protective cardboard and send duplicates rather than originals.) Additional information can be obtained by writing to: R. & E. N. Plant Exchange, c/o Dept. of Biology, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY 11210.

Ridgway Center Opens at Missouri Botanical Garden:
The Garden's new education and public orientation building, the Ridgway Center, was officially opened on July 18, 1982. The new building is 60,000 square feet and contains education classrooms; a 400-seat auditorium; a floral display hall; orientation theater; greenhouse; plant and gift shop; gallery; entrance, ticket and information areas; educational and public relations offices and the Gardenview Restaurant. It will accommodate the Garden's many educational programs and serve as a place to orient visitors to its many features.

Friends of the Farlow Formed:
The Friends of the Farlow is an international group of amateurs and professionals interested in cryptogamic botany who wish to have the Farlow Reference Library and Herbarium of Harvard University flourish. Membership will help the Farlow to maintain its collections, and aid research. Associate membership at $5-15, Full Membership at $25, and higher categories are available. For more information write: Friends of the Farlow, 20 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138.

New Newsletter:
The Environmental Plant Life Services Newsletter has been initiated in Spring 1982. The organization is concerned with projects relating plants to their environments in a conservational/environmental context. A subscription, for 2 issues in 1982, is $5.


Send subscriptions to or ask for information from: Van Shipp, 141 Emerson Dr., Versailles, KY 40383.


Assistant Professor of Horticulture at University of British Columbia:
Qualifications include a Ph.D. in vegetable crops or a related field. The position involves undergraduate and graduate teaching as well as research and extension in the production of vegetable crops. Submit curriculum vitae and direct three letters of reference to Dr. P. A. Jolliffe, Selection Committee, Department of Plant Science, University of British Columbia, 2357 Main Mall, Vancouver.

Executive Director of Arboretum:
The Holden Arboretum in Mentor (Cleveland), Ohio is seeking an Executive Director responsible for administration of a 2,800 acre arboretum with a staff of 40, plus volunteer interns. The individual should have extensive administrative experience in an arboretum, botanical garden, or similar place. A degree in horticulture or related field would be a plus. Applicants should send resume or C.V. plus current compensation to: Executive Director Search Committee, Holden Arboretum, Mentor, OH 44060.

Postdoctoral at Louisiana State University:
A postdoctoral position is available immediately for studies in developmental anatomy and morphology of leguminous flowers. Candidate should have mastery of scanning electron microscopy, photography, and histological techniques including parafin embedding and sectioning. The person should either have a Ph.D. in botany or be reasonably close to completion. Send C.V., a brief summary of research interests and experience, and names and addresses of three referees to: Dr. Shirley C. Tucker, Department of Botany, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803.

Postdoctoral at Washington State University:
A postdoctoral position to work on carbon metabolism, enzymology, or development of structure and function in mitochondria and chloroplasts in Echinochloa seedlings is available. Write to: Dr. Robert A. Kennedy, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-6414. (509) 335-3621.

Postdoctoral at University of Kentucky:
A postdoctoral fellowship to study the physiology and biochemistry of the photo-activation of 02 evolution is available. Write to: Dr. George Chaniae, N-205 Ag. Science Center North, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546-0091.

NSF Graduate Fellowships:
The National Science Foundation awards Graduate Fellowships and Minority Graduate Fellowships. The deadline for applications for 1983 is November 24, 1982. Application forms are available from: National Science Foundation, Fellowship Office, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20418.


BIOSIS Symposium:
"Information for the Advancement of Science" is the title of a symposium to be held on October 20, 1982 at the new Philadelphia facility of Bio-Sciences Information Services (BIOSIS). A limited number of spaces for attendance are available by application to Office of the President, BIOSIS, 2100 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19103-1399, (215) 587-4800.

Agricultural Science Symposium:
A symposium, "Twentieth Century Agricultural Science; Discovery, Use, Preservation" will be sponsored by the National Agricultural Library and the Agricultural History Society on October.20-22, 1982 at the National 4-H Center, Chevy Chase, Maryland. For further information contact: Dr. Alan Fusonie, National Agricultural Library, Room 301, Beltsville, MD 20705, (301) 344-3876.

Atriplex Symposium:
A Wildland Shrub Symposium, "The Biology of Atriplex and Related Chenopods," will be held May 4-6, 1983 at Brigham Young University Conference Center, Provo, Utah. An application and call for papers form can be obtained from Cooperative Extension Service, c/o Dr. Kendall L. Johnson, Utah State University, UMC 49, Logan, UT 84322.


Peter H. Raven AIBS President-Elect:
Dr. Peter H. Raven, Director of the Missouri Botanical Garden was elected Vice-President and President-Elect of the American Institute of Biological Sciences starting November 1982 for a year after which he will become President for a year.

BSA Merit Awards to Erickson, Evert, Jensen, and Salisbury:
Selected to receive the Society's Merit Awards at its Annual Meeting for outstanding


contributions to botanical science were the following:
Ralph O. Erickson, University of Pennsylvania "for contributions to our understanding of integrative mechanisms of plant development using mathematical analyses; for introducing the plastochron index for measuring the shoot apical activity and for leadership in developing models allowing computer analysis of plant growth, ";

Ray F. Evert, University of Wisconsin, Madison "for furthering understanding of ontogeny, structure and seasonal development of phloem; for analyses of leaf structure relative to solute transport and for coauthorship of a population general botany text, ";

William A. Jensen, University of California, Berkeley "for basic contributions in plant cytology, histochemistry and embryology: for preparation of three widely used botanical texts and for loyal service to the Botanical Society, "; and

Frank B. Salisbury, Utah State University "for contributions to understanding flower initiation, growth of alpine plants, and plant responses to ultraviolet light and gravity; for authorship of texts on plant physiology, general botany and plant form and function, and for service to the Botanica1 Society. "

Alston Award to Schilling:
The BSA Phytochemical Section's Ralph E. Alston Award for the best paper dealing with phytochemistry presented at the Annual Meeting was presented to Edward E. Schilling, University of Tennessee for his paper entitled "Flavonoids and the systematics of Helanthus ser. angustifolii."

