A Publication of the Botanical Society of America, Inc.
March 1975 Vol. 21 No. 1
The New York Botanical Garden Howard S. Irwin 2
Botanical Potpourri 5
Personalia 6
Professional Opportunities 6
The "Section of Palaeobotany" of the International Botanical Congresses 8
A New Metric Manual 8
The Corvallis Meeting 8
AIBS Meetings, Field Trip Announcements 9
Adolph E. Waller, 1892-1975 10
Botanical Society of America, Inc. Report of Treasurer 10
Botanical Society of America, Inc. Officers for 1975 11
Botanical Society of America, Inc. Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting 13
Merit Awards 14
Book Reviews
How Trees Grow, Philip R. Morey (John M. Byrne) 14
Photosynthesis, 2nd ed. G. E. Fogg (Lee Pratt) 15
Plant Science, An Introduction to World Crops, 2nd ed. R. W.Schery, F. W. Woods, and V. W.f tan (Sydney S. Greenfield) 15
Biological Nomenclature, Charles Jeffrey (Edward G. Voss) 15
500 Plants of South Florida, Julia Morton (Daniel F. Austin) 16
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The New York Botanical Garden
Howard S. Irwin, President
The New York Botanical Garden
Bronx, New York
By most measurements, the New York Botanical Gar-den is the largest in the nation! In addition, since 1971, when the Garden acquired a magnificent tract of land in Dutchess County to establish the Cary Arboretum, we have been developing the nation's largest center for study of trees, shrubs and other woody plants. Together, facilities at our Bronx headquarters and those evolving at our upstate campus in Millbrook give us more diversity than any other plant science institution in the United States — diversity that naturally extends to staffing, program, and funding.
The New York Botanical Garden was founded in 1891 on city land on the northern half of Bronx Park (the southern part having been set aside for the New York Zoological Society — the Bronx Zoo).
Under the masterful guidance of its first director, Dr. Nathaniel Lord Britton, a professor of botany at Columbia University, the Garden established its basic plantings, erected its landmark Conservatory modeled after the great palmhouse at Kew, built its Museum and laid the basis for its programs of scientific exploration, its notable herbarium and library, and its research and educational programs. (Fig. 1.)
Today, some 84 years later, the Garden is a many-faceted institution occupying 250 acres of land in New York City's northernmost borough and conducting a great variety of programs that require a payroll of about 350 staff members year-round at its Bronx headquarters and 50 more at the Arboretum.
The scientific programs which have given the New York Botanical Garden its worldwide reputation are currently under the direction of Dr. Bassett Maguire whose well known pioneering botanical explorations of the Guayana Highlands in South America span four decades. When he retires later this year (for the second time) the Botany Department will come under the leader-ship of Dr. Ghillean Prance for more than 10 years an ex-pert on the botany of Amazonia. He has spent the last two years in Manaus, Brazil, setting up and directing a graduate training program in Amazonian botany for Brazilian students and continuing his researches into the subject.
The largest single operation of our Botany Department is the herbarium. (Fig. 2.) With its collection numbering well over 4,000,000 specimens, the herbarium is not only a vast treasury of botanical data but is especially rich in materials of tropical South America east of the Andes. The management of the herbarium is directed by Dr. Patricia Holmgren who, with her husband Noel, specializes in flora of the montane American West. The cost of operating the Garden's herbarium, a national resource, has been borne in part by the National Science Foundation during the last decade.
We are fortunate in having a very strong herbarium staff whose research has also been generously supported by the National Science Foundation. One of our stars is Dr. Arthur Cronquist who is a world authority on the general classification system of plants and a long-term student of the enormously important plant family Compositae. Dr. John Mickel conducts our work in ferns, and frequently goes on collecting trips to the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, a botanical crossroads between the tropical and sub-tropical zones of Central America. Dr. Kent Dumont specializes in disease-causing fungi, and is concentrating his field work in Venezuela and Colombia. Our paleobotanical work is now under the direction of Dr. Karl Niklas, who took the place of Dr. Herman F. Becker, now retired. Dr. William C. Steere, former president, continues his research on Arctic bryophytes, an interest shared with Dr. Gary L. Smith who is also administrative curator of the cryptogamic herbarium. Dr. Tetsuo Koyama world authority on Cyperaceae, is also a student of the genus of greenbriers, Smilax. Soon to join the Garden herbarium staff, Dr. James Luteyn, specializes in tropical Vacciniaceae.
The Herbarium has its own experimental greenhouse, a Scanning Electron Microscope and a well-equipped research laboratory, all installed in our Science and Education Building, which was dedicated in 1972 in memory of Jeannette Kittredge Watson.
The Charles B. Harding Laboratory is under the direction of Dr. Marjorie Anchel, whose personal research concerns biochemical variability in fungi and is focused on the basidiomycete, Clitocybe truncicola. Among other important projects in the Laboratory are the work of Dr. Alma W. Barksdale, mycologist, on sexual characteristics of hormone B produced from the water mold, Achlya bisexualis; microbiological work of Dr. Annette Hervey into plant tumors and the investigations of flavonoid pigments of higher plants by Dr. David E. Giannasi. Dr. Pascal Pirone, who recently retired, is well known nation-ally for his research and publications on tree pathology. The Harding Laboratory is a specially designed building which was erected in 1955. Much of the work in the laboratory has been supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health.
Horticulture at the Botanical Garden is directed by Carlton Lees who joined our staff as vice president in late 1973 after a distinguished term as executive director of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Under his guidance, extensive changes both in our indoor and out-door collections are underway. The Conservatory has an extensive collection of tropical and sub-tropical plants, but the building itself shows the wear and tear of age and the New York climate. With aid from the City of New York and from private donors we plan this year to begin restoration of the Conservatory to its original grandeur. When that work is done the usage of the building will be re-oriented to emphasize more active interpretative programs and changing displays as well as to house basic collections of warm-weather plants.
Out of doors, the grounds are adorned by a variety of important collections including roses, conifers, rhododendrons, azaleas, magnolias and a splendid rock garden, native plant garden and herb garden. Our propagating houses, recently replaced and enlarged with city aid, produce a succession of new material for special shows in the Conservatory and at locations outside the Garden grounds and for the flower beds that embellish our park-like setting.
A Master Plan recently produced by our Board of Managers looking toward the year 2000 calls for up-grading and re-zoning the Garden grounds. A large sec-
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tion of the grounds will be set aside as a nature preserve, out-of-bounds to private cars. Such naturally charming areas as the gorge of the Bronx River and the virgin Hemlock Forest will be reached on foot by visitors or by mini-bus. Scenic overlooks to enhance enjoyment of the grounds will be created at strategic spots. A new gateway building is planned to include orientation, shop and food service facilities. In this and other horticultural planning and operations, Mr. Lees is aided by Winfried Schubert, assistant director of Horticulture, Bob Russo who is in charge of the Conservatory and Vincent Algozino, grounds foreman.
Education has always been a prime purpose of the New York Botanical Garden, which in a sense is a sizable school system in itself with teaching activities from early school years to post-graduate training. John Reed, director of educational services, supervises a wide range of courses for adults, school services, an extensive library on botanical and horticultural subjects, an exhibits department which now operates in the recently renovated museum, environmental education, teacher training, a plant information service and the ever-popular Gardencrafters program which offers vegetable gardening each summer to more than 200 school children.
The library, directed by Charles R. Long, merits particular mention. Its collection, comprising more than 80,000 bound volumes and 320,000 unbound monographs, is the most extensive botanical library under one roof at any American institution. Supported largely with private funds, the library serves unofficially as the plant-specialized arm of New York City's library system and is open to all. It is heavily consulted not only by Garden staff but by thousands of professional seekers of plant in-formation.
Environmental education, now conducted by Joseph Bridges with planning supervision by Axel Horn, has broken new educational ground in New York. A project last year involved selected students from six area high schools who studied pollution in the Bronx River and drew wide attention for its findings. Lessons learned in the Bronx River project are now being applied in a parallel program along another of New York's troubled rivers, the Harlem River. On the college level, with a grant from the Exxon Foundation, the Garden is working with the Purchase campus of New York State University to develop new approaches to environmental education for undergraduates.
