BSA is truly THE home for ALL plant scientists around the globe.
- The Society is a partner in three separate programs that provide free online access to the American Journal of Botany in 72 developing nations and at minimal cost to a further 36? The HINARI1, AGORA2 and OARE3 programs were developed in conjunction with the World Health Organization, United Nations Environment Programme, Yale University and a number of leading science and technology publishing partners. Their goals are simple - to improve access to scientific information for institutions in developing countries by providing high quality, timely, relevant agricultural, biomedical, environmental and social science journals at affordable prices.
- The Society has led the development of the PlantingScience4 educational outreach program, which is now a growing collaboration among ten Scientific Societies. This program goes to the heart of our mission and has allowed us to share plant science inquiry with thousands of middle and high school students through online mentorship.
- We are now working to communicate more effectively with our international colleagues to promote botany by translating BSA web pages and reaching out to our neighbors in their local languages, beginning with Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries.
- The American Journal of Botany launched AJB Advance Access, which allows us to post finalized articles in advance of print. This offers you faster access to the latest research and potentially higher access and citation rates for our authors.
- BSA is developing new ways to foster communication and connections for our members. New features include a social/career networking area for BSA members (think Facebook for botany!) as well as a student forum and Women-in-Botany listserv.
- BSA puts on a fantastic annual conference and collaborates with other botanical groups, both nationally and internationally. At BOTANY 2010, over 900 plant scientists and students from around the world made connections, shared research, built career networks, and furthered the field of botany. Members received significant discounts in annual meeting registration and the opportunity to apply for BSA awards and travel stipends.
1. HINARI (Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative)
2. AGORA (Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture)
3. OARE (Online Access to Research in the Environment)
4. PlantingScience
"Ways to Give" | Meeting you half way - "AJB Perpetual Access Offer"