BSA Governance Information - June 2024

June 15, 2024
5:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: Amway Grand Hotel, Vandenberg B
Grand Rapids, MI


Dinner Served First (5-6pm)

1. Minutes Approval: March 27 Board CallApril 23 Email Vote - Norm

2. Conference Update - Melanie

3. Business Office Report - Heather

4. Staff Reports (3 oral updates)

IT Report for Review
Membership and Communications - Amelia Neely
Publications - Amy McPherson and Emily Sessa
     - EIC Recommendations for the AJB and PSB - Emily Sessa
Education - Catrina Adams and Rachel Jabaily

5. BSA Future Grant Proposals and Discussion - Catrina Adams

6. Publications Revenue Projections and APC Analysis - Heather and Amy

7. Treasurer's Financial Report - Allison

     - FY2024 Profit and Loss
     - FY2024 Budget to Actual
     - Investment Committee Report
     - FY2025 Draft Budget for Approval - Allison and Heather

8. Development Report and Fundraising Discussion - Jenny C

9. DEI Report - Karolina Heyduk

10. Student Representatives Report - Eli and Josh

11. Climate Change Virtual Symposia (Nov 14-15) - Vivian

12. Corresponding Member Recommendation - Vivian
      Else Marie Friis
      Mark Olson