The Botany conference brings together over 1000 botanical scientists from academia, government, private industry as well as a large contingent of undergraduate and graduate students. The conference is composed of scientific talks, workshops, field trips, a poster session and networking events. Conference presentations cover a variety of academic areas related to botany such as climate change, pollination biology and other plant-animal interactions, systematics, conservation, paleobotany, ethnobotany, and biodiversity including field, greenhouse, and genomic techniques, pedagogical methods, etc. The conference is planned by several scientific societies, including the Botanical Society of America, the American Society of Plant Taxonomists, the American Fern Society, the Society of Herbarium Curators, and others. The meeting changes location from year to year, moving around the United States and sometimes Canada. It is widely considered one of the friendliest meetings in the plant sciences by our attendees.
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