Current Committee Members

  • Ken Cameron (2025), President Elect, Chair
  • Norm Wickett (2027), Secretary
  • Steven Handel (2025)
  • Cynthia Huebner (2025)
  • Rob Baker (2026)
  • Natali Ramirez-Bullon (2026)
  • Madhav Nepal (2026)
  • Amy Litt (2027)

Committee on Committees

About the Committee

Chaired by the President-Elect, the Committee on Committees is responsible for populating all BSA committees with members. The committee will review applications for openings on the committees and will solicit members for service on committees if necessary. This committee consults with the Committee chairs, the President-Elect, and any BSA staff member committee liaisons on their choices for committee openings. Recommendations for appointment decisions are ultimately made by the Committee on Committees to the BSA Board and require Board approval.


This committee does not contain student members.

Time Commitment

The bulk of the committee’s work occurs between February and April as applications for committee openings are due February 1. Committee discussion occurs mostly electronically by email and through one or two conference calls, as needed. Members serve three-year terms.

Interested in Applying?

Those interested in being considered for committee service should complete a short application (200 words or less) that includes a statement of interest highlighting your expertise, experience, and interest in serving on this particular committee. Applications are accepted December 1 – February 1 and will be reviewed by the Committee on Committees. Committee appointments are typically made in May to begin in July. Questions about committee membership? Send an email to

To apply to be on this committee, click here and sign in with your BotanyID and password. Only committees that have openings will appear on the BSA Committee Application website. Once you open an application, you should see the blue button "Create New Committee Application." If you do not see the blue button, or need other assistance, email

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