Another important activity at the Garden is publication, ranging from such scientific journals as the Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden, the Botanical Review, Brittonia, Economic Botany, and Mycologia to the popular membership magazine, Garden Journal, and the recently completed multi-volume work, Wild Flowers of the United States.
Acquisition of the land for the Cary Arboretum in Millbrook has added many dimensions to the Garden's work. The first task has been to build the required facilities, a demanding task coordinated by Dr. Thomas Elias who functions as assistant director at Cary. In little more than three years we have built a large greenhouse and nursery complex, a five-mile internal road system, set up an operations and maintenance headquarters and made detailed plans for a unique administration and research building that with solar heating and many other energy-saving features will embody our overall commitment to sound environmental practices. Detailed architectural and engineering plans have been prepared and
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we hope to start construction of this innovative building before mid-year.
An outstanding scientific staff has been recruited at Cary and they are already far along with a wide variety of programs in pure and applied research. Tom Elias carries on his own work in studying the structure and evolution of floral and extrafloral nectaries and various insects. In the applied field he has directed research and surveys on street trees including a study we are carrying out on con-tract for the City of Poughkeepsie of all trees on public lands within the city limits. The findings are expected to have national application, and the study has already led to a symposium on street trees and a book on the subject, both under our auspices.
The staff ecologist at Cary, Dr. Robert Goodland, has taken us into many new areas of application of plant science. Since joining the staff three years ago Dr. Goodland has conducted environmental impact studies under international agency auspices in Brazil, Guatemala, El Salvador and Malaysia. Inspired by the plans for our unique new Cary headquarters building, he organized a conference for professionals in the field on "Buildings, Energy and the Environment" the proceedings of which are being published in book form. He has also co-authored with me a study of the environmental effects of the Trans-Amazonian highway network to be published shortly.
One of our most important projects in applied science has been a contract to develop and implement for a major public utility, The Consolidated Edison Company of New York, a management program for vegetation and wildlife under a 28-mile high-voltage power-line in southeastern New York State. Our work on this project has already been the subject of a scientific symposium, an Arboretum book, and a film.
At the Arboretum, we also have begun an educational program, with adult courses and school services organized under Dr. Peter Dykeman. Dr. Dykeman also coordinates a contract study of land use we are doing for Dutchess County in the county's largest park.
Our staff pathologist at Cary, Dr. Edson Setliff, is em-barked on a very important study of wood-decay fungi to see if it may be possible to separate lignin from cellulose in the papermaking process by non-polluting biological methods. His work is funded by a corporate grant.
At Cary also, thanks to the large acreage placed at our disposal, we are able to conduct wildlife research. This is the province of Dr. Robert Tillman, wildlife research coordinator. Our most recent professional staff addition is Dr. David Karnosky, a tree geneticist with a special interest in pollution-resistant trees suitable to urban use.
The most basic long-term program at Cary is the development of our plant collection. This was started three years ago by means of exchanging carefully documented seed collections with leading institutions all over the world. This has already led to our large but still very young assemblage of specimens representing 2000 species from many countries, including a very interesting selection of seeds from the Nanking Botanical Garden in the Peoples Republic of China. We were delighted to be visited at Cary by the Chinese Ambassador to the United Nations who wanted to see how his country's seeds would be used.
The scientific aspects of the seed exchange are being handled by Dr. Elias and myself. The horticultural planning, to design the ways the plants will be set out and displayed, is being directed by Robert Hebb who recently joined us from the Arnold Arboretum. Carlton Lees also provides general horticultural supervision at Cary as well as in the Bronx.
Rounding out the Garden and Arboretum are the Public Affairs office headed by George Bookman; development, led by Mrs. Anne Smith; Finance and Ad-ministration, directed by Roger Biringer; and Operations, supervised by Charles Lavin.
With this brief review, it can be seen that although the New York Botanical Garden has many facets, its purposes in the context of plants and man are best summarized in three words: research, communication, and application.
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THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA announces eight graduate courses in biology to be offered at the Mountain Lake Biological Station this summer. They are as follows:
First Term: June 12 through July 15
Taxonomy of Flowering Plants, Dr. Lytton J. Musselman, Old Dominion University
Plant Ecology, Dr. Gary L. Miller, Eisenhower College
Entomology, Dr. George W. Byers, University of Kansas
Ornithology, Dr. David W. Johnston, University of Florida
Second Term: July 17 through August 19
Plant Biosystematics, Dr. C. Ritchie Bell, University of North Carolina
Biology of Fungi, Dr. Meredith Blackwell, University of Florida
Invertebrate Ecology, Dr. George E. Stanton, Columbus College
Vertebrate Ecology, Dr. Charles G. Yarbrough, Campbell College
Four fellowships of $150 each are to be awarded. Two North Carolina Botanical Garden fellowships will be awarded to superior students with preference to those who have previously held work scholarships at the Station. Two additional awards will be made from the Mountain Lake Fellowship Fund established by friends of Mountain Lake. Contributions are invited for additional support for this fund. The fellowships may not be held concurrently with any other stipend from the Station. The recipients of these awards are chosen by the Research and Awards Committee of the Department of Biology. Application for awards should be sent to the Director, Mountain Lake Biological Station, Gilmer Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903.
THE HIGHLIGHT OF 1975 FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN PLANT GROWTH REGULATION will be the meeting of the PGR Working Group in Chicago, Illinois in August. The 1974 meeting was an outstanding success and the 1975 meeting should be even better. For the forthcoming session a set of abstracts of all papers presented will be available at the meeting. In addition tentative plans include the publication of a Proceedings.
Individuals interested in presenting a paper at the Chicago Meeting should note the details below and write to Dr. C. A. Stutte. Details on hotel reservations will be supplied later. Make plans to attend and participate in the 1975 PGRWG Technical Meeting, August 27, 28, and 29, 1975, in Chicago, Illinois. This meeting will be in association with the Pesticide Division of the American Chemical Society.
Symposium I: Plant Growth Regulators: Chemical Activity and Plant Responses. Part I. Chemical Structure and Activity. Part II. Potential Mechanism of Action.
Symposium II: Growth Regulator Evaluation for Economic Potential.
In addition to the two half-day symposiums, four half-day meetings with concurrent sessions are being planned. Dr. C. A. Stutte is Chairman of the PGRWG Program and Dr. J. J. Menn is Chairman for the ACS-Pesticide Division segment.
THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM started an exchange of herbarium specimens with the Institutem Botanicum of Academia Sinica in Peking, and has received specimens from them. After sending a test lot of plants from Hong Kong, they received a letter of protest. The specimens had been dried in newspapers acquired in Hong Kong, and to their knowledge no U. S. newspapers were used. The point should be made that specimens should be sent in plain paper or newsprint to avoid any possible embarrassment by news stories or advertising.
It should also be pointed out that letters and packages must be addressed to The People's Republic of China, and not just to "China." The U. S. post office will return any letters or packages addressed to "China," and they have a special stamp which indicates that such mail is not acceptable to the Chinese. This in spite of the fact letterheads and envelopes both use "Peking, China."
THERE WILL BE A JOINT MEETING of the Canadian Botanical Association-L'Association Botanique du Canada, the Entomological Society of Canada and the Canadian Phytopathological Society on the campus of the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, August 17 to 22, 1975. It will be the first joint meeting of the three societies — Botany, Entomology and Phytopathology — and four joint sessions are planned to take advantage of this unique opportunity. A number of outstanding authorities have accepted invitations to act as keynote speakers to introduce the joint sessions.
Keynote speaker — D. H. Janzen, University of Michigan. "Effects of insect and mammalian herbivores on the distribution and abundance of tropical woody plants."
Robert W. Long, Editor Life Science Bldg. 174 University of South Florida Tampa, Florida 33620
Editorial Board Adolph Hecht, Washington State University Donald R. Kaplan, University of California (Berkeley) Beryl Simpson, Smithsonian Institution Richard M. Klein, University of Vermont
March 1975 Volume Tewnty-One Number One
Changes of Address: Notify the Treasurer of the Botanical Society of America, Inc., Dr. C. Ritchie Bell, Department of Botany, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 26514.
Subscriptions for libraries and persons not members of the Botanical Society of America are obtainable at the rate of $4.00 a year. Send orders with checks payable to "Botanical Society of America, Inc." to the Treasurer.
