Reviewing Papers for Scientific Journals eid# 37

December 13, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Flyer for the Botany360 Reviewing Papers for Scientific Journals Event

Join reviewers and editors from the Botanical Society of America's journals to learn about reviewing scientific papers. Geared particularly toward early career scientists, this virtual meeting will provide an overview of the manuscript review process, address common questions from first-time reviewers, and have an open Q&A session.

Learn from, and share your experiences with, Drs. Brenda Molano-Flores, Briana Gross, Karolina Heyduk, and Stephen Weller. The discussion will be moderated by BSA Director of Publications Amy McPherson. 

This event has concluded. To see the recording, click here.

Contact information:

Fee: Free

Categorized in:

  • Professional Development (workshop or webinar)
  • Publications
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All Times Eastern Time Zone.