The tropical montane basidiolichen Dictyonema glabratum in Volcan Tenorio
National Park in Costa Rica (c. 3X actual size). The lichen symbiosis is one of
the predominant life forms in Fungi, but Basidiomycota have very few lichenized
species (e.g., in the genera Dictyonema, Lichenomphalia, and
Multiclavula), and most of them are rare and found in specific habitats.
Dictyonema glabratum is the most abundant and widespread species and
often found in large quantities on open road banks, but it is also epiphytic on
shrubs and trees. Discoveries of novel basidiolichens are rare, but a new species
of Multiclavula with a unique, previously unknown basidiocarp morphology
was discovered during the NSF-funded TICOLICHEN biodiversity inventory in Costa