Manuscripts intended for publication in PLANT SCIENCE BULLETIN should be ad. dressed to Dr. Robert W. Long, editor, Life Science Bldg. 174, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620. Announcements, notes, short scientific articles of general interest to the members of the Botanical Society of America and the botanical community at large will be considered for publication to the extent that the limited space of the publication permits. Line illustrations and good, glossy, black and white photographs to accompany such papers are invited. Authors may order extracted reprints without change in pagination at the time proof is submitted.
Material submitted for publication should be typewritten, doublespaced, and sent in duplicate to the Editor. Copy should follow the style of recent issues of the Bulletin.
Microfilms of Plant Science Bulletin are available from University Micro-film, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106.
The Plant Science Bulletin is published quarterly at the University of South Florida, 42117 Fowler Ave., Tampa, Fla. 33620. Second class postage paid at Tampa, Florida.
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HARVARD SUMMER SCHOOL in conjunction with Fairchild Tropical Garden announces the following course:
PLANTS IN THE TROPICS (Biology S-105): Half course (4 units). Laboratory fee: $25. Professor P. B. Tomlinson. An in-residence course centered in Miami, Florida, at Fairchild Tropical Garden (June 16-July 14). An intensive field and laboratory examination of tropical plant families with access to specialized tropical ecosystems as available in south Florida. Attention will be given to economic plants of the tropics and specialized groups (e.g. palms and cycads) which are well represented in the area. Emphasis will be on morphology, anatomy, and systematics, as well as on growth and function. Opportunity will be provided to make limited collections, especially those which can be worked on elsewhere.
Prerequisites: familiarity with the major groups of plants. Students will be chosen according to the extent to which their botanical training and interests is likely to allow them to benefit from such a course.
Admission is made on the basis of a Supplementary Application to be submitted with the Application for Ad-mission. (Harvard students in residence Spring Term submit only the Supplementary Application.) Materials received after March 31 will be considered if there are openings. Supplementary applications may be requested from Environmental and Field Biology, Department R, Harvard Summer School.
BOTANISTS, AND PARTICULARLY PHYCOLOGISTS, should find the expanding program at the Shoals Marine Laboratory of particular interest. It is open to any college-level student at an accredited school, and provides access to a remarkably fine cold-water and insular flora, under the direction of a well qualified staff drawn from the participating universities.
The Shoals Marine Laboratory will offer an expanded summer season of introductory courses in marine sciences and oceanography in 1975. Sponsored cooperatively by Cornell University, State University of New York at Stony Brook, and the University of New Hampshire, these courses are primarily for undergraduates. They emphasize field and practical aspects as well as the academic. Located on a small, uninhabited island in the Gulf of Maine, the Laboratory has immediate access to a biota — from marine birds to fish, and from algae to invertebrates — of unusual richness and diversity. Students may take a close look at marine phytoplankton, salt marsh vegetation, and an isolated insular flora. Living accommodations are primitive, but the instructional program is housed in a new, well-appointed laboratory building.
Through the cooperating sponsorship of Sea Education Association, the Laboratory now also offers a full summer SEA Semester of study, including seven weeks of study and oceanographic practice aboard the research top-sail schooner Westward in the western North Atlantic.
Further information may be obtained from: Shoals Marine Laboratory, 202 Plant Science Building, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. 14853.
THE FIFTH STEENBOCK SYMPOSIUM, concerned with "CO2 Metabolism and Productivity of Plants," will be held under the sponsorship of the Department of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, June 9-11, 1975, in Madison. Speakers will discuss regulation of CO2 incorporation, modifications in C' plants to increase photosynthesis and productivity, the C4 pathway in relation to leaf morphology, photosynthesis and produc-
tivity, CAM metabolism in natural ecosystems and con-trolled environments, photorespiration, (lark respiration, and cell culturing and fusion to increase productivity. For a program and details of accommodations, write Marcia Molldrem, Department of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706.
Dr. Frank McCormick has been named director of the graduate program in ecology and professor of botany at Tennessee, Knoxville. He was professor of botany at the University of North Carolina, and previously at Vanderbilt and the University of Georgia.
Dr. Harriet Creighton, Farwell Professor of Botany in the Department of biological science, Wellesley College, has retired. Virginia Fiske has been named department chairman.
Susan P. Bratton is now the Research Biologist for Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and is stationed at Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, North Carolina.
APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED for the position of Assistant Professor of Botany and Director of the Marion Ownbey Herbarium of Washington State University beginning September 16, 1975. The Ph.D. is required. Candidates with the following qualifications will be given preference: Broad training and experience in the area of the taxonomy of vascular plants and experience in the management and operation of an herbarium. Demonstrated interest and ability in teaching plant identification and systematic botany at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Record of productive research.
Application: Candidates should submit complete resumes including transcripts, curriculum vitae, and reprints of their published papers. They should also present information on the nature of their present and future interests in research and should arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to: Adolph Hecht, Chair-man, Search Committee, Department of Botany, Washing-ton State University, Pullman, WA 99163. The deadline for completing applications is April 15, 1975. Washington State University is an equal opportunity employer with an affirmative action program.
APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED for the position of Assistant Professor of Biology at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington beginning August 24, 1975. The Ph.D. is required. Candidates with combinations of the following qualifications will he given preference: Primary training and experience in mycology. Some training and experience in the area of marine fungi. Demonstrated interest and ability in teaching general biology and general botany at the undergraduate level, and mycology at the undergraduate and master's level. Interest and ability in greenhouse operation.
Application: Candidates should submit complete resumes including transcripts and curriculum vitae, and should arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to: Dr. Donald F. Kapraun, Chairman, Search Committee, Department of Biology, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Wilmington, N. C., 28401. The University of North Carolina at Wilmington is an equal opportunity employer with an affirmative action program.
THE DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY is seeking a one-year replacement for Dr. Richard D. Wood, who will be on sabbatical leave for the 1975-76 academic year. Minimum qualifications for the position will be a Ph.D., or for an exceptional candidate, advanced graduate training in Botany, with specialization in phycology and aquatic plants. The appointment will be at the instructor or assistant professor level.
Duties will include teaching courses in Phycology, aquatic plant ecology, and advising undergraduates and graduates majoring in these areas of specialization. An additional course in the candidate's own area of expertise may be a possibility.
Interested persons should write: Dr. R. D. Goos, Chairman, Department of Botany, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R. I. 02881. The University of Rhode Island is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
A FACULTY POSITION IN GENETICS will be available September 16, 1975. Duties will consist of both teaching and conducting basic research on some fundamental aspect of the genetics of higher or lower plants. The teaching will consist of presentations on genetics in selected team-taught undergraduate courses in biology, botany and /or plant pathology and genetics, and development of a graduate course in the area of specialization. The specific area of research is open; however, high priority will be given areas of specialization which will most closely complement other research programs in the Department.
The appointment will be on a 9-month basis at the rank of Assistant Professor. There will be an opportunity for teaching in summer term, but preferably summers will be devoted to full-time research supported by grant funds. Salary will be dependent upon qualifications and experience. A Ph.D. degree with specialization in genetics is required. Preference will be given applicants who have one or two years of post-doctoral experience.
Oregon State University subscribes to a policy of active recruitment of women and ethnic minority persons and encourages all interested and qualified persons to apply. Applications and inquiries should be sent to: Dr. Thomas C. Moore, Chairman, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331.
Applications must include curriculum vitae, reprints of research papers, transcripts of academic records, three letters of recommendation, and any other information considered pertinent by the applicant.
PLANT ECOLOGIST — TAXONOMIST (BIOSYSTEMATIST) The University of Alabama In Huntsville; Anticipated opening for Ph.D. at the Assistant Professor level commencing September, 1975. Salary range $12,500 - $13,500 depending on experience. Resume, complete academic records and three letters of recommendation required for consideration.
Apply to: Richard C. Leonard, Chairman, Department of Biology, The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, Alabama 35807.
PLANT ECOLOGIST. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. Candidates having the following qualifications will be given preference in the ratings: Broad training and experience in the area of synecology. Demonstrated interest and ability in teaching ecology at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Record of productive research.
