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Instructions for Authors and Book Reviewers
The Plant Science Bulletin (Print: ISSN 0032-0919, Electronic: ISSN 1537-9752) is a publication of the Botanical Society of America (BSA) containing news and information from the Society, as well as articles and essays focusing on issues of interest within the botanical sciences. It serves as an forum for discussing issues related to research, conservation, education, outreach, and public policy, for distributing innovative teaching approaches and methods, and for providing news of colleagues, new books, and professional opportunities.
PSB Contact Information
Books Received for Review
Books for review are available to members of the Botanical Society of America. If you are a BSA member and would like to review a book or books for PSB, the easiest way to do so is to: highlight and copy the book details, click on the Reviewer Requested link to the right of the book's details and paste the information into the email form that pops up. Remember to include your name, University/Department, all of your mailing details and the date by which the book will be reviewed. Book reviews should not exceed 800-1000 words. Alternatively, e-mail Carolina Siniscalchi, the editor-in-chief, at psb@botany.org, including the details noted above, as soon as you notice the book of interest in this list, because they go quickly!
The Trouble with Ancient DNA: Telling Stories of the Past with Genomic Science
Kallen, Anna. 2025. ISBN: 9780226835570. (pdf, printed copy available by request, 160 pp, $20.00, The University of Chicago Press)
Reviewer Requested
Catesby’s Natural History
Harris, Stephen A. 2024. ISBN: 9781851246397. (pdf, print copy available by request, 304 pp, 230 color pages, $75.00, The University of Chicago Press)
Reviewer Requested
The Arrival of the Fittest: Biology’s Imaginary Futures, 1900–1935
Endersby, Jim. 2025. ISBN: 9780226837567 (pdf, print available by request, 400 pp, U$37.50, The University of Chicago Press)
Reviewer Requested
Wild and Wonderful: An Ethnography of English Naturalists
Manceron, Vanessa (translated by Michael Taylor). 2025. ISBN: 978-1-914363-25-2. (pdf, print copy available on request. 260 pp, The University of Chicago Press).
Reviewer Requested
Radical by Nature: The Revolutionary Life of Alfred Russel Wallace
Costa, James T. 2023. ISBN-13: 978-0-691-23380-2. (paperback; US$22.95. 560 pp. Princeton University Press).
Reviewer Requested
Illustrated Genera of Rust Fungi of Brazil
de Carvalho Jr., Anibal Alves and Joe Fleetwood Hennen. 2023. ISBN: 978-1-889878-72-0. (hardback; US$40. 148 pp. BRIT Press.
Reviewer Requested
Saving a Rainforest and Losing the World: Conservation and Displacement in the Global Tropics
Thaler, Gregory. 2024. ISBN: 978-0-300-27248-2. (paper US$40) 312 pp. Yale University Press
Reviewer Requested
Frustrating Flowers & Puzzling Plants: Identifying the difficult species of Britain and Ireland.
Warren, John M. 2024. ISBN: 978-1-78427-331-6. (paper US$40). 290 pp. Pelagic
Reviewer Requested
Botánicos: A novel
Meerow, Alan. 2023. ISBN: 979-8-9891677-0-82. (Paper US$14.99) 92 pp. Griffinia Press.
Reviewer Requested
A Splendor of Succulents and Cacti
Ball, Caroline. 2023. ISBN: 9781851245970 (cloth, US$25). 144 pp. Bodleian Library Publishing
Reviewer Requested
A guide to the Flora of the Sierra de San Pedro Mártir | Una guía a la de de la Sierra de San Pedro Mártir
Harper, Alan, Sula Vanderplank, and Jon Rebman. 2021. ISBN-13: 978-1-889878-64-5 (flex-binding US$35). 320 pp. BRIT Press.
Reviewer Requested
Manual of Montana Vascular Plants, Second Edition
Lesica, Peter with Contributions by Matt Lavin and Peter F. Stickney. 2022. ISBN-13: 978-1-889878-87-4. (flex binding US$65). 729 pp. BRIT Press.
Reviewer Requested
Tidal Marshes of Long Island, New York.
Potente, John E (ed). 2022. ISSN: 22380 128x. (Hardback) Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Society Vol 26. 4th edition. 171 pp. Torrey Botanical Society.
Reviewer Requested
Auxin Signalling: From Synthesis to Systems Biology. 2nd Ed.
Weijers, Dolf, Karin Ljung, Mark Estelle, and Ottoline Leyser. 2022. ISBN 978-1-621824-00-8. (Hardcover, US$135). 468 pp. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
Reviewer Requested
Grasses of the Northern Forest: Quick Guides
Jenkins, Jerry. 2022. ISBN: 9781501764318. (digital; US$11.95) 4 pp. Cornell University Press (physical copy available by request).
Reviewer Requested
Field Guide to Manzanitas: California, North America, and Mexico
Kauffmann, Michael, Tom Parker, and Michael Vasey. Photography by Jeff Bisbee. 2021. ISBN: 978-1-941624-15-9. (Paper US$27.95). 175 pp. Backcountry Press.
Reviewer Requested
Rewilding Agricultural Landscapes: A California Study in Rebalancing the Needs of People and Nature
Butterfield, H. Scott, T. Rodd Kelsey, and Abigail K. Hart (eds). 2021. ISBN: 9781642831269. (Paper US$39). 252 pp. Island Press
Reviewer Requested
The Ecology of Herbal Medicine: A Guide to Plants and Living Landscapes of the American Southwest
Saville, Dara. 2021. ISBN: 978-0-8263-6217-9. (Paper US$24.95) 312 pp. University of New Mexico Press
Reviewer Requested
Descent and Logic in Biosystematics
McCabe, Thomas. 2021. ISBN: 978-0-578-75848-0. (Electronic book, PDF format). 130 pp. Perseverant Publishing.
Reviewer Requested