Scanning electron micrograph of wood of Marcgravia umbellata (Marcgraviaceae)
Frederic Lens K.U.Leuven Institute of Botany and Microbiology Laboratory of Plant Systematics Kasteelpark Arenberg 31 Leuven B-3001 Belgium
Scanning electron micrograph, Marcgravia umbellata, coalescent pits
Scanning electron micrograph of wood of Marcgravia umbellata (Marcgraviaceae),
a lianous native of the neotropics, showing coalescent pits in the inner wall
of a vessel element (pit apertures ca. 2-3 ;gmm). Despite some characteristic
features related to the lianous habit, such as wide vessels that co-occur with
narrow vessels, axial parenchyma in proximity to vessels, and wide multiseriate
rays, the wood of Marcgraviaceae can be linked to its close relative Tetrameristaceae