In addition, it would be advantageous if one or both of the following qualifications are met: Familiarity with and research interest in the ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest. Training in systems analysis and/or biometrics.
Duties: The appointee will assume some of the duties of Professor R. Daubenmire who is retiring. The principal teaching duties are courses in synecology and general ecology.
Application: Candidates should submit complete resumes including transcripts, curriculum vitae, reprints and arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to: Dr. George J. Williams III, Chairman, Search Committee, Department of Botany, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99163. Washington State University is an equal opportunity employer with an affirmative action program. Minority persons and women are invited to identify themselves.
PLANT TAXONOMIST Assistant Professor; academic year basis; initial :3 year tenure; opportunity for reappointment August 21, 1975.
Teaching duties will consist of an introductory and an advanced course in plant taxonomy at the undergraduate and graduate level, an introductory course in plant ecology. Initiate an active graduate program in plant systematics.
The candidate will be expected to maintain a re-search program in individual area of interest within the broad field of vascular plant taxonomy.
The successful candidate is expected to perform curatorial duties for the L.S.U. Vascular Plant Her-barium.
Qualifications: Ph.D with demonstrated competence in teaching and research. Interest in directing graduate study is essential.
Applicants should comply with the attached in-formation sheet. Direct applications and inquiries to: Dr. Charles A. Schexnayder, Chairman, Department of Botany, Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803.
THE LIFE SCIENCES UNIT, (Institute of Arctic Biology and the College of Biological Sciences and Renewable Resources) is soliciting applications for a temporary position in ECOLOGY at the Assistant Professor level for the 1975-1976 academic year. This position is a replacement for a faculty member who will be on leave for this period.
Applicants should have the Ph.D. degree and should be prepared to teach a sophomore level course in principles of ecology during the fall semester, and a junior-senior level course in animal ecology during the spring semester. In addition, the successful applicant should ex-
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pect to offer one additional course per semester in a mutually agreeable subject area, to constitute a full teaching load. Suitable subject areas might include animal behavior and/or entomology. Instruction might be at the graduate or undergraduate level.
Interested candidates should submit curriculum vitae, reprints of publications, a list of courses they feel qualified to offer, and arrange to have three letters of reference sent to Dr. George C. West, Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska 99701.
Also, the unit is seeking a MICROBIAL ECOLOGIST AND/OR CRYPTOGAMIC BOTANIST at the Assistant Professor level to complement research and instructional programs related to decomposition processes and the role of lower plants in arctic and sub-arctic ecosystems.
Applicants must have the Ph.D. degree and preference will be given for post-doctoral, environmental and northern research experience. The successful candidate will be expected to participate in independent and cooperative research programs with other University faculty, to develop course offerings in cryptogamic botany or related subject, to assist in graduate student training, and to develop support through grants and contracts. Immediate needs are to assume a major role in assessing the role of lower plants and microorganisms in the decomposition process in a black spruce community in interior Alaska as part of an integrated ecosystem program and to develop expertise in nutrient and energy transfers in arctic tundra as well as taiga ecosystems. Salary is dependent on qualifications and experience.
Candidates should send curriculum vitae, reprints of publications, transcripts of scholastic record, and a statement of their specific research interests as these might relate to northern problems to Dr. George C. West, Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska, Fair-banks, Alaska 99701. Three letters of recommendation must also be provided.
The "Section of Palaeobotany" of the International Botanical Congresses
Those of us who have taken part in earlier international botanical congresses remember with a certain nostalgia the life and work of the section of palaeobotany. Members knew each other and often developed a personal friendship, which not only was pleasant, but also furthered our work in many ways. Newcomers were welcomed, and felt welcome. It was an unforgettable experience for the novice to meet the older palaeobotanists, to discover that these persons were very human, and that they listened with interest to the paper he read.
The work of the palaeobotanical section was not too narrow. Problems of morphology, phytogeography, taxonomy, stratigraphy, and other fields, were often discussed. But the delimitation was clear, because the fossil material always formed the basis and the starting point.
Under the present arrangement palaeobotanists have lost their identity. We find ourselves citizens, of some sort, of the most diverse sections where most of us (at least the undersigned) do not feel entirely at home.
Would it not be better to resurrect the old Sect. Pb?
It is true that the character of the section has changed as the result of the development and strong growth of palynology. This fact, however, cannot be used as an argument in favour of elimination of the Sect. Pb. Rather to the contrary.
It would be good if this question could be discussed when the International Organization of Paleobotany meets during the coming Congress in Leningrad.
Ove Arbo Hoeg
A New Metric Manual
As the United States prepares for conversion to the metric system, J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc., announces the publication of the "Metric Manual." This is the first and only such edition in America, and deals with all essential metric data relative to the conversion process.
The deluxe binder edition provides practical back-ground information necessary to understand the full implications of metrication in this country. The "Metric Manual" has required several years of planning and research — and parallels the announcements by several major industries and organizations to convert to the metric system.
Ideal for home and business libraries, the "Metric Manual" is published in loose-leaf, 3 ring binder format and contains: History of Measurement, Development of Metrology, U. S. Metric Considerations, Standards, Government Agencies, Metric Training, Personal Applications, Business Considerations, Industrial Foundation, Professional Concerns, Related Organizations, Foreign Commerce, Measurement Comparisons, Glossary and Appendix.
Copies are available now at a special introductory price of $25 each (postage and handling prepaid, if payment accompanies order), direct from the publisher: J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc., 145 W. Wisconsin Ave., Neenah, Wisconsin 54956.
The Corvallis Meeting
The Botanical Society will meet with A.I.B.S. at Oregon State University, Corvallis, August 17 to 22, 1975. A call for papers has been mailed by the Society, and titles and abstracts should have been in by now. This will be the 26th annual meeting of A.I.B.S. and despite the International Botanical Congress in Leningrad, this promises to be a large and eventful convention. The General Chairman this year is Dr. J. R. Shay, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Or. 97331. The Special theme for the meeting will be "Responsible Management of Biological Re-sources". Participating botanical groups are the American Bryological and Lichenological Society, the American Society of Plant Physiologists, The American Society of Plant Taxonomists, the Botanical Society of America, the Ecological Society, the Mycological Society, the Phycological Society, and the Torrey Botanical Club. Those desiring more information should write to The AIBS Meeting Department, 1401 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Va. 22209. Forms for reserving rooms and pre-registration will be printed in forthcoming issues of Bioscience. Reservations forms for field trips are given in this issue of PSB.
Page 9
Corvallis, Oregon - 1975
Field Trip Announcements
Sponsored by: American Society of Plant Taxonomists, Botanical Society of America, American Fern Society.
Dates: Aug. 15-16, 1975 (Friday and Saturday before the meetings)
Leaders: Bert Brehm (Reed College) Kenton Chambers (Oregon State University)
Itinerary: A tour of coastal habitats and flora in north-west Oregon, to include marshlands, dunes and their patterns of succession, headlands — including demonstrations of forest management on Cascade Head — and an easy hike on a Coast Range peak in Saddle Mountain State Park. Accomodations will be a choice between motel rooms and camping-out at a State Park near Tillamook, Oregon. The trip will depart from the Oregon State University campus early Friday morning and return late Saturday afternoon.
Transportation: Travel will be in private vehicles, to the extent these can be supplied by the participants. No rough roads are expected. Those interested in this trip should indicate on the reservation form whether they have a car available, and if so, how many additional passengers it can hold. Participants who will require transportation should so indicate.
Please indicate, also, whether you will plan to camp out on Friday night or will need motel accomodations. Make a note of any special requests regarding such accomodations; the trip leaders have reserved rooms for the group ahead of time.
Costs: Restaurant meals and box lunches will be purchased by the participants individually. Motel rooms will be approximately $7-$10 per person. Riders will be expected to share vehicle costs with those who provide their personal cars. Total driving distance will be about 275 miles.
Reservations: Reservation form should be returned to: Dr. J. H. Lyford, Department of General Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331.
A RESERVATION DOWNPAYMENT of $5.00 is required, by check made payable to Oregon State University; funds will be applied toward trip costs or be reimbursed.
Reservations may be cancelled up to August 1, 1975, and there will be a full refund.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wish to make reservations for __ person(s) for
With respect to transportation needs:
(a) I cannot provide my own car and will need rides for the members of my party.
