Arunika Gunawardena Dalhousie University Department of Biology Halifax Nova Scotia B3H 4J1 Canada
lace plant, Aponogeton madagascariensis
Light micrograph of a young leaf of lace plant at the perforation stage of
leaf development. The blue cells within three perforation sites that are undergoing
programmed cell death (PCD) are stained specifically for cell wall pectins by
alcian blue as a result of cuticle degradation. Adjacent living cells with intact
cuticle are not stained. The resculpting of a simple leaf blade is a unique
use of developmental PCD, known only for this species and for a handful of genera
in the aroid family. The accessibility and predictability of perforation formation
in lace plant leaves and the ability to propagate lace plant in sterile conditions
make the lace plant an attractive model for the study of developmental PCD in
plants. Scale bar = 100