Current Committee Members

  • Jennifer Cruse-Sanders (2026), At-Large Director - Development, Chair
  • Jennifer Ackerfield (2025)
  • Theresa Culley, (2027)
  • Peter Fritsch (2027)
  • Cindi Jones (2027)
  • Aaron Liston (2027)
  • Madhav Nepal (2027)
  • Arthur Leung, (2026) Graduate Student Representative
  • Heather Cacanindin, Executive Director, ex officio

Development Committees

About the Committee

Chaired by the Director-at-Large for Development, this committee works with the BSA Executive Director and Board of Directors to develop and enhance resources for the Society to support its programs. It serves as the liaison between the between the Society and the Legacy Society Members. The committee also provides insights and recommendations on policy, potential foundations, businesses and society members for fundraising potential to the Director-at-Large for Development.


This committee may have at least one student as part of its composition. The goal of student representatives on this committee is to provide a student or early-career researcher’s perspective on fundraising ideas or leads.

Member Criteria

Committee membership is open to all BSA membership categories. Those with fundraising expertise are especially welcome. Committee members are expected to participate and be engaged in committee activities and have a genuine interest in the mission of the committee.

Time Commitment

At least one meeting per year which generally occurs at the annual Botany conference. One or two other meetings may occur via conference calls as needed. Members serve three-year terms, except for student members whose terms are for two years.

Interested in Applying?

Those interested in being considered for committee service should complete a short application (200 words or less) that includes a statement of interest highlighting your expertise, experience, and interest in serving on this particular committee. Applications are accepted December 1 – February 1 and will be reviewed by the Committee on Committees. Committee appointments are typically made in May to begin in July. Questions about committee membership? Send an email to

To apply to be on this committee, click here and sign in with your BotanyID and password. Only committees that have openings will appear on the BSA Committee Application website. Once you open an application, you should see the blue button "Create New Committee Application." If you do not see the blue button, or need other assistance, email

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