(b) I will be driving my own car, and can provide rides for __ passengers in addition to my own party.
With respect to room accomodations for Aug. 15th:
(a) I will be camping out and will not require a motel room.
(b) I will need a motel room. (Note: participants will be asked to share rooms, as appropriate, to keep expenses down; if this will not be satisfactory to you, please comment below on room preference).
My primary AIBS Society affiliation is: ________________________________________
Mail to: J. H. Lyford, General Science, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97331
Sponsored by: American Society of Plant Taxonomists, Botanical Society of America, American Fern Society.
Dates: Aug. 15-16, 1975 (Friday and Saturday before the meetings)
Leaders: James Hickman (Swarthmore); Melinda Denton (University of Washington).
Itinerary: A transect of the central Cascade Mountains of Oregon, through a range of forest types from high rainfall areas on the lower west side, up to the subalpine and down through ponderosa-pine and juniper communities to sagebrush on the east side. Included will be hikes to subalpine wildflower areas and visits to lava flows in different stages of revegetation. Participants must supply their own bedrolls and appropriate clothing for camping-out at a public forest camp. The trip will depart from the Oregon State University campus early Friday morning and return late Saturday afternoon.
Transportation: Travel will be in private vehicles, to the extent these can be supplied by the participants. No rough roads are expected. Those interested in going on the trip should indicate on the reservation form whether they have a vehicle available, and if so, how many additional passengers it can hold. Participants who will require transportation should so indicate.
Costs: Meals will be prepared en route; the cost of groceries, etc., will be shared among those on the trip. Riders will be expected to share vehicle costs with those who provide their personal cars. Total driving distance will be about 250 miles.
Reservations: Reservation form should be returned to: Dr. J. H. Lyford, Department of General Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331
A RESERVATION DOWNPAYMENT of $5.00 is required, by check made payable to Oregon State University; funds will be applied toward purchase of food for the trip.
(Reservations may be cancelled up to August 1, 1975, and the downpayment will be refunded)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------I wish to make reservations for __ person(s) for the OREGON CASCADES FIELD TRIP.
With respect to transportation needs:
(a) I cannot provide my own car and will need rides for the members of my party.
(b) I will be driving my own car, and can provide rides for __ passengers in addition to my own party,
With respect to camping-out: (answers are optional)
(a) I will be bringing only a bedroll and clothing.
(b) In addition to my personal gear, I can bring a stove and/or cooking equipment.
Page 10
My primary AIBS Society affiliation is: ________________________________________
Mail your - reservation to: J. H. Lyford, General Science, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR 97331
Adolph E. Waller, 1892-1975
Adolph E. Waller, Professor Emeritus of Botany at The Ohio State University died January 28, 1975. He was on the faculty at The Ohio State University for 45 years prior to his retirement ten years ago. Professor Waller was born August 24, 1892, in Louisville, Kentucky, and was a graduate of the Louisville Male High School, one of the oldest private high schools in the mid-west. He attended college at the University of Michigan and the University of Kentucky, from the latter received his AB degree in 1914. His M.S. and Ph.D were from The Ohio State University in 1916 and 1918. During his graduate years he participated in the early efforts to control wheat stem rust through the USDA barberry eradication program. His graduate research was devoted to some of the earliest studies of agricultural crop ecology, resulting in his publications, "Crop Centers of the U. S.," and "The Relation of Plant Succession to Crop Production." These investigations established some of the present-day agricultural crop production principles. During World War I his professional contributions to increase food production were meritorious. In the early '20's he participated in studies of the impact of air pollution on arid lands crop production resulting from the copper smelters of the Salt Lake Basin.
Dr. Waller pursued postdoctoral studies at the Royal Botanical Garden, Kew, England. He joined the staff of The Ohio State University in 1919. Always a devoted and inspiring teacher, he encouraged many of his students to pursue graduate studies in the sciences. Several of his former students have attained national and international reputations. During his teaching career at the University he planned, developed, and served as curator of the University Botanic Gardens for more than 15 years. He was always concerned with the advancement of the sciences, particularly botany, genetics, and the history of science. He served as Treasurer of the Ohio Academy of Science for almost two decades and was named an honorary life member of the Academy in 1966. From 1920 to 1923 he was on the editorial board of Ecology. He was a member and active participant in many professional societies, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Ohio Academy of Science, both of which named him a Fellow, The Ohio Academy of Medical History, the Ecological Society of America, the Botanical Society of America, the History of Science Society, and Sigma Xi.
He was a recognized authority on the breeding of irises. He published, authored and coauthored numerous publications among the latter of which includes A Guide to Ohio Plants and an extensive series of papers dealing with early Ohio botanists and geologists who also held medical degrees. He served as a consultant to the Columbus Laboratories of Battelle Memorial Institute for several years following his retirement.
Dr. Waller was widely traveled and had a strong interest in the history and culture of the early Maya of Central America and their significance in the development of maize as a western hemisphere agricultural crop.
A named annual lecture in Plant Sciences has been established in Dr. Waller's memory at The Ohio State University, R. S. Davidson Battelle Laboratories Columbus, Ohio 43201
Botanical Society of America, Inc.
Report of Treasurer
Projected for
January 1974 - 31 December 1974
(including funds previously shown)
for 1 .Jan. - :31 May 1974
Balance on 1 Jan. 1974:
Savings $ 36,131.30
Checking $ 11,276.72
Total $ 47,408.02
RECEIPTS (estimated 1 June - 31 Dec. 1974)
Dues collected 1 .Jan. -
May 1974 E
Estimated 1975 dues to be paid in fall
Income Darbaker Estate
Yearbook Sales
Plant Science Bulletin
Career Bulletin Sales
Guide to Graduate Study Sales
Sale of Mailing
AIBS Insurance
Interest, Savings
Gifts to Endowment Fund
TOTAL. 1974 RECEIPTS (estimated) 5
DISBURSEMENTS (estimated 1 June - :31 Dec. 1974)
Journal of Botany
(pymt for 197:3) S 10.000.00
Journal of Botany
(pymt for 1974)
Plant Science Bulletin
Editor, Plant Science Bulletin
American .Journal of Botany
Abstracts of papers
Secretary's Office
Program Director
Sectional Expenses
Representatives to AIRS & AAAS
AIRS Affiliation
Darbaker Award
Travel of Officers to Meetings
Tax Bureaus (city, county, state, federal)
Miscellaneous (including transfer
to Endowment Fund
(estimated) E
Projected Net Loss for 1974 S
*Plus XII Congress Funds of $44,566.36
Page 11
Botanical Society of America, Inc.
