

GCA Scholarships Applications Now Open!

Contributed by aneely on Nov 03, 2021 - 07:06 PM

Picture 0 for GCA Scholarships Applications Now Open!
The Garden Club of America offers 28 merti-based scholarships and fellowships in 12 areas related to conservation, ecology, horticulture, and pollinator research. The Garden Club of America contacts universities, arboreta and botanic gardens to encourage them to advertise our scholarships to their students and interns. Twelve of the scholarships are managed by GCA staff and volunteers. Selection committees comprised of the GCA and community volunteers read applications and recommend candidates to be voted on in March each year. For fifteen of the GCA scholarships, the specialized level of knowledge necessary to choose the most compelling research projects requires that we collaborate with outside organizations. Those organizations each establish a panel of scientists to recommend award recipients in their respective fields.

In 2021, over $300,000 was awarded to 61 scholars to support a variety of academic endeavors ranging from summer environmental study and fieldwork to graduate-level research. Their study will take place in institutions across the nation and some will conduct fieldwork across the globe.

GCA scholars have become leaders in their fields of study. Recently, a selection panel member reviewed a list of past recipients of The GCA Awards in Tropical Botany, which were first awarded in the 1980s. These scholars are now well established in their careers. The selection panel member commented that the names appearing on the list are a “veritable who’s who” of the Systematics and Forest Ecology fields today. The Garden Club of America is deservedly proud of its scholarship program.

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