APPS Reviewing Editor Board 2024-2026
Applications Now Being Accepted
The Botanical Society of America is seeking interested applicants to serve on the Reviewing Editor Board for Applications in Plant Sciences, our open access journal promoting the rapid dissemination of newly developed, innovative tools and protocols in all areas of the plant sciences. The Reviewing Editor Board is composed of a select number of post-doctoral researchers and graduate students who have advanced to Ph.D. candidacy. The purpose of this experience is to provide these developing scientists with the opportunity to gain a behind-the-scenes understanding of the editorial and publication processes. Reviewing Editors will be mentored by APPS Editorial Board members and receive experience in the editorial and peer-review processes by:
- learning how to find suitable reviewers
- reviewing manuscripts
- synthesizing external reviews
- working closely with the Associate Editor on the decision process
- proposing topics for review articles and special issues, with the opportunity to act as a special issue co-editor
- providing input on new journal initiatives
- participating in annual editorial board meetings
Members of the Reviewing Editor Board will be expected to handle up to 10 manuscripts over a two-year commitment, with the term beginning September 1, 2024. An orientation will be provided at the beginning of the term. Appointed editors will also receive reduced registration rates to the Botany 2025 meeting.
Applications must consist of a single PDF file including (1) a cover letter that explains your interest in this position, what you hope to gain from the experience, and details of your area of research expertise, (2) CV, and (3) a letter of recommendation from your supervisor or major professor. Successful applicants must demonstrate an attention to detail, excellent written communication skills, and an interest in gaining experience in academic publication.
If you have questions, please contact the APPS managing editor, Beth Parada, at apps@botany.org. Applications should be sent to apps@botany.org by July 1, 2024.
Briana Gross, Editor-in-Chief
and the Applications in Plant Sciences Editorial Board