Current Committee Members

  • Eric Wada (2025)
  • Cheng-Chiang Wu (2025)
  • Jeff Mower (2026)
  • Audrey Spencer (2026), Graduate Student Representative
  • Rob Brandt, BSA Manager Technology Development, ex officio
  • Heather Cacanindin, Executive Director, ex officio

Information Technology Committee

About the Committee

The Information Technology Committee meets one to two times per year and provides input regarding IT support needs of members, works with the IT staff to preview new programs or beta test new programs developed for member services (membership directory, awards portal, ect.), and offer suggestions to improve the society’s online presence. Each year, new members join the committee as the same number of members rotates off. This committee is chaired by a member serving their third year on the committee.


This committee has one student as part of its composition. The student representative for this committee would provide input and feedback on how students interact with BSA through technology and how students can help BSA do a better job.

Member Criteria

Committee membership is open to all BSA membership categories. The committee seeks members that can contribute technical knowledge and/or are willing to test and review new offerings. Committee members are expected to participate and be engaged in committee activities and have a genuine interest in the mission of the committee.

Time Commitment

At least one meeting per year which normally takes place during the Botany conference, but open to a few additional virtual meetings as needed. Members serve three-year terms, except for student members whose terms are for two years.

Interested in Applying?

Those interested in being considered for committee service should complete a short application (200 words or less) that includes a statement of interest highlighting your expertise, experience, and interest in serving on this particular committee. Applications are accepted December 1 – February 1 and will be reviewed by the Committee on Committees. Committee appointments are typically made in May to begin in July. Questions about committee membership? Send an email to

This committee does not have any openings at this time.

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