<em>Populus deltoides</em> higher magnification of adaxial surface of stipular b
John Curtis University of Wisconsin Department of Biology Stevens Point Wisconsin USA,Nels R. Lersten Iowa State University Departement of Botany Ames Iowa 50011 USA
Populus deltoides, magnification, adaxial surface, stipular bud scale
BSA Plant Images Online - Populus deltoides higher magnification of adaxial surface of stipular bud scale.
Populus deltoides higher magnification of adaxial surface of stipular bud scale. Dark cells are resin-secreting epidermis, light line above epidermis is cuticle pushed off by secretory product.
Botanical Society of America
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copyright: John Curtis and Nels Lersten, BSA
license: http://images.botany.org/index.html#license