Officers for 1975
PRESIDENT: *Peter H. Raven, Missouri Botanical Garden 2315 Tower Grove Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63110
VICE-PRESIDENT: *Barbara F. Palser Department of Botany, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903
SECRETARY: *Patricia Holmgren (1975-1979) New York Botanical Garden Bronx, New York 10458
TREASURER: *C. Ritchie Bell (1973-1977) Botany Department. Coker Hall, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514
PROGRAM DIRECTOR: *Augustus E. DeMaggio (1973-1975), Department of Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755
EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: John G. Torrey (1973-1975) Harvard Forest Harvard University Petersham, Massachusetts 01336
Charles B. Beck (1974-1976) Department of Botany University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
Robert Ornduff (1975-1977) Department of Botany University of California Berkeley, California 94720
EDITOR, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY: *Ernest M. Gifford, .Jr. Department of Botany, University of California Davis, California 95616
EDITOR, PLANT SCIENCE BULLETIN: *Robert W. Long (1971-1975), Department of Biology, University of South Florida Tampa, Florida 33620
BUSINESS MANAGER, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY, *Richard A. Popham, Department of Botany, Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 43210
PAST PRESIDENT, 1974: *Theodore Delevorvas, Department of Botany University of Texas Austin, Texas 78712
PAST PRESIDENT, 1973: *Arthur Cronquist, New York Botanical Garden Bronx, New York 10458
PAST PRESIDENT, 1972: *Charles Heimsch, Department of Botany, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056
Chairman (1973-1975): *Richard M. Klein, Department of Botany, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont. 05401
Chairman (1975): Donald J. Niederpruem, Department of Microbiology, Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
Vice-Chairman (1975): Robert W. Lichtwardt, Department of Botany, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66044
Secretary (1975-1977): Annette Hervey, New York Botanical Garden Bronx, New York 10458
Representative to the Council *Ian K. Ross, (1973-1975): Department of Biological Sciences, University of California Santa Barbara, California 93106
Representative to AJB Editorial Board (197:3-1975): Peter R. Day, Department of Genetics Connecticut Agricultural Exp. Station, New Haven, Connecticut 06504
Chairman (1975): Thomas N. Taylor, Department of Botany, Ohio Slate University, Columbus, Ohio 42210
Secretary-Treasurer (1975-1977): David L. Ditcher, Department of Botany, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47401
Representative to AJB Editorial Board (1974-1975): Charles N. Miller, Department of Botany, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana 59801
Vice-Chairman (197:3-1975): Donald E. Fosket, Dept. of Developmental & Cell Biology, University of California Irvine, California 92664
Secretary (1973-1975): Jane Taylor, Biology Department, University of Michigan Flint, Michigan 48503
Representative to AJB Editorial Board (1975-1977): William F. Millington, Department of Biology, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233
Chairman (1972-1975): Jerry W. Stannard Department of History University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas 66044
Vice Chairman (1972-1975): Harriet H. Creighton, Department of Biology, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Massachusetts (12181
Secretary (1971-1975): *Ronald I.. Stuckey, Department of Botany, 1735 Neil Avenue, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 48210
Representative to A.JB Editorial Board (197:3-1975): Emanuel D. Rudolp, Department of Botany, 1735 Neil Avenue, Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 43210
Page 12
Chairman (1974-1976): '0. Robert Waaland, Department of Botany, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195
Secretary (1975-1977): Richard B. Searles, Department of Botany, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27706
Representative to AJB Editorial Board (1974-1976): Karl Matto, Department of Botany, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056
Chairperson (1973-1976): *Jerry W. McClure Botany Department Miami University Oxford, Ohio 45056
Vice-Chairperson (1973-1976): Anitra Thorhaug, School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, Florida 33149
Representative to AJB Editorial Board (indefinite): Arthur W. Galston, Department of Biology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520
Chairman (1975): *Richard Mansell, Department of Biology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida :33620
Vice-Chairman (1975): Janice C. Coffey, Department of Botany, Queens College, Charlotte, North Carolina 28207
Secretary (1975-1976): Daniel J. Crawford, Department of Botany, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071
Representative to AJB Editorial Board (1975-1976): Yaakov Shechter, Department of Biology, Herbert H. Lehman College, Bronx, New York 10468
Chairman (1974-1975): Richard A. White, Department of Botany, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27706
Secretary-Treasurer (1975-1977): *Gerald J. Gastony, Department of Plant Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47401
Representative to AJB Editorial Board (1974-1975): Warren H. Wagner, Jr., Department of Botany, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
Chairman (1975): Paul Mahlberg, Botany Department, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47401
Vice-Chairman (197.5): Richard C. Keating, Biology Department, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, Illinois 62025
Secretary-Treasurer (1974-I976): *Donald R. Kaplan, Department of Botany, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720
Representative to AJB Editorial Board (1975-1977): Natalie W. Uhl, Bailey Hortorium, 467 Mann Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14850
Chairman (1974-1976): *John R. Reeder, Department of Botany, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82070
Secretary (1975-1977): Donald E. Stone, Department of Botany, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27706
Representative to AJB Editorial Board (197:3-1975): Patricia K. Holmgren, New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York 10458
Chairman (1975): Willis H. Hertig, Jr., Department of Biology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West. Virginia 26505
Vice-Chairman (1975): William A. Jensen, Department of Botany, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720
Secretary (1975): *Franklin Flint, Biology Department, Randolf-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Virginia 24505
Representative to A.JB Editorial Board (1969-1975): Robert W. Hoshaw, Botanical Laboratories, Agricultural Sciences Building, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721
Chairman (1975): Dominic Pirone, Department of Biology, Herbert H. Lehman College Bronx, New York 10468
Secretary-Treasurer (1973-1975): *Mathilde P. Weingartner, Staten Island Museum, 75 Stuyvesant Place, Staten Island, New York 10301
Chairman 11975): Herbert G. Baker Department of Botany University of California Berkeley, California 94720
Vice-Chairman (1975): Fred R. Hickson, Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97330
Secretary-Treasurer(1974-1976): "Edward F. Anderson, Department of Biology, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington 99362
Councillor (1975): Donald E. Wimber Department of Biology University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon 9740:3
Chairman (1974-19763: Albert E. Radford, Department of Botany, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514
Secretary-Treasurer (1975-1977): *Dana Griffin III, Departuent of Botany, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32601
Chairman of Activities Committee (1974-1976): Gwynn Ramsey, Biology Department, Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, Virginia 24504
* Persons so marked are members of the Council.
Page 13
Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting
June 18. 1974
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona
The meeting was called to order at 1:04 PM by President Theodore Delevoryas in Room A106 of the Physical Sciences Center. Twenty-six members were present at that time, constituting a quorum. The number in attendance later reached :30.
The minutes of the 197:3 Business Meeting of the Botanical Society, as published in Plant Science Bulletin, were approved.
Election Committee Report. In the absence of the chairman of Lhe committee, Lawrence J. Crockett, the President read the results of the recent mail ballot. The officers for 1974 are:
President - Peter H. Haven
Vice President - Barbara F. Palser
Secretary - Patricia Holmgren
Member Editorial Board, American Journal of Botany - Robert Ornduff
The Treasurer, C. Ritchie Bell, and Program Chairman, Augustus E. DeMaggio, continue in office for 1974.
Secretary's Report. Barbara Palser reported on three publications handled by the office of the Secretary.
Guide to Graduate Study in Botany. During the year revision of the current (1971) edition was undertaken by the Education Committee, specifically by Willard W. Payne. Data have been compiled and final copy is in preparation for the printer. The issue should be available in the fall of 1974.
Career Booklet. Just under 7,0110 copies have been distributed since the time of the last meetings. The present edition will be reprinted, and the Education Committee will be asked to start on a revision of the booklet.
Yearbook. The 1973-1974 Yearbook was delayed by the difficulties en-countered in the transfer of the Society's mailing list from one computer to another, but it is now at the printer's and should be in the mail in another month. Because of the delay in publication, an issue of the Yearbook will not be prepared in 1975.
Since this was the last year in office of the present secretary, the President expressed the thanks of the Society to her for five years of service in this office.
Committee on Corresponding Members. Arthur Cronquist, Chairman of the Committee, presented the names of two individuals recommended by the Committee and approved by the Council for election to corresponding membership: Marjorie E. .1. Chandler, paleobotanist front Great Britain, and P. N. Mehra, bryologist from India. The election of these two outstanding botanists was moved, seconded, and approved unanimously. This brings to 48 the number of living corresponding members, 2 less than the limit set by the By-laws.
Treasurer. Ritchie Bell distributed copies of the final 1973 'treasurer's report, data on membership in the Society over the past few years, financial report to date for 1974, and the projected report for 1974. He explained certain of the items contained in these reports and pointed out that we had been operating on a deficit for two years, that our reserve funds were being uncomfortably depleted to a level below that necessary to operate the Society for six months, and that we cannot continue to function in this way.
He also distributed copies of the budget proposed for 1975. This proposed budget had been amended by the Council to include approximate=ly $8,000 in additional expenses so that the deficit anticipated would be on the order of $11,500 including a subsidy for the American Journal of Botany of only of that requested by the Journal. Income was based ill the current (197.1) dues structure of the Society. I)r. Bell answered questions relative to several items iii the budget. He then moved the following change in dues for 1975 which had been recommended by the Council:
Active - $ 25.00 (- $ 5.00)
Student - $ 12.50 (- $ 2.50)
Retiring subscribing - $ 12.50 (- $ 2.50)
Family - $ 30.00 (- $ 5.00)
Dues in each of these membership categories is eligible for reduction (amount indicated at the right) if paid by December 31, 1974.
Life - $ 500.00
Sustaining - :350.00 The motion was seconded and passed with only a few dissents. Dr. Bell pointed out that the increased income should lead to a balanced budget and hopefully, if there was not too }neat a loss in membership, to replacing a very little to the badly depleted reserve fund. He then moved approval of the 1975 budget as modified by the Council and incorporating the new dues income. This was seconded and passed unanimously.
