BSA Governance Information - March 2022

March 8
10:00am-1:00pm Central


  1. Minutes Approval (Board Email Votes) - Michael
    December 2, 2021, December 13, 2021, January 10, 2022, February 9, 2022
  2. Business Office Report - Heather
  3. Membership and Communications Report - Amelia
  4. Education Report - Catrina
  5. IT Report - Rob
  6. 2022 Election Slate - Cindi

    Break – 10 minutes

  7. Corresponding Member Award revisions - Michael
  8. Student Reps Report - Imeña and Ioana
  9. DEI Committee Report - Chelsea
    - New Impact Award
  10. Ethics Guidelines and Policy revision discussion - Michael
  11. AAAS Fellows - Nomination Process - Michael
  12. Botany360 Program - Amelia