Cookson Award to Zavada:
The Isabel C. Cookson Award for the best contributed paper in paleobotany or palynology at the Annual Meeting was presented to Michael S. Zavada, University of Connecticut, for his paper "Gymnosperm - Angiosperm pollen wall homologies and their bearing on early angiosperm pollen."

Cooley Award to Lane:
The George R. Cooley Award of the American Society of Plant Taxonomists for the best paper at the Annual Meeting was awarded to Meredith Lane, University of Colorado, Boulder, for his paper "Empirical evidence for the adaptive significance of ligule epidermal microtexture," co-authored by Peter G. Kevan, University of Guelph.

Darbaker Prize to Haselkorn:
This award for meritorious work in the study of microscopical algae was given to Robert Haselkorn, University of Chicago, for his extended contributions to understanding the molecular biology of nitrogen fixation in blue-green algae.

Gleason Award to Cronquist:
The Henry Allan Gleason Award of the New York Botanical Garden was presented to Arthur Cronquist, of the New York Botanical Garden, for hi s book "An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants" published in 1981.

Physiological Section Award to Schwab:
The Physiological Section, BSA price for the best student paper at the Annual Meeting was awarded to Suzanne M. Schwab, University of California, Riverside, for her paper, "Quantitative and qualitative comparison of root exudates of mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal plant species."

Pteridological Section Award to Cohen:
The award for the best paper dealing with pteridology presented at the Annual Meeting was presented to Hillel Cohen, Dartmouth College, for his paper "Biochemistry of fern spore germination: Partial characterization of the amniopeptidase from spores of ostrich fern," co-authored by A. E. Demaggio.

Mercer Award to Louda:
The Ecological Society of America's George Mercer Award for the outstanding paper by a young ecologist published in a North American journal in the two previous years was given to Svata M. Louda, Research Assistant Professor, Duke University, a member of BSA, for a paper entitled, "Geographical ecology: Variation in plant recruitment over a gradient in relation to insect seed predation," published in Ecological Monographs 52(1): 25-41.

Stebbins Receives Honorary Degree:
G. Ledyard Stebbins, University of California, Davis, was awarded an honorary Doctor of Science degree at the summer commencement of The Ohio State University for his contributions to the understanding of plant evolution.

Steere Receives Honorary Degree:
William Campbell Steere, The New York Botanical Garden, was awarded an honorary Doctor of Science degree at the commencement of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, for his contributions to American bryology and particularly for his work in Alaska and the North American Arctic.

Schofield is Kansas Editor:
Eileen K. Schofield has been appointed associated-editor of the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Manhattan.



Gopal, B., R. E. Turner, R. G. Wetzel, and D. Whigham, eds. Wetlands: Ecology and Management. International Scientific Publications, C-70 A. L. Sethi Nagar, Jaipur 302 004, India, 1982. 514 p. $30.00 for vol. 1; $12.00 for vol. 2 (a volume of the International J. of Ecol. and Environ. Management). (The proceedings of the First International Wetlands Conference held in Delhi in 1980 can be obtained from International Scientific Publications. )

Gregor, Hans-Joachim. Die jungtertiären Floren Süddeutschlands; Paläokarpologie, Phytostratigraphie, Paläoökologie, Paläoklimatologie. Ferdinand Enke Verlag, Rüdigerstr. 14, D-7000 Stuttgart 30, West Germany, 1982. 287 p., illus. ISBN 3-432-92501-8. DM 49.00. (A south German Lower Miocene to Lower Pliocene fossil flora based on numerous fruits and seeds as well as leaves.)

Mitchell, Richard S. and Charles J. Sheviak. Rare Plants of New York State. New York State Museum Bulletin no. 445, 1981. Available from Gift and Exchange Department, New York State Library, Cultural Education Center, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12230. viii + 96 p., illus. $8.00 paper. (After a well written introduction which explains the problems and terms used for endangered species, 54 rare species are described and illustrated with information about habitat and distribution. Appendices list probable extirpated species, those recommended for protection, and those now protected in New York State.)

Rosowski, J. R. and B. C. Parker, eds. Selected Papers in Phycology II. Phycological Society of America, Book Division, P.O. Box 368, Lawrence, KS 66044, 1982. 866 p. $49.50 plus $3.35 domestic or $4.45 foreign for postage. (An entirely new, updated volume, extending and expanding the tradition of the well known volume I, is a very comprehensive reference on algae.)

Stuckey, R. L. and K. J. Reese, eds. The Prairie Peninsula - In the Shadow of Transeau: Proceedings of the Sixth North American Prairie Conference, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 12-17 August 1978. Ohio Biological Survey, 484 W. 12th Ave., Columbus, OH 43210, 1981. x + 278 p., illus., ISBN 0-86727-090-X. $12.50 + $2.50 postage, paper. (In addition to many contributed papers on prairie floristics and ecology, there is a 82 page invited paper section that treats the history of Transeau's Prairie Peninsula concepts, remembrances of other early contributors to prairie understanding, and important background information on the eastern prairies including an 11 page bibliography of Ohio prairie literature.)

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