Business Manager, American Journal of Botany. Richard Popham distributed copies of his report of the Journal finances for 1973, the projected report for 1974, and the proposed budget for 1975. His printed material contained some interesting figures comparing the American Journal of Botany to other journals. He pointed out that his budget included a larger subsidy by the Society than had been approved in the Treasurer's budget. lie also reported that the Council had approved a change in policy relative to page charges in the Journal: for those authors who had no grants to pay for publication, 6 pages would be allowed free, each additional page would be charged for at the rate of $50 per page. Dr. Popham pointed out that it now costs $100 per page to print the Journal and that this cost will be greater in 1975 so that the $50 charge does not come close to covering the cost of adding a page.
Dr. Popham moved the acceptance of his report and budget; the motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Editor, American Journal of Botany. Norman Boke passed out a sheet containing figures concerning the number of papers received (16:3) and the number published (133). He pointed out that his backlog of manuscripts has been increasing so that the average time between receipt and publication is now about 11.6 months. The shortest time possible would be 8-9 months. At present it would be necessary to reject. more manuscripts or increase the number of pages per number (present budget does not allow this) to reduce the accumulated backlog of manuscripts. Editing is completed through the .lanuary and part of February 1975 numbers.
Since this is Dr. Buke's last year as Editor, his services were enthusiastically acclaimed at the conclusion of his report. He will be replaced by Ernest M. Gifford.
Forthcoming meetings. Dr. Delevoryas reported that the Council had rescinded their 197:3 action to meet officially at the XII International Botanical Congress and voted to meet with AIBS at Oregon State University in Corvallis, August 17-22 in 1975.
The Council had voted to contact the plant physiologists relative to meeting with them in 1976. It had since been learned that ASPP will be meeting with AIBS at Tulane University in New Orleans May 30-June 4, so we probably will meet with AIBS.
Charter Flight to XII International Congress. Joseph Arditti reported very briefly that charter flights will go to Leningrad and that a travel agency has been retained to handle land arrangements. information will be sent to those already registered for flights. Others can obtain in-formation from Dr. Arditti.
Resolution re 1974 Meeting. Dr. Dennis Stevenson read the following resolution: "The Botanical Society wishes to express its gratitude to the administrative officers of both Arizona State University and the American Institute of Biological Sciences, to the General Chairman, Dr. James E. Canright, and to their local representative, Dr. Duncan T. Patten, for the excellent arrangements and facilities provided for the 1974 meetings." This resolution was approved by acclamation.
Old Business. None was brought up.
New Business. Dr. Delevoryas reported that the Council had approved the formation of a Structural Botany Section of the Society which will in essence replace the old General Section. The Program Chairman was authorized to arrange general contributed paper sessions at the meetings, if needed, to incorporate papers which might not logically fit in sessions of the new section ur others of the regular sections.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:55 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Barbara F. Palser, Secretary
Page 14
Merit Award
This award is made to persons judged to have made outstanding contributions to botanical science. The first awards were made in 1956 at the 50th anniversary of the Botanical Society and one or more have been presented each year since that time. This year the Award Committee has selected three botanists who are eminently qualified to join the ranks of merit awardees.
To Chester A. Arnold of the University of Michigan "distinguished student of the structure and evolutionary significance of fossil plants; his many contributions have greatly advanced our knowledge of the vegetation of past ages and exemplify the highest standards of objective reporting and honest interpretations."
To Gerald W. Prescott of the University of Montana Biological Station, Flathead Lake "influential teacher and knowledgeable student of the taxonomy, ecology and geography of fresh water algae, especially desmids, of North America; proponent of the importance of algae in limnology; prime mover in the founding of the Phycological Society of America."
To Arthur Cronquist of the New York Botanical Garden "systematist sensu lato: creator of imaginative phylogenetic systems; effective organizer of and prolific contributor to monumental regional floras of North America; monographer and foremost student of North American Compositae."
Darbaker Award
This award is made for meritorious work in the study of microscopical algae. The recipient is selected by a Committee of the Botanical Society which bases its judgment primarily on papers published during the last two full calendar years.
To Jeremy David Pickett-Heaps of the University of Colorado "for his significant contributions to our understanding of the ultra-structural cytology of both nuclear and cellular division, especially among green algae. His tireless explorations into micromorphology have led to the synthesis of important new ideas on algal phylogeny, microtubular-organizing substances, the role of the centriole, and the origin of higher plants. The 45 papers published since 1970 represent a prodigious and remarkable effort which has set a high standard for con-temporary phycologists."
The George R. Cooley Award
The George R. Cooley Award is given annually by the American Society of Plant Taxonomists for the best paper presented at the annual meeting. This year the Award is presented to Ernest Small, Biosyslematics Research Institute, Ottawa, for his paper entitled "The Systematics of Cannabis."
The Paleobotanical Section Award
Annually an award is made to the author of the most outstanding paper presented at the annual meeting of the Paleobotanical Section of the Botanical Society of America. This year's Award is to Charles W. Good, Ohio University, Athens for his paper entitled "The Elater-Bearing Spores of the Calamitales."
New York Botanical Garden Award
The New York Botanical Garden presents an award to the author of a recent, publication making an outstanding contribution to the fundamental aspects of botany. The recipient is selected by a committee of the Botanical Society.
To Katherine Esau of the University of California, Santa Barbara "for her tireless, continued research oil the ultrastructure of phloem, and especially her most recent publications on the ultrastructure of virus-host relationships in sugar beets and other plants,"
Jesse M. Greenman Award
The .Jesse M. Greenman Award is presented each year by the Alumni Association of the Missouri Botanical Garden. It recognizes the hest paper in plant systematics based on a doctoral dissertation published during the previous year.
The 7th annual award, in 1974, goes to Ihsan A. Al-Shahhaz, University of Baghdad, for his paper "The hiosystematics of the genus Thelypodium (Cruciferae)" published in Contributions of the Gray Herbarium 204: 3-148. 197:3.
MOREY, PHILIP R. How Trees Grow. Edward Arnold, Ltd. London. 197:3. 59 pp. L1.50
How Trees Grow is No. 39 in a series of short British biological reviews which deal with various areas of specialization. Although the style and format is rather formal, the purpose of the "booklet" is not unlike several popular biological series published in this country. Writ-ten for the non-specialist on the high school undergraduate level, the author presents a brief review of selected structural, physiological, and molecular aspects of tree growth. In spite of brevity — 57 pages of text, 2 pages of references — the author writes with clarity concerning the major concepts of tree morphology, dormancy, wood structure, the vascular cambium, reaction wood, bark-cork formation, woody roots, and the paleobotanical record. Descriptive and experimental data are interrelated for most topics. Also, conflicting and inexplicable mechanisms are presented in such a manner as to arouse and maintain the reader's interest. In addition to being well written, this mini-review is well edited and free of technical errors. Although not as richly illustrated as its American counterpart, illustrations, many of which are from the original papers, are located for the reader's convenience.
A shortcoming of this book is that the contributions of electron microscopy to many of the topics discussed are almost ignored. Although this area is treated in other publications of the series, the absence of the ultrastructural hierarchy in the chapters dealing with cellular and molecular levels of tree growth weakens the publication's continuity and autonomy. The book also lacks a subject index and glossary, the latter being of no great con-sequence.
In keeping with the purpose of the book, the author has skillfully defined and explained terminology in the text.
How Trees Grow should be useful supplementary reading for the traditional undergraduate botany course and could serve as a source book for the increasingly popular non-major short course.
John M. Byrne Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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FOGG, G.E., Photosynthesis (2nd edition, paper), American Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc., New York. 1973. 116 pp. $3.95.
As expected from such a short monograph dealing with a complex and extensive topic — photosynthesis — the coverage is neither extensive nor rigorous. In addition, there are very few references to original literature at the end of each chapter with most citations referring either to other monographs or to review articles. Hence, this volume would not seem to be of much value to an advanced student wishing to obtain a thorough introduction to photosynthesis nor would it serve as a very useful starting point for a student or research scientist who wishes to find the relevant and pertinent original literature. Rather, this monograph would seem to be of value for the purpose of giving an undergraduate an introduction to photosynthesis or of providing an easy way for a graduate student, not in the field of plant physiology, to prepare for a comprehensive examination in botany. Also, the book may well serve as a useful reference for other botanists wishing to have on their bookshelf some elementary background in-formation and data about photosynthesis.
