Virtual Professional Development Resources

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October 2021 BSA Writing Webinars & Discussions

BSA Webinars 2020

Webinar & Discussion #1:
Learning to Write Your Story Well

Are you interested in learning how to become a more effective and efficient scientific writer? This workshop discusses topics such as authorship, writing strategies, how to best present your data, ethics, and much more.

Click here to view the recording

  Webinar & Discussion #2:
Getting Your Paper Published:
An Editor's Perspective

What happens once you submit your paper to a journal? Join us to discuss the peer review process and how to maximize the chances your paper will be published.

Click here to view the recording

Graduate Research Fellowship Program Webinar


The Botanical Society of America hosted this webinar in August 2020 featuring Amanda Ingram (NSF Program Director), Chris Hill & Narcrisha Norman (current GRFP Program Directors), and Rick McCourt (former GRFP Program Director). The first 30-minutes was a presentation followed by 30-minutes for questions.

GRFPs are fellowships funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). For more information about the fellowship and who is eligible to apply, visit this site:
For more information email:
Follow NSF-GRFP on Twitter: @NSFGRFP

Click here to see the recorded webinar.

Updated 10-2-2020