In the preface Dr. Fogg stipulates that he intends to emphasize relationships of photosynthesis both to other plant processes as well as to the problems of providing our food supply while deemphasizing coverage of the biochemical and biophysical aspects of the process itself. This emphasis is clearly evident in the elementary coverage of the light reactions of photosynthesis, requiring minimal back-ground in the physical sciences on the part of the reader. Curiously enough, however, one of the more important biochemical developments in photosynthetic dark re-actions, the elucidation of a carbon fixation process alternative to the Calvin-Benson cycle — the C'-dicarboxylic acid pathway — is virtually ignored even though it is becoming quite clear that this pathway has great practical significance for agriculture. There is little more than passing mention of the existence of this alternative pathway without any discussion either of the nature of the process or of its importance in terms of maximizing use of the two environmental resources — carbon dioxide and water — which are most commonly limiting plant growth.
Perhaps the most useful feature of this book is its stress on usages of the chemical energy conserved by the light reactions of photosynthesis for processes such as nitrate reduction, the assimilation of organic substances, and the synthesis of non-carbohydrate organic substances, which are alternatives to the use of energy in the synthesis of carbohydrate. Such information seems to be often ignored in other comparable discussions of photosynthesis.
Lee Pratt Vanderbilt University
JANICK, J., R. W. SCHERY, F. W. WOODS, and V. W. RUTTAN. Plant Science - An Introduction to World Crops. Second Edition. W. H. Freeman and Co. San Francisco 1974. viii + 740 pp. illus. $14.50.
This is an excellent book. As in the first edition, the authors have brought together a wealth of interesting material covering a variety of aspects of plant science and agricultural crop production into a highly intelligible, coordinated sequence. The book consists of five major sections: I, Plants and Men, II, Nature of Crop Plants, III, Plant Environment, IV, Strategy of Crop Production, V, Industry of Plant Agriculture, and VI, The Marketplace. The several chapters in each part have been brought up to date and two new chapters, "Agriculture, Pollution and the Environment," and "The Organization of Agricultural Research Systems" have been added.
In these critical times, when public recognition of the importance of crops is probably greater than ever, and the urgent problems of providing adequate food and fiber for mankind are matters of deep worldwide concern, it would seem imperative to have increased and widespread understanding of the factors affecting the current situation and the future. Plant Science seems admirably suited for several types of courses dealing with these problems. It should also be a handy reference work for biology and botany teachers.
The book contains the basic fundamentals of plant science, i.e., the structure, growth and functions of plants, their applications to crop production, and the social, economic and political aspects of plants and plant products. There are many subjective opinions and interpretations expressed, and we might take issue with some of these, but such questions could be useful in stimulating class discussions.
This book contains a considerable amount of subject matter in concentrated form. It could well serve as the basis for a year course. For shorter courses, judicious selection of parts would be relatively easy. The authors state that the book is intended for an introductory university level course in plant or crop science, and although the fundamentals are included, it might seem better to use this book after some introductory biology or botany course had been taken. Courses in the area of this book, i.e., the scientific, technologic, and economic bases of world crop production, would be valuable additions to any curriculum in biology or botany.
Sydney S. Greenfield Rutgers University at Newark, New Jersey
JEFFREY, CHARLES. Biological Nomenclature (Special Topics in Biology Series). Edward Arnold, London; Crane, Russak, New York, 1973. 69 pp. $6.75.
This is an excellently written, accurate presentation of the major provisions of the various codes of nomenclature used by biologists, and of the principles behind them. In lacking specific details or even citations of relevant articles in the codes, the volume is no substitute for them to the working taxonomist. But if it be carefully read and comprehended by botanists generally (including taxonomists!), perhaps we dare hope for greater understanding of the alleged mysteries of nomenclature — and that elementary texts, which almost invariably convey misinformation relating to the subject, can henceforth avoid such nonsense as this: "Emphasis in taxonomic studies has now shifted from a collection of type species (practiced by early taxonomists) to a study of populations.
The attempt is not so much to study the species as an unchanging taxonomic unit (establishing type specimens, etc.) but to study the dynamic processes of speciation."
Jeffrey makes very clear the distinction between nomenclature and classification, as for example in clarifying the role of types (something widely misunderstood, as witness the above quotation from a recent text). "It is names, not taxa, that have types.... The purpose of a type is to provide a fixed point in the range of variation of organisms so that no matter where discontinuities are found to occur and boundaries between taxa drawn, the application of names can be unequivocally
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decided." The science and art of classification — or, to put it in precise terms, the practice of assigning taxonomic rank, circumscription, and position to populations — is something with which nomenclature does not deal. The correct name for a plant depends, obviously, on how it is classified, and the function of the codes is simply to offer rules (including those regarding typification) for selecting or providing names once the taxonomic judgments have been made.
The style of this book is not to summarize separately each of the principal codes (Botanical, Zoological, Bacteriological) but to consider common topics (such as scientific names, typification, priority, synonymy, citation) with comparisons, where necessary, between the codes. The last chapter considers special cases and exceptions, including provisions for fossils, fungi, hybrids, viruses, etc. There is a combined glossary/index.
While some botanical nomenclaturists might debate the broad scope accepted under the concept of illegitimate names, this lucid little volume seems to contain no serious errors that would lead astray anyone who seeks to understand the restricted but important role that nomenclature plays in systematics. It is thus far better than Savory's Naming the Living World (1962) which (the present publisher's blurb notwithstanding) earlier covered the same ground, but with numerous errors. The price is relatively expensive, but persons who can wait to order from abroad should be advised that a paperback edition sells in Great Britain for Li, scarcely more than a third of the price asked by the American publisher for the hard-cover edition.
Edward G. Voss The University of Michigan
MORTON, JULIA F. 500 Plants of South Florida. 163 pp. illus. E. A. Seemann Publ. Co., Miami. 1974. $9.95
After 22 years Julia Morton has published a revised and improved edition of her previous "400 Plants of South Florida." The new book found it ". . . necessary to add 150 species, drop 50 of the less important from the first edition ...", and these improvements have resulted in a book much more useful than the 1952 version. Also, the new edition has almost 200 photographs which are an improvement over the line drawings previously used.
The format of the new book is much like the old edition, alphabetical by scientific name. This is supported by an index to common names and botanical synonyms. Thus, with knowledge of either scientific or common name, a plant can be located. Once the plant is located, there is a succinct description, common names, family, hints on propagation, and often comments on edibility, poisonous effects to humans and how the plant has affected our native vegetation. For the most part the author has been faithful to her task of providing correct names and synonyms (p. 11), but there are notable exceptions. Only one of the Morning Glories (Convolvulaceae) has a synonym listed; the author makes no mention that Calonyction and Quamoclit are now included in Ipomoea. Similarly, for the Sapotaceae, there is no mention that Sideroxylon foetidissimum is now considered a member of Mastichodendron.
Most of the pictures are reproduced well, and composition is good, with a few exceptions. The black and white pictures come out better than the colored, at least in the copies I've seen. The blues and reds of virtually all the pictures are faded or off true colors. In spite of these faults the illustrations are a welcome addition. The cover is adorned with three particularly attractive examples.
As I sat thumbing through the book, thinking how useful it would be for the numerous questions always received at universities, it occurred to me that the author has recorded about one-third the number of species known for the native flora of South Florida. It is any wonder than that one sees over and over in this book "... springs up like a weed in neglected lots ..." . . . runs wild in South Florida" "... naturalized in South Florida and becoming a `weed' tree" ... "well-established as an ex-cape" ... "running wild in the Everglades" ... "formed extensive `jungles' crowding out native vegetation . .
With all this, the author makes no claim that she has included all of the exotic species introduced into South Florida. A complete list would surely run over one-third of our native flora.
Horticulturalists, botanists, and conservationists — in short, anyone interested in plants — should find useful information in this book.
Daniel F. Austin
Florida Atlantic University